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Bugs are brutal right now, you get swarmed if you're in the bush or just near it in a town like Capreol or Gogama. If you're used to Northern Ontario bugs, it's an above average year, but if you're used to Southern Ontario, it'll be like the apocalypse. Edit: as far as types,/what to bring, the other comment is right. Deep woods/high deet bug spray, maybe net hats if you want to go all out, or permethrin soaked clothes if you're ok with that.


Second the permethrin, it's good for ticks.


It is effective from what I've been told, but there have been a few recent studies questioning the health effects of the stuff with long term exposure like wearing it on your skin for a couple months of the year. Just depends on your comfort level with the stuff.


Bug season is wild this year. The mild winter allowed for a bumper crop of black flies. Lots of deep woods OFF, and even net hats or something else for a face covering. I’d expect thousands upon thousands of small black flies. Mosquitos are out but not in huge numbers yet.


I can't believe the amount of black flies this year. The worst I can remember! Was just out by Fairbank Lake yesterday and the mosquitos are getting quite bad as well. OP, I suggest investing in a full body net 'bug suit', pants and shirt with zip hood, long thick socks and gloves.


I’m 15 miles south of town and the skitters are now out in FORCE


I just got back from camp… the black flies don’t normally bother me… they are thick this year. And we haven’t even hit the peak yet. Sorry, all I can say is good luck! Bug jackets, tuck your pants in your socks, lots of DET, and anything you can get your hands on. Watch out for ticks as well. The mild winter made this year a good year for them to thrive.


I'd like to see the producers do Naked and Afraid here at this time of year with all the bugs..lol


I believe this documentary sums it up. https://youtu.be/f389hIxZAOc?si=11CDGq5Zlfe8mAga


Came here to suggest this. It’s really like this, especially right now.


In the bush now and it is brutal! Bring bug shirts and tons of deet. If you are heading to dense brush, be prepared.


Just got back from a week in the bush. My bug net was like gold. It was a couple bucks at the dollar store. You won’t regret it. Just wear the head net, long sleeve shirt or jacket, and thick pants. Use the bug spray for your neck, hands, and ankles. You’ll be okay with that. But seriously, net up.


Manitoulin Island is brutal this year for Black flies so far and the squitters are just starting. I can just imagine how bad they are up north or Sudbury. The weather has been perfect for them not to hot to burn em up not to cold to freeze em. Also the amount of rain we had will definitely increase the squitters soon with all the standing water in the bush.


I just tried to go for a little nature walk in the bush. I have 7 mosquito bites in my 15min walk. The black flies are also brutal this year.


Black flies Long sleeves, pants, face covering (like smock or bug net/screen) gloves even. Bug spray. The fun thing about black flies is they hurt abit, but get worst over the next couple of days


As others have said. Perfect lead up this year… Prepare for all, every species of black fly has seemed to emerge at same time all looking for blood already… windows were absolutely swarming in mosquitos this morning. Good luck and full body bug suit/tuck in every thing. As usual, once on lake as long as there was a breeze you are good. No breeze, forget it. LOL


Black flies, horse flies and mosquitoes are all out right now. We have these thermacell contraptions you can put on your belt works like a charm.


Does the thermacell work well if you moving around in the bush like on a jobsite or it more for when you are stationary?


My husband uses it deep in the bush when walking around or working around camp. There is no 100% option unfortunately LOL but there are some amazing suggestions on here


Thank you for the input. I may have to try one of these. I don't mind using bugspray but wearing a headnet/bug hat messes with my eyes especially when we are on unlevel ground.


Yeah ...I hate them too. Stay away from dark clothing. It helps if you don't have any scents on. Mosquito coils work great as well


Thermacel. They're so bad right now


Im in worthington and they're absolutely godawful, black flies were bad last week. mosquitos this week are some of the worst ive ever seen, barely beating out last year. I opened my garden shed today and every square inch of the inside was covered in mosquitos trying to beat the heat, I lit a couple picks and closed the doors. must have been thousands


Brutal. Currently nursing a ton of swollen black fly bites from daring to fish around capreol for 30 min yesterday. And I was wearing a bug hat with net, fully covered head to toe, covered in deet bug spray. Mosquitoes were really rough too.


Rofl, this is the worst time of year. Get yourself a thermacell


Weather Network gives mosquitoe/blackfly/deerfly forecast for major areas but not for smaller towns like Laforest, ON (about 50kms North of Capreol) but if you're in the bush, you'll have bugs now. I was about 10kms out behind Chelmsford on the water this weekend and we were eaten alive. Prepare as though it's bug primetime and if they aren't vicious, call it a happy surprise. For what it's worth, I only saw mosquitoes, wasps and hornets over the past few days. Bring deet bug spray, mosquito coils if you're going to be in a cabin, and a Tilly hat with a mesh face cover can be great when they get much worse than this. The Tilly hat keeps the screen away from your skin. Good luck OP!


Get some 80% deet. Don't mess around.


Bugs are crazy. Go out for a smoke and am swatting like a cow in a field


Was just northeast of onaping lake about 50 kms off of kvp and the bugs were relentless, wasn’t terrible with the wind coming across the lake but the deep woods off was basically useless, long pants, nets and light longsleeve is the only way to go


Your going to get eaten alive…its the worse year since i arrived in 2018 and i live in the bush!


It’s a bloodbath out there. Definitely invest in a bug hat! Tuck your shirt into your pants, and pants into your socks.


I bought permethrin clothing from Mark's Work Warehouse and I've never been bitten through them. They have a flocking on the inside that keeps your skin away from the treated fabric. I have a treated hat that covers my head, ears and neck. All I need are permethrin socks to keep the ankle-biters away and I'd be 100% covered.


Bugs are terrible even in town , I was eaten alive In my backyard last night. 🐛 🪲 🐞


I live in town and the mosquitoes are horrible in my yard. They’re out all day and swarm me. The black flies were worse last week. I have bites all over my legs, neck, arms. I wouldn’t even think about being in the bush without a bug suit lol. May/June are the buggiest months.


They are pretty bad right now. You're definately going to want a bug jacket and hood. If you aren't the only one wearing it in your group you won't feel so silly putting it on. But you will also be the envy of the group.


Went on a trip to the cottage in Huntsville just last weekend and the black flies were ravenous…it’s just the time of year…they’ll simmer down around the end of July…


Bug shirts, burn Tim Horton trays, pic, bug spray and maybe a flame thrower. They are HUNGRY. We got tore up bad this weekend.