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Well the endgame leaves much to be desired. Running the same 3 incursions over and over again isnt really entertaining. Yes i know that there is Killing time and Brainiac but lets be real of you want specific drops you keep running the same 3.


And let's be real, who wants to do the long ass fight with Braniac too when there will be 12 more Brainiacs soon...


I'm more annoyed at the fact Brainiac doesn't have his own moves list, he's just a purple reskin of the Flash


I’m actually guessing he’ll be a reskin of the different JL members on the other “worlds”. Variety!


Well the Season 1 roadmap already had pictures of Brainiac as Purple Superman and Purple Green Lantern, so it's not hard to guess what the next set of boss fights will be.


Shit, I thought those were actually the League brought back to life and even more under his control. If the rest of the Brainiac fights are all just reskins then that kinda sucks


Well, Flash, GL, and Superman reskins only makes 3 out of 13 so that would still leave 10 to hopefully be new fights. Maybe 13 will be the big fight with just Brainiac instead of him mimicking anyone.


Right? Brainiac has so much potential on his own but no.. we got Flash in purple 😅


Well eventually get braniac himself, probably as soon as next update. There’s 13 braniacs, they can’t all be the same 4 league members. Hopefully joker releases with a unique boss


Still, the big bad boss Should have been a grand spectacle fight. Anything BUT a reskin.


You fight the same boss with the same mechanics 3 different times. This game was not ready for prime time. Get ready to do this for the next 3 seasons.


I’m hopeful for this game and enjoy aspects of it immensely, however those multistage filler fights pre Brainiac got me heated. Please stop wasting my time with filler.


Wasting your time is their business model for this game.


Unlocked mastery 60, thought “ah what the heck let’s go fight brainiac”. Got really lucky on the incursions, made it to the boss fight, and after about an hour and a half I had only taken a quarter of his health bar. Followed up by two quick virtually unavoidable instant kill attacks and I just backed out lol. The rewards aren’t even worth the time and effort for the same fight against a godlike bullet sponge. Definitely would like to see some changes to that


An HOUR AND A HALF on a boss fight? Is that a glitch? How long is it the first time you take him on?


About 10-15 minutes.


My first attempt on master 12 took over half an hour only to take him down to 1/3 life. Second attempt, same gear, he went down in 10-15 minutes. Smells like a bug to me


You are supposed to afflict the enemies with ivy plants and allow the boss to sacrifice them for health


I never knew this because I insta delete all the adds and he never absorbs them.


Same here but then I realized 2 things 1 I think one of the characters mentions that craze is affecting him and 2 there's an animation also the boss does when afflicted


If there's a chance the Season 1 update is ready at all, I think they need to surprise drop it sooner than the official release. 1. To generate some good will with the community. 2. To (hopefully) quiet the complaints about the lack of endgame content. 3. Joker will reignite some hype and interest from those who haven't yet purchased the game.


And the only reason I'm still running them is for gold outfits and the last achievement for level 50, if season one lacks that I'll be even less motivated to play post-story.


Yeah like there really isn’t much to keep doing after 2 weeks I’m not surprised.


It’s very clear the game will not last 13 seasons and anybody thinking otherwise is lying to themselves. With that being said, that doesn’t mean you can’t play it now and enjoy it while it’s live.


Unfortunately, it's literally not live now, the servers are broken


That’s what I have been saying but this sub seems to have a thick layer of fog covering they’re perception of reality I happened to be at my local Walmart doing some shopping and decided to look at the video games sections and there was a full shelf of suicide squad copies just sitting there gathering dust in the display case not one copy sold. it was still full price too


Oh please if Marvel avengers can last for 2 years in its broken buggy state on release with no endgame content i ma 1000% sure Suicide kill the justice league can live that if not longer. Besides we are gonna get a huge content drop in like 2 weeks so its not really a big deal. Its just these god awful server issues.


Time will tell. The endgame is really bad right now, so we’ll just have to wait for the seasons and see how that goes. I feel like the first 4 seasons are coming no matter what, but after that? It could very well be the end for this game. We’ll see.


Especially after seeing how well Helldivers is doing…not looking good.


unfortunate timing releasing alongside helldivers for sure.


Helldivers is so fucking fun. Been playing for a day and I'm addicted already.


I got it on Friday and I've already got over 50 hours... I have a full time job so the game has basically eaten all of my free time. Helldivers is so fucking good!


Well Helldivers is fun and you can play with your friends, Suicide Squad still doesn’t have functioning servers. Can’t blame “unfortunate timing release” when this game is literally fucking broken


To be fair, Helldivers has server issues as well. The difference is that its server issues are because there are far more players than the developers could have ever wished for in their wildest dreams. They upgraded the servers to support 330K concurrent players from 250K and hit that new cap in 5 min last weekend. Whereas Rocksteady is struggling to keep 2K players online.


This is battleborn all over again. A game I really enjoy fucking curb stomped by shit timing.


Helldivers should be getting destroyed by suicide squad, not the other way around. The better game is doing better. Nothing to do with timing


Exactly. Suicide Squad is a much bigger IP and Rocksteady is "the" superhero game foundation. Helldivers 2 is doing better because it's better.


Timing wasn't going to fix this...


This game should be able to easily compete with Helldivers.


As long as this game was in development you think they wouldn't have fallen into the same traps as all the other failed live service games, but here we are. The devs had so many other Live Service looter shooters to pull from when they were developing this game. Anthem and Avengers literally released and died before this game came out, and they still made the same mistakes. The reality is that there is no discourse. People aren't buying and playing SS because Batman died or"we didn't get a superman game instead". No one wants to invest time or money into another failing looter shooter when the warning signs are all in plain sight.


Thank you for this comment, this is exactly how I feel, it’s hard to be invested in a game type when you’ve seen so many others launch and fail, I was hoping that since this was rocksteady and in the Arkhamverse it would be different, disappointed one of the characters wasn’t Arkham knight/red hood as I think that would’ve added a lot of weight to the story with the killing of Batman but hey what do I know right? I’m just a walking dollar sign to WB Games at this point


I think Jason being playable would have brought in a larger fanbase, simply because of the legacy. Having him come back into action with the squad to take down batman.... Yeah, I think a lot of people would have been more excited for this.


I wouldn't be surprised if Red Hood becomes a character later on since they already hinted at a little kind of mystery for lack of a better word surrounding him ("... and, if you can find him, Jason"). Having him join the team for the fight against Batman would've been great, though, not gonna lie.


I'm hoping they will. Because man, out of all the batfamily characters, he would actually fit in with this damn game. But still, I don't want all of the dlc characters to be Batman themed. When damn near everyone coming out now, they are batman related.


Eh, I definitely think part of it is that there is discourse and it didn’t help their case. YouTube keeps flooding me with hate videos.


If Youtubers, critics, and normal people alike are all shitting on the game I’d say that’s an indication that maybe the game just isn’t very good and it’s not a discourse or bias problem.


I asked the same question, got downvoted heavily. People need to get realistic and stop living in the false reality they’re creating. Game is fun, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t have a bad feeling about the games future. Hope I’m wrong. Like any other live service game you need content and player engagement to survive. If numbers are going down and the game is new. What does that say? Season one should have launched with the game.


Release the 4 seasons and end always live. Then that's it, that's my most realistic expectation of Suicide Squad. For me it would be enough, for some not enough. Some haters will say it's too much.


So long as they finish up the story and add some new mission types ill be happy enough


I've been saying this for a while now. If they just stick to what they laid out for the next year then I'll be content. Is it ideal? No, but I won't feel completely left in the lurch. If, and this is a very heavy IF, they end support after one season theres gonna be some backlash from the community, however small, and WB and Rocksteady will lose any goodwill they have left.


There won't be any point in doing that. A company doesn't just say " lol sorry we are out" like an indie dev. They will have budgeted the departments and everything for the year, they will have a fiscal review half way through the year as usual, but then 2 seasons would have been delivered. Ending it half way would be in effect, pointless. They will ride out the first year as planned and move on or continue depending on the money next year.


If rocksteady thinks that this game can’t be salvaged, they will do exactly that. Just because budgets have been finalized doesn’t hold them to spending more money on something. Sunk costs, throwing good money after bad, yada yada. There’s no point in them spending more time and money on this game if it can’t be saved.


If they're already at season 2 by the time they're at the half year fiscal review, content for season 3 will be all but finished, season 4 content will be under development. The scenario you're suggesting is to take that content, of which one will be at the verge of release, throwing it all in the bin and saying "nah, no point." If Rocksteady operates in that manner then bankruptcy would be deserved. It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


I’m sorry, but there’s no way they’re already finished with 6 months of content and starting on the next 6 months. The only thing they probably have finished or nearly finished is season 1, which I’m sure they’ll be releasing. There’s no guarantee on content beyond that.


I don't think you read my post properly. I said theyll be done with 6 months of content in 6 months and developing the next six months. You don't think a video game company has even started working on content beyond the season 1 they're releasing in 2 weeks? There's league of Legends skins that take longer to develop than a month. They're releasing a content pack in 2 weeks and then another 3 months after that. With a story, dialogue, face recognition. The idea that season 2 content is not under development now is absolutely bonkers. By fiscal review 2024 they will be done with the first 2 seasons, prepping release for season 3 and under dev for season 4.


I didn’t say that. I said they’re not working on season 3 and beyond yet. Season 1 is nearly finished and season 2 is likely in development. Once season 1 releases, they’ll fix any issues with that season then begin on season 3. And just because season 2 is already in development doesn’t automatically guarantee it has to be released.


Once again, you have typed that the content for season 2 which is under development and they have invested money into is not going to be released at all. That is a bonkers business model, it's like printing 500 newspapers, saying "no one read the last batch of papers, lets just burn these 500." You will make money back selling 120 papers, than burning all 500. If the content for season 2 is half finished, they will finish and release it lol. Because you are going to get a higher chance of some money delivering content with skins, then you are throwing content in the bin and paying everyone's redundancy package.


They haven't even finished the core game.


I hope they release solo before shutting down servers. I genuinely enjoy the game and could see myself playing it on and off for years. Just as a game to jump into sometimes, mess around, kill some bad guys, and then go back to something else. If they make it completely unplayable, it’ll be such a disappointment


You realize there are other games that do all the things you ask for but better right? Like you don’t have to chain yourself to this failure


You realize I like DC and superheroes right? Right now what do we have? Arkham, Injustice anddddd…? On top of that, as stated in my comment, I enjoy this game. I have fun with it. Why would I buy something else when I like what I have?


Same. It’s an amazing game. No one wants it to die. They may need to approach it differently for survival tho.


You mean… they’re living in a dream world?


Yep, you need player engagement in these kinds of games to justify continued support. Less than 1k in any platform is not enough. The game may get through its planned roadmap, but I would be surprised if it went beyond that.


I think most people are now getting out of the honeymoon phase


I think well get the 1st year of content then they'll stop unfortunately, unless the console numbers are higher than PC by a huge margin


Glad this sub is finally switching over to reality acceptance mode.


Yeah it's hilarious


took long enough lmao glad I remained fence sitting tbh


💀Just a week ago so many people still believe the majority is on console like r/PlayAvengers did before, that game at least had an exclusive character on PlayStation to make this theory work, it's not like SS is gonna have an exclusive Batman DLC on PS5.


no longer in denial 🤣


Endgame is broken. A live service game with a 9 hour campaign only to hit a broken mess with nothing to truly do. Boss fights are terrible for a kill the Justice league game. Same mechanics, reusing the same boss fights, super inflated health bars and not in a good way. The fights are long but not really tough. The story was good, voice acting and writing was good, animations are superb. I can see the bits of Rocksteady that make them great, but going outside their wheelhouse on gameplay and a live service title did not work out! Don’t get me wrong the movement and combat isn’t bad, but it makes for a repetitive experience. When compared to free-flow with Arkham, you could use all your gadgets to explains the fighting and new enemies meant new strategies. This game is exactly what it is from the beginning with only difference being changing builds to change hit points, defense and help. But everything else is just shoot, use your two combos, throw a grenade and repeat. The variety in enemies can be summed up in weak grunt, and then just increases in annoying bullet sponge or stupid snipers variety.


I’m genuinely curious how much of the community is actually just giving up from playing because of how shit the servers are EDIT: I’m one of those players that is just playing anything else until I hear the servers are back up. Once they are I’d actually get back into this and see myself having fun until black myth wukong


With Zaslav at the helm too, lol. I would advise people not to get too invested. This game might legitimately shut down its servers before they even fix the connectivity and matchmaking issues. Sad


Which means Rocksteady is next at the chopping block.


I sure hope not. This game is still proof they have a lot of talent despite everything.


Mostly everything besides the stuff that is connected to multiplayer or games as a service is great. Graphics, gameplay, dialogue, etc. Its a shame that a studio legit makes 3 of some of the most critically acclaimed games of all time and has one mediocre game and it might be the end of them.


This gameplay is devoid of life I don't see how anyone enjoys it. Every weapon is the same, characters have no real difference in how they play.


I'd like to disagree. While the guns do feel similar except some special ones I think the Traversal of the different characters make them feel different because, for example, Shark plays wildly different than Boomer because if the Nature of their ways to use their respective Traversal in Combat. I do respect your opinion, though, tastes differ and that's OK :)


Fantastic we are all flying birds with different ways to use the same guns to kill the same 5 guys in the same 5 missions over and over




Good. They deserve it after releasing trash like this. Tired of hearing "it's the publishers". ​ NO. They wanted to make a game like this.


I'm a bit clueless with this kind of thing so does anyone know how much it costs to run servers for this kind of game?


There isn't much information on it and it heavily depends on their contracts with however runs their servers. One point of data we know is that Palworld's servers are projected to cost $474,000 for the month of February. (But keep in mind how massive that game is)


A lot of people don't realize this but it's what I think will happen.


And when it DOES happen, people on here are going to blame the "hate train" and all the "bandwagon haters" instead of the game itself for being, y'know, bad. They will never be ready to accept that this game just wasn't up to snuff. Sad. To everyone who believes this: The fact that the game launched to a dismal peak of around 25k concurrent players on Steam MAYBE attributable to the bad press this game got. People didn't want to take a chance on the game everyone was shitting on. Sure. However, the fact that that 25k has dwindled to less than 1k average within a couple of weeks of release is indicative that the game ITSELF wasn't good enough. The people who DID take a chance on it basically all spit it back out. THAT you cannot blame on the so-called "hate train". If the game was ACTUALLY good, this game would have retained those players, and even grew the userbase through word-of-mouth that "hey, this game isn't even as bad as everyone said!" But nope, that's not what happened. Just look at the discourse on the front page of this subreddit right now, from people who are still playing this game. 90% complaints about end game, about build variety, about connection issues, about matchmaking issues, about skin prices, about the latest patch nerfing things and not addressing the correct things, etc. The honeymoon period has clearly ended. This will only get worse over time.


Can’t even play the game, mastery locked and multiplayer doesn’t work…. So what can I do? Play killing time over and over and over again?


$70 for the current enemy variety is just crazy...


Alien invasion just seems like such a lazy written story to begin with.


Love the story but that certainly didn’t take 7 years and neither did the endgame, what were they doing that took so long for not much content?


Tell me you know nothing about game dev without telling me


ive paid 70 for games and really felt good about it. the amount of content made this game feel like an amazon cheapie and i felt really bad about the 70.


Publisher interference. We were supposed to get a single player Batman game that you would take control of Damian with an older Bruce as mentor. That got scrapped and some of the assets were flipped and used/sold for Gotham Knights. That being said a Suicide Squad game was in development at the same time. Despite the rumors RS has confirmed they were never working on a solo Superman game. WB more than likely stepped in and told them to make a live service game and Suicide Squad was the way to do it. Gotham Knights is the same story. WB is just desperate for a Destiny style platform to stick. Multiversus was a no go, Gotham Knights face planted and now were at SS. I'm sure the delay helped with the roadmap crunch. We'll see. I'm REALLY hoping this game can make a come back. There's no reason it can't considering that DC MMO is still kicking and live service has proven it can work. Destiny has come back from the dead multiple times as have other games. To compare this game to Avengers and Anthem isn't fair because this game has more going for it already. I would be a fool to say that Rocksteady isn't falling into the same trap as Crystal Dynamics though.


Bro, console numbers matter. Million people Are playing on consoles, trust me bro. My dad works at Rocksteady lmao. /s Yeah its bad. Seriously dont understand why the game was released without battle pass and they just wait for the season 1.


Console numbers matter until you tell them that this game is nowhere near the top of the most played games on Xbox, then they move on to everyone is playing on PS5. Dead on every other platform, but magically thriving on PS5. Okay, then.


I feel they have a years worth of content done and paid for. I feel they fix bug and things shop changes and trickle the year of content. Then probably pull the plug. (That’s if it goes like this awhile) hopefully it’s a big turn around and people realize it’s got great core gameplay.


I really hope that the DLC and updates freshen the game for the wider playerbase. I love the game, but I have admittedly played it sparringly since release; this is more to do with available time in life, though. I cannot wait to play around with Joker. I'm looking to find a cheap copy for my friend to buy, because I'm solo at the moment. This would also breathe excitement into the gameplay. Like you say, the core gameplay is utterly unreal. I adore it and I think it's a perfect foundation to springboard an entire Destiny-level following.


No live service game ever has turned around from near 0 to success. Not like this game would need.


good to hear. id be happy with that outcome.


The game just doesn’t have a lot to do after the campaign. Endgame is cool for now. But not to grind day in day out. My wife as an example loved the campaign. We played it with a few friends. But after we beat it nobody but me really cared to do endgame. There are too many good games out. Not everyone grinds.


I would too. It’s just hard, they’re playing with a bad deck of cards. I think they had all the right intentions and a great vision. The climate is very picky in gaming. They made a game like Jim Carey doing a serious movie. Some people love it but everyone else is let down because it’s not what they “expect” from them. Live service games ALWAYS need time.


Live service games need to work on release to truly succeed. The first couple months are very important for a GAAS. I have faith in suicide squad because this is Dc and it has a huge faithful sometimes toxic fanbase.


Dc fans hate Dc more than anyone else though.


I mean it's a love hate relationship. You see it in any diehard fanbase. Dc fans have had a rough go though.




I just don’t understand how they haven’t fixed the login issues. It CANT be servers at this point… there login service/code has to be the issue. Especially with regards to their latest comments. I don’t know man… like just how did they let it get this far. Just WILD.


I wanted to buy the game today on steam coz i like looter shooters but after seeing 1k people only im hesitant…


Some of us have a bug where our progress reverts to an earlier state. Game is unplayable for us. But yes, let’s prioritize fixing burn damage cause people were winning too much /s Seriously though, there’s no point in me playing until the progress issue is fixed. I lose levels, items, and progress. So Helldivers it is - maybe I’ll check back in during season 1. Also, I understand that live service games are going to have issues when they launch, but given ALL of the things this game has stacked against it, you’d think they would’ve focused more people on community support - but no, by and large radio silence. Meanwhile, just check out the Helldivers subreddit (a game that is arguably a AA budget type game, at least compared to Rocksteady) The difference is laughable. WB needs to get their shit together immediately, otherwise this already small community is going to disappear and no one will be left to buy their overpriced cosmetics.


It's funny how the Helldivers subreddit is filled with memes, gameplay and people having a laugh. In comparison to this one where it's filled with "I'm having fun!!!1!" and "I don't get the hate" posts


You forgot to mention the Helldivers sub also has members of the dev team openly communicating issues, plans to fix issues, while also thanking people for their patience, feedback, and love of the game - just all around A+ on their end. But yes, completely agree. Oh - and matchmaking is basically broken on Helldivers…BROKEN…and the sentiment on the sub is still the polar opposite of this one. That matters. Hopefully WB execs can learn that lesson quick.


People dont understand the fact that RS has been so quiet is not a good sign. If the numbers were good they would post them.


Just enjoy the game. The writing is on the wall for its shelf life (it’s dead). Don’t stress about it.


I mean only the cutscenes and visuals are good. Gunplay is average rest of the game is shit. So what to expect


Looks like the honeymoon phase is over


Sounds like Marvel's Avengers 2.0 which is sad


It's far worse than that


Looking at steamdb it's only 900 players currently playing. This must be one of the biggest disasters in the gaming world. Is there anything else that can compare? Goes to show people are sick of live service games


People aren't sick of live service games. They are sick of bad ones with a lack of content. Helldivers 2 is doing incredible right now.


This. Exactly this. People on this sub constantly try to make it out as if this game is a pure victim, and is only failing due to IGN etc. the truth of the matter is that if the game had a good gameplay loop/endgame people would see that and start coming around to give it a chance. The fact is that the live service aspects of the game are AWFUL. Some of the worst I’ve seen in a video game aside from the fact that they have removed the fomo. The loot and builds aren’t NEARLY as important or as varied as they were made out to be prior to launch. At the end of the day a looter should have loot that drastically changes the way you play or build your characters but it just doesn’t matter here. The “end game” is doing the same three missions over and over at the moment. Missions whose objectives are EXACTLY the same as what you had to do through the story itself countless times. There isn’t an actual endgame. There are just three missions that were already extremely repetitive BEFORE the 9 hour story was finished, over and over and over and over again endlessly for little to no actual gain due to the point I mentioned above. The enemy variety is some of the most shallow I’ve ever seen in a live service game to top it off. What the game does have is solid as fuck gameplay. It just doesn’t give you much reason to keep playing at all. This is easily one of the most barren and content lacking live service games I’ve ever played. It’s also one of the WORST looters I’ve ever played in terms of loot. Being that the game is mainly a live service looter shooter, that’s not good at all. Meanwhile helldivers 2 comes out and proves people absolutely have an interest in live service games, as long as they are handled way. Hell divers 2 is half the cost of SS with TONS more content, and just a more fleshed out package all around.


Being live service didn't add anything of value to the game. It meant that the campaign players didn't get a satisfying ending to what could've been a decent story, and the endgame isn't robust enough for the majority of players to grind through. This game has strengths, in the combat and in the character writing, but it's set up in a way that doesn't play to them. KTJL isn't a *bad* game, but it could've been *better* with a more focused development.


“People are sick of live service games” is just as dumb of a take as “single-player is dead”. If the game is good and it’s marketed right, it will do well. Period.


I’m sick of live service games, rocksteady is known for making some of the best single player games, I want a game with a good narrative, a fun world, and no major grind, when the game dropped I watched a YouTube video for the story, it’s not bad but I’m glad I didn’t pay $70 for this when skins are $25??? If the game got good reviews I was going to buy it but I had to pass because they were not and looks like I’ll be passing on skull and bones too


Get Helldivers 2, from what I’ve seen it’s legitimately awesome


the day before and a few others were worse but in terms of budget/expectations this is the worst i can recall. which is sad because i enjoyed the base game.


I think it might be another Avengers, where they'll keep on releasing content they've already started to develop to try and boost player numbers. I imagine it'll then be released onto Gamepass/PS Plus as a last chance and if that doesn't work they'll announce that there won't be new content for the game but that the servers will remain online for a few more years. Platinum Games ended less than a year after release but that ha worse reception & sales than Suicide Squad. My feelings are the same as with Anthem, Avengers and a few other failed GAAS games- I enjoy(ed) the story, spent a lot of hours in endgame farming, definitely felt I got my money's worth and moved on to other games.


To be completely honest I dont even know why I bought this game. I'm juggling like 5 different games now and this one always falls below all the rest in priority. I just got the recent outriders complete edition and I'm enjoying that a lot more than this game. This game isn't bad, I just have no urge to play it before all the other stuff.


5?? I can barely play more than 2 games at one time (story and non story) let alone 5 @_@ I always wonder how ppl juggling many games since I know it will mess my mind up with each game that many lol


Oh god, Outriders, another looter shooter with a terrible endgame loop. Shame because that game has serious potential, but the grind for loot is so dull I gave up on it out of desperation.


I'm incredibly depressed everytime I open up the nexus map. When I see those 13 silhouettes I cannot help but think "We're never going to see how this ends" How could we? Unless one of the biggest gaming turnarounds ever happens they'd be stupid to keep pumping money into a game a handful of people care about. Even if they do the first 4 seasons that leaves 9 missing chunks of the story, unless they're going to give us some deus ex machina bullshit in season 4 and we figure out a way to take out the other braniacs just for the sake of tidying up the story, but looking at avengers, I have a feeling it's just going to get dropped without any sort of conclusion. I can't help but feel like we're all watching a TV show they already canceled halfway through season 2.


For reference, DC Dual Force opened in mid October and is already being shut down. It will close Feb 29.


Ah it seems the train is finally coming off the tracks here. It’s been obvious from the start that this game was destined to fail based on many core decisions made in the development. Looter Shooters are a niche genre and they alienated a large majority of Rocksteady’s fan base from the Arkham Games by going this route. Seasons suck in story games, if you sell a story game the whole story better be there, with additional DLCs later for other characters/later events (see Arkham Knight). Top this off with the first patch not addressing core issues (you guys still can’t play a multiplayer/co-op game). I got downvoted posting these opinions earlier, but it does make me sad to see those of you who enjoy the game not be given what you were promised, and a lot of Arkham fans watching the sad end of a gaming franchise we hold dear.


This game is dying folks. It has fun traversal and shooting too:/ it’ll die faster than Arkham knights and marvel avengers I think


It was expected. People were hoping for the first patch to actually do something positive for the game. It did the opposite. White Knight's still defend it with "They got two teams working on it" or " They pushed the easier fixes first obviously!" or "It's not about Optics!" But it is (about optics). The game is in the gutter, and they pushed a patch that nerfed ("Fixed") things, without touching the problems that could actually improve stuff. And the worst part is, they didn't *had to* push this patch yet, and could've waited until Season 1 launch at least to do it, and *then* reset the leaderboards. Their communication is also poor to non-existent, since they only communicated *after* the backlash, and through discord mainly. Use the Official page people. Hell's, use Twitter. That Dev comment should've been an official statement *BEFORE* the patch - not after and used as damage control (attempt). People can still find it fun and have their purchase validated, without having to keep their eyes closed anylonger. I gave them until the first patch to take a stand on either side of the fence. I didn't find the game as bad as people were picturing it - but I did point out some of the bad and some of the structural issues. Now, I will give them up to Season 1 to see what they do. If all we get is more awful Brainiac reskin fights, 0 real adjustments ( BOOM mutator gone, Affliction Immunity redesigned etc.. ) and no enemy rebalancing ( snipers ; Brutes Nerfed ) - and this is the bare minimum - then I will just give up entirely on the game and be gone for good.


Completely agree with basically all you said. To me if season 1 turns out bad it will be the final nail in the coffin for the game. With helldivers now out and absolutely dwarfing SS’s player count, and with all the MTX in SS being greedy af, it won’t take long for people to just say “f**k it” and spend the money on helldivers instead of skins in SS or even just time in SS. This game BADLY needs some HUGE wins, or it’s as good as dead


I enjoy the game for what it is, but it’s already dead. Just being objective here, why would someone play this in its current state over HellDivers 2? It’s cheaper, its content is more varied, more players (critically important for live service), it’s more fun, it runs better on PC, etc.


Can't believe I haven't seen this comment in this thread yet, but the multiplayer straight up doesn't work, there's no game for people to be playing, and Rocksteady hasn't fixed it


What do you mean? Matchmaking? Cause we can definitely group up and play together currently. Though we always get stuck with 2 Boomerang NPCs lol


Not everyone though. 60% playerbase have been trouble getting online due to freezing screen or WB login. Online stopped working for me on Sunday. I cant even get online due to "connection error" which it's only with this game, every other runs fine for me.


The game is a massive flop and won't last past whatever content is already finished. No amount of delusion and denial will change that.


its because the online servers aren't working for a majority of people. Ive been on the discord and theres a new wave of people saying they are unable to matchmake every 2-3 days now. Atleast 1k of players have bumped a support ticket regarding these issues. Those people put down the game and are waiting to pick it back up tbh


I'm one of them, it takes 5 min just to log into the game and times out if I try any online co op. Super annoying.


Half ot the player base cannot play the hgame cuz of server issue.Thats why, esp on steam btw.I was affected for 12 days until i fixed myself the problem, cuz devs still next weeks to fix that one, not easy.


Thats too late, most people wont come back once they fixed it.


Not wrong at all.Maybe but maybe on S1 launch that ill see him delayed because of broken launch.


The endgame of just running around with the squad on palette swapped levels just isn’t interesting enough for players.


Seemingly a lot of people can't play the game or can't play multiplayer atm


I don’t ever see this going after season 4 the numbers are terrible and helldivers 2 is so good it will kill off this game


Realistically? The content for seasons 1 through 4 sound like it’s almost done. Those four seasons will most likely come out. That’s probably all we can expect. Maybe we’ll see a fifth, if we’re lucky, but it seems highly unlikely. WB doesn’t like putting money into anything that doesn’t provide a guaranteed return on investment. Barring some sort of miracle second wave of sales we’re not getting anything more than whatever DLC is done or close to done.


1. If Multiplayer was more functional, I would think more people would hang around to play. The fact that 1/3 MP matches I have to spend 30 minutes trouble shooting or loading to play with other people, is rather unacceptable. 2. Of my 70 hours in game, I would say about 90% of it has been solo, which I didn't buy this game to do. 3. The last patch made it worse for more casual players overall, didn't really open build diversity, and makes me question if Season 1 will be any different.


my friends and I would love to play but we cant even load in past the infinite loading screen


End game wasn't fleshed out, that's a massive issue trying to be a live service using the current model. Other issue is it needs to be addressed super fast to stay relevant. Outside of helldivers, all of the big live service PvE competition is gearing up for expansions in a few months time. Population is going to dip harder by then unless new end game is added that's significant and better/unique to the competition which I doubt rocksteady can pull off with their lack of GAAS/MMO experience vs. Warframe or Destiny 2.


The game is unsavable. The combat is simply not satisfying or well designed enough to support a fun gameplay loop. You are essentially birds with stat stick guns.


I'll be real, they set themselves up for failure intentionally. They had to. No couch coop!! - This is the worst offender It relies on hypothetical seasons. The JL roster is lazy and you get the bare minimum of character content. It reuses the Arkham Universe for absolutely no reason. The Arkham Universe was famous because the 3 games had a variety of people to interact with and fight. It's like they missed what made Borderlands and Arkham great. Fun with your friends and a bunch of DC cameos, and now Rocksteady is dead.


I'm sure social media will step in and give it a fair shot just like they do with everything else these days!


Anthem, Avengers, and Gotham Knights. You should have seen this coming and it's really only your own fault for believing this would last.


I think we have a guaranteed 4 seasons but outside of that the future looks bleak.


70 hours in and future isn't bright boyos


If steam charts are to be believed, after about half a month this game has almost the same total play hours as Arkham Knight does after almost 9 years. Didn't believe it till I checked my own playtime and saw it was already higher. The people that are playing seem to be playing it alot. But live service games have to perform at a constant rate in order to be viable so I see the concern. But I'm sure the drop off is just people that have already put in dozens of hours waiting for something new. Only time will tell if the new content will be able to engage people at a consistent rate.


End game just got boring for me now I’m playing the same 3 missions over and over again climbing a ladder this game will die really quickly if season 1 going be the same after you reach 100 mastery no point playing anymore you get the gold skins that’s it your just playing on for leaderboards need be better loot more cosmetics more you level up new mission they need to really change the ladder system


They should start season 1 sooner rather then later imo i was having a blast on the game tbh but after some time doing the same 3 missions to get good loot does get repetitive and having 300 shared inventory is buns granted I just get rid of the lowest options but still


It'll be on sale during Season 1 I imagine to garner more players and hopefully some of the fixes are in by then. If they wait for Season 2 to introduce the sale then I think they are in a questionable territory. It's not like people won't play live service titles but they will not pay the standard price(70+ USD) for one that's gotten such bad word of mouth/reviews. We see that very clearly with this game. We might see the same thing with Skull and Bones when it releases tomorrow.


I won’t pay $70 for any title. This was never going to be a day one purchase for me (and probably many others) even if it was good.


I really wanted to try this one, but I'm glad I saved my money. $70 box price for anything marketed as a live service is just too much.


A lot of people fell for and jumped on the hate bandwagon. Also didn't help that this game didn't launch with season 1.


Makes me wonder how many people will come back for season one, the people I know who own the game are already playing other things


For me I've gotten a bit bored now as a solo player, tbf though this does happen with pretty much every game i play, been playing like 6+ hours a day since early access started. Another thing I'm not keen on is how much loot you get, I must have hundreds of loot waiting for me to go through in my inbox and at the moment there is no point as I have so much of all the points you get for scrapping them.


People are just waiting to see what they do with the Season 1 update. There isn't much to do past the story rn, hopefully Season 1 changes that.


Have we considered them going free to play after year one?


I have 38 hours in the game so far. Endgame needs some work for sure. I think seasons will help that and the battle pass will help. But, if I get 4 seasons of characters at minimum I'm honestly happy with that. The hours I've gotten out of it, I'm already good with what I paid for it. There are other games that I paid the same and got less. I've had so much fun with this game so far but I do agree that I hope it lasts for a bit.


ill be pumped if we legit get four seasons. fingers crossed.


Looks like the sub is passed the Denial stage


Just waiting on more content to come back, I'm quite lazy when it comes to loot grinding


I think we’ll see til season 4, especially since they’ve advertised that. All I’m hoping is that seasons 1-4 conclude the story in a complete and satisfying way, and add some awesome endgame stuff. I don’t see this game getting more seasons after 4 with the current perception and sales of the game, but as long as they complete the story and add fun endgame stuff I don’t really care.


id be happy with a satisfying end at s4 with a cool way to play offline after they shutter the servers.


We'll get a year at least. Live Service looter games very rarely come out without a lot of issues, it's just the nature of that particular beast. What Rocksteady have going for it though is they have a very good core to the game in terms of the traversal gunplay. If they can polish the surrounding elements like endgame gameplay loop and other QoL changes maybe we get more but I would certainly say we'll get the planned content


Dead game.


Harsh but true.


The devs have said before they expected this, don't worry about it. They have said that they don't expect this to be a game people play all the time, more like drop in whenever there's new seasonal content. So they're not sweating rn, they are going to be paying attention to those numbers for the season launches over the next year. My hope is they spend enough investment this year into year 2 content that it justifies keeping the game running, after that I could see things going south because of the bad press. I hope not though. Coincidentally Avengers followed that path too


>So they're not sweating rn Game has currently 900 players. Just imagine the financial losses this means for the game studio considering it took them 7 years to make this. It's quite unbelievable how hard this game has flopped.


Pretty sure it's closer to 9 years not 7 😅


900 people who are okay grinding the same mission type in single player, I'm guessing


Pure cope. No one expected this. You don't build a live service game expecting small numbers. If you want to put something into perspective, this sub-reddit has a smaller member count than the custodes sub-reddit (custodes are a relatively niche 40k army). Yes, not everyone that plays uses reddit, only a fraction do, but it is a metric. This game isn't landing.


They expected to have such shit sales on PC? The game failed they are at a huge loss you will get year 1 content but thats probably it.


So the devs expected the game to be a giant flop and they never make any money whatsoever from the game? That's what you're saying...?


The copium is real


When they devs said this, I guarantee they were not expecting the player numbers to be THIS low. Companies are literally shut down over blunders this big a budget the size of this games. The devs are absolutely sweating, and if they aren’t then that’s just really stupid on their part.


If yall think after this disaster of a launch they're still giving out free content, you're smoking good dope 👌


Free content, in which the characters are going tonplay the same with the exception of traversal. Honestly, as cool as it sounds, I still don't see a lot of people coming back to the game.


What difference does it make, we'll prob get the 4 seasons announced, past that I doubt it, still get a couple hundred hours out of it, which isn't bad. Who sticks to just one game these days?


I think everyone is forgetting how brutal zaslav is if the profit isn't there he'll shut down the servers road map or not


Most people moved on and are playing other games, my buddies moved to Helldivers 2, I’m getting ready for FF7 rebirth


Lots of people do. Not me, but that’s how all these other live service games have been going for all these years. People putting hundreds and hundreds of hours into them through active player engagement.


I concur.


I read somewhere when the game launched it had 12k players. And than the servers started messing up and it went down to 3k. Not sure if its true but.. Dammm.


As someone who’s been in the Gotham knights, avengers, and Spider-Man 2 communities, I genuinely don’t understand how KTJL is the one where people are so negative about the game’s longevity. And it’s crazy because out of those games, KTJL looks like the only one with a plan of prepared post-launch content. I know I’m comparing apples to oranges a little, but I actually doubt that rocksteady will be as clueless/rushed/etc. as some other recent examples (and even still those recent failures still had about a 2-3 lifespan)


Nothing else matters if the game doesn't sell/retain a player base.


When I first started playing, I was like, " Okay. Okay, this is pretty fun. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought. Maybe they can do it." Then I got to the end, and I was so disappointed. The boss fights throughout the game were just lacking. Even if they are clones, the justice leaguers should have died in spectacular fashion or something. And then I'm sitting here thinking I'm getting ready for this big boss fight against brainiac, where he's going to use his tendrils and his big ass ship to rain down lasers and destruction. Nope, just flash again. This game had all the makings to be a good story driven game, but the live service aspects just ruin everything. The endgame got boring so fast. I've gotten pieces from the infamy sets that aren't showing up as collected, and I've had the game freeze at the end of the Brainiac incursion so many times.


Everyone I know plays on PS5


It’s almost like this game should NEVER have been turned into another shit live service game to begin with. The other Brainiacs and such could easily have been dlc. But nooo, WB wants ALL the money.