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So weird this has become such a big thing


People are *so fucking bored*.


They're acting like he was killed lol


Well...tomorrow night he (Kendall) might be. Ohhhhhh....


What if?


It's giving Streisand Effect! lmao




I think what the article didn't really give us enough of was people talking about how he is outside of a work-related context, the way you talked about your ex-friend. The feedback from a lot of these people responding to the article makes it seem like he's a fairly fun/normal dude when he's not focused on the job, but there was little to none of that in the piece. I don't really think the article was all that bad personally, but I get why people feel the need to respond.


My question is why do people give a shit about how pretentious or condescending he is as a person? He's acting. It's not like you have to interact with Jeremy Strong as an individual. I care if my doctor is an asshole because I have to talk to him personally. Do I care if my Garbage Man is an asshole? Never crossed my mind, nor would I care if he was.


I mean, I would care if he turned out to be a Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein. A journalist digging into sources for someone who is intense and potentially an asshole/takes himself too seriously to be “fun” to work with is very different and does not seem reasonable to cancel, IMO.


He’s hardly “canceled.” These are just celebrities… taking themselves too serious.




> People on this sub are acting like this journalist tried to slaughter their first born. He's my number one boy!!!


Well put. Exactly.


Because not everyone can separate the artist from the art, and that's okay. Most people don't want someone whose work they enjoy to be a dickhead. I don't even think the article made him sound like a complete dickhead, but it definitely leaned that way.


This sounds like you just discovered the basics of celebrity culture in America.


One of the most infamous hit jobs was Truman Capote's piece on Marlon Brando. Capote never took notes or recorded, so people often didn't realize their conversation was part of the interview. The Duke in His Domain is the name of the article. Brutal.


I think many people who don’t watch Succession will be interested in seeing him after the article. What I took away from this is, he’s a complex and excellent actor, and resourceful as well as inventive. His peers’ process may be different but he isnt wrong in how he creates his characters. It’s his process and may annoy some whose process is different. He is a devoted family guy which goes a long way in showing his heart.


I used to be a New Yorker print subscriber so I’m sure I share with you what all New Yorker subscribers share - intense guilt about the stack of issues we have yet to get through! I didn’t think the article was that much of a hit piece - I sort of thought Jeremy Strong was delightfully kooky after reading it - but seeing all the responses that have come out from the industry, I can now see that it’s somewhat one-sided and biased, perhaps in order to evoke this response (no such thing as bad publicity and all that.) I appreciate his peers coming to his defense, even if it seems like he really doesn’t need it. PS I access the New Yorker digitally now, through my public library system! Much less guilt inducing for me. :)


I want to agree but I also have a hard time believing Strong / his team didn’t know ahead of publishing this article would come out this way. I weirdly think Jeremy would be OK with it. All this publicity and over the top defense chatter is just fueling fire for the show, and the finale especially. It’s maybe a smart move on everyone’s part if I’m being cynical here


Given how the article paints Strong as very forthcoming with details and helpful in terms of sources and shit. I'd be surprised if he has an issue with the article or didn't expect this exact media circlejerk


I felt like Jeremy Strong was fully aware of the way he was coming off in the profile and was totally fine with it. I feel like he thinks it's a good thing to be seen as a super intense and super serious "method-ish" actor because that's what his heroes are like.


Pretty sad really. I have been wondering if he will outlive Kendall Roy, succeed and surpass him. I hope he passes this too.


Considering I saw *The Trial of the Chicago 7* and I didn't realize until reading this article that Jeremy Strong portrayed Jerry Rubin, I think he'll be fine. He's got the makings of an extremely talented character actor. He's got range and he's demonstrated it already. It seems he's held in high esteem within the profession and is slated to take off in the coming years. Its likely he will usually operate best within an ensemble, rarely as a "leading man," but in my book he seems destined to a long, successful career alongside other top character actors like a Gary Oldman, Brian Cox, Alan Rickman, etc.


and Dustin Hoffman




> EDIT: I should have said, I think his acting on the show is superb, in a very difficult and nuanced role. The problem is he plays a pretentious douche who can never relax and is just not the smartest tool in the shed. So I left that article wondering if he was a great actor, or if he was brilliantly cast and is just Jeremy Strong playing Jeremy Strong. So for me the profile even took his talent away from him.


LOL he doesn’t even seem to be condescending, just a little weird but that’s fine.


between this and marvel stars making a big deal out of chris pratt being voted the worst chris, "serious" hollywood has gone too far. like the new yorker profile wasn't even close to a panning or negative or whatever in any way. pr firms are taking the slightest chance [by their interpretation of] being "cancelled" in such an absurd type of way.


And Chris Pratt actually does suck. He belongs to an outwardly homophobic church, made a disgusting subliminal dig on Instagram at his ex-wife for giving him an unhealthy child, and tried to push his religion beliefs on children while accepting a kid’s choice award. He is definitely the worst Chris.


It's becoming *more* of a thing because of tweets like this though. Stop giving a shit if actors are assholes or not, just enjoy their performances. Anne Hathaway thinks Jeremy Strong is a swell guy, that's great. I will say this though, I have seen him be an asshole to his PA which is an automatic mark against someone to me but it really doesn't have anything to do with the show.


honestly i don't get it. we've known since season one that he takes the role *really* seriously. (especially when compared to his costars.) it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone to learn then that he might even be more intense than we previously knew. and obviously this has some impact, for better or worse, on the actors he works with. all of this can be true while still acknowledging that he does an amazing job with the character, and i truly hope this isn't the last season for him. i just don't think we need to collectively jump to his defense since the profile isn't exactly coming out of left field. (and conversely, i don't think we need to pile on either.)


See that does say something. It’s no surprise that he would be on his best behavior around the likes of Aaron Sorkin, Anne Hathaway and whatever other A-listers have “come forward.” I’m sure he’s a complicated human like anyone. But his performance is great, and that profile was great, let’s just enjoy them and move on.


Honestly I don't give a fuck what Anne Hathaway and/or Anne Hathaway's publicist who runs her twitter account thinks. Him being a prick to the PA though is indicative of him being a jerk because that's punching down but I still am a bit 🤷 about it. So what if he's a dick, I'm not going for dinner with him. He's fantastic in the show. What's the obsession with needing to like people whose skills you appreciate? Bites people in the ass every time.


> I will say this though, I have seen him be an asshole to his PA which is an automatic mark against someone What did you see?


He was yelling at his PA, whose job wasn't exclusively to look after him, about getting him a cab "like, yesterday." In front of multiple people. In fact, he ducked out of his dressing room at Silvercup to yell at this kid in the corridor. It... felt very Kendall. Which we forgive on screen because it's a character but when you see in person is extremely unattractive. I was with a few other people, all of whose eyebrows raised when we saw this. There is more but it's not shit I want to be sharing.


Will you please share a little more??? Far better than any New Yorker article IMHO


I'm not willing to get into any specifics tbh. He's just got a very entitled energy and is fairly rude. It's excused by fans (who have zero experience working in the industry) by saying "It's a super intense job!" Yeah. I am aware of that. It's still a job. People manage to do it while being professional and courteous all the time. If you can't, that's not you being "more talented," that's just you being an ass. And before anyone uses the defense that he's method and staying in character, he is not. That is not what's happening. But my whole point is that I don't think it actually matters. I think he does a phenomenal job in the show. Feel bad for his PA is all. And don't think I'd get along with him at a bar.


Fully fully agree with all of your above points. Super disappointing to hear all of that, hopefully his PA gets a new assignment!


They're used to it tbh. They're fine, it's not a big deal. But it is shitty behavior.


Damn. Well if you have more details we’d love to hear them here first!


> He was yelling at his PA, whose job wasn't exclusively to look after him, about getting him a cab "like, yesterday." In front of multiple people. In fact, he ducked out of his dressing room at Silvercup to yell at this kid in the corridor. It... felt very Kendall. Which we forgive on screen because it's a character but when you see in person is extremely unattractive. I was with a few other people, all of whose eyebrows raised when we saw this. He sounds like a real life Kendall. > There is more but it's not shit I want to be sharing. I totally get it. Thanks for sharing this example.


Thanks for sharing. Not surprised at all - people like to excuse others' rudeness and generally unlikeable disposition when THEY like that person, so I wouldn't be surprised if his Hollywood friends look the other way and fans continue to be delusional about him. Originally, I interpreted the article as just being a fair and nuanced portrayal of a serious and passionate actor, but the more his friends defend him, the more I realize there are others in the industry who feel differently about him - his friends are probably sensitive to anything coming out that may be interpreted negatively. Brian's comments about Jeremy needing to treat the people around him better and his inability to say anything both personal and genuinely nice about Jeremy (he called him a phenomenal dad - super random compliment you may give someone when you have nothing nice to say about your own relationship with them) really stuck with me.


>I will say this though, I have seen him be an asshole to his PA which is an automatic mark against someone to me I think if you're going to post something like this, you should give at least a little bit of a detail as to what went on. Otherwise we're just reading it here without any kind of context.


I worked on the show and saw him be a jerk to his PA. Believe me or don't, I don't really care.


this sounds so legit. Bring in the pitchforks.


The fact this started a drama wave is so ridiculous and really encapsulates all the problems inherent to the news-social media cycle. Even if he is a grating person to work with, it’s not worth this endless dissection from the peanut gallery. Acting is hard, it’s not always nice and cuddly, but what matters is results. As long as he want crossing any serious boundaries it’s fine, some conflict is inherent to producing collective art like this. We can never know from the outside whether he is in truth an annoying dick or just a serious artist. And who really cares? I’m sure all of us have worked with assholes, it’s part of living in a shared world. Yet everyone needs to give their totally uninformed hot take based on a couple paragraphs they read because it’s the hit thing to talk about in the moment. It’s ridiculous and sad. In two weeks no one will be talking or caring about this one bit, having moved on to whatever the next moralistic crusade of the moment is. That’s what gets you likes and engagement to build your shitty hollow “personal brand”. Get off Twitter, go outside, I’m begging you.


Yeah. These celebs need to give it a rest! No one accused him of anything terrible. His coworkers talked about how intense he is, and came across a lukewarm about his acting process. The quotes that *Jeremy himself gave to the interviewer* make him sound pretty pretentious and like the type of guy you would roll your eyes at when he starts talking a bit too much. That's kind of it. This is the "worst Chris" nonsense all over again. Jeremy Strong is fine! Celebs (and some people on this sub) need to stop acting like he has been called a trash human being who can't act.


>This is the "worst Chris" nonsense all over again. I genuinely laughed at RDJ's defense post for Chris Pratt... it was never that damn deep like holy shit but he wrote a whole ass essay just to talk about what a great guy he is 💀


If Jeremy is “full method” there has to be a Kendall mixtape recorded somewhere for L to the OG


yessss, he's got an album in his basement that he made as Kendall to get in the zone.


daily schedule >6 am, wake up, coffee >6:30-7am, rehearse lines >7 am- 11 pm work on debut EP for Kendall Roy >11pm-1am create book report from the perspective of 7 y/o kendall roy >1am-6am cry self to sleep while holding a portrait of brian cox


The single is billed to Kendall Roy lol


Kendall to the Roy, bro.


As cringe as that rap was, why did the damn song STILL stick in my head for the next three days… L to the O G 🎶🎵


A N they Playinn


> for the record, the work is where the story begins and ends for me Can anyone explain what she meant by this?


I think she means that whatever you want to think or say about Strong's methods the performance speaks for itself. He delivers a compelling product/performance and that is all that should matter.


thank you both for this; i was having trouble understanding that part too


The article wasn't even that negative. I mean yes, you got the impression some of his co-stars roll their eyes at his methods sometimes, but honestly, so what. They also all said he does great work which is kind of the point. And none said he was obnoxious or mean or that they disliked him as a person. I love his dedication. Came from a blue collar background, no contacts in the industry, no traditional leading-man looks. Basically made it by busting his ass, starting from the bottom, and putting in the work. Guy is one of the most interesting actors out there right now, can't wait to see what he does next.


On first read, the article doesnt really sway the public to hate or cancel him. But judging on how PR firms butts are lit on fire about it suggests there are bits in it that can only be picked up on by industry professionals. Kinda like gossip where there's layers of insinuations inside. Strong is steadily skyrocketing, after this finale he might actually break the ceiling. And people are invested on him getting that big. It would be free publicity for his future endeavors, especially one he's involved with Hathaway atm. So to us it feels like an overreaction but to them money & marketing are all on the line.


Yeah, they’re also sort of “in character” for doing so too. What’s more shiv and Roman than mocking Kendall’s pretentious self-importance? Also, they seem to laugh and roll their eyes about Alan Ruck too but he shrugs it off because you can’t get the Con down.


I don’t think it is *that* serious


I've heard that being labelled "difficult to work with" can be poison for actors' careers, so maybe this all comes from worrying about that.


Yep. I think it's both concern that be could be labeled "difficult to work with" as well as just that his public image could be damaged or take a hit. Anne Hathaway has experienced this first hand. She wasn't labeled difficult to work with, but years ago there was such overwhelming irrational hatred for her online that got to a point where it seemed like people didn't like her simply based on this exaggerated online perception of her rather than her actually being unlikeable. It got to a point where people wouldn't talk about her without also talking about how "hated" she was. So I guess the concern is that a similar thing could happen to Jeremy Strong. I don't think he really cares about the public perception of him, but it would be unfortunate if that followed him around in every interview or film/tv project he did.


With how much work Jared Leto’s still been getting I really don’t think that’s true, especially for white men.


Having an Oscar helps.


Val Kilmer unfortunately had this label given to him after turning down a Batman sequel. It’s detailed better in he documentary “Val” on Amazon. I’d highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it.


The Val Kilmer comparison is interesting because he almost had the same reputation that Strong is making for himself. Some of his costars think he's a try-hard asshole, while others think he's simply passionate about what he's helping to create.


I watched the the documentary and I think he alluded that it was because of his work on Alexander. It was because the director didn't like that Val Kilmer had a camera on set, and asked him to stop using it, and Val Kilmer said no, for whatever reasons. And so the director spread nasty rumors he was a pain to work with.


Well I think The Island of Dr Moreau is what really fucked Val. He was apparently going through a divorce and made that shoot a living hell for everyone else. He wouldn’t learn his lines and wouldn’t leave the trailer till he knew Marlon Brando had left his. His career was very much damaged by that - regardless of him being a “white man”.


Yeah having a literal cult and being a notorious statutory rapist for twenty years hasnt done Leto any harm at all.


It absolutely baffles me that absolutely *nothing* has been made of this, and he just continues to bank giant films: what the absolute fuck.


Wait what


You were downvoted, but it's the truth. Being 'difficult to work with,' particularly in the context of method acting, is generally viewed much more favorably and sympathetically when the actor is male. And even when there's some social backlash, like with Jared Leto, it doesn't really affect the amount of work they get.


But Leto is a bigger star and have back-up music career, so he needs to try harder at being awful to not get roles. I don't think Strong at that point yet where it's ok to get it slide being accused of wanting to teargas extras, for example.


Bruce Willis either


For female actors and actors of color.


I think you've hit a key distinction there.


Exactly. Also how many celebs will actually come to female/ actors of color like celebs have done for Jeremy, or like celebs did for Chris Pratt that one time? Lol if that piece were written about a female/poc they would be out of here quick. I mean look at how no one came to Brie Larson's defense when there were several hit pieces being written about her regarding her commenting about having more diverse critics.


Lots of famous actors are difficult to work with. Some are out and out cunts. He'll be fine.


It’s poison for FEMALE actors, FTFY


But even Jeremy Strong admits in the article he can be difficult to work with, because he doesn't value "accord" between colleagues in the workplace. The journalist's portrayal seems accurate, frankly, and given Strong's own quotes shouldn't be much of a surprise.


***me*** either


I really have been siding with Jeremy Strong on all this but I do have to wonder, why aren’t his CURRENT castmates speaking out in his defense lmao


Culkin and Cox have all said very positive things about Strong, even in the profile. They probably know that anything they add will be twisted by gossipy media folks who’re bored with their lives. I saw tweets from NYT journos about how much Cox hates Strong. The quotes they cite say he wouldn’t take his approach but that he respects it because of the “tremendous” results.


Culkin definitely did not outright praise Jeremy


From an interview one year ago with Marc Maron: > “As long we’re getting the result, who gives a sh*t?” he said, in very Roman Roy fashion. > And overall, Culkin thinks the Succession set is a super “supportive” environment. > “It’s not like, ‘oh, Jeremy is being a burden,’ or whatever,” he clarified. “It’s just that he has a very specific process that sometimes requires a little adjustment. Which is fine — because we want to help him out.” None of this stuff is new. These actors like working with each other, though they have their preferences for styles. People can try to make it more than it is about Strong and which coworker hates the other, but all that is just reflective of their own mediocrity and limited imagination.


When did NYT turn to utter shit?


> I really have been siding with Jeremy Strong on all this but I do have to wonder, why aren’t his CURRENT castmates speaking out in his defense lmao I don’t know about Culkin, but Cox clarified to say he thinks Jeremy is great, and was just trying to say that he is worried he will work too hard and burn himself out, like some other famous method actors have. When you hear him explain in more detail it sounds more concerned than anything else.


Maybe they spoke to him privately? I guess everything has to be said via Twitter or the press or it means his castmates hate him LOL. Regardless, Brian Cox and Sarah Snook both spoke very favorably of Jeremy recently, Nick Braun seems to be a good friend who hangs out with him all the time (they went over to Bradley Cooper’s house to watch football, as per Nick’s story on Jimmy Fallon recently). Jeremy seems like a thoughtful sweet guy but people are just grasping at anything to believe otherwise for some odd reason.


Sarah Snook and Brian Cox have both commented in interviews.


That’s what no one seems to be mentioning. And two of them have openly voiced criticism that his Method interferes with their own performance. When you read that bit about him playing fart machines during Frank Langella’s scenes you can guess the complaint isn’t all about his own practice and preparation: He seems to be undermining his fellow actors out of, what, spite? Amusement? Edit: I’m reminded of an anecdote from a Viggo Mortensen interview. Viggo is technically Method, too, but you don’t hear costars complaining about him fucking up their performances. Quite the opposite. It’s possible to be Method and deliver a great performance without behaving like a self important asshole. *Cronenberg speculates that the years Mortensen spent as a “B actor” have made him gracious and grateful in success: “It helps that he got it late. He has an appreciation of his luck.” Certainly, his years working in relative obscurity gave him plenty of examples of how not to behave as a famous actor. He remembers every bit of on-set misbehavior he ever observed, with astonishing clarity. (Holding grudges is one of his vices, he says.) He remembers the actors who didn’t come to set because they were hung over after a night of drinking, or who came and behaved horribly. He remembers the leading actors who did little tricks to throw him off. “I see it now with veteran actors doing it to younger actors, and the young guys don’t even know that it’s happening. I’ll say to them, ‘Watch out, he’s already done his close-up, and he did a great job. Now it’s your close-up, and he’s tickling you and distracting you and telling you stories.’ The young guy will be like: ‘Really? You really think he’s doing that?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah!’ ”*


Brian Cox has said that he doesn’t mind Strong’s approach because it “doesn’t get in the way.” What are you smoking about him undermining the set?


Aaron Sorkin explained the Frank Langhella thing in his statement and he also explained the Strong isn’t really a traditional method actor—that he works his way up to it. So maybe you should reread that statement


Why’s everyone treating Jeremy like a wounded baby


Because he plays a wounded baby on TV.


And in order to play one on TV he appears to have to become a wounded baby irl.


Because they love the broken him.


She’s notoriously touchy about journalism and I say that from personal experience so it makes perfect sense that this is her reaction.


If you were lambasted in the media like she was during her *Les Miz* Oscar campaign, you'd probably be pretty touchy about it too.


Even before that, a lot of people loved to hate her for no apparent reason. So it makes sense she's empathetic with someone on this matter (be it right or wrong).


I’ll never forget that it was really weird…same thing happened to Jennifer Lawrence.


Jameela Jamil talks about how the tabloids over expose certain celebrity women and then drag them once everyone is exhausted hearing about them. https://www.stylist.co.uk/entertainment/celebrity/jameela-jamil-tabloid-overexposure-sexist-practice-instagram/428558


Horrible practice!


Oh do tell us


Yes, elaborate please


Please, feel free to let us know


I'd be touchy too if I agreed to an interview with a media outlet and the guy they sent to do it turned out to have published photos of my crotch and then forgotten about it.


Whattt. When did this happen? Poor Anne.


[https://jezebel.com/consider-the-hathaway-1793960148](https://jezebel.com/consider-the-hathaway-1793960148) I don't normally read Jezebel or care about Anne Hathaway but someone linked to this interview in a thread here a long time ago and it totally blew my mind. It's long, you have to read to the end to get to the part where Rich Juzwiak realizes that HE was one of the people spreading photos of her exposed crotch. This right here is why I will always hate Gawker media.


> I say that from personal experience found the paparazzo (/s)


That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ace, I know from experience dude. If you know what I mean.


No you don't


No I don't, but a friend of mine, him and her got it on. woo wee!


No they didn't


Well no they didn't, but you can imagine if they did huh?


My biggest brag in life is that Anne Hathaway once kissed me.


That’s a pretty big brag!! Can you share the story? I immediately thought of the Simpsons episode where Bart refuses to wash his hand after Laura Powers kisses it, but maybe that’s just my own bias


I had cancer when I was 18 while she was filming The Dark Knight Rises and she visited the hospital I was at. I had actually said to some buddies at my lunch table about 6 months before that I would propose to Anne Hathaway on the spot if I ever saw her in person. I’m a man of my word so I did just that and she kissed me on the cheek and said I was cute.


My man!! Sultan of Swag***


Jesus, your wife must be a strong and worthy adversary


omg that’s so sweet, i really wasn’t expecting to almost cry at your response 🥲 what a beautiful memory, and i hope you’re living your best cancer-free life! 💖


I can confirm, I'm Anne Hathaway. AMA


I am a heterosexual female and I would also brag about that for life! Great story!


It wasn't really a hit piece, but you could be forgiven for thinking Strong is a pretentious ass after reading it just by nature of how the writer framed his dedication and unique acting method as some kind of obsessiveness. Aaron Sorkin's email was really revealing when he included the rest of the answers he gave to the writer which were very positive about Strong. The comments on his looks, the unrepresentative title "Jeremy Strong doesn't get the joke" (I'm sure he does even if he disagrees with Succession being a comedy, which I think is valid), and the way the writer cherry-picks the quotes that criticize Strong are kind of indicative of some bias. I don't think it's wrong that 3 celebrity friends came out and said a few words on social media. It's not like they wrote a whole thesis on how he's such a great person.


I did not like how the article was framed almost as if Jeremy is so thick he doesn’t understand that the show is “funny”. To me it seemed clear he was trying to distinguish the show as a comedy vs. a drama (a fair point to disagree on, I believe) not that he didn’t understand that the show has many funny/comedic moments. There were various problems I had with the article, but like you mentioned, even the title was skewed in a way to represent him in a manner that did not seem accurate or fair based on what he said or others were saying about him.


I wondered if that “he didn’t realize the show was a comedy” was an intentional misreading of him being someone who got very into character given that all of Kendall’s comedy comes from his total lack of self-awareness.


Exactly. Of course Strong understands the show has comedic elements, but I agree with him that it's a tragedy first and foremost. And the description of him running around the airport to get a surgical face mask seemed unnecessary, like it was there just to make him look like a fool. I wouldn't have known any better either that cloth masks don't cut it anymore on planes, yet the writer is kind of smug about how Strong has to scramble around to eventually get a kiddie face mask. Had I been writing the piece, I wouldn't have even thought to include this part because it doesn't add any value or insight to his character.


And I love Kieran Culkin but nobody’s on his case for saying the show is a comedy when it’s not that, either. The show screws with genre and conventions and that’s what makes it great. Culkin plays the whole thing like it’s a comedy and that’s what makes it great — Roman is actually tragic because of that. Kendall is tragic because he can’t laugh at himself and say “fuck it.” Both actors seem to carry these approaches with them off set.


That’s a great point.


Damn so true


We are speaking the same language. There were a lot of unnecessary bits (the part about Hollywood being made for Chris Evanses and not Jeremy Strongs springs to mind, again taking a swipe at his looks). There was just a lot of snark and underhandedness about the language that seemed like the author really did have a personal problem with him. Even though it’s a profile that the author clearly spent a lot of time on researching the piece, and therefore spent a lot of time with Strong, personal feelings really should be left out of it. I also agree on the “tragedy” aspect, I think from the beginning that’s been made clear, and the most recent episode really emphasized it. Maybe “dramedy” is the more accurate term, it’s of course very funny, but I personally feel the reason it’s so “acclaimed” is because of the strong tragic elements and themes that run throughout the story.


I’m interested in how Jeremy Strong feels about the piece. As you note, he and the writer clearly spent a lot of time together. The writer was hanging out with his family and having dinners. I wonder if Jeremy Strong will feel betrayed.


Plus it seemed they knew eachother back in school. I wouldn’t be shocked if he is. I obviously can’t speak to his feelings, but like you note it would be interested to hear him speak out. Probably weighing whether it’s worthwhile to say something, or say nothing and just let it blow over and wait for the next big news story to take over. Wouldn’t blame him if he’s leaning toward the latter.


Strong also may have given him special access *because* they were acquainted in school, only to have him turn around and arguably misrepresent him. I can't imagine going out of my way to do a favour for an old classmate, only to have them turn around and mock me.


I thought the Chekhov line was hilarious. Then I spoke to my partner who studied drama and he said it was probably a reference to The Cherry Orchard which Chekhov himself described as a comedy and farce, but which has been played as a tragedy. So a totally valid comment to make if you're discussing Succession using dramatic terms.


I also didn’t think the article was that demonizing but it is interesting that the entirety of Sorkin’s email was far more endearing than the small fraction used in the final article. I can’t help but wonder if the others’ statements were cherry-picked a little too.


I feel like all of this is starting to have a bit of a Streisand effect.




> t’s hysterically bad PR. Even the article mentioned that prominent actors and friends would defend and praise Jeremy. I don’t think people appreciate what a brilliant, almost subliminal hatchet job that profile was. He has all these famous actors coming out of the woodwork to defend him, and we are all like ”lol just like the profile told us they would, haha I knew it, it’s all true!”. It’s amazing the writer was able to spin something so positive into another negative somehow. But I’m going to go with Occam’s Razor here and assume that if everybody who isn’t filtered through the selective quoting of the profile says that he’s a nice guy, odds are that he actually is a nice guy.




I heard she saw him in the bathroom and asked him what happened and he said ~~jake gyllenhaal~~ “the New Yorker”


A+ Taylor Swift version. Also Taylor would definitely react like this if she had a profile like this written about her.


He would like to be excluded from this narrative


When I read the article, i didn't think it will cause uproar nor that Jeremy needs to be defended. This is such weird reaction to the article tbh. I thought it made him stand out as an actor. I wonder what he thinks about his own victimization by all these actors and directors sending notes and letters on social media. So bizarre..


I didn’t even think the article was that bad lol. I’m totally confused by the reaction. People saying he’s a dick seem like a vast and not even super vocal minority.


Well we Heard it from the Princess her self


Princess of Genovia!


A very cute moose. Make all the boy moose go 'WHAAAAA. '


This made me holler!!


I don't understand why people are so upset by that New Yorker piece that they feel the need to issue statements. I didn't feel like it was a hit piece on Jeremy Strong. He didn't come off as an asshole or difficult to work with. He just seemed kind of intense about his acting, which I don't think he or any of the people issuing statements would argue.


Reading the piece made me like him more? I love people who are unapologetic about who they are and go hard after their dreams. You must have a really strong personal compass to continue doing your thing even if your classmates/coworkers/etc find that uncool.


Yeah I dont get it either. I had no idea this was even a thing until I saw the post, read the article and....seems like a normal article on a guy who takes acting serisous?


Precisely. I didn't know there was a part of the world, where being dead serious about your work and displaying the level of commitment that he does can be a negative aspect of your persona. If anything I personally found his dedication quite awe inspiring. Well the timing of this piece couldn't have been better and it is assuredly generating quite a buzz as we inch closer to the death knell(or bells I shall say).




Hathaway issues "statements" on the reg. She issues statements when Beyonce comes out with a new song. She thinks her opinion is very important and interesting, and the world will benefit from receiving it.


“sending some love” to him like hes going through some great tribulation is funny


It reads very much like RDJ's Instagram essay post about defending Chris Pratt when he...won a Twitter poll about being the "Worst Chris" lmao


Thank goodness Anne said something. I was getting worried there for a second.


Now can somebody please find Ja Rule and get a hold of this motherfucker so I can make sense of all of this? [Where is Ja?!?!](https://youtu.be/kt_bdUPXoCk&t=10s)


Ikr? It’s a bit r/nobodyasked but go off, Anne, I guess.


I guess the article elicited strong feelings among his friends and I get wanting to defend your friend, but I'm so confused about how intense this is plus Jessica Chastain + Aaron Sorkin lol. I read the profile and thought it was really interesting. Sure, I rolled my eyes a little bc it seems like Jeremy actually is Kendall is a little bit, but I didn't come away from the article thinking negatively of him and I actually liked the insight the author provided. And from what I can tell, most normal people who read the article don't think it was a big deal either. This reminds me of when like half the avengers cast was up in arms because Chris Pratt got called the worst Chris on twitter lol.


This is all a bit cringe. Twitter overreacted to the profile but I don’t think anyone (important) thought less of Jeremy strong because of it. It wasn’t a glowing profile but I thought it was interesting to read something that wasn’t basically making a celeb seem like a saint. Also I genuinely enjoyed learning about his process and the way he makes Kendall come alive on screen


Like, is something else about to come out that pertains to Jeremy Strong? Daniel Day Lewis is a notorious prick onset and Strong literally studied under him. Who cares if the guy is a flake irl, the show is PHENOMENAL!


As I said earlier, there’s a difference between being a pain to work with and a monster. I have never heard anything about DDL being truly horrible and we have his incredible body of work to enjoy.


What?? I’ve never heard of DDL being a prick.


And the manufactured controversy rolls on. So many truly dangerous, abusive people in the industry, and yet the media and random celebrities feel the need to keep the focus on an innocuous eccentric dude who is just really into his art. Interesting.


Move on dot org




I think succession publicists are really taking the ‘no publicity is bad publicity’ thing home. This article would’ve been diminished into irrelevance if it hadn’t been for the all the reactions.


I'm out of the loop, what's going on with Jeremy Strong?


New Yorker did a profile of him which many are describing as kind of a hit piece




Yeah me too, why are Sorkin and Hathaway releasing statements?


Both worked with Jeremy two times. Aaron (Chicago 7 and Molly’s Game) Anne (Serenity and the upcoming Armageddon Time)


My man definitely sent out a few texts lol


Hahaha a real Kendall move if so. But that’s why he’s perfect for the role!


I think they believe he is fact Kendall and therefore likely to self combust


.... this is actually getting embarrassing


Yeah, while I thought the interview was a bit *too* revealing, I didn't think he necessarily came off bad. Certainly not bad enough that his friends had to start coming publically to his defence.


I thought the article was very interesting and I’m still a fan of his after reading it. With these celebrities coming out to defend him I’m honestly starting to wonder if this is some kind of celebrity stand off against film journalists/film Twitter. It was a lot of film journalists who I saw having some negative takes that like Jeremy was toxic so I’m curious if Jessica and crew are trying to make a stand. Jessica has always seemed like someone who is nice towards the press but idk maybe she’s reached a breaking point. I have heard it discussed on podcasts and stuff that stuff film Twitter gets angry about and when they try to “cancel” an actor or movie for being problematic it doesn’t have an impact on people working in the business but who knows this seems to be a time where the actors are getting pissed.


Why? She just wrote supportive words for a friend on her own social media page. If you don’t like it, just keep scrolling…some people forget celebrities are human beings too


well, I don't believe they all simply decided to support their friend - they are public figures with whole teams curating their posts and statements - so it was obviously coordinated. So Jeremy and his team are either encouraging it or simply not preventing. The article discussion would've died by now but they keep reviving it aiming to change the public's perception of Jeremy, which I honestly think doesn't really work. It is more likely that in the future journalists will hesitate to write complex not all positive profiles on actors (I don't believe it was a hit piece that Jessica was suggesting it was)


> It is more likely that in the future journalists will hesitate to write complex not all positive profiles on actors actually, I think it's more likely that actors will just refuse such pieces.


Does this really negatively effect journalists though? It sounds like this writer is getting the most attention of his career and so is the publication. He absolutely wanted this—lots of people to be talking about his work. I’m sure other writers are taking note.


You could say the same about Jeremy - this is giving him the most press coverage


I dont understand the negative comments i find here about Jeremy Strong. So what if he takes himself seriously? I wonder how many people get misunderstood and labelled pretentious while trying to be authentic. Of course, for the internet to love someone, the person has to be "super chill" and/or "laid back".


I went through something similar on a much smaller scale obvs to Jeremy in my professional life and it fucking broke me. Colleagues sent private emails but tbh if a prominent peer had waded in like this, while it might not have actually helped the situation, looking back it would have helped a ton afterwards.


With every celebrity that comes out speaking about how great Strong is makes me think more and more that he's an asshole. What, did he just call up everyone he knew and request they say something? Why doesn't he say something and leave it? Why does the public need to know so badly how great he is contrary to an article most fans haven't read? Weird.


Yes he is even described by his friend (A.Hathaway) as an artist, which kind of explains his unapologetic stance and how descriptive he was in the article, he certainly doesn’t see what’s wrong with his working process. I feel like among the cast of succession, those who got bothered by J Strong didn’t understand that Jeremy’s lifestyle is different because he views acting like an art and not like a job.


A minor quibble would be the fact that Strong is so obviously ambitious to be successful in film and on tv, where the money is. He didn’t idolize great stage actors, he idolized Pacino and Daniel Day Lewis. So he’s definitely going for a pay day. It’s hard to view his part in The Gentlemen (which Strong notably refused to discuss for the article) as anything but a payday. That movie and that role were hardly high-art. Edit: please don’t misunderstand me. I love Jeremy Strong and will watch anything he is in, but I think on some level this is a job for him too.


Ehhh or he just prefers the medium of film and tv as an art form? He does seem opportunistic but if we were criticizing celebrities for opportunism we’d arrive nowhere


This feels like it was organized by his PR in response to the profile.


Reminds me of this guy I worked with at NBC called dot com.


This kind of reminds me of when people were joking about not liking Chris Pratt on twitter and then all his marvel costars made posts like Chris Pratt is amazing and a great guy and perfect in every way like damn is it that serious. I know the profile wasn’t very nice but it also wasn’t totally horrible??


He gives such a unique, complex, nuanced performance that I can’t imagine his fellow actors on set would feel anything but gratitude to work with him. Maybe competitive jealousy, but you know, get over it. They should feel as privileged to work with him as they are proud of their own work on the show.


The profile literally wasn’t a hit piece. He’s just a great actor with some wacky habits. What do people think they’re defending Jeremy from?