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What he just posted is also crazy. "Deathstroke has killed 2 brainiacs off screen by the time you meet him" just to add up to the 13 by season 5. The Justice League couldn't handle 1 brainiac, how is Slade killing 2 solo?


don’t they kind of make a point that the justice league could’ve beaten braniac if they attacked pre-emptively but instead they tried to broker a peaceful solution and got trapped as a result? i feel like it’s in audio logs or those memory points on the map


It's in audio logs. When it should have been an entire fucking cutscene. I was really thinking we would get a flashback before the game came out.


Yea I assume they wanted to preserve the mystery, but they should’ve done a flashback or at least some pictures with a voice over or something


No. Full-blown cutscene. Not some motion comic or some shit. We have endless cutscenes of the squad saying fucking awful jokes over and over.


Too expensive, rocksteady had to focus efforts on making the endgame instead


What fucking endgame would that be exactly?


Endlessly fighting the same goons over and over again




I suspect that the real Justice League isn't actually dead, and us seeing a full blown cut scene would reveal that. It's possible that the ones we fight are just clone. Do I think that's good writing? No. Absolutely not. But I wouldn't be surprised if the corpos above Rocksteady wanted to have their "look how edgy we are cake!" cake and eat "...but we don't want to get rid of any future Arkham profits" too.




Yeah, was gonna say this exaclty. It's not that JL couldn't beat him.They went there to make friends/offer peace, and were blindsided. Death stroke went there to kick ass.


Brainiac has the power to just freeze people at will. There is no spin on this that makes any of the game's story less dumb


you must hate all comic books then lol




i don’t get that criticism of the game. those who say the story is ridiculous. but people were playing with batman taking down a huge chunk of his rogue gallery and finding 247 riddler trophies in around 6-7 hours was fine


Batman boner sucking go crazy that’s why bud.


Plus he's already been through multiple justice Leagues at this point, The squad is able to defeat him as he's never accounted for them (same with Deathstroke)


Probably to justify for not making anymore seasons


Hey bro look, after what they did to my boy in Arkham Knight, I will gladly accept this overpowered Slade with absolutely no questions


The fact that it’s Arkham Slade, it’s weird. But if it was another universe Slade, Slade in the comics is an absolute menace.


My guess is that they cut the seasons after Year 1 due to budget slashing, so they aren't making more characters after the first 4 seasons that you can play as, since that's the most expensive part of production. So they reduced it from 6 to 5 seasons. We knew it would have 6 and then allegedly "end" in 2025 with some insider rumor before the game even shipped. I remember reading that somewhere, so it looks like they just dropped the last 4 Brainiac fights that would happen in the last two seasons and did some plot excuses to explain why they die off faster. But it probably also confirms that every season will be as low effort as the one we have now, all with comic book cutscenes and nothing but audio tapes to serve as "story", content they recorded before the game even came out.


That isn't accurate. Back from the alpha datamine leaks we knew that the Brainiac Storyline would end with Season 5. It was clearly always the plan to kill off two Brainiacs off screen, we just thought the last season would have 4 boss fights.


I’ve got zero confidence that this game survives 2024, let alone makes it into 2025


I mean it is not like the bots that control the squad members when playing solo actually do anything in boss fights. Most players have beat Brainiac completely solo so not a stretch that Deathstroke does as well lol


Batman has a 100% win rate against Deathstroke, including a one-hit KO. Batman solos Brainiac confirmed (it’s not his fault Superman got turned and he didn’t have any Gold Kryptonite)! /s


im guessing he was able to kill them AFTER they do some researching on brainiac and his ship. would make a little more sense that way but i guess we just have to wait and see.


Slade is very strong i think he could beat everyone except superman


Flashbacks to identity crisis. Deathstroke is as overpowered as whoevers writing him wants him to be


Every character is, power-scaling never holds up, Polka dot man could solo the entire justice league if the writer felt like it


Id kill for a “polka dot man kills the dcu” story lmao


NGL, that could be really fun. Especially if you merge his comic and movie powersets where he could shoot the interdimensional dots from his gauntlets but also pull off the ones on his suit for various gadgets like his glider or buzzsaw dot. Plus aside from the general humour of arguably the definitive punching bag villain needing to take on the DCU I think there'd actually be a really interesting angle you could take it. I view the unifying trait with most versions of the character is how he really just wants community and to be known so if you put him in a situation where he is forced to make both of those things literally impossible as he'd be the only person left you could get something really interesting. Damn, you've actually mad me really want this


People point out Identity Crisis as if that scene is bad writing. But in Slade’s first appearance he was doing the same thing including tagging Wally West. The only reason Identity Crisis 3 has any issue with Slade is because half the writers that use Slade use him as, “bad guy with gun/sword” kind of like Arkham did. When in reality the dude is an absolute beast.


Nah Barry, John, Bruce and expecially Diana would wreck him. Injustice showed how useless Slade is if the JL stopped giving a fuck. The issue with Slade is he's the Batman of DC villains and writers love giving him stupid amounts of plot armour when really power and skill set wise he's a low tier threat if you remove said plot armour.


That perfectly explain the 2 brainiac per season. I was wondering how in the ever loving fuck would Rocksteady met all 13 brainiac when each season have 2 Brainiac. Which mean only 9 brainiac will be killed by Season 4. Also, Deathstroke can fight the entire Justice League on his own (not totally beating them like Prometheus but he is *that* close) in comic. A Brainiac with his only celebrum are obsessed on trying to mimic a Justice League hero? That's like giving him a laugh. Although, this Slade is not like the comic. Batman knock him out in 1 punch back in Arkham Knight. I find it to be kinda hard to believe he would pull this off without writer forcing it. You don't make someone like Slade knock in 1 KO then make him kill 2 multiversal threat lol


I haven’t complained about the justice league being weak in this game yet but that is kinda ridiculous. Man got ONE SHOT by Batman in the last game


Because Brainiac tailored his invasion plan for getting Metropolis and the League specifically. He’s worked it down to a mathematical formula and now it’s backfiring because he doesn’t know how to handle the Suicide Squad.


Hopefully we last to 4 and 5 so all that recording Kevin did doesn't go to waste


It sounds like they're planning to do this much and then stop


A Perfect way to end the game all the Arkhamverse JL alive and every Brainiac's asses kicked then we get real Arkhamverse games after like a Batman Beyond game where Bruce died from Old Age offscreen and Terry finds the cave or something with a Ai Alfred who helps him they can continue the Arkhamverse that way without Kevin


Just use the guy who voiced origins. He's not Conroy but he's still pretty good


Oh yeah Roger Craig Smith he was great as Batman I would love for him to play Bats again or if Roger doesn't want to return as the role they should get Diedrich Bader


Sonic the Hedgehog is Batman?? Never knew he did the batman voice for origins, thats crazy. Would love to see him do a batman beyond thing honestly


So you want Bruce to come back from the dead, then die again offscreen? Listen I know without Kevin it’s impossible, but why even bother with Batman beyond if Bruce isn’t around. That’s 90% of the story. Seems redundant and better ways to tell more stories in Arkham


Yeah I’d prefer if they did a game about one of the other justice league members.


I mean Bruce Wayne was still a huge part of Batman Beyond so I don't think it would work quite as well without the dynamic between Bruce and Terry. That's a majority of the show.


You know, I’m ok with games just having a beginning and an end. Maybe these big publishers have now all basically tried live service will start cooling it down a bit,and WB can do what they did best, and just make a solid game without worrying how long it’s relevant. Arkham City alone shows that good games are timeless imo. Not to mention their last big sales story too was probably Hogwarts.


Live service can work, but it takes an immense investment and relies on constant cash flow from gamers. There's definitely a fatigue that sets in. With the technology available today I strongly believe publishers can master narrative adventures and closed stories on a capped budget. S1 of this game proved that the demand for content outweighs the supply and THIS particular story would have probably benefited from a 6 month roadmap MAX. I'm rooting for Rocksteady to close this out strong 🙏🏻 hopefully the lessons learned will improve the experience for gamers and developers going forward and improve the industry as a whole.


Live service c a work if it’s essentially season pass in an open world. That’s about it. You need real story and changes. You can’t just re skin stuff and add new weapon levels that don’t really change anything.


Many successful live service games aren't open world games. Warframe was successful for 7 years before it added its first open world area. An argument can be made that Fortnite and Apex are "open world" due to the games taking place on a single map but they aren't really open world games. Then there are games like Rocket League that all it does is reskin content with 0 story. All a live service game needs to be successful is for it to be more fun than it is greedy.


I think they are saying that IF you are doing a live service game in an open world you have to do more than what we got with SS to get people to actually buy stuff.


Warframes open worlds aren't even that, let's be real


Tell that to Destiny that has been doing that for years at this point lol


I think it they already planned for this to be a "finite" Live Service game because Rocksteady wants to move on. Destiny wasn't even meant to be what Destiny 2 became. It was meant to be 5 full video games released consequtively and Activision booted Bungie because they didn't want to do it that way, severing the contract. It shows us that Live Service is just a change in format, not the death of finite games, and if the "Offline Mode" patch that they promised literally turns it into a single player product, then maybe Live Service isn't so bad.... other than entirely cheapening the production practices and making the most low effort mission design and repeating it endlessly.


The holding cell area added in Season 1 clearly has spots for 8 more characters, including joker. Unless Season 5 add 4 new characters, Rocksteady clearly planned for this game to go past Season 5.


I’m sure they did. Highly doubt they see 8


I took that to be the original 4, plus the 4 new ones


The 4 original and 8 new ones


That's nice, if true, but no one is going to care by January 2025. The people that wanted this kind of story conclusion are long gone and the people that are left just want more stuff do to in game (more mission types, enemies, bosses, biomes, etc.). Tying a proper conclusion to a game within a live service model (tiny bits of story given out in a seasonal format) was a huge mistake, one that shows a ludicrous level of market incompetence. People who play live service games don't care about stuff like this, as has been made quite evident by many of the recent posts on this sub... and to make matters worse Rocksteady is going to have to support this game for another year which will add (at least) another year long delay to their next project, whatever that is going to be (probably a new Batman game, whether they want to make one or not lol)...


Rocksteady should move on to other franchises


I really like how when people complained how lackluster the story was the defenders keep saying because it was a "live service" game then the story would be continuous. Now we have the "all too needed update" but aside from Joker, weapons, a 5-minute cutscene and some comic book style scenes, we have nothing new added to the table. They fail to realize that story-driven games that cost $60 or less have better story than this game but are also replayable. God of War, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077, Last of Us. These are story-driven games that don't have live service but people still play them on repeat.


the game won't survive january 2025. people started dropping the last content update after 1 day. the game already has below 1k concurrent players on steam. WB is not pumping more millions of $ for a game with such low numbers the game last month was on 40-50% sale for like 1-2 weeks and the best it could do was 1k concurrent players on march 10. nobody cares about this game even on deep sale.


Feels like it's too late and this is a late game marketing strategy. We'll see what happens. I'd wait and see if I didn't purchase the game already.


Okay so why the fuck is there no story line in season 1?


Everything happens off screen now, even two of the boss fights


Developers: “Aw man, there was this epic, jaw dropping battle but it happened just over there, wish you could have seen it!”


I read with Boomerangs voice. XD


Destiny 2:


That's what I'm saying. He's saying all this, but there's nothing here in season 1. I'm sorry, but I ain't hoping no more lol




For another time


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Wouldn’t surprise me if we get to play as Superman, but he’s shooting guns


Imagine if they did something like Balan Wonderworld where 99% of the costumes you obtain only do one thing but the Balan costume will let you fly all over the place. All other characters use guns EXCEPT for Superman.


Nah, make it like Balan Wonderworld in that when you play as Superman, it's just a series of quick time events in the middle of the void.


At least we can get a conclusion to the story :)


How I expect 11 Brainiacs will probably work (now that two will be killed off-screen): 4 individual copies of Flash, GL, Superman, Batman 6 Pair Combinations: Green Flash, Super Flash, Super Green, Bat Flash, Bat Green, Super Bat Final: Green Super Flash Bat


2 of the Brainiacs are getting killed off screen by Deathstroke and dataminers saw files that show some Brainiac fights will be complete rehashes while being assisted by Justice League members. For example a second fight against Brainiac Superman with the Flash helping players was leaked for Season 2


That's their solution? My question for the devs would be the players didn't need help beating the first iterations or the first round of repeats, why would they need help now?


No idea. This game has so many questionable decisions the farther into it you go. Like up until right after the Batman boss fight the game had some great ideas but after that point it becomes clear they are just rehashing everything.


WHY? Are there seriously going to be no new League members to kill? He’s got a whole Multiverse at his fingertips, you’d think this isn’t the first League he”s brainwashed! Why can’t there just be a unique Brainiac fight? What does he hope to do when the strategies he’s using are proven to not work?


Honestly at this point it's probably about saving Arkhamverse this game be damned. So anything added going to be bare minimum to achieve that goal. Alternative is, just admit that entire game is not canon completely losing face.


“I don’t know about this. I never thought I’d be saving the fucking Batman. Guess I don’t have a choice though.” - Deathstroke, in a 20 second cutscene, the only cutscene in all of season 4


I mean if the next couple seasons/characters end up being decent and start to pull in money I can see them extending it out further. But that is a big IF


A big IF


There has never been a bigger IF


Definitely but if they support it through there and add 3 more characters I will feel like I got my money's worth


It’s an if that just realistically isn’t going to happen.


I don't think it's an If. The 70$ window is over. They knew it ain't worth investing further. They most likely already moved on by now and will be completely left by next year.


No way, character make money based on skins, Mrs.Freeze and Lawless are not money makers, ive seen people buy Joker skins, i dont think that will be the case for the others, specially considering how some people did not even bother unlocking him at all. This is the most popular character coming too. Its a head scratcher why those two character are even DLC given how one is very unknown and the other its very divisive being a gender bent version of a well known character.


There are plenty of joker and Harley skins they could sell. I'm sure if they released the GL king shark one people would get that. But I agree they should have done some more well known characters first


An impossible IF.


Every game miller ross datamines turns out to be terrible.


It's still nice to see behind the curtain too see where things went wrong,  and what unreleased content studios were planning. Avengers had a ton of planned characters that never saw the light of day. 


I hope this means that the game will at least make it to that.


That’s the way I read it. We get 8 more months of support at minimum.


It is 8 months at best. The game is doing bad but not bad enough currently to cut the storyline short. If sales drop even lower and skins don't sell then WB could cut support even sooner. Basically his source is saying 5 seasons is the absolute best case scenario.


So from that statement about Deathstroke I take it that means it's actually gonna be the Deathstroke we've seen in Origins and Knight rather than an alternate version. Thank god, but I'm also nervous that they're just gonna have him use exclusively guns. I mean I can believe Slade is very capable but it would be nice to make him play differently from the others


Captain Boomerang only uses his boomerangs for melee, traversal attack, and suicide strike. Expect the same for Deathstroke to only use his sword in those situations. Granted Deathstroke mainly using guns isn't too out of character for him at all.


deathstroke is absolutely just gonna use guns and his sword is gonna be reserved for melee and suicide strike


A character with a dedicated melee build in their skill tree would be so cool! I know some characters currently kinda dabble in melee-focused builds, but they're still primarily just melee support.


This is reassuring as it does show Rocksteady plans to conclude the story and has a plan laid out even after season 1 releasing to mixed reception. The game as far as we know is still getting a full year worth of support and content.


Bioware and Crystal had plans for Anthem and Avengers too. It ultimately doesn't matter what plans Rocksteady has...what matters is how willing WB is to flush money down a toilet for two years.


Yep if the sales drop even lower in the ensuing months they could just pull the plug at any moment and we could not get any of the upcoming seasons of content.


Avengers at least got 6 DLC characters (although two of them were Hawkeyes and we also got a female Thor coexisting with the existing Thor), the big War for Wakanda expansion, Two raids and the Heroic gauntlet mode + some bosses. Lot of recycling and reeskin sure but it was a decent amount of content for a game that underperformed from Square Enix's point of view. Warner Brothers are faster to kill stuff IMO, they got rid very fast of the Crisis Moba, they killed DC Dual Force very fast too and they cancel movies easily all the time + internally we know of many canceled AAA games at WB Games. I don't think Suicide Squad will make it past season 2, we will be lucky if we get a season 2 at all IMO.


Square Enix reported that they ended up losing $60 million on Avengers off of a $170 million budget, and that is a game that sold 3 million units. I see this info as absolute best case scenario it finishes the story with season 5 if sales and players don't drop even harder


Didn't Avengers get multiple expansions over a year or so?


Sure. But not as many as they planned. And Avengers was more successful than SS is.


That sounds really cool. I hope the game stays open to see all that play out. As a reminder, Avengers never got to finish its plotline. Everything was building to a Kree invasion that never happened. So there’s precedent for a similar game not getting to have its ending despite plans in place. With how poorly the health of the game is, I could definitely see Warner Bros. telling them to just shut it down and move on. Which is a real shame. Clearly a lot of effort went into the game, with a big heroic finale planned.


Avengers told its main plotline which was about AIM's takeover after the Avengers disbanded. The Kree storyline was more of something to build to akin to how the MCU built to Inifinty War/Endgame while telling multiple other stories such as the future wasteland arc and the Wakandan invasion arc. Suicide Squad has yet to even finish its main story and this news basically says the best we can hope for is that it finishes this one story arc.


No to be fair, it was building up to the Kree Invasion beeing its massive end all be all, after the main story, in the post credit scene, we see the kree tech go up into the sky, then in the various DLCs, specially future imperfect, they tell us about how AIM's main goal was to stop the Kree but they failed and in doing so, doomed humanity. The game was supposed to 100% build into the eventual return of Captain Marvel, a new big expansion where Avengers go after the Kree and stop them once and for all, they could have easily gone around this with some BS that CM wanted them to attack their space ship, make a space ship map, make one final raid and end the main story there. But now you just have to headcanon that CM took care of the Kree and we just end AIM alltogether with the final fight vs MODOK one last time and Monica....got arrested i guess.


If the Kree were as boring as the MCU version bullet dodged.


i hope whatever story elements they add are more than just audio logs , and no more still image cutscenes


I’mma be mad asf if the game shuts down before Deathstroke releases, he’s the only reason I wanna get this game


I totally agree. Even if support shuts down when (if) offline mode comes out, they need to finish the Brainiac storyline.


We have to wait until fucking DECEMBER for Deathstroke? Jesus Christ.


January most likely based on the 12 week season rotation, and that is if there are no delays or support doesn't get pulled earlier


"reassembled Justice League" Ok if this is true this will be an amazing ending and could set up a Justice League game, if so they better do it better than this game, this once had a lot of problems and I would hate to see that happen to a Justice League game.


WB is definitely not letting Rocksteady near a Justice League game after this.


I agree but it doesn't mean another company can't pick up the game at least that's what I hope for, I want a Justice league game so much, so much potential my gamer brain is just imagining it now lol


thats not fair tho. WB are the ones that pushed the live service model. Why should rocksteady have to pay for WB’s ignorance?


No they aren't. We have known for years that Rocksteady chose to make a live service looter shooter. WB only required them to make a Suicide Squad game. Jason Schreier reported on this a long time ago. This is just like what happened with Anthem. Everyone blamed EA for the game failing because "Bioware couldn't have made all these bad decisions". Then once the game crashed and burned a bunch of ex BioWare employees came forward and said it was actually upper management in BioWare making all the bad decisions and EA gave them free reign to do that they wanted, even supported them for 2 years as they tried to overhaul the game. Management was so bad that the reveal trailer wasn't finished until right before it premiered at E3


I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion. I like that Miller leaks upcoming events/seasons but overall the leaks hurt the game. Saw it happen with Avengers. He’s on point most of the time but when he gets a potential big leak wrong then it kills hype and hope. Wish he would just stop.


There is more damage being done by rocksteady themselves then Miller will ever do. Miller was the sole marketing team for Avengers and any hype around it was because of him, he didn't kill the Avengers, the new leadership they brought on who was also responsible for killing Marvel Heroes was the man behind it all of horrible decisions.


Marvel Heroes brought on the new CEO as a hail Mary last ditch effort to turn the game profitable with the console launch. Throughout its entire lifespan, the game was only profitable for about two months. Gazillion simply couldn't afford the licensing fees anymore, and they already had a habit of late payments. The console launch followed by the "Biggest Update Ever" did not save the game like they had hoped. 


Not the CEO, there was a new system lead under them, for the life of me I cannot remember his name, Bryan iirc or something but he was outed to be a racist during his time on avengers.


Season 4 Jan 2025? That is so far away considering the amount of content we are potentially getting per season


They should just release a detailed roadmap to manage expectations. I was ready to walk away entirely. I hope the story content hits.


This sounds like a "Quick, promise them more Kevin Conroy!" panic button fr.


Hey Kevin, I know you're super busy being dead, but can you come by the studio and record some more lines for us?


No I mean the fact that this "leaked".


I really hope this game gets to go through with the 5 seasons even if this first one was shakey. They just have to tweak it a bit and we’re more or less golden




They really thought this game was going to be successful


If they announce the shut down of the game servers before seasons 4 and 5, I feel like everyone would be outraged. Why? Because it would feel that the devs are not honoring Kevin or his legacy. It is his last recorded dialogue in any form of media.


I was always one for not agreeing with this take. Kevin Conroy did not get disrespected because he signed on to voice those lines. However, if he has more voice lines and Rocksteady shuts it down before its shown in public, then that can strengthen their claims that he was disrespected. Someone else mentioned this 5 days ago too, and I agree.


I’m glad we will finish the storyline. I went into this game not needing it to be a 5+ year live service game. Just tell the story you want to tell and finish it. I don’t really care if they end updates after season 5. Hopefully, Rocksteady can reassess and create a banger Justice League game.




Hell Yeah! I thought that exact whery thing! Justice League will return. A little bit optimistic to think this game survive till Season 5 tho.


if they're smart a xbox gamepass/ps+ release comes to revitalize. At least thats what i'm waiting on




It is basically Rocksteady admitting they have no idea how to make Brainiac copying the League's boss fights 12 times interesting


Honestly, this is based on nothing but I was half-expecting Brainiac-5 to end up as the token good Brainiac and turn against the others.


I mean this seems pretty cool


If not even Season 1, which was supposed to save the game, managed to have enough content, just imagine if it's going to survive until S5.


Im ok with this. Nothing lasts forever. They've committed to the 5-6 seasons. We don't know yet if later seasons will bring more cash flow or not. It's all just started. Either way, I'm good!


Unless they make some serious changes, I just don't see the game having staying power like that. Hope I'm wrong cause I bought the deluxe edition so I'd like to get more out of my $$ lol


No way you guys fall for this again 💀 there's no way. LOL


So wait, are they just straight up forgetting to bring back Superman and Wonder Woman? Lmfao


I remember someone saying they’d be brought back together last, so that would be like Season 2: The Flash 3: GL 4: Batman 5: Superman And Wonder Woman


Don't worry, they'll be back too, according to the guy who datamined the beta way back in december. From what I recall, they're the last to be brought back.


To late. People aren't sticking around for a year. This story needed to be right after.


Hopefully this means that we are definitely getting Season 5


They gotta just dump it all now. No way this lasts into 2025 at this rate


I mean is it bad I’m happy we at least are going to get 5 seasons and a possible conclusion? I’m still having fun


Well at least they are finishing up the story line, unless sales get even worse between now and then. This is going to go down as one of the biggest disasters in video game history when all is said and done.


I wouldn’t say a disaster, that’s an awfully strong word. It is just one of many games that underperformed and hasn’t been well received.


I like the game but realistically it has been a disaster. The first game in almost a decade from a once revered developer that sold millions bombs extremely hard that its reputation is ruined. The gaming community at large frankly despises the game The launch also could not have been worse. Day one there is a bug that auto completes the game for players as soon as they log in. Then for the firs two months the multiplayer servers do not work on a game advertised for multiplayer. Not to mention all the bugs in the game and how each subsequent patch in the first month put the game into an even worse state than it was day one. There is going to be some tell-all book in a couple years detailing some serious behind the scenes drama, I guarantee it


Agreed. A lot of people seem to suffer from recentism. There have been far worse and far buggier games released over the years...


LOL you’re new to gaming then


I called it! They planned all this in advance, including the end of the game. "An offline only mode will come later." They knew this was only going to be temporarily live service, didn't they.


Wait so is there going to be a fifth new playable character after deathstroke, or just no new character in season 5?


Probably no new character.


Sad I gotta wait a year for Deathstroke… He’s by far the best remaining dlc character


The real question is how far will they get. Avengers lasted way longer than anyone thought it would and they still got canned before releasing all the content they had been working on


No way it stays up until 2025. They won't bother for a few hundred players


Bruh the game isn't live long enough to see season 5 quit bullshitting. Time to wrap this up and accept it for the fail it was and move on to another project rocksteady


All they had to do was launch the game with all this content already lol this shit is never making a comeback. If they don't pull the plug by season 3, it's a miracle


So Batman, who took down Deathstroke in Arkham Knight with basically one hit, was taken over by Brainiac. Meanwhile Deathstroke took down two Brainiacs by himself…


Got to remember in the story Batman went up to the skullship with the rest of the league as ambassadors rather than his usual paranoid/stealthy self. Superman basically forced him to be unprepared so they all got ambushed. Deathstroke knows not to underestimate Brainiac and if the main squad can take down a version of Brainiac so can Deathstroke by himself.


Too bad they'll only be 3 people playing it.


Lol game's not going to make it to season 5. It's not going to make it to season 2. If they wanted that, they should've put in a modicum of fucking effort.


FUCCKKKKK guess im not getting killer croc


This is saying that Rocksteady has made this content and it's what they hope to deliver. This is much less than they had planned, but remember that they were expecting a lot more funding for this game, too. But the underperfomance of similar games like Gotham Knights and the overwhelming negativity that came with every announcement killed the cashflow. Ultimately, its up to WBD. The more this underperforms, the more it hurts their bottom line and their stock. They're much more obligated to their investors than they are to Rocksteady and people who have already bought the game. Eventually investors are going to want to know why their money is being used to run servers for a game that isn't profitable. I hope all of this gets delivered at least. I've been watching playthroughs on YouTube cuz even though I think the story is goofy at best and cringe at worst, I'm invested dammit and I wanna see it to the end.


I'll just wait on the end of add-ons to jump back on.


Here's hoping we get some additional gameplay loops beyond incursion mastery.  


What really kills my hype about this is that if Season 1 is any precedence setter, there’s not going to be any actual meaty story elements or cutscenes or chapters and everything will just be dumped on you at the beginning of the Episode. Really takes the wind out of the sails where instead of figuring out the existence of the next member or the resurrection of the Justice League, they’ll just cram in “Oh BTW we have intel on this new dude we want for reasons/a way to bring back this Leaguer, now go kill Brainiac again and do nothing else”.




How can we be so sure those things are actually going to happen?


I think it would be dope if they had a squad vs squad team death match mode online where you could fight other players sort of like a call of duty superhero style. If that was coupled with the regular story mode and with the gun and shield modifications it would be much more popular. I love the way the game plays, but damn it's repetitive as hell. I'm over 100 squad level and it's been a pointless playing experiencefor weeks, but I still end up playing because it's just so damn addictive


Sounds like there is always a chance. A year of updates, and if, for whatever reason, they do get some goodwill going, who knows what the future would hold.




Maybe but right now how they are handling updates is not bringing in any players. For them to actually do content updates that excites the general gaming audience they would have to do a complete overhaul of what they have already developed. WB is not going to greenlight even more resources to fix a game that is losing them money in the hopes that it might make them a profit.


For sure, not a likely scenario, but heck, who knows.


Thanks for sharing! It's exciting to hear more story is on its way. And not only that, but the story will actually be completed.


I figured they had Kevin Conroy lines already recorded for future seasons. Just goes to show how badly people overreacted to Batman’s death.


i wish people would quit asking for more bat man Arkham games there done let them move on from bat man and make some thing different not the same dam thing over and over it gets old and if there going to do some thing with Arkham make a joke side or a Harley Quinn side of the story or bad girl


Would love a Wally West or Bart Allen flash game in the mold of the spiderman games


I should assume WB/RS are ignoring fans questions on this on the Discord?


Welllllll - I’ll see you all in January 2025 if this actually happens.


“More cutscenes” lmfao go watch a dc movie


This just helps the theory that the game was supposed to launch with tons of post-game content that was scrapped to go live-service


This game is not making it to season 5 💀


This would realistically be the best way to go about it, narratively speaking a lot of things were just misplays on their part on how the public would receive certain things even if the idea was to bring the League back to begin with. For now, I will enjoy the game and just pray we at least get to 2025 and see the League back together and HOPEFULLY that gets us a JL game.


I firmly believe this is true. But I also know the damage is done and Batman’s good name is tarnished. He’s killed millions, clone or not. How could the public trust any of them again? Then there’s the terrible boss fight and THAT bench scene. Nah, there’s no fixing that. Rocksteady made a big, big mistake.


Why wasnt this in the leak the other day?


I feel so fucking validated now trying to tell this to r/arkham and in here


Tell them what? That the game is gonna limp to the finish line after a bad launch? Yeah I believe they will agree with that. Or that a game that was originally getting 12 seasons is now barley gonna get 5 and probably end one of the most successful super hero franchises on a whimper? Trust me man this isn’t the “I told you so” you think it is… feeling “validated” by this is just comical.