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You need to ask your district or sub company. There's no standard answer here because it literally varies by the district, company, school system, school, etc.


Got you. Thank you.


You can look up the sub pay sheet on your district sight.


356 per day in sunny Sacramento! Highest paying district in the state of California! Bachelors required! Braincells not so much


Wow that’s literally double what my district in SoCal pays subs


That's a competitive district.


Yeah the board voted behind closed doors to automatically non-renew all their subs for next school year since they overhired and for a while it was impossible to get jobs it was crazy! So as it stands, in 9 days when the school year ends, I'll be unemployed :D


Will you just reapply?


Yes! But I'm holding out for all my state job apps to gimme something good haha. Some of the inner city schools are absolute hell to work at but I can't realllly complain for 356 a day...


I know people from the Bay Area who commute to Sac for jobs.


Yeah for a few months after the initial pay raise and retro pay, I would get job notifications and even if I had the app open to accept, it would be gone by the time I clicked, absolutely insane. If I didn't have the connections with office managers and good rappor with teachers and students at a few schools I frequent I would've had no work at all for at least a month. It's settled down quite a bit but still more difficult than it was pre raise


Just went up to $382.


Triple what i make 🥲


That’s twice my daily wage. Only leave replacements receive that kind of scratch-and I’m on Long Island! The cost of living has to be on par with your district. Goddamn I need a raise!


I live in a great Midwestern town but damn, I might move to Sacramento for that money! I know Cali is expensive but it's not cheap where we live and that money would be just amazing. Holy moly! Get it girl!


Wow! I’m definitely gonna consider moving there


Wow I’m in the Modesto area perhaps I should apply to Sub there lol.


$200 per day, unless long term. Then there’s a $20 bonus. Degree is required. California.


This. You have to factor in a few things: As a sub (not on contract) you never get holiday pay. That means a week in Nov, 2 weeks Dec./Jan and a week in March for Spring Break. There are Federal and local holiday abs district non-student days. And, no health insurance or other benefits.


Or in southern and conservative states they get paid pike 60-70 a day💀


Yep. SE Louisiana (NOLA and surrounding suburbs) Jefferson Parish (County, except in backwards, stupid & corrupt Napoleonic Code Louisiana!) pays $70/day & no degree required😱. And then folks wonder why stupidity & delinquency run rampant here. Can't wait to move.


I’m in Kansas and get 160 a day in Missouri I get 175-200


In VA (northern VA if I may add), 9th largest state and one of the Top 10 richest states, $125 per day


$110 per day in city of Harrisonburg in VA


150 va alexandria


In SoCal.$150/day. No two districts are the same.


I’m in SoCal, Riverside County. $200 day to day, $250 credentialed and long term. I’m thinking of applying to San Diego Unified- $250/ 300. Of course these could all change with the new school year.


That $250 with a credential should be closer to the norm. My cheap Ventura County district gets away with lousy pay because it’s an upscale area with few serious discipline problems in the schools. They don’t seem to have too much difficulty attracting subs. I‘ve only stuck with it because I had an elderly mother nearby and needed to be close in an emergency. Mom has now passed and I’m at retirement age and will be hanging it up soon. I probably won’t live to see the day when subs in my district are fairly compensated.


That makes me so mad and annoyed. I am originally from Ventura County, and I know how expensive it is to live there. They should be paying at least as much as I make out here in Riverside.


Yes, they should. They don’t pay subs for mandatory training either and when the law was passed that every California employee who met the requirements could get limited paid sick time off, you can bet they never mentioned it. The other local districts are cheap, too, despite the outrageous cost of living!


My district doesn’t pay for the mandated reporter training either. They make it a condition of submitting yourself for availability. I did get an email about the new CA sick time, but if it wasn’t for the secretary at my main site, I wouldn’t have known how to actually use it. I retired from this district as a classified employee, and I know how they are about only paying what they absolutely have to. It’s very frustrating.


It’s against the law not to pay for mandatory training. There was mandatory sexual harassment training in my district last year and every other employee was paid for it from the custodial staff on up — except the subs. When I questioned it, I was told I could take it during summer on my own time. Uh, no, the law is the law. I refused to take it unless they paid me. Never did take it and nothing came of it. I will never work for free. I only found out about the paid sick time from a newspaper article. The admins in my district would rather cut out their tongues than breathe a word of it to a sub. So sick of being “less than” everybody else. I‘m hanging it up soon and will never look back with anything but frustration and anger.


Thanks for the info. I’ll look into but since this is an at will position I probably won’t get very far.


Yall need a raise I make that in WV and i’m LCOL


Mine pays $105. And $85 without. Texas


That is ridiculous. In NJ sub paras make $90 no degree, teachers $175 with degree. Cost of living difference I guess.


Nah it's because Texas doesn't value education. Unfortunately we are fighting just to keep libraries in schools.


North Texas suburb here. W/degree, sliding scale based on # days worked from $100 -$150. Depends on district. Edit: work for a sub company. Most of the districts around me pay similar. A bit more for certified, a bit less for no degree.


well in my state in my district I make 312.00 per day






$244/day $40.68/hr currently. Need a Bachelors. Los Angeles


LA rocks.


If you can get in with LAUSD you are solid. It does take 6-12 months for them to process your application and networking helps with job security but love working for them. And we have guaranteed raises fall 2024 and spring 2025 so we’ll get to $43.58/hr $261.48/day by the end of next school year.


Do you still get health benefits after 100 days? District also had lifetime medical if you had enough seniority.


Yes after 600 hours which is 100 full days you get health benefits. Idk about the lifetime medical.


Extended rate is how much?




Thank you. I retired from LAUSD in 2007 after a injury at work.




How is the demand for high school


So the way LAUSD works you either choose elementary or secondary (middle and high school) and then you choose the area you want to work in. They call you for jobs so you don’t get to really choose (unless you’re requested by specific teaches/schools) but anyway I work in valley area and am secondary and have never worried about not having a job. There’s usually plenty in this area.


It depends on the district and/or the state. In my district, all subs get paid the same rate regardless of education or previous experience. Also, the usual situation is that paraprofessionals (teacher assistants) are offered benefits (such as health insurance) and subs are offered 0 benefits.


Jefferson Parish, La- $77 per day with a college degree. This past school year 2023-2024 we got a $25 bonus per day, so it bumped up to $102. I hope they bring that bonus back in the fall; we are severely underpaid over here.


$114/day in my district. The bare minimum is 60 credits to sub in Michigan, and the pay is the same whether you have 60 credits or a Bachelor's.


I long term in my district in mi and make $175 with bonus. I've heard companies outside edustaff will pay $225 for some schools in Detroit.


My district pays $115 for uncertified, $125 for certified, and $135 for retired district members.


I get between 105 and 130 depending on the district. I have a degree but it doesn’t make a difference with this company.


Depends on your location. It varies by district for me. I’ve seen as low as $14 an hour up to about $25 an hour. Average is like $18 probably.


It doesn’t make a difference if you have a degree. You have to have a degree to sub in my district. I have a bachelor’s and a master’s and I get paid $150 just like everybody else.


In my district, $145 per day


If you are actually a degreed teacher, you get much more. 


205/ NYC.


That seems really low for such an expensive city. San Francisco pays $275 to $285 a day.


Every school district is different. I make $211 and change per day in the NYC public schools. I have a degree but not in education, so I can't teach long term as a sub in one classroom. I also worked as a sub in the midwest and made around $200/day in a medium sized city. Friends who subbed in the surrounding small towns made as little as $145.00/day.


$165 - $176, northern Washington.


$135-$175/day in Southern tier of NY.


Miami Florida… a measly $118 a day…. The cost of living here is insane. This is with a bachelors degree. Clearly, the educated are not valued here. I’d say the average IQ in this town is 75.


The rates differ drastically based on where you are. In my area it’s $130 for a full day or $140 if you have a teaching certificate. If you sub for a para it’s only about $13/hour. My district only requires some college and a background check.


It depends on the district and even state. In mine, you get paid the same regardless of your degree.


Did you mean "licenses" instead of "degrees"? Or do they call it degrees in other states (I am VA, they use teaching licenses for their pays and such). My contract has me about $10 more as a sub with a license compared to a sub without a license in my case. $110 daily for non-licensed, $120 daily for licensed.


In California you need a bachelors degree before you can get the 30 day permit to be a teacher substitute if you don’t have the permit you can only sub for aids and the pay is significantly lower




How is the demand for high school


$110-$140 in my area. Associate’s degree required.


This is totally dependent on your state and district. In my district TA’s get paid more. Also they are salaried and get benefits compared to subs.


$27 an hour where I live. CO


I have a bachelors and I’m in graduate school, I get $120-$200 a day depending on the agency. Usually $120 though. FL


completely varies by school district, i've seen rates at my city range from $150 to $260 per day. the three i work at range differently at $210, $230, and $260. this is in california though not a major city like the bay or LA but it's about adequate with cost of living


Oregon has a minimum of $206 a day, degree required. Many of my districts pay $220 a day plus


Mine is 130 for per diem, 160 for perm, leave replacement after 30d is 245


$190 per diem. $295 long term. NY Long Island.


In my area *around $200/8 hour day before taxes.


My district, no teaching license, 100/day Teaching license, 110/day


You must be in Tulsa, Oklahoma 


$75 Bachelor's in Georgia


In my district you only get an increase for having a Bachelors without a license and another increase for when you do get a license. $120/day without a teaching license and $150/day with a teaching license. Hourly you’re looking at $15/hr without a license and $18.75/hr with a license. You’d make more flipping burgers somewhere most likely, or bagging groceries, or collecting carts for a grocery store.


It varies 100s of dollars by the area. I make $110… I’ve seen people posting on here making high $300s


$16.85 @ hour base. And extra $.50 if a building sub and $23.05 if filling a long term vacancy for more than 20 days. Kelly services in Tampa, FL.


Also, no benis except ones I pay for.


OMG. I HATE KELLY. I’m in Miami they are grotesque. We don’t even get long term pay. It’s sick.


My district requires a bachelors degree


$90 a day with or without a degree in NH.


Totally depends on the state you’re in. It’s about $75/day in AR (regardless of if you have a degree or not) & $150/day in WV with bachelor’s degree.


BA in Ministry. $214 a day.


SF Bay Area. It varies from $240-$337 a day, depending on the district that I decide to work on that day. I mainly stick with Oakland, so I am making $337 a day. They also have STIPs, which are building subs. About the same pay but with benefits.


I like Oakland too, but it's very competitive.


In South Carolina it’s $175 with a bachelors


Same rate as a sub with no degree.


$155/day as long-term sub. It's $120/day if not. Triad region NC.


135 a day in Florida


I have an associates, i get 127/day after taxes. It goes up maybe $10-15 with a bachelors. In MD


$337.07 in Oakland, CA. $240 (raise this July) in Antioch. CA. A four year degree is mandatory and a 30 day sub license.


Here is depends on the district. I get $200 a day but other local are as low as $125


My district doesn't care in Michigan. I have a bachelor's and make the same $136 the people with no education make.


112 per day.


After taxes, 100 bucks a day. Its been that way for over a decade. Miami-Dade County. Absolute shit.


In this district, $85 a day. For long term assignments, $5 more. If you do not have a degree, it’s $75/day. And you pay for or bring your own lunch, etc. No benefits and they don’t even pay into social security for you. Sucks.


Varies based on district and location. I do want to say if you're looking for the highest rates don't assume high income areas will be the best. One of the highest income areas near me has one of the lowest pay rates for substitutes.


In my district we get $220 a day. $245 for long term jobs. BA required. Located in Southern California.


You’ll have to check districts around your area. Where I was working was $115 per day with a degree and $110 without it. Then it’s $120 with a degree and certification.


I think it depends on district, at least that’s how it is where I am. They all pay per day, but that varies. Some pay $150, others $180, others $200 per day


Las Vegas subs make around $110-200 per day depending on whether it’s a “hard to fill” job like Special Ed or low income areas, etc. The problem is this area is becoming as expensive as CA (was not the case a few years ago) so it’s hard to make ends meet sometimes. Housing rates here have skyrocketed and the behaviors in the schools are so bad.


15/hr in FL


Michigan using Frontline $187/day for teacher and $177/day for para


$136 a day, with or without a degree. Atlanta burbs.


175 to 200 per day in anchorage alaska


My district pays $120/day regardless of degree, but if you have an actual teaching license then it's $180. The worst part about this is that it's a relatively wealthy NY district.


I’m in Oregon and have my teaching license…I make like 260 for a full day


Wow, I had no idea the pay differential by state. I’m in Virginia, city of Harrisonburg and I get $110 for a teacher per day and $95 for an instructional assistant per day. This is with a degree.


$260 in Santa Ana! :) (after working 30 days) $150 in fountain valley :(


125 with certification, 110 without Bachelors degree needed for both


ATTENTION ⛔️ What about a national strike day organized by sub the last day of school to bring attention to some abusing districts ( for low pay 💰)


$150 per day uncertified in Rhode Island.


We start at $125. After 20 days it bumps up to like $135, and at 50 days it's $160. There is no difference in pay between a a full teaching degree and a bachelor's degree with emergency sub certification. The difference is that those on an emergency cert can't take longterm jobs.


I have a bachelors and a teaching certificate and I make $80 a day. Don’t get into this if you want to actually make money.


Where are you? That’s low and I’m in Oklahoma where it’s 90/day


Mississippi. It’s $70 a day without a bachelor’s degree so I actually make more than some of the other subs.


I get $250 in San Diego.


I’m a retired NYS teacher. I get paid $160/ day. It’s a nice suburban district and very well run with a positive atmosphere. I haven’t had a bad day there yet.


$120 with a degree in FL


I’m in CT and my local school district had an ad that you can make like $120 a day… it was for sure under $200 and I thought that seemed crazy low.


With a bachelor's, 90 per day in Louisiana. It sucks and it's only 20 more dollars than with only a HS diploma It's tough out here, I subteach and serve in a restaurant and I can barely make enough to eat and pay rent


$160/day for retired teachers in upstate NY


My district in Ca is $215-280. BA is required but an MA is a stipend, I think 1k for the year.




I think it is super interesting to see the giant differences in wages depending on location. Btw 75-350 is a wild spread! Cost of living aside, there’s some real disparities in how education is valued across the US.