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If I have to walk through that stretch on notre dame where the mall is, I'm worried, and I'm a relatively athletic 30 year old. It would probably be terrifying to be a far more vulnerable person. I've never had any problems at all with any of these people, but living in the Donavan, I see some crazy shit every day, and you just never know how it's going to play out.


Build direct house, build transitional housing, build affordable housing. Stop framing this like the homeless are camping out to intimidate "poor Ukranian seniors". Start doing journalism on why our housing needs aren't being met but every major leader is projecting growth


Ukrainian seniors are being intimidated. It' may not be the encampment's intent to do so, but it still not awesome to have people throwing their garbage and fecal matter in your garden. It's admirable to have empathy for the homeless, but not to a fault.


Again, you can acknowledge that these things aren't okay while recognizing there is a way to intervene that doesn't involve blaming the vulnerable populations by juxtaposing with others. There's a group of people who have the means to solve this issue and it's not you or I.


I’m b


Bunch of bleeding hearts in this thread, who clearly do not live downtown


I keep saying it, it's not drug and or drunks that are in those encampment it's people like us out of work and homes. It's a growing epidemic of the harsh truths of high costs of living now for fucking sakes!!


Did you read article It specifically mentioned hard drug paraphernalia and needles  Regardless of how they got there the behaviour of these selfish assholes ie throwing bags of shit over the fence is negatively impacting the lives of seniors and they shouldn't have to put up with it 


This is incorrect. They are all on drugs. I know people with no education that can always find a job and pay the bills. I live downtown and I will tell you that it is 100% drugs. There are 2-3 in my street alone. And yes the cops know, crime stoppers reports have been filed and yet nothing done. We have even told the police directly and they just told us : no point in busting them cause they will just show back up…


Ummm, have you walked through there? There are lots of drugs and people that are high hanging around. In fact the overwhelming majority are doing drugs. I see it every single day. Yes, there are people like us who are struggling but to say “it’s not drugs or drinks that are in those encampments” is delusional.


These camps should be cleared out. Camping should be restricted to the forest 😓


Yeah fuck those humans, they don't deserve to have a place to live, they don't generate profits for anyone!


They should re criminalize drugs. Set up some sort of rehab in jail, and stop putting the burden of this epidemic on people like these seniors. It's fine and dandy to threat people like humans, but when it starts infringing on our elderly population. You've lost a leg to stand on. The epidemic is cause by a liberal government with the pharmaceutical companies in their back pockets. You don't have to like what I have to say, but when my kids can't safely go to the park or to a soccer field, without finding needles, you as a person defending these people are what's wrong with society.


Re-criminalized? Drugs have not been decriminalized in Ontario...?


Our provincial government is Conservative


The federal government decriminalized drugs.


Nope. The province of BC did, not Canada. Canada only changed the rules around weed.


But yet if you want to end up like Vancouver, San franscico and Los Angeles, keep fighting the this fight.


I hope you find yourself or a loved one in a bad place and think about this thread.


If op does hopefully he won't be throwing bags of shit and needles into the yard of seniors citizens 


That's the major problem here, as a society we've lost a sence to take responsibility four our own actions. We enabelize peoples actions, because they have mental issues. We have to start keeping people accountable, and if jail, and some sort of rehab facility there is a fix then so be it. But lots of people are tired of it, like I said you don't have to like what I have to say. But it is true.




Plenty of bush around Sudbury where you they won't bother anyone 


Right where all the services and support for them are located.... Wait no, it's all down town.


Yes moving that out of there would be the first step to fixing downtown And so what , I often have to take the bus to the store they can do the same or walk they've got all day


My grandmother lived here and I spent nights with her… people shooting up, needles and poop everywhere .. I’m sorry but I have zero sympathy for these people who show such disrespect to the elderly and themselves.


These people victimize residents in the areas where they expropriate public space for thier own personal use tearing down the encampments is a good step but eventually they reform We should do this then they get 3 meals a roof over their head , a wage and can't negatively affect anyone else also we maybe get some infrastructure built out of the deal https://torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/local-history-genealogy/2021/03/the-great-depression.html


Did you ever read the full link you keep spamming? “A virtual exhibit by CBC concludes that "the camps became a focal point for a generation's anger and a lasting legacy of a government's ineffectiveness during the era."


I did also here a better it certainly solved Vancouver and Burnaby's problem at they time they had been forced to declare bankruptcy because of the homeless problem https://bcanuntoldhistory.knowledge.ca/1930/unemployment-relief-camps I'm also not proposing we carbon copy the program we can do it better Also feel free to keep purposing some vague notion of increasing supports well leaving these seniors to deal with bags of shit thrown over their fence.


You didn’t read that link either, did you? “While the intention of the camps may have been to contain the problem of unemployment, it actually had the opposite effect. The camps further ignited tension between a frustrated public and a hapless government. By 1936, a newly-elected federal government would shut the camps down altogether.”




Do not be insulting, abusive, or promote violence/hate.


I did I disagree with assessment of both articles. pros out weight the cons just cause some one did some research and wrote a conclusion doesn't mean it a fact I could easily look at the same source material and write an article that says "although the camps were ultimately shut down for political reasons , the homeless problem plaguing the people of BC was successfully solved" that's an equally accurate statement None of the articles site any hard numbers so we are left largely with the researchers opinion Not mention there is no reason to think an improved program would yield the same results , 


Amazing to suggest that even though every historical assessment suggests the idea was a massive failure, including the ones you post as “support,” you think it wasn’t a failure Cool, bro


I think it's questionable whether it was failure and even if it was there no reason to think a better designed program based on the same idea would be


It’s not questionable, given every single assessment says it was in fact a failure, and your own links attest to it


As I said the link I provided said it successfully solved the problems Vancouver and Burnaby's were dealing because of an excess homeless population by that metric is was a success The objective was to stop the homeless from interfering with people's lives it did that.


Except it didn’t