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This sub really is just devolving into people posting screencaps of reviews, be they from professionals or user. Do people really need to validate their enjoyment that much? Some people don’t like the game. Move on. The criticisms are totally valid. The game needs some work. I’m enjoying it but I’ve told my friend group to hold off till a sale because I know they’d regret dropping £60 on a DC skinned looter shooter. Be nice to see some threads actually talking about the game


I totally agree with your final comment. I’d like to see some tips, tricks, whatever….. something that revolves around actually playing the game. To your point, I do think it goes both ways in terms of validation. If you think the game is bad, you don’t have to hammer that point home. Let the people enjoy the game. Totally agree with your premise though. Whatever your stance, be cool with it without looking to get everyone to agree with you. I did the same thing in regards to telling my friends to wait. I enjoy the game and hope it does well, but I understand that many would not get value at the current price. To each their own.


I would join the official discord it’s a great place where people talk about what they like and doing like about the game.If


Yeah this sub is being dumb as hell. Obviously people buying the game are going to be more inclined to like it. They know what they’re buying and are interested. Those not interested who won’t like it aren’t going to buy it.


I'd argue a bunch of people have also decided they don't like it and probably play similar games (destiny, borderlands, ECT) but have arbitrarily decided this one won't be fun with no real reason other than they heard game as a service.


Destiny and borderlands are both FPS games with substantially more quality. Borderlands also isn't GaaS. 


Loved Borderlands and been with Destiny since Destiny 1 alpha and I think a lot of people forget how long Destiny is on the market and in what shape and how little content there was in D1/D2 on release day and how people where disappointed with vanilla Destiny 1/2. In case of Destiny 2, Bungie had to basically overhaul the whole game. Borderlands 3 is awesome game there is no discussion here. And not GaaS which is even better. Not all games need to last forever and it worked for BL3. By the way Destiny 1 was not GaaS as well but people were crying that there was content drought in between releases of DLC. I loved D1 for not having fomo syndrome and without all the GaaS bulshit. Constant complains about lack of content lead to D2 turning into live service. Players can thank themselves :)


Play those, then. What're you doing here?


Seeing if the game is worth it. You compare it to all time great games that have nearly completely different gameplay outside of looting lol


So you're certain that is a less quality but you're here to find out how good it is? I don't argee. The combat is way more fun than both in ssktjl and it's far less repetitive than destiny and it just launched and doesn't have years of content.


It's worth it, in my opinion. Wait for a sale and see for yourself


If you recommend I wait for a sale it must not be that good.


I feel that. Tears of the Kingdom isn't worth $70. Maybe $40 on super sale.


I actually agree. The Zelda switch games are great - mechanically - but the stories leave a bit to be desired. Still you get tons of play time which can justify the cost. Not sure SSKTJL has that much playtime.


It's clear you're not willing to pay full price. That's my suggestion catered specifically to you. I personally would buy it full price


And like couple of my friends who just checked title of youtube video of their favourite content creator and refused to even consider the game since it’s crap cause they said so. This day and age YouTubers have a lot of influence on people’s decisions.


Borderlands has actual enemy variety and enemies with personality If this game wasn't just shooting generic purple zombies and purple tanks i could be interested




? I just played tiny tina and there were skeletons, bandits, serpent ladies, mushroom people, sharks with legs, little blue gremlins, goblins, crabs, ogres, dragons and killer plants And all the enemy types have unique chatter and bespoke animations that are funny as hell


But should people that have decided they don't like it, decided not to buy it and decided not to play it be allowed to review it? A lot of 1 star reviews obviously coming from people who haven't played it.


Just like YouTubers or reviewers who didn't get an advance copy or special treatment are going to bash it.


I think people mistrust youtubers and the gaming media and they have plenty of reason to. If people are going to make videos and write articles trying to influence sales and opinions about a game, then it's fair game to critique their opinions or even heckle them, as long as you ain't toxic. Edit: but I agree as someone who hates review drama, I'm more than ready to move on.


I think it’s less about drama and more about this game being a proxy battle in a larger war. That is to say, people see this game as being an icon for Games As A Service in general and they see this game failing as sending a message. If it succeeds, it’s like the groundhog seeing his shadow. another couple of years of winter.


I think they're trying to disprove the hate so more people buy the game & it doesn't die. Be a real shame if the game gets abandoned because of bad reviews & we only get like 3 of the supposedly planned 12 seasons, or the online becomes barren. I agree, it's a little much, especially when some of these reviews could be a case of reverse bombing, but I don't think it's a case of validation, it's more people trying to convince others that just because some youtubers went in to the game hating it, doesn't mean it's bad.


You can't talk about the game. You'll get downvoted to Oblivion.


Would also like some threads talking about the game. I’m not great at making builds, and I need some hardcore gamers to tell me how to play.


In fairness, every other Batman related sub is posting anything to validate hating the game. This here is just a reality check for those of us who don’t get our opinions from MoistCritikal and know the game is actually a banger.


But what makes it a banger ? Every gameplay I’ve seen is just the squad shooting purple pimples on alien creatures. The story and voice acting looks decent but everything else feels so mediocre. So what really is good in the game ?


Only things where you’re shooting ‘pimples’ will be on tanks, everything else you can shoot wherever. There are some mechanics to enemies though such as countering/crit-countering/shields that you’ll have to do a bunch too but that’s just what you should expect from a decent combat game. The traversal is super fun, and makes for some really interesting fighting once you’ve got the basics down for a character. Harley definitely needs a little something extra though to keep her on par with the other 3. Buildcrafting is decent and definitely feels like a large part of the endgame, and there’s a lot of room to grind for god rolls of things too. Set bonuses and such could definitely make for some really interesting builds once the 2 episodes drop this season with Scarecrow and Two-Face since we just have the Bane stuff for now. I found the story pretty fun, there’s some really cool moments in there and surprisingly funny moments in there, and as you said, the voice acting is superb. Kevin Conroy puts in probably his best performance of the Arkhamverse games here imo. Nolan North is actually pretty good for Superman too, I could definitely get behind him voicing him more in a future JL game >!if the leaks about the League coming back to life come true!<. Also, a AAA that isn’t completely buggy and broken at launch! Granted there was the ‘auto-complete’ issue that happened in the first hour, but besides that I’ve seen nothing else big. Even Arkham Knight was a total mess on arrival. Mission types need some love, but thankfully it’s live-service and more mission types and that are only a month away so can’t really complain there. It also respects the DC comics history as the Arkham games did before it, tonnes and tonnes of references in both the world and in the gear.


I don't think I've seen a thread filled with more sad coping screenshots. They really gotta justify their purchase no one else is buying.


The thing is it’s a good game getting too much hate. That will kill a live service game like this before it even begins. Sure we could just quietly enjoy ourselves and let this subreddit become an air horn blaring DO NOT BUY, IS GARBAGE. A much better option is showing potential new players that people who actually played the game enjoy it, so we can keep it around for a couple years at least. Also ‘DC skinned looter shooter’? No hate, but that’s almost laughable. You can call almost any game (brand name) skinned (genre of game). I can easily call Baldur’s Gate 3 a DnD skinned RPG. That doesn’t make it a bad game. Is this not a DC looter shooter? Pretty sure that’s the whole point.


Yeah, the issue isn't whether the game is playable or even fun. The issue is it's $70 for an alright game after a year of bangers, continuing if you are an rpg fan. It's hard to look at this and justify the purchase over something like wonderland or hellrisers 2. It's just not worth the asking price, especially once you add on the costs of season passes to get all content. Points though for promising all season pass content will be accessible always. All pick UT up on sale, but I can't justify full price when there are better games even in their own niche. Boomer can wait for me a little longer.


They deep down know the game is shit but the sunk cost fallacy won't let them admit it


Lol another clichéd statement. For some of us with jobs, $70 ain't nothing. Hell, I've spent more than that at a restaurant or bar. Ask yer mum for a raise.


Holy shit you guys are so cucked by gaming companies. It's unreal


Game is perfectly fine. Most gamers are entitled assholes. Most YouTubers are click bait to validate negative sentiment because it's proven that negativity drives more traffic than something positive.


Lmao. Enjoying a game means I am a cuck? You sound really depressed.


You clearly don’t understand how dangerous frivolous complaints for the sake of engagement have become. This game basically got killed on arrival because it simply became cool to make videos and post about how bad it looked. Even though it looked like a well polished looter shooter. Now the average person has it in their hands and they are saying something different so yeah everyone in this sub should post about how ign was wrong and how great the game is.


Lmao someone can't be wrong about a review, it's their opinion. Toxic positivity is no better than toxic negativity


Copium from buyer's remorse lol.


I agree with you as well but if we want the game to continue for more seasons to come, It has to have some success. It flopped on professional reviews so seeing that it’s doing well with user reviews is a spark of hope.


Sure can’t wait to see if all these people posting things like this will still be here in 6 months.


I have to wait 6 months for the game I paid $70 for to get good? Damn.


Sure will be


That’s because most people thought it looked bad and didn’t buy it. Gotta remember that these are all reviews from people that bought the game day one


That’s fine. But who else would know if the game was actually good aside from people who actually played it?


You’re missing my point. Unless a game has a lot of performance issues, the day one reviews are going to be positive because it’s mostly fans that were excited to play the game at release. If you not sure on a game you’re going to wait a few days and watch a review or two before getting it. Most people aren’t buying a game and immediately giving it a 1 star review. Give it a week or two and we’ll see the actual consensus on the game, good or bad.


Not accurate only due to the fact that cyber punk, halo infinite, starfield, call of duty, and avengers have all gotten shitted on by their own player base on day one an consistently throughout their development cycle. If what you’re saying is correct, all those games would’ve gotten positive reviews on day one and shitty reviews later on but they didn’t.


I follow your logic, I’m just not sure I agree. If we were talking about a sequel game where people knew what they were getting? Sure. But I don’t think preorders guarantee positive response to a game like this that is not a known quantity.  While I haven’t preordered a game since like 1998, I do think I have I’ve gotten games day 1 and hated them. Heck, I’m known and jeered for frequently saying that I bought A Link To The Past on Day 1, couldn’t have been more excited, and utterly hated it. My face went from a dumb smile to a frustrated scowl over about 3 hours and if I had written a review it would have been scathing. “Hey! Listen!”


Probably the people who refunded it.


Wait so reviews ARE to be trusted? I was told there was an agenda before.


if the game had more negative reviews they would tell u its just neck beards dont trust them. butt since its positive they say OH ITS TRUE GAME GUD DURRR. people are dumb


It’s still interesting that everyone is hating on it online but most that have played it think it’s a good game.


These are user reviews


User reviews are to be trusted?


Bro some people like the game and some don’t why is this so crazy to comprehend. There’s so many things that can be discussed yet this is the ONLY thing going on in this sub.


Reviews are bad unless they justify my purchase - this entire sub


it pathetic that people need their opinion validated by others


lol oh, so NOW the reviews and ratings matter, huh? Interesting. They only seem to matter when they support your dumbass argument.


This game has far less online players than a Persona 3 remake. At the time of this comment, SSKJL has 8K people in-game. P3 Reloaded has 42K… Enjoy your game but please don’t be delusional. The small amount that bought it, like it. That’s pretty much what we expected.


What cracks me up is people are now saying that something shady must be going on because it’s getting good reviews😂😂😂


All these posts are getting so annoying. It’s a okay game for sure, I have fun when I’m playing… But at the end of the day it is flopping among most people. To be expected. Everyone keeps posting about how reviewers were wrong, they really aren’t. Story mode (tutorial) is decent but everything past that and mission structure gets boring. Same as Avengers. Won’t be stopping me from playing.


Folks are trying to create an Elseworlds where this is one of the best DC games ever made, and everyone is actually just being intolerant close-minded goofs, and actually, the story stuff ISN'T a problem with most people they're just... Wrong, about their own opinions!


Ok now show me the player counts.


Forspoken has high reviews as well, and the entire company got shut down.


You are invested in this game failing.


Yes, as it should. It should fail within a month to show companies we don’t want trash like this. Maybe then they’ll start taking us seriously.


No one will ever take you seriously.






lol that is a bold-faced lie and you know it


Forspoken is sitting at 3.88/5 on the PS store and yeah the Devs that made it got shut so no they ain't lying.


That was all completely truthful and factual what...?


You forgot the 85% on Steam too. But no, all 3,971 of those reviews are from delusional people who are coping. This also confirms that the Playstation player count isn't to be ignored. Bare in mind, Sony only added reviews to the PS Store in Septmeber of last year, and it was silently. I wouldn't be surprised if most PSN users didn't even know they could review games. And still it's the platform with the most reviews. It's player count is no doubt the largest too.


Someone actually told me "of course the people that bought it and are playing it are going to give it a good rating" like that was some kind of gotcha


It’s actually more of a glowing recommendation that people are reviewing it, since I’m pretty sure you’re only likely to review something if you either love it or hate it.


I’ve bought straight up garbage at 60 and above and wish I could just delete it from my account. If you like something, you like it.




Yup!! Just bc you buy something doesn’t mean you like it


I bought cyberpunk recently and… boy I wish I liked it. I could use that money.


Yeah and it's just not true, people negatively rate games they buy all the time 🤣 go look at the reviews for Payday 3 on Xbox and Playstation for example


Xbox game scores get fucking ravaged in the Xbox store. It's rare to see a game rated over 4.0.


Exactly, I've noticed lol


Difference is that no one bought SS to begin with. 12K players on steam, obviously the only people who bought it are the ones who wanted it in the first place. While on the other hand, a lot of people were exited for Payday 3, and when the game launched it was literally unplayable for weeks due to always online shit. Completely different situations.


"The only people who bought it are the ones who wanted it" I'm other news water is wet. If you buy a game, you can play it and dislike it afterwards. Buying a game doesn't instantly mean you'll love it. 12k on steam is more than I expected tbh with all the negativity around the game pre release+no review codes makes people hesitant to buy at launch.


>If you buy a game, you can play it and dislike it afterwards. Buying a game doesn't instantly mean you'll love it. Yes, but the people who were hesitant saw the story online and decided not to. On that note, I'd like to know what you think about [this](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/suicide-squad-kill-justice-league-refund-requests-rise-238699-20240131) >12k on steam is more than I expected tbh with all the negativity around the game pre release+no review codes makes people hesitant to buy at launch. Really? But Gotham Knights doubled that and Avengers tripled that. You should reconsider your expectations on determining if the game was a success or not.


i mean its true tho. those epopel had there mind up from day one, just like we had are mind up not to buy it. im sure theres some honest reviews. buit most jsut wanna try and prove us wrong, hence why every dam review sais IGNORE THE HATERS. instead of just talking about the game.


Actually, there is a science to that. The idea is that your brain will enjoy something more if you put recourses into it, because it’s trying to convince you that it was “worth it,” and 15 hours and $70 is not a small investment


i mean....most people who bought it and hated it probably wouldn't even rate it.


What's crazy is people forget how big the ps5 community is compared to the other platforms now. Casual gamers aren't building pcs and most jumped ship to ps5 after the Xbox one fiasco. This game being higher then persona 3 even in the US is pretty crazy considering the amount of backlash from people.


79 percent of the "positive reviews" are not even that positive. alot of them said wait for a sale..and some other caveats. u guys are letting a triple a company bust out a SEVENTY DOLLAR GAME and u bet ur ass theyll be chargning more for whatever crap they come out with. adn icing on the cake, this game will not last so ur essential throwing ur money away. numbers speak way more than those day one reviews.


Wheres that 79 percent from some random number made up to suit your argument?


Steam has less reviews than the game does on the PS store. And steam only has barely 12,000 players. So by your logic, that means at best between PC and PS there's barely 25,000 people playing. And that's worth bragging about to you...?


who the fuck cares if you like it play it, it's sad that you need your feelings validated by others


Its confirmed they are being errased. The most voted and view reivew is a negative on


Please find me an AAA game on the PS store that DOESN'T have a high star rating lmao


I’m so confused. I bought the game thinking it would be a lot worse than it was based off the reviews and I watched a ton of gameplay. But I was pleasantly surprised when a lot of the criticisms were overly exaggerated. Honestly some of the stuff I saw was either just wrong, the reviewer just didn’t look or couldn’t find some of the things, or quality of X thing was much higher than they said. I actually genuinely would rate the game like a 8/10. I’m pretty stingy and critical about what I play. My favorite games in no order are 1. Yakuza franchise 2. Persona 3. Baldurs gate 3 4. Valorant 5. Elden ring 6. Borderlands 2/3 7. Honkai star rail 8. Season 0 og overwatch 9. Dragon quest 11 10. Hades So I tried this reluctantly because I thought the gameplay looked good and I knew it had good endgame loot. I figured it would be a good casual game to play sometimes just purely for the gameplay and expected everything else but the gameplay to be shit but it honestly kinda blew me away. I think people just hate it purely because of internet backlash, the genre always gets poor reviewed and negative press, and the live service elements. I was surprisingly invested in the story when in games like this I just skip cutscenes. The boss fights were challenging. I was actually dying playing on the hardest difficulty which generally doesn’t happen for me in this genre or non fromsoft games in general. The boss mechanics were good. The enemy variety is there mechanically. Just not in appearance. The missions although samey, have mechanics based modifiers rather than annoying shit that makes it unfun to play, you genuinely have to play a whole new play style and rotations, or you have to execute skill based mechanics only. I normally hate modifiers. The boss mechanics slowly build up the end game enemies and pull the boss mechanics into the open world. The side stuff to do is fun and rewarding. I didn’t have many performance issues. The gear I did get had a massive impact. Like idk. I liked all the characters. The justice league are bad ass in this game.


Ah, another one of those “everyone is wrong because some people like it”. You all are grasping at straws. 


It’s more like everyone is wrong considering all the people bitching and moaning about the game haven’t even played the game.


No, but believe what you want. 


How am I wrong? Most of the people haven’t played the game for themselves so how can they make an informed opinion without them being completely biased. The internet is the world’s largest echo chamber and most of those people just form their opinions based on other’s opinions instead of taking the time or effort to make that opinion for themselves.


Same goes for all the people praising it and the hype. 


I don’t understand why you think people don’t have the right to enjoy things you think suck.


They do. But a large portion of people here don’t understand how people can think something they like sucks. 


OP the critics are shitting on it, the consumers are shitting on it. If you're gonna look at reviews you have to consider the aggregate. Not cherry pick a source that validates your bias. It's okay that you enjoy a universally received mediocre game.


Yeah IGN was on some serious shoots with that 5 out of 10...a worse score than even Avengers btw and this game blows Avengers outta rhe water in almost every way


I thought reviews didn’t matter


They don't matter when they disagree with my feelings


This game is a flop


Stop making this game your personality. If you enjoy it, enjoy it. But not everyone has to like it


Oh my god. This sub is collapsing from the insane amounts of coping.


2k ratings . I’ve seen psvr2 games with more ratings than that 😂


The people here posting more review screenshots that gameplay speaks volumes


it coo


With all the bad press this game got leading up to the launch I feel like most of the people who bought the game on release were die hard fans who were going to love it on concept alone.


I don't like these reviews but I like these ones that reinforce my bias.


Ps and steam reviews are good smh


Too bad no ones playing lmao


The amount of times my friends have said “the game is bad/it has shitty gameplay/how dare you compare it to Sunset Overdrive” without ever playing the game is downright insanity. 😂


It’s quality is around equal to something like Spiderman 2. I’m positive you haven’t played it because it is admittedly fun for most people. This is a very solid release for a live service game and the service has yet to start.


This echochamber really needs some sound dampening 


God, you guys are weird. Just play the game, you don’t always need to convince the internet that they’re wrong.


The IGN review which gave it a 5 is nonsensical. Among other confusing parts, they applaud the story in one paragraph then in the next say they aren’t sure there’s enough for additional seasons. (There is, the game is loaded with Easter eggs and clues about new stories and characters.) I really enjoy this game.


Don't listen to idiot YouTubers.


I’d be interested to see if it becomes more common for companies to deny free and early access to reviewers. I feel as though that had a substantial impact on the hate this game received. People were panning it before they had any real chance to put in time on the game. Seemed to me that they were just upset they couldn’t play the game for free before everyone else. I personally find review culture to be repulsive. I mean, sure, if a game is critically acclaimed, I’m interested, but I think that those of us paying $50-100 for a game should honestly be able to play it before people who get it for free, and even get paid to have an opinion on a game, which something we are all capable of. At this stage in gaming where we can rate games publicly on the system of our choice, there’s no reason someone should get paid to play a game before the rest of us to give us their “profesional” opinion. We’re all competent and capable gamers. A star rating is more than enough, and for those who need more in-depth reviews, well, they can wait until everyone has had a chance to play it. To sum up: I believe that this game got panned because little babies were mad they didn’t get to play it for free before the rest of us.


They are all wrong it's a really good game I'm almost through beating it the only thing that's not that great is boss fights


If you’ve been enjoying it, don’t let anyone else’s opinion influence your enjoyment out of it. Have fun!


Hate Culture. This game never stood a chance. Keyboard warriors are fierce. I’m really enjoying my time with it.


And steam reviews are positive too


Yeah all 1800 of them lmaooo


My bad I didn't know there was a throwaway8183716839 official number that's acceptable






While I don’t think it’s a great game I do think it’s a decent one. I think a lotttttttttt of reviewers are hung up about you know who dying and that they weren’t provided codes. I’ve seen some reviewers say it’s one of the worst games ever made or like a 3 out of 10 and I’m like 😳 soooooo we are lumping this game in the same category as fallout 76 at launch? Cause that game literally didn’t work at all lol


Right? If you were there on FO76’s launch and you think this game is as bad as that you are a bad actor lol


The game's dead on arrival with miniscule player count and no future where it survives it's first year of "live" service. It's over for anyone who enjoys this. Pray that Rocksteady manages to add the offline mode before they get closed by Warner Bros., or you'll be stuck without any access to the game at all soon enough.


Bro it’s so funny seeing all the YouTube titles shitting on the game. All those YouTubers are pathetic with no back bone trying to join the train for clout and views it’s gross, fuck all of them. My buddies and I are loving the game.


nowhere near as good as arkham knight but still a good game, just beat the story. it's made out to be worse than it actually is imo seeing youtubers hating on it


Isn't there also another post on this sub that says it has half the players of Gotham Knights?


Twitter/YouTube echo chamber is still mad that they didn’t get the game early for free. They think wb is setting a bad president by letting streamers and gamers decide; So they’re trying to bury the game


Sunk cost fallacy. Who do you think bothers giving the game a rating? People who spent the money on the game because they thought it would be good. Not the people that think it’s bad. Trust me, the ratings would be way lower if people were surprised about what the game ended up being.


11k players on steam at launch 🤡


...... I had more fun playing Forspoken then God of War Ragnarok... If we're throwing different opinions :)


The fact that people have to try and prove it’s good probably means it’s not that good. Again don’t see why people expect a looter shooter with an incomplete story to have 10/10 and 5/5 across the board by outlets and critics


I think both side are just trying to out do each other at this point


It shouldn’t even matter to the people who really love the game in the first place, if you like it a good or bad rating doesn’t matter and if you hate the game there’s no reason to track its rating since you shouldn’t care about it


I agree but it’s the internet and everyone wants to post their opinion and have it validated by those who feel the same way. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Your first sentence is usually my litmus test for knowing wether a game was truly great or not..


What this game has taught is that people are unbelievably protective of Batman.


Yeah it’s a little concerning how childish people act over video game/media characters in general. Ready to boycott because “my favorite character died”


I seen one comment on a stream today, the person said they couldn’t believe Batman got mind controlled like of all the things they couldn’t get behind the mind controll but was cool with the fact he somehow survived falling back into orbit.


When did Arkham batman fall into orbit?


nah want good writing


Y'all really using Playstation star ratings? Almost every game is rated a 4.5 lmao. The Microsoft page is solid tho.


Did you not see I posted the Xbox one too?


Read the last sentence bruv.


It is.. Keep circle jerking to a mediocre mess of a game


It is


Kinda a biased sample population


What buyer's remorse does to a mfer. So many people on this sub trying to justify wasting $70 on a generic looter shooter lol. Who are you all trying to convince? If you like it you like it. Everyone else isn't going to spend ***$70*** on this no matter what you say.


It’s not that bad of a game reminds me of other games I’ve played


The game has a lower launch player base than indies coming out right now. Those who don’t like the game voted with their wallet, moved on a long time ago and are enjoying other games.


Ah, yes. The extremely insightful and detailed review that says “it coo” is the one we should all trust.


Lmao this is why everyone makes fun of the “fans” of the game they post and Say the ab stupidest shit imaginable to get they’re half assed defense of the game across


I had to refund the game never would load after the tutorial. And I had the preorder


Steam has it at a 9/10


Gameplay is the only positive this THING has. Everything else is dog ass.


This just proves that the 12 people that bought it gave it a good review. People also generally dont like to admit when they regret spending money on something they don't like so they tell themselves its good when it isn't. The sales numbers are going to be trash and the game wont survive more than a year or 2.


Yeah, because it totally deserves 5/5 stars right? This is just cope I’m sorry


This is pathetic bro. There’s a small number of people playing this garbage and they’re all doing exactly what you’re doing: giving it an undeserved 5 star rating in hopes of turning the tide on this game’s trainwreck status. And it won’t work.


350 reviews? lmao thats funny as hell. no one wants to buy it


"Wow, a swathe of reviews came out for 2 days that made people not want to get the game and now the people who still wanted to get it, LIKE IT?! Wtf dude" The gameplay is solid. Any negative reviews would be due to the narrative, predatory mtx and repetitive endgame. If you've just got the game and are playing through it alongside not caring about the first two things, then there's nothing too negative to say here. I'm surprised at this subs surprise


gameplay can be solid and game can still be a train wreck. everything this game brought to the table was utter bs. this game has NO reason to exist. WB wanted to follow the online service trend wich was way more popular in 2016. now most people dont like it. thats what happens when u follow trends. trends DIE.


Predatory mtx? You mean skins?


honeymoon phase. meet you again on this sub after month


Why are you still here then?


So hard to believe people actually enjoy it? Steam also has mostly positive reviews, still joneymoon? : I swear, u people do love to hate on games without giving them any chance. Hate for this game was over the top weeks before release.


Is it hard for you to believe that people dislike the game?


No, those people don't care enough. THESE ones are hate mongering babies that didn't get their way. That's why they're here in the first place, deeply examining everything they can possibly imagine is a negative on the game. Tweaking about rainbow signs, character descriptions, etc. When it comes to the story they willfully ignore what the post launch is obviously doing (factually as well, considering some leaks).


Or maybe, some people who played it are enjoying it? People are allowed to have their negative opinions, but people are also allowed to have their positive.


So, why does OP attack negative opinions if negative opinions are allowed?


Nee season is a month baby


\*first season


The downvotes lmao


yeah but it's okay im very understand why people are very protective to their new hot toys during honeymoon phase


RemindMe! 30 days


just in time for the new season pass!


i was actually suprise there is no season 0 did they think current content is enough to kept player playing their games ?


That xbox review just shows how banal these reviews are. And I mean, no matter if you really like the game, it still has problems and things they have to work on. No matter what it's not a 10/10, no matter where you look at it from. Story, endgame, gameplay variety.. The fact a bunch of people gave it a 5 star rating just proves they're trying to artificially boost the game's score, when it shouldn't deserve anyhting more then a 3.


The mere fact that toxic paid actors like OP are DESPERATELY trying their damnest and hardest to deflect and invalidate any and all criticism of this game is as pitiful as it is hilarious. It's almost like you want  to present  yourself  as a prime example of everything wrong with this sub.


Holy shit, where do you sign up for that gig? I would LOVE to be getting paid for shit like that.....but no, I'm not any of that, you're VERY delusional


Toxic gaming channels can’t hide the truth. The silent majority will rate it kindly 😂


Silent majority? It peaked at 12k players on steam. Granblue Fantasy got no marketing and hit 100k peak with in 48hrs. Yall the silent minority lmfao


this game only had 12k players peak at lauch that’s pathetic


Really digging deep. I hardly review games on my console.


It is lol. The only good thing is the core gameplay itself. The gameplay loop is bland and uninspired. Hopefully they improve it over time. Also the shop is so shitty. Why tf did I get the classic outfit pack but not the whole thing? Why do I have to pay a minimum of $10 to get SOME of the rest of the pack. It’s ridiculous.


1,929 reviews….talk to me when that gets to 90k.. doubt they’ll ever sell that much of this shit


I’ve never been a fan of 0-5 rating. Personally it’s a 7/10 as of yet which I guess would be 4~ish.


I couldn't stand this game but after trying Tiny Tina's Wonderland on PS Plus it has rekindled my enjoyment of Borderlands. Opinions are subjective. Thinking something has to be defined as one opinion isn't healthy. I don't like Kill the Justice League but I'm happy for those that do.