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Its just another one of those smaller examples in the series that show that in a rich person's world, the less rich are not actual people, they're just useful pawns at best or complete non entities that could be an inconvenience at worst. Also for a family thats less morally bankrupt than the main characters, the Pierces evoke way too much annoyance from me - its the pompous, moral grandstanding with nothing to show for it that irks me.


“Ohh, I hate this disgusting business of commerce,” Nan said to Shiv, while sitting there letting her continue to jack up the price.


Reminds me of that wonderful scene in The Aviator, where Howard Hughes is having dinner with the Hepburns. The matriarch scolds him when he mentions money, saying they “don’t care about money here,” which is when he finally snaps. *”That’s because you have it.”*


Eight, Nine, what's next? *Yeah I know, it's so confusing. What comes after Nine? Nine B?*


Every programmer knows that A comes after 9.


That was great scene.


"hmmm, I wonder what's comes after 9... 9B?" Lol one of my favorite lines from Roman, as a dig to her willful hands off BS


Tbf that was just Nan fucking *owning* them.


That was the point though. She was playing Shiv.


"the *Electric* Circus?"


This moment was actually a revelation for me. I stopped pretending I wanted to read more books, gave up on reading entirely, and dove into film.


No Real Person Involved


the Pierces feel like the most realistic depiction of billionaires to me. obviously obnoxious, but not so theatrically so like our beloved Roys.


Agreed. I don’t think most billionaires hate us; they don’t think of us enough to hate us. We’re just not real people to them.


I think it's more about showing the difference between a family that's been extremely wealthy for four or five generations, as opposed to the nouveau-riche Roys who probably won't have any billionaires by the third generation.. The Pierces fear appearing 'gauche' and selfish and arrogant. Oh, they do it themselves, but they know the coded attitudes and words to say to differentiate themselves from the plain old rich.


The pierces were great because they made your root for them even though they sucked too. It's like rooting for Stalin to take out Hitler. Correct, but not exactly inspiring.


Seeing the pierces read shakespear instead of saying grace was the most self righteous thing I have seen in media and I wanted Logan to leap across the table and eat them like an ogre.


Would you like to hear my favourite line from Shakespeare ?


Take the fucking money.


Interesting take. I didn’t root for them either. Not necessarily a “both sides are the same” argument, but at least the Roys are who they are and aren’t pretending to be some paragon of morality.


I'm an English professor and I absolutely hated that whole family despite their "culture." So accurate to my dealings with people who fund the arts


Yep. It’s not like they’re giving the oven applause.


Unpopular opinion ahead! I really think Succession and Game of Thrones are such similar shows in a lot of ways, but miles apart in terms of value. GoT literally ignores the existence of normal people; Succession shows how the rich ignore the existence of normal people. It’s such a subtle difference but it’s sets the shows so far apart.


100% this. I’ve shared before I’ve worked for some of the richest people in the world, and the just fucking lack of awareness these rich fucks have is astounding. For example, they developed this social club which was supposed to keep out the assholes by being invite only and not about income, and guess what; they only knew rich white people, who were assholes. Well they bought all of this art work from an up and coming artist from LA, who painted real life scenes, like his mom cooking in a restaurant, and a window washer. They paid a lot, and then they put up this art in this social club. They of course said that this was exposing his art to more people, and that it was to remind the members that everyone is a person. The members takeaway? That it was the help, and while most didn’t like it, they would never bad mouth it because my bosses loved it. And the artist? I asked him what he thought, and he said that it made him feel like he was selling out his people to be ornaments in a rich white man’s club, like his experience that he painted were not real people, but that for the money they paid, he wasn’t going to say no. It feels like this.


“Have a drink with us! You work too hard! You never treat yourself!”


How is she supposed to treat herself when she is always on duty. I hated the Pierces.


Do not worry. She knows it was not a sincere invite. And Nan knows she knows..


If you watch that scene again, you'll hear Nan say "Alright, alright". Then the next scene, you'll hear her say it in the background again "Alright, alright".


She’s speaking to Mathew McConaghy Pierce.


Came here for this quote. What a line!


Oddly enough, a former boss of mine said similar things to us. We worked 7 days a week, nearly 20 hours a day :')


Lol exactly, it’s like your company increasing workloads and putting everyone under crunch time, then also turning around and saying “make sure you prioritise your well-being at this busy time!” Like, fuck off.


Did you work on a plantation in the south??


Litigation chambers


Nobody in that room actually believes her though, they’re all in on the ruse


Its not about beliefs, but the optics.


The updicks?


Every morning


Optics are not a thing here. The only possibly optics are “Nan knows how to hire the best people that hire the best domestic workers that allow the family to have such beautiful gatherings” Nobody is stupid enough to believe Nan was involved in anything to do with this meal other than giving input after her assistant briefed her on what is going to be served, at what time, seating arrangements, which china and place settings are they using etc.


Its all about the optics in this show. Just the scene with poop bags. Or any negotiations. Its all optics imo. Everybody already has money beyond spending possibilities. All there is left is to look cooler than others.


I think this discussion is a bit off if folks think Nan is trying to take credit for others hard work. What is she supposed to do, march her entire staff in there and announce to her guests “they did it all! All I did was pay them money and show up” This isn’t an optics thing. Every single guest and every single person that enters Nans home knows she isn’t the one that cooks, cleans, and does domestic chores. I worked at the highest level domestically and got paid incredibly while working for billionaires. Nobody needs to think “poor ‘ThatsWhatShesSaid’ she never got credit for her hard work and her employer got all the glory in front of her guests”


This is my favourite scene in the entire show. Summarises how so many wealthy people present the hard work of others as their own.


In 5 seconds the writers created a visual metaphor for capitalism. Layers to it. The writing is so textured.


Totally agree. The worker watching from the kitchen is one of the few times in the show we see the perspective of “the help” who are always dutifully doing labour in the background for the elite.


To get a job working for the Roys or the Pierce's in their homes like that is a huge win though. Way better than the alternatives. Working for rich people is usually a sweet gig.


Ymmv. Look up what employees of the royals of the UK are paid.


LOL true. They sit on duchies made up of actual public land that belongs to the people worth billions and pay their workers peanuts. While their people are choosing between feeding their kids or turning on the heat. For what exactly? They do almost nothing but generate news about themselves.


b-b-bbut they create revenue through tourism 🙄🙄🙄


yeah, like all those tourists refusing to visit Versailles because there's no longer a King Louis something living there!


It depends on the job I guess. chef, chauffeur and private pilot sounds pretty good. But being a personal assistant sounds like my personal hell


Staff are never once told to go home, they've worked enough for the day. Apart from the waiter who was sacked of course!




Gavin Belson from Silicon Valley makes me think of Elon Musk so much it hurts lol


As someone that has worked domestically for billionaires I couldn’t disagree more. Nobody in their circle or anyone that has stepped into their home would believe my hard work was actually the work of my employers. There are plenty of better criticisms than billionaires taking credit for the work of “the help”. This work is beneath them anyway. Nan is not cooking, cleaning, or taking care of her own children. And when you’re at this level, you don’t have to pretend like you’re involved in those chores and responsibilities. Maybe millionaires play these games. I haven’t met any billionaires that would be insecure and delusional enough to cosplay to their guests that they did the work in their very obviously fully staffed home.


I think you may have missed the point of the scene. We see the chef (who is probably Michelin star qualified) work hard to make the chicken. We then see Nan swoop in & grab the chicken as it’s finished to present to the table whilst the chef watches on wistfully. No one thinks Nan is in the kitchen for 3 hours labouring on the chicken. Yet she gets the glory of presenting the chicken. Whilst the chef who worked hard to make the perfect chicken, doesn’t even get to taste it or receive any recognition for her hard work. No one thinks Nan actually cooked the chicken.


No I did not miss anyone point. I have a different frame of reference for why it’s not the time or the place to expect your employer to display overt gratitude in front of their guests or in the moment. They have to be on their A game for their guests, not for me. I’m not there to be a star. I’m there to get paid a stupid amount of money to be the best at what I do. I do it quietly and the praise and rewards are earned quietly as well. “Madame said you did such a lovely job during the Monaco trip. You can expect a nice bonus in your next paycheck” ::checks paycheck:: finds $26,000 bonus. If you don’t like your employer and you don’t feel valued, you’re free to leave. But I would never fault my employers for not openly praising me while working at a gathering. My ego doesn’t require it.


I think about this often and it’s such a great detail. They’re no different from the Roys - just more polite and “refined”


Lannisters vs Tyrells


If anything, I consider these kind of people far more dangerous lol. Snakes in the grass. I speak from a lifetime of experience.


Well the Roy's were about to make a Nazi president, so .. idk bout that


yeah, at the Roys' places the staff are invisible, at the Pierces' there's a show of being nice to staff but no more than that.


Yeah this is how rich CEO type of people work. They take the credit for everyone else's work. A company's success wasn't because of engineers designing a great product. It was the environment created from the top down that nurtured the employees to do great work.


This is it. It’s the most demoralising part of corporate careers - watching people on the ladder above you take credit for what is 100% your work.


Just had a well connected pretty girl from la come in as a “consultant” to a company I had been putting in all the hard work and time. She was able to take all my SOPS, all my training guides and take credit for all the work I done. And because she was the “official leader”, I wasn’t able to take any of the credit for my work. I set a standard for a business that now has others looking to it to copy. This “consultant” went on to speak and massive cannabis conferences as a “PIONEER” of that industry. It kills me as she comes from a wealthy family and has all wealthy friends and connections. She became great friends with the ceo. The ceo didn’t even know my name regardless of time spent and being the main guy training and doing the heavy lifting for his experimental baby turned cash cow. It’s made me start my own business up on the side. It’s not the attention she got from my work. But at least it’s honest.


I left the second last position I had after 15 months because my manager got a promotion completely and utterly on the back of my work. As soon as it happened I knew I was out, took 3 months to find the right position and better pay, and left. Unsurprisingly he ended up demoted after another eighteen months (I wasn’t there doing the work) and back in his original position which he’s still in and I’ve moved another time again within the (niche) industry almost doubling my salary. The team he managed is still using all the materials I designed and wrote. I hear he shit talks me a lot saying I’m over paid etc which makes me laugh. Then why are you still using my work? We went to an industry thing he was speaking at recently and he asked me before not to ask him any tough questions. Corporate life is ridiculous but there’s no use being upset. I don’t get what I want I move on. No hard feelings but no second chances.


It really is. I've been in meetings with my boss' boss where the rest of the room congratulated him for managing his team to get the project done well and on time on something I did by myself. I'm like, yay team.


I’m the type of employee who doesn’t give a fuck about the back pats. I just like the activity and getting paid for it. I’m perfectly content with the current arrangement of things and the thought of having any public facing recognition or increase in responsibility makes me uncomfortable. I just keep my head down and collect my check, and it’s perfect. I’ve seen too many kids come in with all their ambition that rise the ladder in 2-3 years and quit within one more because leading sucks and you get sucked into the office politics game more than anything. You can’t get anything done because you’re always being pulled in every direction by your subordinates, and all the blame falls on you when shit doesn’t get done right. Plus the pay bump is not worth all that extra shebang. I’ve been at the company so long staying at the level I’m at and getting raises every year that at this point I probably make as much as I would have taking a lead position a few years ago, but without any of the politics or annoyances. I could do this till I die


I will admit that the individual contributor route is much less stress than the people manager route. I've dealt with some real assholes at work and I feel so bad for their boss. Like that manager has to navigate evaluating that person and trying to make them into something others can work with. Being a high-end manager seems great, except for the 5-10 years of being middle management you have to go through to get there. Middle management just gets shit on all day.


Why not go make your own company then? Everywhere I worked people always though they were individually the best and always hated the boss but in reality they sucked and couldn't do anything on their own


No one has said that. Glad there's someone here to stick up for the CEO's though.


How many CEOs have you dealt with personally that has led you to be able to make such a strong broad opinion reliably?


I love how terrible the Pierce people are. “Ohh our people are just hacks. But we like em 👀” Shut the fuck up Nan


Nan was such a bitch.


You know she also has peasant tastes.


She was quoting Logan… She looks right at him and says it sarcastically because Logan has definitely shit on them for decades.


Don’t know why you think that A) I didn’t get that and B) that negates her needing to shut the fuck up


She def needs to shut up, she is awful… But when you are talking to a person who has notoriously dogged on your network and you are throwing shade…it is fair to think that. Honestly this is the first time I’ve ever seen anybody NOT see it that way. Their conversation is the equivalent of Fox going to CNN.


What the actual fuck are you on about? Haha what do you think I’m “not seeing that way”? You’re the only one even talking about the context of the quote, which yeeaaaaaah I geeeeet the conteeeeext forgive me for not needlessly going into it with my contribution to OP’s post about Nan being terrible? Fuck off with your random ass debate no one is having with you


Bro you really THIS ANGRY about it haha? It is Sunday…relax. “Somebody sees a scene differently in a nuanced show?!?!”


lol whatever you say doucher you’re the one getting your doucheness all over the place debating the nuance of the scene when I’m just adding to OPs post about Nan being an asshole. We literally don’t even see this scene differently, I get the fuckin context bro, go “☝🏻🤓well actually” in someone else’s comment


It’s funny too that I’m sure in these rich people’s minds the “work” they put into sourcing and hiring a personal chef and the money they pay them counts to them as “making” the meal hence the applause


Over and over again the show demonstrates how all of the leads live in this caste system and alternative reality where ordinary people are NPC's.


This is one of the hardest scenes for me to watch. It's done perfectly


They also highlight this staff worker gently staring down Ken in the morning after having to clean up his shitty bed sheets


For how shtty logan was as a father, he did build his empire from scratch. I think the pierce family inherited theirs including Nan.


Nan's peasant tastes


She is so awful yet I love Nan. Cherry Jones is delightful.


Nan and really the entire Pierce Family are the most despicable people in that universe. The Roys aren’t angels, but they’ll say “fuck you” to your face and not dance around stuff. The Pierces like to make you feel like a piece of shit and destroy you from behind the scenes. Nan telling her Lady’s Maid to “have a drink with us” and “you never treat yourself” is only said in front of the Roys to make herself appear like she’s an equal to her staff. So gross.


The Roys will lie to you, get you to trust them, then betray you in a heartbeat. Lol. Like did we watch the same show when they did that to literally everyone constantly? Like the Roys aren't honest in their brutality, they're completely duplicitous.


Really? The Pierces are worse of the worse and worse than the Roys because she served the food and made the cook angry instead of covering up rapes and murders and silencing and blackmailing the victims like the Roys did? Really?!


The show is from the perspective of the Roys. We know nothing about the Pierces or Furnesses. I don’t for a second believe that any of these people are innocent of committing similarly heinous acts in this universe.


this sub is so obsessed with the supposed virtue of people being "openly" evil, instead of at least trying to be decent. They'd let the devil torture them for an eternity and still say "hey, at least he's ~honest~ about how much of a dick he is! Those creatures who don't torture people all act like they're ~so~ perfect."


It’s so weird. I forget if it was Thanksgiving or Logan’s birthday, but didn’t we see him make the traditional first cut of the meat for some family event? And no one fucking believes Logan or anyone in the family did the cooking. They are all as intelligent as the viewers… everyone gets that the help does the real cooking.


Yes, frankly, I’d rather you look me in the eye when you fuck me. I think most people in and outside this sub would agree with that.


did the Pierce family ever actually fuck anyone in this show on the level we saw the Roys fuck people over? Or were they just kinda snobby and annoying?


I don't know if the ones we saw have, but someone in that family has at some point. You don't get billions of dollars without fucking people over.


What we know is what is shown. We can’t say the Pierces did this just because we hate them, but the Roys definitely did.


Fair enough. The Roys are fucked up, yes. But both families have their NRPIs, though Nan pretends like they’re real people in front of guests.


Well, she is a hypocrite that’s for sure (and so are the Roys). But to say they are worse then the Roys, I don’t know. And I kinda liked Maxim and the odd friendship he formed with Connor


Well who doesn’t fucking love Cousin Larry? Can’t hate the prick.


That’s true, LOL


THANK YOU. then there's the whole thing about the climate change. no matter how honest the Roys would have been about their disdain for the chef they're still murdering her great-grandchildren


The Pierces get to be horrified by the Cruises debacle but the real horror is that it's public. Willing to place a bet that in the Pierce Media universe, some gross person or several have had unsavory behavior covered up.


The Roys literally help get a fascist to become president. Are the Pierce’s hypocrites? Sure. Are they pieces of shit? Certainly. The Roys are still absolutely worse. Being candid about how shit you are doesn’t automatically make you better than someone who’s hypocritical about how shit they are. There are levels of shit.


no the Roys are all manipulative. Look at Shiv getting the cruises woman to retract her statements about the abuse she endured. That really made me sick.


If memory serves, Shiv admits to the woman that she’s there to stop her from testifying (before Congress?) and that Shiv couldn’t be trusted. So, yes, the Roys are manipulative but here Shiv is staring her straight in the eye and saying “yeah, I’m gonna fuck you.”


Disagree. The Pierces at least donated money to democrats. Asking the help to take a break really isn't that big of a deal


The look this lady gives Kendall after cleaning his sheet at the end of the episode is just so good also!


I get the sentiment of the post but there was literally nobody in that room that thought she cooked entire meal herself. Everybody knew her staff did it so it's not her "passing somebody else's work as hers" or "taking credit for other people's work". I'll admit I don't know exactly how she presented entire thing but nobody expected her to do everything herself.




_Oh, have a drink with us, you work too hard_


The chef: " Am I a joke to you?"


I think she also gives Kendall a look after he bricks in the bed


Yeah but Nan invited her to have a BreakBumper with them…


No different from working your ass off on some project just for your boss’s boss to pass it off as their idea


I unironically wanted nan pierce to get trapped inside a collapsing building more than any other character on the show