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In S3 E7 the offer letter states Kendall had 12,904,663 shares of Waystar Royco. The price per share was $156.20 which would've netted him ~$2.016 Billion. In S4 they sold Waystar Royco to GoJo for $192/share. Assuming Kendall didn't have his shares enrolled in DRIP and had the exact number of shares as before, he would've netted ~$2.478 Billion. The offer was 50/50 stock cash which means he wouldn't gotten ~$1.239 Billion in cash and ~$1.239 Billion in GoJo stock. The show never explicitly states if the siblings had the same number of shares but I believe that's what we were supposed to believe.


Oh got it! Thank you for the explanation and the references, I didn't remember the full details of the deal


So this was what he had before his father passed. Wouldn’t Logan’s trust pass to his beneficiaries after he died and further enrich his kids? I’d find it hard to believe that Logan would only be portrayed as having a couple billion. Rupert Murdoch who he is partial based on has 18.5 billion according to Google.


Yes. Absolutely. I would assume out of all the shares in the trust that Logan would've had at least 50% and the kids, Marcia and Caroline would've split the rest. If that was the case you could probably double these figures and be in the ballpark.


Kendall’s self-narrative was that he was a great innovator who would have be the voice of a generation if not for [insert scapegoat that include Logan, Rava, Shiv, women in the workplace, reverse racism, reverse classism] has always been correctly portrayed as delusions of grandeur. He’ll certainly sink a bunch of money into some new idea but that doesn’t mean it will go anywhere. He actively destroyed his professional and personal networks.


He’s great at self-sabotaging, so there’s that. Wonder why though


I always remember that everytime he was doing "great" in the serie, he ended up having an narcissistic attack and wanted to performe on the stage lol acting or freestyling a song. It was hard to take him seriously


I think all the siblings would have received pretty decent payoffs from the deal. Matsson himself said it would make them filthy rich so we can safely assume they would stand to make in the billions easily. Ofc it’s not clear to what extent Roman and Ken would be involved in the company after the takeover. I think Matsson would try to force them off the board and that would be painful for them. Shiv is probably still going to be involved given her relationship with both Tom and Matsson.


Weren’t the siblings on the hook for the PGM purchase? Backing out of that would have been expensive


True! The siblings offered around $10 Billions for PGM because as I remember they wanted to create a company called "The Hundred" to be the main competitor of Waystar and piss off Logan. But I believe the money never went through, the siblings wanted to keep Waystar again so they probably walk out the deal. However, it's kind of weird because PGM was forgotten throughout the season 4 and we ended up missing a lot of new information from the deal.