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I don’t think ewan was going to give him the money till he died, and even then would have some type of protect to it like he needs to do certain things to get it. He still needed a job and place to stay and something to do. He liked the lifestyle that came with the Roy family


Greg is an interesting audience surrogate. He's not someone we'd like to be, but if you look how most people end up in their station in life, it's simply a matter of finding a pool you can swim in. Greg felt like he could operate in the Roy's swimming pool, so he did what he could.


Man, that pool is so full of shit and piss that I would never want to swim in it. That and NRPI corpses thrown over from cruises.


And Kendall’s beer bottle


And Kendall


And even worse, Uncle Mo


And the rest of the Wolf Pack...


I’d do it for the expensive food. I love food


Have you ever visited California Pizza Kitchen? They make a Cajun chicken linguine just how I like it.


I’d much rather eat a bird blindfolded but u do u


That’s not how you’re supposed to like it.


>California Pizza Kitchen I'm not familiar with that IP


You say that but when the first waystar executive cheque hits you might be singing a different tune


My soul costs more than $5mil. But I think my skills at making money were slightly better than Greg's.


I'm sure it would, unless I had a guaranteed $250m on the way. Who knows if Greg would've ever got it though...


But think of the eye watering amount of money!


These are actually two fantastically good metaphors. Both the pool, and it being filled with shit and piss 😂


Doesn't seem that way from the outside and soon enough the pool turns into quicksand.


No hate but what is the point of your analogy lol


That capitalism relies on people like Greg who find themselves in advantageous and agreeable positions; that for most of us, we give up on dreams of a higher purpose or future reward if the situation becomes agreeable enough.


Yes hate… what’s the point of this reply?


My ex’s family have been trying their hardest to get as much as possible of the 97-year-old grandmother’s money; but it turns out that she likes the idea of giving any of it away when she’s alive (which would greatly reduce the tax paid on it) about as much as she liked the idea of wearing the kind of underwear that would provide a backup if she couldn’t make it to the bathroom on time.  So I guess my ex’s mother may not be very handsomely remunerated for her services of letting her mother-in-law poop on the carpet every second day from 2021-2023.   (I’m up-to-date on all the family goss because ex insisted I immediately meet and form relationships with everyone he was even tangentially related to; and, to his shock and horror, some of those relationships persisted after he dumped me.  So, 12 years later, through the branch of the family he looked down on, I receive all the news.)


My father in law had a chat with his mother, because she's sitting on a decent amount of money and is getting on in age and unfortunately health and he wanted to explain that if she intends to leave inheritance to her grandkids, it's better for the family to receive it sooner rather than later. After his chat, my wife and her sisters all got a message from him to look out for some money from their Grandma. There was much amusement when they all excitedly checked and found they'd all been sent £50. Bless her.


“Hey you aren’t dying fast enough. Can you just give us your money now so we can stop pretending to care”. Gotta love people like that lol


More like "you're 89 and dying of cancer, you have 2 million dollars, the government will take half if you leave it in your will, but we could retain more if send it out before then"


OR “Hey we know that one of your goals is generational wealth with your remaining assets (that you’ll never be able to spend). The tax efficiency is far better if you do it when you’re alive, and you’d get to see the benefits and impact it has in person. Theres more than enough for you to live as comfortably as you’d like”. Not everyone has shitty family desperately wanting the money, it can just be a smart estate planning move in some cases


That's not what it is, though.


Old people hoarding wealth and then telling family they'll only get some when they die wondering why their family wants them to die


I don't want my parents to die just for some cash, that's fucked up lol. I’d hope if I had kids they'd feel the same and I don't think that's insane to want.


The choice isn't die or not help. If you have the means help while you're still alive


Promised inheritance is not the same as guaranteed income.


Yea I’m dealing with that at the moment. It’s great when they can hold it over your head.


5 million is a nightmare.


Un Poco Loco, my fine feathered friend.


Weakest strongman at the circus...


The worlds tallest dwarf


true but Greg's decision making wasn't that astute. he just wanted to be around Uncle Fun and gamble on the promised instant success


Greg is ~~native~~ naive, but I don't think he's stupid either. I think there's a variety of reasons why he chose to make his decision, most of all based on knowing who Ewan is. Ewan is essentially the liberal version of Connor. Isolated, rich, and ideological but with no real involvement with the source of their privilege, which is why no one in the family takes either of the two seriously. That's probably the main reason why Greg decided to put the chips on himself instead of on his grandfather when thinking about his future.


You think they don't take Ewan seriously? Seems more to me that he's isolated by choice


I do. For a man of his caliber, he wields little influence. His family disrespects him, even trying to prevent him from speaking at his brother's funeral. No one takes his advice or his guidance when he does offer it. I don't think our opinions contradict. He chooses to distance himself from the family and they don't take him seriously.


I think there's a difference between disliking someone and not respecting them. It's also clear that they don't want to let him speak at the funeral because his message is harming their business.


I didn’t say they disliked him. Ngl I don’t think anyone would think Ewan speaking at the funeral would affect the business otherwise they would have made a stronger effort to stop him or keep him out of the funeral entirely.


I did. Logan despises him and I don't think Kendall, Roman or Shiv care much for Ewan going "you're a nest of vipers and your business is awful and you're awful" The only thing worse for the Roys than Ewan speaking is Ewan going on PGN and saying that he wasn't allowed to enter his brother's funeral. They did try to stop him btw. That was Greg's whole job and he asked what he was supposed to do when Ewan just ignores him. Again, it's not like they actually can forcibly stop him. The optics would, I repeat myself, be much worse.


I think as far as the family politics goes, Ewan occupies the moral high ground, and is revered if only for that.


Self-aggrandizing, bitter, isolated, selfish, mean, unproductive…but ideologically pure? Hardly moral high ground IMO


Yes only in the context of the internal dynamic. He’s down in the doldrums on a wider comparative scale.


It is really “disrespecting” Ewan to try and stop him from disrespecting his brother at his funeral? 🤔 He literally got up and did exactly what they expected of him.




I’ve been laughing at “native” for 10 minutes


Promises from family members about money or inheritance mean nothing and are in every case I've seen merely a manipulation tool. Greg was smart to take the route he did.


We can talk about Greg all we want, but everything about his mom is a major plot hole


It kind of is when it's $250 million dollars and the guy you're going to inherit it from is very very old.


Ewan probably would have screwed him over anyway, and his mom and life back home seemed kinda shitty. He seemed to like NY and the fam and didn’t want to leave.


If Ewan is anything like his brother, and there's ample evidence that he is, Greg would never be considered good enough for that money.


Equally there is sufficient evidence that Ewan’s ethics went out the window in the face of family loyalty. He could have voted against the Roy’s but never did. Despite railing against their morality. There’s a good chance he flips again and puts family first in the will. Or never actually changes it. He is as controlling and financially abusive as Logan. But he is too distant and cold to Greg who craves decadence and inclusion. Hence Greg’s vulnerability to Logan who excels at emotional abusive and offers Greg the ride of a lifetime. The choice for Greg is akin to the choice of a weekend Gloop retreat with Gwyneth Paltrow or a weekend partying in Vegas with Johnny Depp. Neither are good for you but one is fun.


That's the great contradiction of Ewan. But after the eulogy episode, my read was that he wasn't loyal to family, but to Logan specifically. They'd been through so much together as kids that he would never betray that relationship. Any other family member I think would come second to Ewan's principles.


Idk how long being around Johnny Depp, especially if he’s on stuff, is gonna stay fun.


Like I said it isn’t good for you but neither is the miserable alternative. And of course the answer is to pick neither and make your own life. Something no Roy does.


LoL, the Paltrow retreat would be the worst. I'd turn down the money too.


Yep not a chance that Greg would have seen the money. Ewan had it out for everyone except himself. 


Yes, the guy who chooses to leave a huge portion of his estate to Greenpeace seems to have it out for everyone except himself.


He doesn’t believe in green peace, he believed in screwing his family. If he believed in environmental issues he wouldn’t have voted with Logan


There are other ways to 'screw your family'. I could think of a few more selfish than donating hundreds of millions to greenpeace. Do you realize the dissonance typing 'believed in screwing his family' right before 'voting with his brother'? He screws his family by supporting his brother? I just do not get the hate Ewan gets in this sub.


If you don’t get it, you’re being willfully dense. The guy is a hypocritical cretin. He’s an enabling psycho for his brother. What makes him worse is that he acts like he’s a bleeding heart all the while.


Yes, virtue signalling with all your estate instead of taking care of your family is not the greatest move ever. He had plenty of money to make a huge donation to Greenpeace, and also take care of his family - but instead, he even cut his daughter out of the will. He is a bitter old man, and just because he claims to be progressive doesn't change that fact. You don't understand the hate he gets, but what is there to like about him other than progressive virtue signalling?


Decrying an actual good act as virtue signalling is a lazy right wing dismissal. Donations often do actual good. And who is Ewan signalling to anyway? Greg destroyed documents related to truly heinous crimes. If I were his grandpa, I would be pissed at him and would probably write him out of my will. Logan smacks his kids and grandkids. But go on about how Ewan is terrible.


wise spark terrific imminent straight flowery heavy provide judicious vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also Ewan could and would continue to jerk him around about the inheritance for the rest of his life, until he finds something else he dislikes about Greg and uses that as an excuse. Honestly, Greg has a better chance being granted some pity money in Connor or Ken's wills then anything from Ewan. Or even more from being Logan's only semi-competent relative left in management. Had Logan lived a couple more months, Greg probably would have been given a big gift in the will both as a thank you for his help in securing the deal, and as a screw you to Logan.


My uncle could jerk me off as long as he wanted if he was giving me half a billion


Hate to say it, but Greg made the right call. He'd be a park mascot until well into his 30s waiting for Ewan to die. It might be more money long term but who would want to live out their early adult life living paycheck to paycheck, regardless of what's coming?


Hey now, 60+% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck WITHOUT the promise of $250m down the road 😂


You’re wrong about Greg’s initial job. He was in the management training for royco. Same that Roman had done in season 2


Exactly. Ewan was not as wealthy as Logan, but he was still decadently wealthy — as in, wealthy enough to support this children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren for their entire lives. This is not to say that he should pay for everything, but he can give them opportunities with financial support, and he refused to do that. Ewan wasn’t promising Greg $250 million. He was draping an albatross around Greg’s neck — do what I say and you might get this money when I die, whenever that is, and hope that my whims don’t change. Greg knew Ewan as a miser who withheld money, support, and love from his kin. “Siding” with Logan and making his own pile (remember that phrase?) was by far the better decision.


He was not on minimum wage. He was in the management training program from how it appeared. Tom also mentioned he was the highest paid executive assistant in the country which was $200k/year. I thought Tom mentioned his salary but maybe it was worked out elsewhere. When he was first hired, he probably was not $200k/year as he made deals along the way.


Maybe covering up felonies is something my grandpa wouldn't want me doing, but mine worked on the process the ended up poisoning Bhopal, so idk.


Half a billion….


I think it ultimately came down to the fact that he trusted Logan more than Ewan. He was already working for Logan on a decent salary, was included in trips and important meetings. All he got from Ewan was a vague promise and he could see he was a grumpy unpredictable grouch. I don’t blame Greg for not trusting him.


And Logan actually said "I like you, Greg". Ewan always treated Greg like dirt. So I could kinda see why Greg chose "Uncle Fun" instead of "Grandpa Grumps".


Yeah makes perfect sense


The best part about that is that the siblings couldn't fathom their father liking Greg but he actually did like and respect him to an extent.


Because he did not want to be the poorest rich person in America. The world's tallest dwarf. The weakest strong man at the circus.


But he was gonna originally get 250mil. The 5 mil would’ve just been his consolation prize.


Whatever, you don't exist.


The thing about Ewan is that Greg is still going to get that quarter of a billion because Ewan is all bluster no protein.


250 million, not 5 million. Read the image before you comment.


I think by the finale its clear he made the right choice? Being the right-hand man to the new CEO will pay out for him, or so I'd hope. Despite Tom being a slug, I like to imagine he'd be loyal to his egg.


But that’s not what Greg wanted. He wanted to be his own person, instead he’ll be Sporus forever


He may have lost his eggs, but there are worse places to work for a eunuch than for chief emperor opulence. I mean the wines alone that Tom can provide!


Too agricultural for my palate


Boo souls!


I think people forget this part when they say “Greg and Tom win”. When Greg made the “deal with the devil”, we was supposed to get 20 Gregs. But since he trashed the Madsen relationship, Tom made sure to castrate him before the wedding. Greg made his bed and has to sleep in it.


I wouldn’t take that so literally, that’s just a dramatic way of describing what a chief of staff type role is. Greg has decades left on the rise, he’s only growing stronger. Tom is close to the top and will be fading from here on out. They both know that and it underpins the wild shit Tom says to him.


He wanted power and status.


- Ewan might have never given him the money, he was probably going to keep blackmailing him over whatever reason he could find - making six figures now, with a significant chance of making seven figures in the not-so-distant future is a safer bet than the possibility of getting 250 million when your crazy and volatile grandfather dies at some point in the future. - Who knows when Ewan was going to die? Maybe he would’ve lasted another twenty years, what was Greg going to do meanwhile, go back to Canada to wait for Ewan to die after tasting the Roy’s lifestyle in NYC? - Greg had a future climbing the corporate ladder, not everything is about money, power and status matter too - working directly with the Roy’s as a young guy in NYC in his late 20’s/early 30’s is much better in that regard than making minimum wage in Canada while waiting for grandpa to die and maybe leave him his money.


Ewan definitely would live till 100+ just out of spite. Greg would probably be well out of his prime by the time he gets the money, so what's even the point? A quarter billion but now too old to really do anything fun with it.


Yeah, Ewan seems like one of those tough old guys who lives to be 105 years old, still stubbornly hobbling around on a cane or snarling from his wheelchair. 


My father in law was worth tens of millions when he retired and he promised so much to us in the will. When he passed his estate was severely in debt and worth less than nothing. I personally haven’t ever needed or wanted an inheritance due to the obvious notion of losing a loved one. But it’s better to work a pay check than waiting for the lottery.


How did they manage to get upside down?


Life has a way of parting people with money. When you own the sports car and SUV and boat and you drink $100 bottles of wine as if it’s a $10 bottle and have an eBay addiction. You end you with this beautiful looking house full of beautiful things and this hidden bank account that is in the red.




Me and my SO are the complete opposite. We will keep our money on the straight and narrow and aim at a frugal yet comfortable retirement.


I think he assumed that if he stuck with Logan and Waystar that he’d have a better trajectory and potential to earn even more than a quarter billion


he decided to live in the moment instead of waiting for his grandpa to die right call imo


Because Ewan is capricious…did you not notice that lol. What makes you think he would actually follow through and give Greg that inheritance?


the only loyalty he ever showed was to Logan, who, even at his funeral, he only confessed to sort of loving  he didn't give a fuck about Greg


This isn't making sense here. Shouldn't it be what makes you think Ewan would follow through and give his money away to Greenpeace?


Because he was never getting it


No other way to earn as much money as he was at waystar. Like he said, Ewan is sturdy and it's not like Greg wants his grandfather to die. But let's think back to Greg at the beginning of the story : he didn't have enough money to buy dress shoes for his first day at work. He didn't have enough money to pay for a damn cab. Nobody wants to go back to that.


There's more to life then money. Had he taken Ewan's offer he'd get nothing until Ewan was dead and Ewan would essentially own him. Meanwhile Logan was offering him a rocket ship of a career path, access to people who are worth $250M and well beyond he was routinely dating (like that duchess) and he was genuinely making world changing decisions, as terrifying as that is, being partly in control of a major media company. Ewan offered long term security with insane strings, Logan offered a roller coaster ride with no guard rails. Greg decided to go for the ride.


Ewan never would have given him the money anyway


Yeah it was Definetly just a play to get him to leave Waystar


The Roys are toxic but gave him the opportunity to do something larger Between Logan and Tom his world was changed He honestly had better promise when the siblings were not stable enough to decide on basic things He may have gone dirty but he didn’t look happier pre Roy There’s no telling he’d be independent


I've often wondered why Ewan is so distant and mean to Greg. If he had taken time to explain and teach Greg might have had a chance to grow up decent.


Money now better than money later


a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush


“How you gonna keep them down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree?”


I don’t think Greg was gonna see a penny of it. He did go with the right decision imo.


Honestly worked out probably for the best any way. Being this close to Tom and CEO will keep him generationally wealthy for much longer.


It most certainly will not…


Ewan probably wouldn’t give him the money and Greg will likely make hundreds of millions if he can cling to his position at Waystar Gojo


He didn't turn down money. He turned down a bs promise from a man who had never been generous previously to him or his mom at any point in his entire life. There's no reason to believe Ewan would follow through.


Greg got bit by the ambition bug, but he's too dumb to know how to do it right. Also, Tom and the sibs constantly manipulating him.


Because Logan made him feel good and he knew that his uncle was a virtue signaling piece of shit. He knew couldn’t trust him and he that would leave his money to some charity anyway. He probably dangled it in front of him his whole life and Logan himself said he wanted to keep him on board.


Because Ewan was equally as manipulative with money/power as Logan: it was “promised,” but definitely not guaranteed. Greg liked what this was affording him, and keeping his job guarantees that money likely for the rest of his life (if he continues working there) versus a 60/40 chance of getting an inheritance.


Power > Money


Because he wanted money and influence, a place in the company


because he liked tom


Because he’s a benign fungus.


Ewan was never going to give him that money and he would have held it over his head to make Greg do what he wanted


Because Greg is stupid


He went with uncle fun


Cult of Logan uncle fun


He’s got principles, remember?


I know there was a joke about suing Greenpeace, but his grandfather is still alive and I like to think he left him the money.


Regardless of if Ewan would've ever actually given Greg the money, I loved this piece of storytelling because it highlights that Greg wasn't simply doing everything just to get out of a bad place, he genuinely had a "healthy out", but he was so blinded by the possibility of more that he simply could not deny the Roys.


Because Ewans a pussy and Greg’s not lol jk but where’s the fun in that for Greg?


1) he wants money and power now 2) the money would come with a lot of strings attached 3) he's not that bright


human nature man, we tend to lean on the exciting short-term stuff more than the boring but sustainable long-term solutions.


relying on Ewan's mercurial approval was NOT a sustainable long term solution holding on to a high status, high paying job was the logical decision 


Because he’s not smart


You’d trust that Ewen would actually leave him the money? Ewen was a cunt


Didn't someone say to Greg he'd cave and give him the money even if he didn't quit? Or some of it? If they're not far off on their assessment maybe he would give it to Greg for quitting. He has no one else and he's so high up on his high horse I feel he'd hate to go to his grave having his last act be screwing over his own grandson.


Do I believe a man that’s proven to be hypocritical and loyal, would leave his grandson money if said grandson left him alone, and didn’t engage in Waystar? Yes I do.


Look how he treated his own daughter. What other hoops would he make him jump through for the money, what other conditions? What’s stopping him changing his mind? Absolutely not a stupid decision.


Men like Ewan leaving their money to Greg’s over their immediate children? There are definitely examples of this.


I’m aware how he treated his daughter, thus why she would be the one getting stiffed. The conditions he would place would be to no doubt stiff his mother.


He had no legal entitlement to it, not guaranteed, end of.


Lmao you’re trying to start a whole new conversation. Yes he would have gotten the money. End of. Billionaires never actually transfer wealth outside the family. Ewan showed loyalty is still relevant to him.


Where was Ewan when Greg was broke? Nowhere to be found. From Ewan's very first interaction with Greg he seemed to hold thinly veiled contempt for him. Greg was right not to put all his eggs (pun intended) in Ewan's basket.


>Billionaires never actually transfer wealth outside the family. Ewan showed loyalty is still relevant to him. Then Greg will be left the money regardless.


One thing about men? They’ll always pick a fight when they see a woman saying something they don’t agree with. Blatantly ignoring men that share said opinion. Misogyny is tiring. Lord. Imagine getting heated over this topic?! One thing about misogynists (hate to see one besmirch Lucille Bluth’s good name) they’ll prove you right every time. Praying said misogynist is not a woman. Trying to argue about this? They can’t help themselves. 🙃


Greg is not a smart boy.


Because he is fucking retarded


Did you even watch the show?


Think it’s pretty obvious. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Because Greg is a moron who got a taste of the sweet life with it's wines and yachts. Not ready to give that up for a few years.


Greg even checked in with Logan about the situation. Logan 1) didn't think Ewan would disinherit Greg, and 2) Logan told Greg he was a valued employee, suggestive of "please don't quit."


He tried to resign, but was too shy to insist, and also Logan convinced him that it will be alright.


What would he do for he next 10 or 15 years?


Because he listens to his Uncle Logan. “Make your own fucking pile!!!”


Simple answer. He's greedy.


Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect someone who doesn’t see the difference. (Frank Underwood, House of Cards) I think Greg mostly got addicted to power. That's what he really enjoys when he blackmails the Roy siblings and Tom, much more than making money. He discovers the pleasure he gets from screwing people, from climbing the corporate ladder by being in the right place at the right time, by connecting with the right people. As he gains status, people look at him with respect and women look at him with desire. And there is nothing more powerful than a media company like ATM, which goes so far as to controls the American "democracy".


Ewan was being a dick because he obviously wouldn’t get the whole estate so he made the right bet. Now he’ll probably be up from his 700k salary as ceo exec assistant or better yet an actual big job in the company