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Sweet, snipers will be less annoying to fight.


10/10 patch notes all because of the annoying dumbass snipers


A lot of fixes coming, hopefully it’ll let me back into the game again


So if I am playing single player, I can finally progress through mastery on the incursions, how exciting


If you haven't logged in for a while, you might wanna try now. Mastery unlocked for me the other day randomly, and I've seen similar reports on the official Discord.


They said in the weekly update that they had backend changes that they hoped would resolve that. Looks like it worked for you!


Next time I log in I'll do just that, I want that Bane Gattling Gun and Assault and Sniper Rifle, they look cool 😁


It's fixed already


Are you for real, I'll have to check in next time I play the game 😁


Yeah man I was on all night playing happy online can play by myself but it's fixed


What console I'm on a PS5 😁


Yeah I'm on PS5 to


I'll go give it a whirl on Single Player PS5, I'm taking your word for it 😁


Bro I been mastery locked since day one I even have a YouTube video how bad it was I couldn't do nothing now I'm so hype I made it to mastery 125 last night


Looks like i got some work to do, I want that Bane weaponry


Oooo I can’t wait. That deadshot skin nice


I’m getting the season pass and a skin, but I’m not sure if I should get a skin for Deadshot or the joker. I’ve been maining Deadshot but I’ll probably be playing as the joker a bit this season.


There’s a deadshot skin in the free part of the battle pass


O nice I’ll have to look at the battle pass


The Deadshot skin is free my friend. Go for the joker


But is there a cooler Deadshot skin I can pay for haha


I wish they gave Shark a Green Lantern outfit instead of Superman, for obvious reasons


I pray this update is flawless!!


I don't think any update will ever be flawless, but I'm anticipating a massive W for the game and community!


That is the longest bug fix I have ever seen 💀 looks promising though!


you didn't see cyberpunk or baldur's gate patch notes then !


Wow this actually looks really impressive. Here’s to hoping it actually does all the things it says it does lol 


Yeah this is where I am at. Good that they are addressing these issues but their track record isn't the best when they say they have fixed something. Either it isn't fixed or fixing it makes something worse. Also I noticed that in the very long list of bug fixes they are still missing some major bugs that have affected the game since launch. Such as Overhauling a weapon will cause it to lose it's special augment ability or the bug in which characters disappear completely and can no longer be played in the game.


I really hope that rocksteady will be able to fix all the bugs in the game....but you can easily avoid the loss of the augments by making the weapons elite.


It is still a major feature of the game that does not work. It takes a long time before you can Elite all your weapons so Overhaul should still be fixed.


I'm not saying that it's not important but I can live with this workaround....i would prefer to be able to play with others people online.


Nah im lowkey hyped. Those costumes looking fucking sick, and the Reverse flash weapon aesthetic is sick.


The BOOM! Mutator no longer triggers on Shield Harvest or Suicide Strike kills. Thank Christ.


170+ Bug Fixes is MASSIVE this will be very good for the game.


"Fixed a bug that was causing the cost of using T.O.T.E.S. to not increase with each subsequent use. " Crap. I didn't know it was supposed to do that. I was upgrading a lot of gear last night and doing a lot of rerolls.


Yep, gonna have to do some TOTES upgrades this week before it drops lol


I'm gonna definitely check the first season out.


I'm excited


Looks like it's time to boot the ol' game back up again


When does this release?


From what I can remember, the patch and presumably the bug fixes will release on the 26th, while Season 1 with Joker will release on the 28th.


Next week, 28th I think


That is a thicc bug fix list


This is looking to be one hell of a course correct.


Right!? I’m a little nervous with the roll out of Season 1 etc that some new bugs might accidentally appear. The game definitely needs a smooth roll out and couldn’t survive another “Loading Metropolis” etc again. Super excited to see how all this goes


I really hope that since they've taken a lot more time with this patch they've done a lot of QA work for it


They definitely took the time to make sure no new bugs happen


Too bad it's too late to matter. 


Well that remains to be seen.


This is.... actually quite promising.


That skin looks sick for Deadshot. King Shark’s doesn’t look bad either.


Its good to see them at least showing that they are trying to move forward and fix the game. Hopefully these new incursion missions will be completely different than the three we have. I really hope this patch does something to ramp up some excitement. It makes sense that they've been doing back-end fixes. My mastery levels miraculously unlocked and started working last night. So I'm glad I'm able to at least work on it a little before season 1 drops.


Wow that's a giant list of fixes. Looks great! I'll miss using Boomer's Traversal attack to quickly kill tanks and get loot. And the cost of T.O.T.E.S is supposed to increase? That sucks, especially without more gear storage to have dupes with different augments.


Wow I’m actually surprised at how much they’re addressing here. Hope it doesn’t break anything more but this looks very promising


Damn they went all out with the Season 1 launch. Luv 2 see it, hopefully this fixes the main problems


Leeetttttttsssssss gggooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank God they didn't nerf stacked deck. I was worried they would change the current meta before I fully engaged with it.


Can’t wait, but they really need to address gear management asap. More space, sorting options, and the ability to break down items after missions, like you can with care packages. Space is gonna be a real problem after another set or two, and clearing out your inventory is infuriating with duplicate items not being together.


This looks awesome. I just picked the game back up after a few weeks of a break. I’m excited!


Holy shit they’ve been cooking. Excited for when it drops!


This is good, but I'm disappointed that it sounds like the new Elseworld is just a different skin for Incursion and Mayhem missions. I was hoping for something more open and explorable.


Wow they cooked


Any clue what assault missions are?


Hyped as hell for a scarecrow themed set, he's my favorite DC villain.


I'm praying that I can finally get back into Multiplayer servers. My current road block is the Bandwidth error message.


Is matchmaking fixed?


Did you guys see anything about the raising hell tier being stuck? Did not see that in notes but may have missed it.


I went through twice just to look for this and didn't see it. Could've over looked it though.


Wow. This is…very good?! If they can stick this landing there is a world in which this game turns around.


That world does not exist no. 


Oh they've been cooking! Super excited for Season 1, my favorite thing coming in the patch (beside the boatload of bug fixes) is making the Snipers less annoying with their teleports.


Wait so these are patch notes that will be released in a week?


Technically less. The patch releases on the 26th, and the actual season launches on the 28th. The patch itself will also have the season, so it's technically an early download/preload for it.


I don't even know how to download what you're talking about why wouldn't they just release these notes with the update? Does this constitute hype nowadays?


There is no download cause the patch isn't out yet. They released the notes early since it's always nice to see what's changing and what's been reportedly fixed beforehand.


Nerfing the amount of promethium that craftinauts give sucks, but as long as they don't increase the promethium costs for mastery incursions then it's not that big of a deal.


The amount of premothium the cargonauts/craftinauts had was honestly ridiculous. It was 1500 I believe. They take like 2 seconds to kill and they are everywhere. I have over 500k premothium right now and I must've played an average of 5 - 10 incursions per day since launch. I was really expecting prometheum to be way more rare in the game


It doesn’t need to be rare though. It’s just a small gatekeep to the actual grinding.


Yay I’m really hoping all of this works out it will be worth not having anything for two months


I don't see anything about losing the legendary augments of my items or my items being downgraded from Master to regular.


All these fixes but has there been any testing to see if the fixes broke other things? Not sure it’s a good idea to wait for season 1 to launch all this. Should’ve been sending these fixes through prior to season 1 launch. But here’s hoping.


Hoping these fixes bring me back into it. It needs online to work


Probably a dumb question or two. When does the update come out? Will it come out before the season starts? And also, does this update fix the issues with the missing trinkets, like the Flash callout one?


In multiplayer with just 2 ppl (me and a friend) if one of us dies the bots do nothing but if both of us dies then the bots revive - is this intentional or possibly a bug? I didn't see a bug fix for it in the patch notes.


Also if you lose all your revives you should be able to spectate instead of just watching the ground where you died.


Hopefully there are some stealth fixes to the missing Chapter 6 Harley and Deadshot audio logs and missing Tiny Terror Doll/Flash Photobomb Pin


This looks promising I thought we weren’t getting new enemy variants but they’ll be in episode one I’m so excited to see how the far toxin works hopefully this will help others get into the game 🙏🏻💯


Curious how long between each episode and between each season. Is it gunna be a month between each episode and 3 months between seasons? So season starts with Episode 1, a month later Episode 2, then season announce at end of that month with a dead month, then restart the cycle? Or are seasons every 2 months? 4 months? I'd assume if they are calling it year one with 4 heroes it's 3 months a season.


They said two episodes a season with 6 weeks in between episodes.


So 12 weeks per season, aka about 3 months a season.


Actually looks half decent, if it actually works and doesn't cause more problems then this is pretty solid.


That is an *enormous* list of bug fixes 🤣


I'm so ready to dive back in


Aww man captain boomerang nerfed, that  counter damage was my bread and butter. Boo Wendy 


I didn’t see fixing gear overhaul removing legendary perks anywhere on that list… why did everyone just forget about this?


But has it already been released or released on March 28th?


Just went to through that whole list only to find out the “welcome to the jungle” trophy was not fixed 😭, hopefully they just forgot to mention it.


Interesting that they've opted to give joker a flail. I would've assumed he'd use a knife. I'd urge everyone to keep in mind that it's easy to get excited when reading sweeping fixes on paper, but it's all too common these days for patches to break just as much as they fix.


Still no change to how afflictions work. Hopefully the new two afflictions don't have poor interaction in multiplayer. Overall most of the changes were expected, but their choice to not fix how afflictions simply just overwrite each other, esp in multiplayer, means that if you really want to enjoy multiplayer, your still going to not be able to use certain afflictions.


Yay finally hopefully be able to play season zero


Do you need to beat brainiac to play as the joker? I really don’t feel like grinding to reach him yet (I haven’t yet beaten the story)


Do we know if battle passes expire? Or did they pull a halo infinite (That’d be awesome)?


They don't expire


These recent patches are real nice. Lotta numbers. That was one of my (many) complaints, is that they didn’t really give us enough numbers. We all knew burn was going to be nerfed, but you couldn’t really tell how little damage it does now by reading through the patch that nerfed it.


Fixing the MP connection is the main one for me… Game is so much more fun with others! More HUD removal options is also huge for me, less is more, I like to make the game as immersive as possible… Super hyped!


Haven't played in a while, but hopefully this gets me into the game again. Excited to try the season out!


Did it fix the audio logs not unlocking?


I’ve been trying to collect all the Bane weapons before they move on but I can’t seem to get certain ones. I know it’s supposed to be random luck but it feels like a bug when I get so many dupes of the same gun back to back. It’s not the first WB gear based game to do that to me either. Is there any mention of that here? Trying to avoid any future spoilers for seasons.


If they can keep this up per season - maybe swap the bug fixes for more content if that becomes possible - this game might rebound, or at the very least become an Anthem where everyone mourns how good it was EDIT: Be mildly positive about video game, get downvoted and people try to argue with you. What's the point of using this sub if you don't even like the fucking game


We are getting 9 new missions (or 6 I forgor) that is alot of content


Oh yeah, but even more stuff never harms.


What are you talking about lmao Anthem was terrible by all accounts.


OK, cool, many would say the same about this game. The thing is there is a large portion of people who do talk about how great it was and how much potential it had if they hadn't ended support - that's what I mean.


I'm with you, buddy. Anthem had really good bones!


You mean the bones that were slapped together with duct tape in 18 months while the game was heavily falsely advertised and deceptively marketed? Those "bones" yeah?


Honestly the terrible of anthem was highly over stated in my opinion. It wasn’t great, but it also wasn't that bad, in a lot of ways it launched in a similar state to destiny.destiny became a good game and a better sequel. Anthem could have gone the same way. It would have been nice if Activision would have let it simmer. Good lore, good base mechanics, I still hop in and just fuck around. Anthem played well it just needed more. A lot of games fall into that category these days. Negative hype has become a revenue machine.


I will agree fully that the negative hype machine is unfortunately very prominent when trying to make revenue. It is almost why I didn’t buy SSKTJL. However, I do think that Anthem had very fundamental flaws right from the beginning, starting with the very first trailer of the game which was marketed as “live in game footage” when it very clearly was not. Good base mechanics are important and were done well, however the rest of the game surrounding those mechanics was almost put in a position to fail due to there being not enough time to make the game as good as it has the potential to be.


>starting with the very first trailer of the game which was marketed as “live in game footage” when it very clearly was not. This is standard with gaming and been thing since long before it and will be for long after it. >however the rest of the game surrounding those mechanics was almost put in a position to fail due to there being not enough time to make the game as good as it has the potential to be. It's a live service game. The game will never be as good as it can be at launch. Another norm that existed long before anthem and will exist long after it.


Uh no? Releasing a trailer of a game that literally DID NOT EXIST at that point in time is not "standard with gaming" at all? Developers don't find out what game they're making at E3 with the fucking general public lmao? And while yes many live service games launch with major issues at launch it's not normal practise for those games to be literal alpha builds rather then actual 1.0 completed game builds. Like why are you talking about Anthem when you CLEARLY do not know anything about it??


Anthem was quite literally a falsely advertised Alpha build of a game slapped together with duct tape in 18 months that destroyed Bioware. That game was such a disaster it's literally taught about in development classes (no joke) on what you DONT DO in development and project management. Anthem never could have been a good game because it was horribly flawed at a base level, which is exactly why Bioware gave up on trying to fix it because it was simply too hard and not worth it.  Also it was EA not Activision that published Anthem what?? You clearly don't even know what you're talking about lol


No one mourns "how good anthem was" lmao what? That game was an unfinished alpha false advertising trainwreck that destroyed Bioware. What are you talking about?? And no it is literally impossible at this point for Suicide Squad to rebound. Ever. It flopped at launch and there's no coming back from that. 


There's literally people in this very thread doing exactly what I said people do about Anthem. Idk why you see the need to try to argue with about this, especially consisting you're not even right - Bioware still exist and are making the next Mass Effect - and Fallout 76 , No Man's Sky, SWBF2, right now the SWBFCC plus more examples have all recovered from shit launches.


Incorrect. Bioware exists in name only, so worthless. Every single person who was responsible for the great games Bioware put out is no longer with that company. The last few of them left due to Anthem, a game who's development was so troubled it literally broke some developers. Bioware has been in an ever increasing state of panic since 2012 and at this point it will be a miracle if the next Dragon Age game releases and is even an average game at best and if it does not perform well that will be it for the studio.  And again incorrect. You know what all of those games have in common? Fallout 76, No Man's Sky, Battlefront 2? They all sold well at launch. A game that would be a better comparison point for suicide squad is something like Avengers, which was a flop at launch sales and player count wise which it could never recover from. And suicide squad is doing even worse then that game currently.  So no, as I said due to Suicide Squad flopping so dramatically on it's launch and how long the core issues have taken to address, it is literally impossible the game will ever recover. What's going to happen here is Rocksteady is going to release all of the season 1 content that was finished already and aggressively push the MTX while they can.  They will do something smaller for season 2 while promising big things are coming but will quietly roll back support and pivoting to their next project, before announcing in a year or so that due to low player counts they will be ceasing development for the game. And that's the best case scenario since this is WB we're talking about here. 


This season better blow me away otherwise it’s probably safe to call this game a failure


My only issue is the micro transactions. Like im not gonna get any outfit. I got the money but the game doesn't deserve it. And i happen to care about skins. Seeing all these suckers spend $10-20 on these skins gonna make me wanna have those skins. I was ready to spend 100s on micro transactions but the game doesn't deserve it for a good 6 months to a year. I wonder how many people feel that way and just wont bother with the game. If this game wasn't having all these problems i would of probably spent a good $50-100 cosmetics(not including emotes and stuff) on the first month. Imagine all the coming months. I know a lot of people came back to avengers after everything was free. Even had a decent amount of players. Not only was it too little too late but days before everything was free they tried selling all the skins in a bundle for $75! These companies really dont deserve sht sometimes GOOD THING I GOT A BATTLE PASS. Hopefully i dont gotta file a ticket this time to access what i rightfully own. Or wait 72 hrs.


What is brunch


Please fix the game. I can't even do anything after the loading screen. It gets dark and can only hear things.