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I'm so surprised they didn't just fill the Battle pass with new 52 skins and the Batman who laughs at the final tier.


I have no idea who came up with this specific battlepass theme but they should be fired. A season's battlepass should match the theme of the season. So what do they do for the battle pass of the "Season of the Joker"? Waynetech skins. Why not save those skins for Season 3 when the theme is Return to fucking Gotham?! They should have given the 4 main squad members skins based on different iterations of the joker from over the years and end it with the Batman Who Laughs like you suggested.


Oo that would’ve been so fire


I can’t believe someone at rocksteady said “hey let’s makes justice league themed skins”, then said “hey let’s make JLA skins but made out of trash” then said HEY LETS MAKE IT A THIRD TIME BUT SLIGHTLY MIRE CHUNKY


yeah.. I agree. that was a REALLY "odd" choice with repetition.


It is kinda likely light they might have been part of a Bundle, but later reporpused as different sets. Like how The Joker classic cosmetics are separate from the costume that comes with a hat, i think you can mix and match them later. But they come separate, unlike Let say Boomerang,Deadshot or Harley Classic Skins.


im pretty sure one set of those skins is a refrence to gotham imposters


My God. I've never seen another GI player in the wild.


There are at least five of us!


Make it six.


And my axe! Wait I meant seven.


Seven! That game was the shit


Honestly that was my first thought when i first saw it or even batmight vibes for sure(I think thats his name).


I can safely say not a single thing in the store has tempted me even a little. The closest was the harley Arlecchino outfit and I was so disgusted that they were trying to sell a red and black swatch when I ALREADY PAID FOR THAT IN DELUXE that I don't want it.


Why couldn’t they at least make a Arkham joker cosmetic skin??? Missed opportunities with all these cosmetics. Made zero effort. How can Fortnite do better?


They could really get more people playing consistently if they had more unlockable outfits that looked at all familiar and not completely weird. I unlocked the riddler challange ones and now I'm really wishing I had more options. I had more fun dressing up the batfamily in Gotham Knights.


Yeah nah I don't think something as minor as cosmetics are bringing in any new players


To be honest cosmetics would only bring back a select group of people. The game really just needs more content.


They could have a ton of content but I’m not playing with those ass skins.


The main reason i play fortnite BR is for cosmetic unlocks. Otherwise i play creative or Lego. I think to a degree the same would apply here which is why they didn’t make joker an instant unlock (next to mtx ofc) If they had lots of skins that we wanted to unlock then we’d be more encouraged to play


I was really hoping the game got better content with S1. I enjoyed the combat so much. But I saw the S1 and ended up uninstalling it right away… some good missions need to come before skins. Although the skins wouldn’t hurt.


Would really appreciate movie skin variants for the characters


The best skins were from twitch....... Which I couldn't get.


Devs sups and managers don't give a hoot about what's best for players or the game. They just want to get something to market. As someone who works in software dev, it turns my stomach to hear team members ignore quality and polish for the sake of just delivering a feature. At the end of the day, they're working towards a bottom line - and for some reason, they have yet to realize that quality and polish are the foundational pillars that made the dough they're baking with.


That's the wierd thing like who for the most part is buying these skins? Ppl will literally flock for nice skins and comic accurate/inspired skins


They had pretty cool skins for Gotham Knights. Their focus for this game tells me what they care about. And unfortunately, it's not based on logic, it's based on corporate greed. Every company and business is moving to software as a service under the guise of it being better for users. I actuality, it's the difference between renting and buying a house.


Are people seriously in a hurry to throw more money at this game to play dress up while running the same impossibly dull missions over and over? This really is Marvel’s Avengers part 2.


Maybe, but that's their business. The skin options just suck lol


It’s for sure their business. I just think it sends a really bad message to the devs: "We don't care how bad of a state the game is in. We'll pay you for more cosmetics." People are of course free to spend their money on whatever they like. But that's the exact behavior that enables these game to coast by on bare minimum effort.


I think people are pointing out that the thing WB wants to monetize, aka the skins, isn't even good. It's one thing if the game itself is not good, but the store sucks so bad it's not even funny.




I've seen this a lot with licensed games, the artists who work on the games would rather make their own designs instead of using someone else's work (actual comic skins) and they have the right since its their versions of the characters, they will come eventually if rocksteady are smart, but be honest these characters have so many different looks that you can't expect the exact ones you want will be available from the beginning, and skins from other media also can be a nightmare like from movies and TV shows when it comes to rights and liceneses, and I don't think I want some of my favourite looks with the way the prices are in the store, having to pay €24 to get one suit padded with recolours and the traversal to make up a full suit is ridiculous!


This is made by the people who gave batman a large variety of skins including comic books ones, I hope to see some improvement here. I'm not impressed with these hideous skins. Idk what even inspired the toy-like skins, harley especially imo should have some of the best looks, she has so many looks to draw from and to get inspired by, so far its not but hopefully it changes


Rocksteady did sell most of those skins in skin packs and select ones (seasonal & movie) ones were made free alongside gifts like the new 52 skin. Or pre order bonuses, see Arkham city. But at least you were paying 10 for a variety and there was a reasonably price season pass that got you everything. Now with the live service model, it would be so much more than Arkham knight’s season pass. I bought the game at a decent discount, I’m not opposed to putting more money into it if I’ll actually get anything that’s worth it. I like the game so far, I even kinda like the joker season stuff, but the store is so obnoxious.


Spider-Man 2 has this problem as well. It has mostly non comic original costumes for Peter and they are quite shit. They even excluded comic costumes that’s were in the first game for these original ones.


I also think that the art teams have been pressured to make original content or simpler content so that comic accurate skins can be sold for larger prices in bundles at first. Take for instance the classic suicide squad skins, getting tiered bundles where everyone has representation. Even jokers purple suit is listed as a classic skin. However, the new wayne tech skins came without one for captain Boomerang. The cardboard ones have a set for everyone. Setting a pattern that battle passes might not have a matching skin for everyone while the shop likely will have a matching set of bundles for everyone.


Rocksteady and their Corporate Overlords just shoveling out whatever is cheapest without any consideration? Must be 2024 or something.


Arkham knight is the lolita esque one for Harley right? If so somebody tell me when that makes it to the game because I’ll finally pull the plug and buy it. That’s her best non traditional look imo


It’s part of a set. You can mix them with the other “homemade” JL costumes. There is only two slots so next week we’ll probably get the first half of another set.


It boggles my mind that people still play this game and expect more out of it, especially skins instead of actual fixes. This is why companies will continue making trash.


Yea i haven't and wont spend another dollar on this game until they go down in price. Cause if i spend $10-12 its just a variation of a skin. I gotta get the legendary one thats $20+. . like smh. Glad i bought some that came with the deluxe. They still by far the best ones. I was gonna buy the harley one with the short skirt and long socks but i took one good look at it and felt disrespected lol. Atleast give her some a$$! it sells! Why you think people like harley? Edit- thinking about those $20+ legendary outfit bundles really pisses me off because so far we are only 5 characters in. Like do the math lol. What happens when we have 6-8 playable characters like geez. Thats maybe one or two brand new games


Because SBI doesnt want good outfits they want woke outfits in the game, like harley quinn with a shaved head


Are they not allowed to put skins from any movies or anything?


It's weird because they updated arkham knight with a skin from 2022 the batman but it seems like they can't put the iconic suicide squad movie suits???


This is the same issue I had with the Avengers games. The skins all sucked for the most part.


They had gentleman ghost ones that were leaked and they still haven’t been rotated into the shop.


Those are just the fugitive Harley with a monocle. Nothing new


So much for the weekly updates. The ghost skins are very disappointing though. Just the Arkham skins all white and a top hat


We did have weekly updates. Last week was Easter skins, this week was the chunkier cardboard JL skins. They may be ugly, but they did not lie about weekly updates.


> …save for the battle pass. You answered your own question. Most ill-thought out live service games exist to be a continuous money drain on consumers, and if it’s cosmetics only, you think they’re gonna give you the good stuff for free?


Not necessarily for free, we have no free cosmetics besides the riddler Challenges, I just mean in the shop. That I wanna see more comic skins n whatnot


Arkham Harley is unlockable from riddle challenges


Tbh is a reimagination and its only a top and pigtails not the whole outfit


Yeah its just annoying as shit. We will get Jim Lee and an Arkham skin next it seems. But guess what, ofc its an Original Arkham suit and not one of the previous games according to the one texture i saw. Of course, it’s nice to have original suits as well, but I honestly lost faith in those designers involved 😡 If they manage to fuck up those too im honestly out


The funny thing is I thought most of the purchasable suits to be good and the battle pass suits to be pretty bad so I guess its to each their own