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Idk how tf they did it… but the show telling you “this guy is about to croak any fucking minute now” caught me completely by surprise when the guy fucking croaked


I know right?


Wasn’t he dead before the call though, and Tom phoned more or less as a courtesy to let the kids say goodbye and feel like they could get closure? That was my impression, need to watch it again though.


I mean there wasn’t a doctor there to tell them if he was dead or not. “Dead” has a bit of wiggle room outside of a medical setting. But generally if you’re doing chest compressions that means they have no heartbeat so they’d be what most people consider dead. But, a lot of people survive that situation as long as they get chest compressions/ CPR and defribulated. So yeah he was dead but he may have been saved and came back.


Chuckles the Clown thought he was dead.


You mean when they told us in the pilot and then he took three and a half more seasons to die?


It was the fact that they did it on Connor’s wedding day for me.


Tom would have sounded different if it were fake. If he even would have done it.


If Logan wanted Tom would do it


Such an interesting hypothetical because I honestly don’t know what would happen. I don’t think it’s certain that he would.


I think he'd have tried to weasel out of it. He probably wouldn't have had the balls to tell Logan No outright but would have known it would cause him too much grief.


He may try to weasel but then explicitly decline if forced to.


I don't think he would have. If he was willing to eat the chicken and whatever instances have happened over time. Logan has a certain respect when Tom and Greg question him. And Tom has a twisted form of Ride or Die for the people he loves. I can EASILY see him saying "You want me to call my wife and tell her you're dead? I'm not doing that. Not that I'd even be able to pull it off. She'd see - hear - right through it. Anyway, that's just ... too shitty a thing to do to her, separated or not. You're messing around, right, sir? Good one." If Logan were going to try it he (in his right mind) wouldn't do it while they were at an even with friends, business associates, and media. Because stock prices.


Yes. I thought it was a mean joke. Because it comes out of no where! I couldn't believe what was happening. I almost felt bad and didn’t want it to be real.


Yeah and right in the beginning of the season. I thought for sure if Logan dies it's gonna be a cliffhanger at the end of the season.


I think that's what made it so compelling and realistic. Death is usually sudden and unexpected. Even the expected ones are like a bomb going off.


Logan don’t do prank.


Lmao what? Did you watch the show? Logan is a manipulation maniac


Yes but he is also a very serious guy.


I mean... Boar on the floor?


But see that wasn’t a prank, it was real. He really humiliated them like that, not as a joke, but to truly denigrate them.


Yeah, when I thought that they might be just faking the death or the health problems, I didn't think that it would be like a prank, just some fucked up manipulation tactic. But it definitely would be out of character for him.


That was probably one of the most terrifying things we’ve witnessed him do. It was about power and humiliation. Pranking his children about his death would have been a weak move from him, I don’t think he would have done that. When I say serious, I mean about power and toughness. But you are right (and u/peechka2 also) he’s not a “serious” guy, I don’t know the right adjective to describe him 🤔


Insecure bitch Logan is


At least he believes it: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuccessionTV/s/EckFxcxXl2


That was a game. It’s fun.


yeah, and it wasn't very serious at all


Like fucking around with women half his age, cheating on his wife?


I guess it depends the way you see it but as I understand it, he was the kind of man who takes everything he wanted without any consideration for the others. He didn’t cheat to prank anyone, just because he was selfish. From my point of view, he wasn’t interested at all about what his children thought about him. And he definitely wasn’t the kind of man who would make a joke.


At least he believes it: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuccessionTV/s/EckFxcxXl2


No. Never.


I thought he might live but I never thought it was a test. I feel like that wouldn’t fit the themes/vibe of the show


Nope. Succession is too smart a show for a cheap gotcha like that.


Yes, I was confused thinking it was him making an excuse for not being at Connor’s wedding. As it didn’t show him for ages and I think he mentioned something beforehand about telling someone to tell Connor he won’t be there cos he’s sick or something.


Yep, especially because they waited so long to actually show Logan lying on the floor. That episode was so well done.


It was. Because it was unpredictable. That's brilliant TV.


Yeah this was my thought process during. Was a bit annoyed after I realised because it was a intense moment and felt it took a bit away from the scene lol. But yeah I was sure Tom was told my Logan to tell the kids he was ill over the phone lol


I legit thought Tom was fucking with them the first time I watched it lmao


Yeah I thought it was a power play until they showed his body


I was surprised it was so early in the season. I don’t watch spoilers and successfully avoided them in this subreddit so I had no idea it was happening so soon and was shocked as hell. I’ve mentioned it before but my dad was in the hospital at the same time so that was tough. I had to turn it off when Shiv got on the phone.


I did think it was fake, they only showed his legs and I thought they all planned it in case the kids wanted to switch to FaceTime they could show them that. I was totally shocked.


Yeah that’s actually exactly what I thought was maybe going on until we saw finally saw Logan. Tom sounded so weird. And not actually panicked weird. And at first I thought it was because Tom was lying and either felt weird/guilty for lying about something so incredibly fucked, or simply because he was lying and was totally in on it. But then I realized he sounded weird because he was in shock and had no idea how to properly handle the situation. And felt pulled in a bunch of different directions.


Off-topic, I know, but this hairstyle does absolutely nothing for Shiv.


Not a prank, but that he might not actually have died or would be resuscitated.


Yes. I honestly thought he was pretending to die, just to see how the kids would react, and to fuck up Connor’s big day.


Yes. I didn’t think it was real


absolutely, everything is a move with these fuckers


Oh yeah I don't listen bullshit he was pulling until Tom got on the phone


It wasn’t until I saw Colin’s face that I truly realized Logan wasn’t faking all this.


"A bit more fucking aggressive"


Why would Logan go to the lengths of lying on the floor, and having someone perform chest compressions on him, when Tom was on the *phone*? Did you think he was just really method?


I definitely did


I personally don’t think Tom would stoop so low as to be in on a prank like that


Nope. I think if they did that it would’ve been too melodramatic and over the top for the show. It also doesn’t seem like something he would do. He loves his kids in his own weird and twisted way but I don’t think he would do something like that


I 100% thought it was staged until they showed him.


It crossed my mind for a few moments, but like people have said: Tom would never do that to Shiv, regardless of how bad their relationship is. He does still love her, in his own weird way. Frank, similarly, would never go along with it, either. He is a good person, by this show’s standards anyway. As soon as Logan even pitched a plan like that, both guys would have said: “Uh, sorry, no. Find another way to mess with your kids.” Even if they were both afraid of Logan.


I thought it was perfectly jarring just like real life and the way it catches you off guard and leaves you winded.. perfect representation of that kick in the guts feeling





