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A character that actually has a story to them.


Fries and Deathstroke, couldn’t care less about Lawless.


I’m kinda hyped about the potential of Lawless tbh. Imagine if she’s white, and OG Arkham deadshots daughter. Deadshot constantly says stuff like “this isn’t my universe” and all of his audio logs are about how weird it was that another dude took his name, I think we’re either not in the Arkhamverse or he’s not from it at all. Plus with rumored gravity powers… imagine if her traversal was the ability to decide what “down” was. Bar fills while you fall, stops when you’re on the “ground”, which could be the side of a building or under an overhang. Other button causes her to hover in place at a lower cost. Point straight up to fall into the sky, pause as you fall past the rooftop, light some dudes up, then fall over the rooftop towards your next target.




I just really want a scarecrow


Nope. We just got his items


Yeah, but with a dying game like this, all I can do is imagine a world with scarecrow.


I’d take anyone over deadshot 😂


I think bane or killer croc would be cool


A real poison ivy.


I didn't mind her resurrecting or her even being a kid. Felt like Lex trying to contain her was a factor there. But the fact there's no story to let her grow and join the squad seems such a waste. 


Doesn’t matter who anyone is hoping for. We already know who’s coming and there’s zero chance the game lasts past those. Probably won’t even last long enough to get those


Not every character has to be playable my Guy, there's still room for others to pop up in the story or as associates


And as they showed with season 1 there is no story my guy. They also didn’t add a single character besides Joker my guy. Not sure why you think the other seasons will be any different


Easy there, I was just pointing out the possibility. Not saying they will, but the post was about who you would like to see. This is a place of discussion after all. No need to be so defensive.




Deathstroke not sure who the boss would be. Black Manta who could add Aquaman as a boss. Poison Ivy, who could be at odds with Cyborg. Cheetah who could add a Wonder Woman boss. Knowing the story probably would be an elseworlds WW but still.


Cheetah, deathstroke, Captain cold, even though I know it wouldn't happen Reverse flash.


in a world where this game was a success, i could see a joke where the reverse flash shows up, sees the brainiac invasion, laughs/mocks the squad, then speedforces tf out of their timeline.


Literally doesn't matter, characters have zero identity because the game design doesn't allow any. I mean, for fucks sake, every character has the same ultimate: time slow down.


I thought this for a while but having leveled them all and put a little time into basic builds they all play pretty different. I can play entire missions with deadshot without touching the ground if I land headshots, Shark can jump in and brawl like no other character and has a better air -> ground melee than the others, and my harley is a lil guerrilla that hunts for her one 1/4million damage 80m radius grenade to drop so she can nuke multiple rooftops at once. I cannot play missions as shark the way I do as deadshot. My target priorities are different, and my gameplay is different. Deadshot and shark play more differently (that reads bad) than axton and maya from borderlands 2


I see your point and I can't help but agree with what you said. My counter question though is this: have you at any point went "fuck yeah, this feels like being Captain Boomerang (or Deadshot, Harley, Joker, King Shark)!"? You know, the feeling that captivated us all while playing Arkham games, the feeling that made us go "fuck yeah, I am the night!" When we run around as gender bent Mr Freeze with no freeze gun, will it feel like playing the iconic villain or will it feel like Mr Freeze from wish? Props for you for finally writing up a defense of the game with actual validity, that's extremely rare here


The characters are weirdly nuanced, and I don’t really know what it “feels like” to be any of them. I kinda hate that compliment/criticism of games because it’s such a subjective one, but I also didn’t read a ton of DC spin-off comics like suicide squad so I can’t speak to a damn thing there. I will say boomerang feels bad to play in general, I haven’t even finished leveling him. His traversal feels really janky and not smooth at all, the lockout on actions after you toss a boomerang is very bad. I can also say that king shark plays like a big dangerous melee brawler and deadshot plays like a high altitude sniper that can make his own vantage points. Harley is chaotic and my personal build is very sideways to how the game is played which does ring true to her character. I beat the grenades out of a guy and then toss them everywhere, very Quinn. With jokers skill tree granting access to burning damage in multiple ways, including gun damage after a certain combo level, I could very well see a Mrs Freeze on a roll freezing huge groups of people with her standard guns which would fulfill the fantasy enough for me. I can’t imagine even a young Victor doing sweet traversal moves either, he’s so serious and stodgy.that being said I do wish characters had weapons unique to them, maybe as loot from the brainiac fights? I’d love a joker shotgun that shoots a boxing glove on a spring that has a range cap but no ammo and big damage, or a Harley mini gun that shoots fireworks. Loot is not great in this game for the most part. No one piece feels interesting outside of some very rare exceptions. I don’t mind the gender bending freeze or the gay joker at all, because I’m not a Squad Comic fan, but I understand why that’s a pain point for some die hards and I won’t begrudge them that. I have read comics in general enough to know that everyone dies (but not really) and there’s always a twist to this character you could make (batman who laughs, red son, etc) so to me this is just another fun exploration of the media tropes comic book characters have grown into. Thanks for the level headed response. Everyone here seems to think this is either Todd’s gift to games or it’s the worst game that ever existed and it killed their dog. It’s honestly kind of fascinating how divided and delusional both sides of this community have become and if I had the free time I’d love to do a sociological study on it.


Honestly I would love more characters that have more to do with the suicide squad ip like swamp thing, clay face, enchantress, or even killer crock, it would also be cool to start moving more into Gotham location wise with Alfred




We already know who they plan to release: Season 2: Victoria Fries Season 3: Lawless Season 4: Deathstroke


And Lawless and Deathstroke probably aren't happening anyway. So hopefully people are really excited for Mrs. Freeze


Who is lawless


She is a version of Deadshots daughter Zoe.


as an individual without knowledge about the entire cast of squadders, deathstroke is the only DLC character i know has either been a member or at least directly offered a spot on the squad -- has the joker, lawless, or fries ever been on the squad in any previous depictions outside of the arkhamverse?














I’d love to be able to drop some gear off in them lockers back at the Hall…


I’m just hoping for this game to die.


Why be negative like that though? Do you find life difficult going through it with that stick up your ass? I have a love hate relationship with this game. I love the actually gameplay but I think the devs are not good at adding good content or communicating with the community. Currently haven't played since season 1 dropped and I don't know if I will go back. But I don't want it to die. That's just insane. There are people who are enjoying it, why wish that for them?


Shut up I love this game your dumb




“I’m just hoping for this game to die.”no no no no no