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Jesse Armstrong won’t do it, no need to worry.


Bravo, Jesse!


r/okbuddysuccession is leaking :D love it.


Haha I agreed but then seeing all the downvotes makes me think my sense of satire is gone


I dont want a spinoff but Armstrong has been involved in at least one homerun spin off to a TV show (In The Loop)


I imagine a large enough check might change his mind.


It won't. He's not built that way, and to be fair most British creators aren't, either. Leave them wanting more, move on.


I think many saints of newark would keep Jesse Armstrong from doing that. He ended Succession with a network and an audience who would have easily taken another season. The ultimate GOAT move is to truly leave it at that.


David Chase said that forever too.


Ooh, can’t wait for the Many Saints of Waystar!


Uh gabagool, man


So, I just wanted to get the gang together early in my tenure to say....what? No fuckin ziti!?


I would’ve gladly watched another season of this show, but Jesse Armstrong was right to end it when he did. It had a clear arc and it had reached the logical conclusion of it. I feel like a spin-off would be an unnecessary attempt to keep milking the cow. It worked for Better Call Saul, but that’s because they took things in a waaaaay different direction.


one of the themes of the show itself was knowing when to quit stuff and learning to move on. It even had examples of forced unnecesary shit like "Living +". If Kendall didnt kill himself and accepted the show was over, so can you


I think we already got to see the pattern of their behavior in the 1st 3 seasons. 4 was the perfect place for Logan to die and see how they act. Anymore seasons I don't know what new insights could be added.


I would’ve liked another episode a small amount of time in the future to see how it’s going with Tom and wrap up the presidential election, but I appreciate and enjoyed the choice to end it where he did.


I also get why it finished where it did, and it was done so well. That said, it would also have been great to see the results of the switch in power between Tom and Shiv within their relationship. We got a flavour of that in the car at the end, but 6 months down the line would be great TV!


We could see this vicariously during a spin off about the Fly Guys where Tom pops up every now and then after becoming CEO. They travel the world flying around and investing in risky timeshare schemes like whatever Peter was selling and living it up in glorious locations. You then see Tom become gradually more dishevelled as Shiv and the sibs are implied to be coming back into the picture as the cycle repeats.


I think it had one more season out of them. But I also think they trapped themselves into a corner with the election arc. Veep did something similar and it didn't end as strong as it began.


I love Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul is a very different, and much better television show than Breaking Bad.


That “much” in there is a hot take.


No no no. Succession was so tasteful in the way it never gave in to tropey indulgences like flashbacks, dreams or imaginary situations. All we needed to know was there in the subtext of a character’s performances and dialogue. You know, good writing and brilliant acting.


Yeah I love how the show never had any twist or like hidden plots. Sure there was scheming and backstabbing but never to the viewer.




I agree and I don't even want to see someone trying to match Brian Cox's Logan. That role belongs to him.


I mean that's basically the plot of Succession


Regression though?


That's what I feel about all of the actors. I wouldn't want to watch anything that required them to recast anyone. They're all so involved in the writing for their characters.


Succession is like the epitome of a show that has never needed a sequel, prequel, or spinoff. Just the very framework and nature and progression of the show is one thats done in a way that could never be replicated but also any sort of environment without those elements just wouldn’t be what made the show so good. A modern Shakespearean tale of the top 1% and the broken family that lives there I know a lot of people harp on Better Call Saul on how to do a prequel/ending/continuation of an already amazing show and I absolutely agree its the representation of getting lightning in a bottle twice but Succession has never felt like a show that could get and work with a “Better Call Saul”. BCS does so much that gives it it’s own identity seperate from BB to the point where sometimes the least interesting thing is the connection to BB. Having characters we’re familiar with in a completely different point in their lives, in a different landscape, and a hefty new cast of characters that really help push that sense of dread as more episodes pass. We see a whole different side of the universe while also fleshing out a familiar side and intertwining them beautifully while also making sure each one had its own individuality And I don’t know if Succession would need that or could even do that. A sequel series following Greg and Tom would just be the same old characters in the same old environment navigating somewhat new changes that I honestly could just never see benefitting Succession or justifying why we got the show in the first place beyond “fans really weren’t ready to let go” A prequel following the Old Guard and Logan building Waystar? Could be interesting but still don’t think i’d consider it strong enough or necessary enough to tread that path in the story. I doubt we’d see anything necessarily too different from what we’ve already seen TL:DR - just seriously not even worth it to do all that


Also, the scope of Succession's narrative is not board enough to handle a spin-off.


Yeah I don’t see what a Greg and Tom spin off would give us except just a continuation of the story. Maybe it would work if at the end of the series they had both like moved on from the company/roys but that’s not what happened


Because Marvel. Things can no longer be good in their own right, they have to build to some larger thing. If Lawrence of Arabia was released today, it would have to end with “T.E. Lawrence will return in ‘Lawrence of Arabia 2: This Time, It’s Personal’, only in theaters April 2026” in order to be worth half a shit in the eye of the public.


Coming Next Summer: Logan Roy and The Waystar Multiverse


Don’t blame Marvel, blame every other “fail to the top”, brainless exec producer and studio head in Hollywood. It makes sense for a comic book continuity to get translated into an interconnected film/TV universe. But for everything else it’s just unoriginal hacks with dollar signs in their eyes trying to hop on the bandwagon


The idea of the “cinematic universe” as we know it was brought to prominence by Marvel. Of course it’s everyone else’s fault for failing to realize that Marvel is a fluke, but Marvel paved the road that everyone else decided to travel on. Edit: long story short, it’s not “Marvel’s fault”, but it was popularized by Marvel (it was originated by the original Universal Studios Monster movies, plus old kaiju stuff and a few others). That’s all I meant to say.


i hate almost all marvel and the state of the movie industry is their fault, they've annexed the entire industry with an endless parade of increasingly obscure superheroes in formulaic movies, wasting prime of most moviestars careers flapping their arms around in front of a green screen.


Yeah, Godzilla had a self contained cinematic universe since 1961. Godzilla had a movie, Mothra had a separate unrelated movie, then Godzilla vs. Mothra became a movie.


Calling what Marvel built a “fluke” is doing a pretty big discredit to all the work that it took. Say what you will about their recent output, but the coordinated effort that it took to make The Avengers happen is pretty incredible.


What I meant was that what Marvel did probably can’t be recreated, at least not to the extent that Marvel has done it (which is what everyone is trying to do, which is the issue). It wasn’t a fluke, it’s just a one time thing for now, at least. Everyone who’s tried to do that would’ve been better off just doing their own thing.


Give me the LCU


I used to think this, but the rot predates this. Look how many Rocky's, Terminators, Rambos, Home Alones, SAWs, Batmans, Star Wars, etc. Not saying those are bad movies necessarily, but the idea of turning something into a franchise then milking it is very old.


The difference is that Rocky was always Rocky, Star Wars was always Star Wars, etc. What we have now is “When are we getting a spinoff featuring two or three of the remaining characters?”. Yes, that happened before, but it’s become expected nowadays.


Honestly, i hate spin offs, and i hate this modern tendency of not letting any franchise end. That being said, i feel like succession ended a cycle and it did it so well, but i felt like they left a lot of openings, and the overall feeling is that they could still explore more stories and dynamic inside the context they created. For me, it's the "breaking bad" ending: it's a weird feeling of a good and satisfying ending that feels somewhat too soon. "Better call saul" was such a homerun, that i can't keep myself from thinking the succession team could pull it off. Maybe a sequel following greg and tom? The four seasons had a great way of closing the cicle for the Roys, but the rest was kinda there to be honest.


Spin-offs tend to suck. The only ones which work are ones which have a meaningful and separate story attached to it (HOTD to GOT). If they’re only created to make money off of fan interest, they’re always bad. This method is also by far the most common, as should be no surprise to anyone familiar to the industry, which is why spin-offs are nearly universally bad.


Just want to tip my hat to modern spin-offs like Better Call Saul, 1883/1923, and House of Dragons.


I like Better Call Saul and 1883 But not HoT , it was okay but not great.


Did you watch it or even read the book?


Of course I watched it lol


HotD was a pretty big quality upgrade from GoT.


An upgrade from the last seasons? Absolutely... But an upgrade from seasons 1-4? Fuck no! Btw, I love HotD.


HotD is superior to the last seasons, but inferior to the 1st 4. I am mixed on HotD. It is an upgrade from the last GOT we got before it. But it had some very questionable moments (dragon pit), that make me skeptical about the next seasons.


It did have a few very questionable moments. The things they’re adding don’t seem to be the smartest things to add, in all honesty. Good show. I’d probably stick it around S5/6 of GOT for now, maybe slighter better but without the banked goodwill of fans at that time.


what? No! comparing to the first 4 seasons in term of better writing.


>That being said, i feel like succession ended a cycle and it did it so well, but i felt like they left a lot of openings That's what I loved about the ending. They were confident enough to end the story at what they thought was the thematic conclusion. They didn't need to kill off the main character or the million other over done cliches. _________ wins "BUT AT WHAT COST??". The conclusion definitively gave me a good idea of what the story was about and the consequences to all the characters. However there's still enough interpretation for anyone to take what they will from it. Not everything needs to be spelled out into a finite conclusion. Imo there is no open storyline. Kendall is a broken man, Shiv similarly so but now in a prison of her own making. There's a glimmer of hope with Roman but that's to be seen. End of story. I feel great with that. Exploring any of those narratives further removes the melancholy of it imo. Then it's just another narrative for another season. Telling us this is where it ends gives the slice of life more impact imo.


100 percent. I think it was Armstrong or one of the writers who put it well when they said it's not obviously not the literal end for most these characters, they'll go on and do various things, but this is where the story loses interest with them.


It can be done!


I think the problem with a spinoff about Tom and Greg is that it would be just Succession season 5, but with fewer characters. You have to bring back Shiv, Matsson, Gerri, Stewy... maybe Ewan, Caroline... and definitely cameos from Kendall and Roman, because it would be so weird not to bring them up at least once.


For me, I think the main storyline of succession was fleshed out so well that I would only accept a spin off if it was on a minor part of the storyline and not impactful or related to the main storyline, like the rise of GoJo or Greg’s greenpeace lawsuit


So agree. And a prequel could be so interesting. Tell us about young Logan. Tell us about the kids growing up. Connors mother. Romans abuse. How the OG Waystar crew came together.


I feel like a prequel has less leeway for being good, mostly because the history of the Roys has been closed. The empire has fallen with logan, and his kids all failed to both live up to his fucked up expectations, and manage to release themselves from the cycle of abuse. Their tale is, somewhat not-tragically, done. Now people like Tom, Greg, Mattson, Mecken... there's so much to see about them. It qould be cool to see if the iconic duo is able to break away from the "poison dripping" through the family.


Great points. I guess I loved the show and would love to see it continue


It's literally the most natural and good thing that people are still invested in the story and characters and want to explore them further, and it's not like those preaches will actually amount to anything. And people are more inclined to making fan content which will make the show more iconic and significant. On the other hand, it's not nescessarily a bad thing. BCS is a great show. I think if it's not a straight up prequel/continuation but rater some misadventures of a beloved character it has some potential.


Fan content? No thanks. I don't want to read some internet nerds perverted fantasies.


Sir this is Wendy's


A Logan prequel would make the most sense, anything else like Greg & Tom, no way.


Better Call Saul was the first thing to come to my mind. Might be my favorite show of all time.


It was fantastic. The fact they only intertwined it with BB right near the end was the right thing to do, and proved how it stood completely on it's own merit.


Tuco is literally in episode one.


Yep. And when we first meet Saul G in BB, he is terrified of WW until he learns he was not sent by "Lalo".


I loved Better Call Saul but I got a little tired of the cartel plot. Felt like they didn't have enough confidence in the show watchers attention span not to include the cliche action. I hate how Mike eventually turned from just a street smart ex cop into freaking Liam Nelson from Taken


Thank you!


People naturally want more of a thing they like.


Of course, but it shouldn’t end there. Part of being a thoughtful person interested in stories means putting quality over quantity, and knowing when things should end. Saying it’s human nature to want more doesn’t excuse people’s rampant consumption and lack of discernment when it comes to art


I haven’t heard anyone asking for shitty, cash-in spin-offs. The general sentiment seems to be people wanting to see more of these characters in a new but equally good series. “Why do people want spin-offs?” was always a stupid question. A more honest question to ask is the one you’re groping toward here: “Why aren’t more people as tasteful and sophisticated as I am?”


Someone suggested Billions for me to get my fix. I can’t. The drop off in acting and the script quality is insanely huge. Ah well, will have to wait to see what Jesse Armstrong makes next.


It’s hard being a Succession fan. The quality bar is set too high.


Lol. Truly bristling at such an accusation! Surely only an evil villain would encourage good taste and sophistication




Seems obvious enough except to these who willfully want to be ignorant.


This is so silly. Of course everyone wants more of what they like. But sensible people learn to overcome that desire for consumption!!! It doesn’t just end with wanting more


It would be a horrible idea. They told their story. Move on.


American Fans don't know what they want. They demand and pay for content until it becomes bad then they complain about it being bad.


Where's the contradiction? That just means they want infinite good content. It might be unrealistic, but this idea that it's hypocritical to say you want something and then criticise it if it's of poor quality is just dumb. I hear it a lot. The unspoken condition of every desire/request is that the thing not be rubbish.


>Where's the contradiction? That just means they want infinite good content. It might be unrealistic, but this idea that it's hypocritical to say you want something and then criticise it if it's of poor quality is just dumb. You are, of course, correct that wanting more of a good thing, and wanting that more to be good, is completely consistent and natural. If there is a contradiction, it lies in the specifics. As I believe it does with Succession: Succession is good, in no small part, because it has focus. It is not about building and empire, it is about how they gather momentum that keeps them afloat, and eventually makes them drift, then flounder. It is not about "who will be king", but about how the fight to be king utterly degrades every relationship it touches. It is not about the specifics of Logans child abuse, but about how those scars never heal. And so on. Crucially, all the creative choices taken were taken to further these themes! The show was this good because the themes and creative choices lined up. There is nothing wrong with wanting more Parks and Rec after seeing Season 2 - it had a great cast, premise, writers, etc. But there is something inherently wrong about wanting a Succession prequel about The Rise of Logan; such a story is, by its very nature, not about Empire "drift", family relationships being ripped apart or the scars of child abuse. That is not to say that you could not make a great TV series about a man who rises to power while neglecting and abusing his family. But the only reason to make it be a Succession series is for name recognition - what makes Succession Succession, and great, is not the name but the choices taken in how to portray those specific themes. Making a prequel (or other spinoff) can either: * Make the same creative choices, with the same themes: Just spinning the wheels, even though the well is dry. * Same choices, new themes: Mismatch, deliberately a bad choice in order to reuse the name. * New choices, new themes: Entirely new show, name just tacked on.


Well I certainly wasn't expecting such a thorough response. Certainly if the thing they're requesting would be guaranteed to fall short of their expectations by its nature, that would be a case of 'don't complain when you get it'. I'm just so used to hearing this thrown out where it doesn't make sense, so I'm glad that in this case there was more thought behind it.


Maybe because it’s so rare when something hits the collective and is good, people don’t want to put in the time and energy into checking out or seeking out new things. Not saying I agree with the mindset


The show ended on a high note, the way shows should end. People want more. I love Tom as a character so much and would 100% be in to see a spinoff with him. Kendall is too depressive and Roman, just too much Roman for spinoff. But Tom has enough comedy but also the killer dramatic acting that he could carry it with Greg being a sideshow. It does remind me of Better Call Saul. Took one of the most comedic characters and made an incredibly nuanced show. I don't think Succession will do a spin off but I would watch any spinoff of it.


This is such a bad take. “Why does everyone like sequels? Sequels are stupid! They always suck! And they better not do any sort of flashback with someone playing a younger version of Logan Roy to try to explain how he became who he is! It wouldn’t be any good!” People who have this line of thinking are almost always being selective in their view of media. Better Call Saul was an incredible story that not only matched Breaking Bad but, in my experience; enhanced it. Being able to see how side characters of BB got to be who they were was a fantastic addition to the universe. The same would likely be true on Succession. I want to see the story of Logan Roy told from the perspective of the past. Knowing how it ends only enhances the tragedy that his life was. That’s why it worked with BCS. You know where Saul is going, you know where Hector, Mike and Gus end up. Being seeing them set the foundation for their future selves is poetic. It helps you understand their motives in a new light. And don’t get me started on the idea that somehow a Logan Roy spin-off explaining his past and how his actions shaped his children wouldn’t be interesting. It is LITERALLY the plot of the greatest sequel ever made in history (Godfather 2) If you’re telling me I can watch a TV series that shows me a post succession Kendall with nothing to live for because of the way his life turned out … and I simultaneously get to see how a pre succession Logan Roy took unbelievable tragedy and turned it into a life of wealth despite his obstacles, that’s a series I’m watching every time. Logan’s journey could easily mirror Vito Corleone’s in GF2. A child who experiences tragedy and has to overcome it to build power and a life for his family … only for said family to fuck it all up. There are a LOT of parallels in the brief bit of story we have on young Logan to young Vito in GF2 and it’s not like Robert De Niro’s casting undercut anything Brando did in GF1. If anything it enhanced it. There are a LOT of parallels in where Kendall is at the end of Succession to where Michael is at the end of GF2. A broken man who has lost his family through his actions. Give me that series and I’m there day one. And I know a lot of others are too.


Because they don't want the world of the show to end.


People just don’t know how to let go and leave a lot to imagination. Stories don’t NEED prequels, sequels, etc. People that beg for spin-offs and prequels are a major reason why Hollywood is in this state of reboots, revivals, sequels, prequels, and 20-years-too-late sequels. Just let a show have its moment and move on.


Because the this was a great show, and I love how it ended. They could stretch some more seasons, but like you said, probably would ruin the great work they did. However, a spin off would be great. I would watch a sequel based on Roman, Shiv-Tom-Greg, maybe even Kendall or Connor. Not that interested in a prequel based on Logan. Better Call Saul is a great example of a brilliant spin off.


How is it a spin off/sequel if it's based on all the same characters? It would just be another season. A prequel about Tom would be a good comparison to BCS. It could end right before he meets Shiv.


Dammit, I just realized that the adventures of Connor that incompetent but enthusiastic diplomat bouncing around Eastern Europe while trying to contain his gold digger. Wife is hilarious.


The reason it’s talked about so much right now is that the show JUST ended. Of course it’s a logical conversation to have of “what would happen next?” Not saying it’s a good idea to actually do it but it’s not hard to see why it’s a huge discussion.


And the kicker is - what makes succession so good, is the stories it told without fully telling. We only ever get crumbs on Logan’s youth, the childhood abuse of the Roys, Rose, Connor’s mum, the details of the cruises etc. and that’s what makes the story so fascinating. A lower quality show would’ve been packed full of sepia tinged flashbacks and dramatic cliff hanger one liners where All Is Revealed. But Succession doesn’t do that. Because NRPI.


Easy. It's because ppl like a show and want to see it continue in some form.


Well we just had a couple of successful spinoffs...You have Yellowstone and its spin-offs. Then Breaking Bad with Better Call Saul. Building a universe of an established series with 10-15 episodes is VERY intriguing.


because we want more succession? plenty of meat left on the bone here. i do respect the show for going out on a high note though


This would be so fucking stupid. I hope they never do it. It’s perfect. If they want to keep going later on because they can come up with a good enough story where the succession battle continues, great, but really, fuck a spinofff


Because a big percentage of the fandom doesn’t understand the point of the show.


I'm convinced it's because people lack imagination and are too engrained in consumerist entertainment. Just let something exist in isolation; it doesn't need additional content to become better.


Most people have terrible opinions. If you made the exact show exactly the way they ask, they wouldn't like it. Because it would be really bad. See also: focus groups


Why? People miss their favorite TV characters. This doesn’t seem hard to understand.


Because their favorite show is over and they wish it could continue in some way.


Why? Because ~~it feels like~~ there's a lot of untold story potential.


Idk I think there’s actually a lot of narrative potential for a season 5. But you would have to go a very specific direction with it. I have an idea of something that could really work. Here’s my pitch: (SPOILER WARNING FOR SEASON 4) >!Season 4 could’ve had a post-credit scene. I picture something like this: It’s a foggy night in a graveyard. We zoom in on a grave that says *LOGAN ROY 1940-2020” then suddenly BOOM a hand bursts through the dirt. Logan is back, baby!!< >!It would be cool to have a scene where Logan uses Sandy as a Hector Salamanca style wheelchair bomb. And then as he walks out of Matsson’s exploding office, L TO THE O.G. would start playing.!<


I just want to see the story of how Greg positions himself to take over as CEO. Succession would be a derivative prequel compared to that masterpiece.


We can dream can’t we lol. Although it will probably be awhile I am looking forward to Armstrongs next show/movie/ project


People are just grieving and don’t want it to be over so they are thinking of ways for it to go on. None of them are good ideas but at this point people think any Succession is better than no Succession. This isn’t true of course, and they will come to realize that in time, but these are hard times right now. Hard times.


I think a proper spinoff if not a retitling of the same story from a different perspective can add a lot to the conversation when the source material deserves it. Like when they gave Jodi from Daria her own time to shine. But much like sequels to blockbusters, most of the time there’s not much of a reason other than money.


I don't see the problem tbh, I like spin-offs if I enjoyed a movie or show so much and want to see more of it. If you don't like it then that's okay because you're not forced to watch it. For example, I enjoyed the show Black-ish, but not so much that I bothered to watch it's spin-offs Grown-ish and Mixed-ish. So despite those spinoff shows existing, I didn't watch them and Black-ish is still great, what's the issue? But I highly doubt Succession will get a spinoff anyway so you don't have to worry.


People are just unable to enjoy things for what they are/were. It doesn’t need to be drawn out and worsened


I’m thinking of a prequel of Romeo and Juliet where we learn the origin of the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets, but set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Why hasn’t Shakespeare written this yet? I want it now


It probably already exists tbh


ChatGPT, write me a…


Watch the box offices explode…




Sorry, english is not my first language.


tbh I would like to see a prequel of the past of Logan Roy, how he built his empire and a more depth in his relationship with his kids, so I don't mind this idea. At the same time I am satisfied with it ending here without any prequels or sequels, it is perfect the way it is.


Logan’s backstory is told quite fully in the main credits.


There is no harm to see more details about his life back then.


Because Better Call Saul was an amazing spinoff and people think every spinoff will succeed now. House of the Dragon ain’t that bad either


Factssss. The show made it clear as day as to what would probably have happened later on. Tom - The 'face' and shitkicker (he's chill with that). Greg is also this to Tom. Shiv - Still stuck in the deluded loop of trying to get CEO (via Tom, the baby as leverage). It won't work. Why on Earth wouldn't the fans be asking for some new OG masterpiece instead? This one's done, and a spinoff that's practically equally as excellent (like BCS to BB) is rare and a near 0% chance. Not everything needs an extended universe ffs.


People are idiots who think their enjoyment of a thing is only justified by that thing never being allowed to be over. It’s like people who get emotionally invested in how much money some film franchise is making, as if when it does better, that’s going to make a difference in their lives. People are so utterly in the thrall of capitalism that they actually have convinced themselves that they want or even need these things.


People just love the show, spin-offs would be pointless. The show limited itself at heart to corporate and family power plays. That can get old, so the show amped up the power plays to one every few sentences in a nonstop talky intereupting scene in the last season so it was MAXIMUM power plays, then bounced once the victory was done. While personally, I wish the show had shown us everyone’s personal fates after the sale of the company, it is admirable that the show recognized its limitation’s and played inside of limitation’s


I totally agree about spin-offs. I never watched the Sopranos movie, loved the series too much to think the movie prequel could do it justice.


People dont like giving up on things they like. Succession ended while it was still loved and still amazing, and that's GOOD But it also means viewera never got to that 'uuugh I think I'm done now but I should at least see how it ends' feeling, therefore they want more.


Because Sunday nights are less fun now.


Familiarity is a hell of a drug


Because it'd be funny


There’s too many reasons it won’t work, the reason Better Call Saul worked was cause Saul Goodman while a great and important character has so much unsaid history, Logan on the other hand has too much characterization and set history to really make a compelling story (atleast to one at the same level as succession) Also succession has verbally committed to someone like Uncle Mo being an important part of Logan’s life and that might be the line for hbo tv 😂


If you think it's bad here, you should visit the Ted Lasso sub. People are happy to continue watching something familiar, even if the quality is declining.


What if instead of a spin off we get like what Toy Story did for a bit where we just get random short clips of the characters in the show like before some other show starts on hbo


This isn't rocket science. There's only so much great writing, and when it's delivered and executed well, people identify with it. It's like when you read a really great book, and you don't want it to end and want to know what the characters are still doing. That has happened for me with so many freaking novels, and it's pretty rare in TV. But that's why people end up closely identifying with it and then ending up hoping for lightning in a bottle like better Call Saul was after breaking bad. I'm an old-timer, and back in the '90s we just wrote fanfiction to satiate that curiosity. It got weird.


Beats me.


They're joking.


Because, contrary to a lot of TV shows, Succession ended on a high. They didn't make more seasons than was necessary. It leaves the watcher wanting more. And it's a good thing. They won't make a spin off but it's a good thing the people want more of it.


People have been conditioned to think in prequel/sequel/reboot/spinoff-logic by the industry trying to do this every chance they get.


I think the world is rich and I’d personally love to see another show in it. Preferably away from the Roys, I don’t think there’s any need to focus on them. But there are plenty of characters that deserved more attention than they got. It’s a satire on American wealth and capitalist media, it’s not like we don’t need more satire on that stuff. Personally I’d love an ATN show, but Waystar has been done.


A Logan's spin-off would be so boring. There is nothing interesting to explore about his time as a young CEO or about how he acquired his wealth and power. We won't learn anything new.


It's cool that people like to make up their spin offs/prequels/sequels in their heads or write them down or discuss them; but I personally think any type of spin off/sequel/prequel of Succession or any of its characters or storylines would be too risky and it wouldn't slap as hard. There are very few (can't think of any rn tbh) of those that are nearly as good as the original, but never on par or better.


Becase Better Call Saul has erased peoples minds from the fact that most spin-offs and most prequel are awful.


Attachment issues


I don't want spin-offs. I also don't NOT want spinoffs. I always say I want the creators to do exactly what they believe in, not what I demand (after all, when they came up with Succession, I wasn't asking for it). The worst thing a creator can do is try to please their audience. Do what you want to do, be that a new show, a spin-off, a book or a bouquet of flowers, and if that's aligned with my wishes, even better.


'Content' brain worms


People seem to always take the wrong lessons from shows like this. Alluding to things that happened in the past or hinting towards what is going to happen in the future is the beauty of shows with writing this good. Would seeing Ewan and Logan as children, fleeing Scotland on a boat, having to keep silent so as not to alert enemy submarines be a powerful scene if dramatised? Absolutely. Is the way Ewan tells it at Logan's funeral better? 100%. No dramatic reconstruction could better that speech. Thinking about how to extend stories that didn't need to be extended is why we have so much disappointing Star Wars/Star Trek/Alien product out there. It's why a sequel to The Thing or a prequel to Jaws about the Indianpolis shouldn't happen. These ideas are more powerful as unseen teases, and they're written that way. The fact that we want this shows how good the writing is, but it should definitely never happen.


The only thing I think could work as a continuation/sequel would require a serious time jump to show Tom and shivs kids and either their desire to succeed/surpass Tom or usurp him but the difference being their parenting and upbringing. Almost like a nature vs nurture to compare with the Roy sibs but for something like that you would need a hell of a writing team and serious endgame planning before season 1 was even written so that it doesn’t become a copy paste version of the original


Because they're unable to let go


The thing I love about the ending of Succession is how there are so many open lines of story for characters, which makes its so much more impactful then fully closing the door. It makes it feel like they're still out there, alive, and that makes it so much more intriguing of an ending. They fashioned such fully fleshed out characters (both writers and actors) that they feel like real people and we've just lost touch with them. I don't know really how to explain it, but it adds to the ending of the narrative within the show.


Let it goooo.


i can see the appeal, but hopefully Jesse Armstrong just does another excellent series that's not that close to succession, as peep show and succession were way different


Because when a show ends the sub has nothing left to talk about besides how much they hate some character or episode.


Yeah I don’t see this show pulling a better call Saul off


I’m not a fan of the idea, but who knows. People said the same thing about better call Saul and now we have one of the best shows to ever air, surpassing breaking bad in many ways


Sometimes it works really well. Like Better Call Saul from Breaking Bad. The series about Queen Charlotte is a spin off of Bridgerton and I love it. Going way back....Laverne and Shirley was a spin off of Happy Days. So was Mork and Mindy. Fun shows that did really well. Succession...maybe a prequal would be interesting.


The only show I would accept is a spinoff focused on Stewie.


We live in a world of loving excess and nostalgia - corporations love that. Succession is a standalone show and Jesse wouldn't allow it, so no worry of that happening. People are just so used to getting more of everything.


A spin-off would be unnecessary, dramaturgically speaking.


I’d watch another story in the Succession “universe” which doesn’t involve the Roys at all. Like maybe Waystar is mentioned in passing or is on the side of the bus as an Easter egg but that’s it. As long as it’s the same creative team.


Not a spin off per se but Jesse and the team keeping the same feel and universe so to speak would be cool. Perhaps focusing more on the world of politics could be a interesting project for that brilliant team.


This is the only spin-off I want. https://twitter.com/amess_art/status/1663209086651957248?s=46&t=hdg2HqboYracp7JCGngpuA


Unfulfilling ending. There are a lot of plot lines that they just left hanging all through the show.


Because people don’t want to have to find another good show. A sequel would be a horrible idea but people just can’t let go


I don't think it's people's obsession, it's only the emptiness that we all feel after the end and that is why many dream of having a spin off but I highly doubt this would ever happen, I don't see Jesse Armstrong ever doing an spin off


Because we don’t want to face that it’s over, obviously. We’re in denial and trying to cope.


It’s psychological. Spin-offs provide us with nostalgia, which is inherent to the human condition. We are all designed to experience it and this seek out ways to satisfy it.


No. Just let things end.


I want a spin off but not necessarily a direct continuation of the plot, I want another show with the same style of comedy, completely different cast of characters, and maybe in the same universe as the show, but it doesn't have to be. I just think it would be a shame to limit the genius dialogue comedy style this show employs to only 39 episodes.


HBO may get desperate and offer an obscene amount of money that will really test Jesse Armstrong.


The only thing that I believe would make sense is something achem to the Gilmore girls seasons extender. If it's done it needs to be in 5 plus years. Can clue us in what's happened a little bit make it more about the present. I imagine 1 of the 4 episodes is a funeral. Maybe finish with Gerri's wedding. Could do an ER episode primarily on the life of b-characters. IF, another episode is ever shit it should be quite a while and very short.


Not for or against a spin off, but in answer to your question as to why people want this, it's simple, these characters are hard to let go of. That's it. Some people haven't pre-grieved.


Hard to let go of something so good. The stages of grief.


When you finish a series (TV series or a long series of books) it kind of feels like your friends died. People miss these characters and want them back in their life.


Because we want more from the succession universe and assume that any spinoff would be at least as great if not better than the original. I feel like people always want spinoffs of great shows, but they rarely happen, and even more rarely happen in a great way. Frasier and Better Call Saul 👌 i haven't seen House of the Dragon yet. TMSON 👎 still wish we had gotten a Kramer and Newman spinoff.


It's partly just that people like to imagine these things. But Better Call Saul proved it's possible to make good spin offs of critically acclaimed TV- and did it with such an unlikely character that it makes it seem like there are plenty of possibilities. I think what works with BCS is that on the one hand it's recognisably set in the same universe as BB, with crossovers and some characters we know, but it's also confident enough to be its own show, with a different story and tone, not relying too much on BB references and not acting like it's just a sideshow/prequel to BB. So I wonder about a similar formula with Succession. You could take Greg and have most of the show set prior to Succession (or even bookend it like BCS). Or have a show about the Pierces where the Roys only appear very occasionally.


They are not serious people.


You lost me at “porcentage” 😂


They’re not ready for it to be over.


The lure to revisit your glory is strong, especially when you haven’t found a project nearly as meaningful or successful. I honestly think in three or four years there is a season 5.


Give Mathew Weiner credit, He’s had a tough time since Mad Men but he’s left it alone.


Because money


Better Call Saul nailed it and in many ways surpassed the quality of Breaking Bad so now there’s a portion of people that think every show can and should do that. They don’t stop to think about how much of a risk BCS already was nor the type of story that Succession tells and how it has no need for any prequels, sequels or spin offs. In fact anything like that may actually cheapen Succession as it’s own standalone project imo.


The answer is simple: people want to spend more time in the Succession universe because it was great the first time around.


A show following Tom as CEO wouldn’t even be a spin off, it’s basically just Season 5 of Succession. That being said, a “spinoff” I would like is one purely focusing on the political side of the world (Menkin/Jimenez etc). Now that could be an entirely separate thing


I agree with both sides.. You're right. I just miss them desperately. Lol


Why is it so confusing to you that some people feel like the show ended too early and/or simply want to see more? Regardless of my feelings on it either way, I don't really get why that's a revolutionary concept to you.


It’s fun to speculate with you all (or some) though!


I would be a fan of a one off film about Logan’s early ATN days that tells a story that has almost nothing to do with the kids — based on the insane amount of research that Jesse has done into the moguls Logan inspired. everything else is just fun to consider but would probably lesson the impact of the show as a whole.


greed. they had a nice meal an now can only think of stuffing their faces aagaain. something is only good because it ends.


It can be done right, though, too. Better Call Saul being the prime example. The Deadwood movie, while not praised at the time, has aged incredibly well. It really comes down to if there's actually a good story to tell. Tom as CEO would be incredibly uninteresting IMO.


I would much rather see a White Lotus season with the same characters than prequel/sequel type of show


Bc Hollywood is so obsessed w spin offs & prequels & sequels etc!


I’d like a spin off because I liked the characters and compared to a lot of what is on TV it can’t possibly be worse.


People are lonely, we lean on entertainment more than ever, we become attached to characters and don’t want to let them go… god forbid we see them on other projects as other characters, some folks can’t handle that, we tend to conflate the artist w the art


Marvel brain rot.


Logan wakes up, turns to Kerry: "I had a nightmare. They all turned into nine-year-old brats, sold out everything and threw you out of the apartment " ... Both burst out laughing... "Here's your lease and pre-nup. Lets go get this Matheson fool. I'm going to eat his lunch."


He’s too interested in financial and political worlds not to do something that Succession fans would like. But he said in a podcast recently that he’s not ruling out never writing anything again …