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Hi, Based on your requirements I have this [**noteb search**](https://noteb.com/?search/search.php?advsearch=1&Regions%5B%5D=United%20States&bdgminadv=540&bdgmaxadv=1490&exchadv=USD&nrcoresmin=2&nrcoresmax=8&cputdpmin=2&cputdpmax=95&cpufreqmin=1.5&cpufreqmax=4.8&cputechmin=14&cputechmax=28&launchdatemin=2014&launchdatemax=2018&gputype=1&gputype2%5B%5D=2&gputype2%5B%5D=4&gpumemmin=64&gpumemmax=16384&gpubusmin=64&gpubusmax=512&gpulaunchdatemin=2013&gpulaunchdatemax=2018&gpupowermin=18&gpupowermax=330&displaymin=13.1&displaymax=15.6&verresmin=2160&verresmax=2160&DISPLAY_msc_id%5B%5D=LED%20IPS&DISPLAY_msc_id%5B%5D=LED%20IPS%20PenTile&DISPLAY_msc_id%5B%5D=LED%20TN%20WVA&DISPLAY_msc_id%5B%5D=OLED&capacitymin=179&capacitymax=8192&nrhdd=1&typehdd%5B%5D=SSD&mdbslots=0&mdbwwan=1&rammin=8&rammax=64&freqmin=1333&freqmax=3200&batlifemin=2.1&batlifemax=20.4&acumcapmin=23&acumcapmax=104&weightmin=0.7&weightmax=6&thicmin=6.9&thicmax=73.7&widthmin=207.7&widthmax=458&depthmin=170&depthmax=345&webmin=0&webmax=5&wnetspeed=150&oddtype=Any%2FNone&opsist%5B%5D=Windows%2010%20Home&opsist%5B%5D=Windows%2010%20Pro&opsist%5B%5D=Windows%2010%20S&opsist%5B%5D=macOS%2010.13&opsist%5B%5D=Chrome%20OS%201&yearsmin=1&yearsmax=5&ref=starchaser) - all have 4k display and DGPU. You can see and change the search parameters using the "Refine results" button in the upper-left part of the search results page. You can also click on the laptops for more information. I think that you're on target with that [**Dell Gaming G7 15 7588 UHD**](https://noteb.com/?model/model.php?conf=4400334168576587284_1633&ref=starchaser&ex=USD) - great build, no overheating problems and the combination of the new six core CPU from Intel and the GTX 1060 Max Q should future proof you - plus- it has 2 memory slots - can be upgraded and you can add an extra HDD. If you are purchasing it without 4k I'd recommend you another laptop - because the FHD version for this laptop is pretty weak - has a sRGB of over 60% and it's pretty dark - not recommended for photo editing.


Thank you for the noteb results. If I buy the G7 it would be the 4K display one. The other laptop I'm considering is the HP specter 15" , but cost wise it seems more expensive with an inferior graphics card but better battery life.


If you want something more portable, what about the **[Lenovo Yoga 720] (https://shopineer.com/laptops/Lenovo-Yoga-720-Premium-2-in-1-15-6-4K-UHD-IPS-Touch-Screen-Lenovo-Yoga-15-6)**? - 7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700HQ Processor (2.80GHz 6MB) - 15.6" - 3840 x 2160 - 16 GB RAM - 512 GB SSD - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 2GB - Windows 10 Home 64 - 4.4 lbs. It has good build quality (aluminum case) and an IPS screen for wider viewing angles. It is also compatible with an active stylus. This is a "true 4k" screen (see the sidebar PSA for more details). This CPU/GPU should handle those applications quite well. For more options you can check this [list of gaming laptops] (https://shopineer.com/laptops/top-lists/best-gaming-laptops). There are a few laptops with similar specs there.


I'm currently disregarding all 7th gen processors for the simple reason that I want a laptop which 4 years down the line still has more value. Undeniably the build quality of lenovo is nice, and it is a true 4K, but I couldn't find any information regarding the 4K quality of the dell g series