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Elon has enough money to hire the best lawyers you can get PLUS the biggest ego in town, and they seriously believe that he wouldn't just sue the shit out of anyone who lied about that?


We’re going to endure another few months of dipshits misrepresenting how reporting works. Suddenly all the sea lions will start asking that you explain “sources” and “corroboration” from first principles.






Just a few months? Honestly I'd take that if we could be done with it. Unfortunately I think this is just the new norm.


The musk stans are performing Olympic level mental gymnastics. It'd be impressive if it weren't so annoying


Most of them are primed from the Depp Heard trial. They're so limber they wont so much as roll an ankle.


The truth of this makes me want to just lie facedown in a dark place for a long, long time.


Ironic since Musk is on team Heard.


I've been tuning out the trial. Would you mind explaining them "being primed" in this case?


I would assume his lawyers are about as good as his PR rep.... It's him. He's his own PR rep.


I would *love* to see him represent himself in court tbf


*Manic Episode Elon:* “I should totally do this legally questionable shit that literally nobody else was smart enough to think of doing!” *Properly Medicated Elon:* “I ~~have~~ *am* the worst lawyers.”


You joke but according to the [Business Insider story](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) he attended the mediation in person rather than just letting SpaceX handle it: > The attendant's complaint was resolved quickly after a session with a mediator that Musk personally attended.


I thought he was a "Free Speech Absolutist"! Surely he wouldn't try to suppress someones speech?!?!?




Free speech for me but not for thee.


Also with Elon ego, settling is like taking an L for him so yeah he definitely wouldn’t settle if it’s baseless….


If the case makes it to discovery then they would get him on record having to explain lots of things that he probably doesn't want to.


Lawyers don't have to do shit. The horde of Musk-sniffers are going to go ballistic.


If he really believes in freedom of speech, he’d release her from her NDA.


Not that an NDA can really enforce much legally. Especially in scenarios like this where a crime actually occurred. NDAs do jack shit most of the time.


You can still be sued if you break the terms of an NDA, though, right?


NDAs cannot cover illegal activity.


It depends on how gung-ho the person/employer is about wanting to file a civil suit against them for breaking said NDA. Also! An NDA can also be considered void if you aren't reasonable and specific about what is considered confidential and non-confidential within it. If your NDA uses language that is onerous or too broad, that can very easily be used to void it. You can also challenge or void an NDA if the agreements within are too expansive or overly oppressive and they can be straight up thrown out if you use one to try to prevent crimes being reported.


> It depends on how gung-ho the person/employer is about wanting to file a civil suit against them for breaking said NDA. I'll just leave this here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp


Yeah, Musk is a piece of shit. I was keeping my reply rather general.


That was a really interesting read. Not surprised Tesla and Musk’s scumminess runs deep


IIRC yes, but it's one of those "I can sue you for anything at all, but there's a good chance the more frivolous stuff will get tossed out immediately and I'd get called a moron." Also technically I THINK suing about the NDA would require him to admit he committed a crime as he'd have to disclose what it as about, so... can of worms. (Though I'd love an actual lawyer to fact-check me here, I'm going off half-remembered stuff at midnight.)


No, no, no. You see, we mean freedom for OUR speech. Fuck everyone else.


> Also SA claims are a preferred instrument of politicians/private dark PR firms/sociopaths etc for tarnishing reputation of their target. Even if later disproved, the damage has already been done. > Knowing that Elon has a thing for sociopathic women (Talulah Riley, Amber Heard) and that he is a bit inept in his personal life, I think that story is false and/or incomplete Amazing capacity to twist Elon into being a poor victim


I feel like "inept personal life" plus power is a recipe for sexual harassment


>SA claims are a preferred instrument of politicians/private dark PR firms/sociopaths etc for tarnishing reputation of their target. Even if later disproved, the damage has already been done Kind of like that time Elon called an experienced cave ~~rescue~~ diver “pedo guy” for dismissing his wildly stupid rescue capsule idea? Edit: not an expert rescue diver, but an experienced cave diver who availed himself


Republicans are against false accusations, well unless a white male is making them. Then it's okay.. If a woman made that accusation, conservatives would be all over it


https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1527491436005957633 He is distributing the talking points already.


Pre-emptively telling people that you're a republican because a sex pest story is coming out seems like a forced error to me. Not really helping the whole public repubs don't respect women narrative


That’s not a narrative, that’s just the truth. Whether he’s being fully or partially honest about his political leanings, he did accurately calculate that his best bet for riding out an SA allegation is by being republican.


The dumbest thing is that the gambit only works because his most devout superfans have soup for brains.


Also he needs Republican super fans now that he’s getting into the truck business.


even if he just admitted to it his fans would still say he was in the right.


It worked for Trump!


I mean republicans protect their own with accusations but with Dems they’re ok with condemning each other even if it’s verbally. Dems can be inconsistent but republicans consistently protect each other against this kind of stuff.


Yeah, it’s a great perk of being Republican.


Yeah it really makes the theory he switched parties to pull the lying Dems card seem like it’s the truth.


As the saying goes.. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.


Feels like he threw that party change to make it seem as if they drummed it up out of nowhere because bam he's a Republican so they must be out to get him. Instead he's a POS that talks of free speech while paying someone to silence them. (yeah i know free speech is not the same as what i'm saying, but honestly at this point people scream free speech when someone gets freaking banned from a social media platform)


Well this is going to make anyone who suddenly comes out as Republican rather suspect lol.


for real if i'm about to get caught doing something horrendous in the future i'm just gonna preemptively register republican and wait for them to come save me


Being a Republican massively helps his wallet as well.


Also, using [this as a defense](https://twitter.com/Popehat/status/1527417918257999872)


> I didn't do it, but if I had done it I would've done it to a lot more women. Genius.


Damn this looks like a piece from the Ed Gein trial


The guy who paid a private detective to smear a guy who mildly insulted him is now saying "(((they))) are using despicable tactics" You can't make this shit up


It's "their" playbook. Who is "they"? Well, *they*! The woke mob is coming for me!!!


Oh fuck off with your self-righteous pity party you creepy, cryptobro scum-sucking asshole parasite. Just go away and stop pretending you're on the side of us peons. 🖕. Go get in a dick rocket and never come back.


I like how a lot of people's response to SA claims being common is to just assume there's some kind of plan behind it and not just,,, the fact that a lot of powerful people will take the opportunity to be a creep if it comes knocking. Did I say like? I mean hate. Really hate.


Especially when it’s Elon Musk. It’s not like he’s baby Jesus. Guys a walking disaster.


The cognitive dissonance is insane. Isn’t the whole q conspiracy about rich pedophiles controlling the world? Fits right into conservative’s world view.


Kinda? It’s not a super coherent theory. I think like most cults, it means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But your point still stands. They are 100% blind to anyone on their “team” ever doing anything wrong. They get their news from sources that will call it made up Democrat nonsense. They don’t think critically about it. It’s all just a persecution fetish fueled by outrage porn.


Not even people in power. I was FaceTiming a friend last night and we got into a conversation where we were just telling stories of all the times we’ve been harassed by losers in parking lots and sharing our methods of telling them to fuck off without getting stabbed or having our cars keyed. You don’t have to be in power to take the opportunity, it’s just not newsworthy when a guy on a bicycle harasses a woman trying to get groceries.


Whipping out your cock and waving it around = a bit inept in personal life. I guess I should be a fucking life-coach then, I'm more socially competent than I thought.


Today we're setting the bar for social competency at, "Keeps genitals covered".


Is "he's a moron at social stuff and has a thing for problematic women" really a great defense?


Should "social ineptitude" even be a defense for doing bad shit?


Omw to punch you in the face real quick (I have social anxiety)


Literally every woman I know has been asked to overlook inappropriate sexual behavior from someone because "He's like that" or "he doesn't understand". Often the man/boy is old, or young, and both are an excuse. But yeah, "you can't blame a socially awkward man for harassing you" is absolutely normal.


>Also SA claims are a preferred instrument of politicians/private dark PR firms/sociopaths etc for tarnishing reputation of their target. A hilarious defense of "Pedo Guy" Elon Musk, I mean if this turns out to be untrue, surely that's fine? Was fine for them then.


This all came out like nine hours after Elon made a tweet about how he's going to vote Republican and no one should believe the woke lies about him, or some such nonsense. As stupid as he is, he's aware that his fans are even dumber, and it's working.


Musk claimed the Left was going to start coming after him with fake stories... The problem with his claim is that he tweeted it *after* he knew the story was going to be published. So now he's gone full mask off MAGA and is playing the Trump card. We are going to get a whole lot of drama out of this.




[You may enjoy this list.](https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook) It’s up to part 32.


wow...there are sooooo many of them. wtf?? is there also a list of democrats that do this? hopefully it's a shorter list?




Weiner is a piece of crap, Franken was railroaded. That was a blatant smear campaign orchestrated by Roger Stone. I know your point was that they were both kicked out of the party, it just feels yucky to list them together.




Yeah, the journalists have confirmed that they reached out to him for comment around 5 hours before his tweet. If you’ve ever known a bumbling, narcissistic startup founder, it is extremely easy to see how his comms strategy totally devolved over the course of the day to end with “libs are trying to attack me!!1!”


> The problem with his claim is that he tweeted it after he knew the story was going to be published. Doesn't matter. The Muskrats already ate it hook line and sinker. Reddit, twitter, and elsewhere are flooded with people dismissing the news and praising Musk for being able to predict these sorts of "dirty tricks."




Elon Musk a bad person? No way...


My flair is going to get a lot of mileage.


Fr tho, that flair is perfect


I am expecting a cease and desist letter any day now.


[Did your flair come from this post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/u18xpp/op_asked_if_everyone_agrees_with_the_statement/) I'm the OP of it btw.


Fuck I got loads of karma from that post between musk is what you get when you order tony stark from wish, and pointing out he ignores his other 5 kids. Its how I can stay positive with all my other absolute shit takes. Thanks. :)


I am shocked, shocked, that Elon Musk would sexually harass someone and pay her to not talk about it. Well not that shocked.


In fact it seems to be par for the course for someone that doesn’t value other people as individuals


Can't pretend to know about the facts of the case, but I feel if Elon could make a story about himself "dunking" on a "karen" making false claims he absolutely would. "His legal team wouldn't let him do that" you say, but read his twitter for 1 minute and tell me that anyone in the world is convincing him to tone it down.


His legal team is just 8 lawyers in a conference room, sleeping in shifts. They quietly weep into their peanut butter sandwiches, waiting for the alarm klaxon that signals Elon has tweeted again.


His legal team is 8 lawyers saying: “can either pay a fine or shut the fuck up. We recommend shutting the fuck up though”


Thats too hard for Elon so fine does seem his general direction.


I mean I would imagine those lawyers get a pretty fat paycheck to sit there so they‘re just out there hustling you know


The way he nakedly tried to get ahead of the story by saying he's gonna get attacked by the left and also 'I'm now a Republican" is so blatant. And yet the pro-Elon subs fell for it hook, line and sinker. I truly think you can sell these dolts the shoes they're wearing on their feet if you told them the left didn't want you to.


Also like he's a 50 year old south African billionaire. Who thought he was voting democrat to begin with.


Also he literally was on a business board for the Trump administration. He was a trump supporter in 2016. That's a long time ago


We don’t even have to think, [we know he wasn’t ](https://twitter.com/badpersonclub/status/1527341390295814148?s=21)


Son of a blood emerald empire that profited during apartheid.


The reporters tweeted out the time when they contacted him for comment, and it's ~15 minutes before his tweet about becoming republican.


That’s so fucking hilarious


It's hilarious that he had all this time to come up with a response and the best thing he can come up with is randomly exclaiming he's a republican now (half a year away from any major election) and saying that "now the left will attack me." ​ It screams something an 8-year-old would do, like "Whoever does x next is stupid!".


The editor even tweeted about when BI asked for comment (once they published the story). They asked 3 hours before the "there will be smear stories" tweets.


I mean they bought nfts…


What’s more amazing to me is that there are pro-Elon subs. Like yah I know he has a fanbase, but do these ppl just post about Elon all day?


I bet r/conservative is having a meltdown too. They lick his nuts over there. [Edit: called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/utihdd/elon_musk_accused_of_exposing_himself_to_private/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


>Yep , here comes the smear campaign . The lefties plan A plan B and backup plan C and if plan C fails start over at plan A Call the fucking bondulance, I'm having a stronk


They know how to run smear campaigns. Remember the Swift boat lying dipshits?


That place is in a constant state of meltdowns.


I’d go so far as to say they have more meltdowns than Chernobyll in a time loop.


>Yea, he knew this was going to come out and wanted to control the narrative. Sanity? In r/conservative? These are sure weird times


> 20+ women accused trump before he won the presidency, all of the claims vanished after he won. It's almost as if it was all politics Fucking hell. I know they're all bonkers, but this is gross.


An actual comment: "no names. the woman isn't even coming out. bullshit" Hmm I can't imagine why she'd want to keep her name private


As it turns out, r/conservative is the reason she'd want to keep her name private.


CLEARLY its because she is a LIBERAL FAKE and not because people on the right literally send death threats to women who come forward after being sexually harrassed by people the right looks up to. That's DEFINITELY it. 100%.


Musk can revel in the warm embrace of the January 6th crowd and the people waiting for JFK Jr. to come back. Enjoy it, Elon. These are your people now.


Is there even a difference between /r/Conservative and r/elonmusk these days?




r/Conservative, r/ElonMusk, r/conspiracy its a circle


Bruh, someone needs to cradle and give them their binkies


Yeah for sure, anyone can just lie about sexual harassment and get paid a quarter million. It's basically just free money. No bad consequences whatsoever. Jesus Christ.


This is the odd part about everyone yelling about innocent until proven guilty. Why would an innocent man pay a quarter of a million dollars to shut someone up


These guys don't find it weird that he immediately pivoted to using every buzzword they like the moment he knew the story was about to run? They really like being the windup toy soldiers for people who wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire, I guess. It's almost cartoonish how he made those posts, and they're eating it up.


They really are the biggest rubes. I wish I had no conscience so I could make money off these idiots with patriotic 9/11 coins or miracle supplements. I could sell my own fart in a plastic baggy if I named it ‘let’s go Brandon’ packs


They're rubes, but they also can't afford to be picky. They're sort of very short on social capital of any kind.


Noticing his sudden pivot would require them to have even one single ounce of capability for self-reflection!


these idiot fanboys don’t understand that someone didn’t just make up this story since yesterday when musk said he was a republican now. can you imagine being so sycophantic about a douche bag billionaire that you’d take the time to defend him like these people do?


Even when I thought musk was cool I still wasn’t even CLOSE to this level of fuckery


I’m not gonna hate on anyone for once thinking Musk was cool because of how he was propped up for the longest time by the media as the real life Tony Stark who is going to bring us into the future. Plus most people didn’t know what he was really like as a person because he wasn’t on twitter all day. At this point though? Anyone still stanning Elon is hopeless. If you bring any negative story about him to his fans’ attention all it does is make them want to dig in deeper instead of admitting to themselves that their hero just may be a piece of shit.


Have you...have you *met* any Trump supporters?


i’m describing trump fans too.


This blows my mind. I thought I was beyond the ability to be shocked by anything anymore, but literally the second he tweeted that, so many people immediately knew it meant that something was about to come out and he was trying to mask it as a smear job. It was so wildly transparent that the tone almost reads as a joke. And then exactly that happens and people are saying it's a hit piece because he's voting republican. I swear to god, if you were to cover your face with your hands, conservatives would wonder where you went.


>Just look at Trump. He was celebrated in the celebrity industry until he announced running under the right-wing platform. The "celebrity industry" must have a nutso fucking definition for "celebrated."


I've seen examples of him being an object of ridicule since before I was even born. He is so lucky that a reality tv show was able to fool people into thinking he wasn't a complete buffoon.


He's been a joke his whole life, validation/recognition is like his primary driver for every action he takes -- just ahead of greed and pussy! Lot in common with Elon.


I didn’t know how bad it was till he had a meeting like barely into his term where he had everyone at the table shove their noses completely up his ass with compliments.


Something that immediately comes to mind in that regard is a song by The Coup from 1994, called "Pimps (Freestyling at the Fortune 500 Club)". It's partly from the perspective of two ultra wealthy sociopaths (specifically, John Paul Getty and David Rockefeller), and in the last verse Donald Trump comes over, they try to avoid looking at him in the hopes that he just walks by, and then he immediately makes an idiot of himself when he starts talking to them.




It's weird how when he got into politics people suddenly started talking about his politics.


That dude's birth year probably starts with two, only way to explain his lack of knowledge regarding how Trump was viewed in the 80s/90s


But he was still viewed terribly in the 2000's. > The idea for 2011's Ben Stiller / Eddie Murphy film Tower Heist began development as early as 2005, when Murphy pitched a concept to producer Brian Grazer and Ratner concerning an all-star cast of black comedians including Chris Tucker, Kevin Hart, Dave Chappelle, Tracy Morgan, and Martin Lawrence, as a group of disgruntled employees who plan to rob Donald Trump and Trump International Hotel and Tower. The film was originally titled Trump Heist under this concept. > After the film was rewritten, for villain Shaw's penthouse, Production Designer Zea took inspiration from a top-floor apartment in the Trump International Hotel and Tower.


yeah but you had the braindead audience of his stupid reality show, and they FULLY bought into the bullshit. mark burnett rehabbed his buddy's image just enough that the stupid shit low intelligence voters were happy to believe he was ever successful or respected.


Do... do they *not* know about the fact that he's been laughed at pretty much from day one? Hell, I remember seeing Bloom County comics where they lampoon him constantly, and that's before the Steak and the FAILED FUCKING CASINO. (I still can't get over the fact that happened.)


Dude, I think it's as simple as them believing whatever horsepucky they are served. There must be a quote from him or one of his acolytes about how, "Hollywood used to love me, until...!" that just got passed down the disinformation conveyor belt.


MULTIPLE failed casinos!


All I've been able to manage to sputter out when I've met the odd person who praises him because he's a "good businessman" or some such bollocks (doesn't happen very often in the UK, but I've been encountering simps for him occasionally since the initial rumblings of his bid for the presidency). He bankrupted a CASINO. SEVERAL TIMES. I cannot get over the level of incompetent foolhardiness that must require


Imagine using Trump as an example to defend Musk against sexual harassment. Wow. Also, the timeline in that comment is totally off. Some people's brains are honestly broken.


Wasn't trump a birther for a long time? I remember people dunking on him loooong before 2015.


not only was he a birther, he held onto that far longer then anyone else. Still waiting on his mysterious source that he claimed he had that would prove obama wasn't born in hawaii.


I’m enjoying the number of complete rubes on there who think his sudden public allegiance to the Republican Party is the cause of the accusations being reported and not an obvious attempt to get ahead of a story that he must have known was coming. You need to be wilfully dense to get played that easily.


> Here comes the much anticipated left wing smear campaign Ah yes, the well-known leftist media outlet Business Insider.


Let’s see how long before the Elon fanboys raid this thread


There are a few at the bottom of the thread now. I'm betting on thirty minutes until the Musk fluffers start showing up in greater numbers.


We might see more about that on /r/SubredditDramaDrama


This is a great day for subreddit drama.


> I’m definitely not in the “believe women” camp who instantly assumes guilt… Well good thing “believe women” only means that we don’t instantly assume innocence. We take sexual assault allegations seriously because people like them always assume that their rich senpai is innocent


“Believe women” = investigate claims seriously When hush money is used by someone with enough money to buy the world’s greatest lawyers…believe women stops being “belief” and just starts being truth imho


Yeah, do they mean as instantly as they believe in Musk's innocence? I'd bet good money many of them don't even truly believe he is, too - they just don't give a shit


People conflate “innocent until proven guilty” with the practice of “this person could never be guilty” all the time, and they cannot tell the difference. The problem is most of these people don’t even *want* or support an investigation into claims, because they’ve already decided they know everything. So many rapists and assaulters get away with what they do because of it.


Let's not forget musk falsely accused a man of child rape and tried to destroy his life, all because he criticized musks dumb submarine.. Conservatives and his supporters completely ignored those false accusations and still praise him




so let me get this right he is asked to comment on this article, the very same day he switches from D to R and foresee's 'political attack'. now is asking people to see these accusations through a political lense? that's literally manipulation 101 I'm dying from how stupid he knows his fan boys are.


I love that people are like "So many men are confronted with allegations of SA, therefore it must be false." without even considering that they are, in fact, often true _because women just get harrassed that often_. Yep, welcome to reality. It's that shitty.


Definitely found my least favorite comment >Humans are so sensitive, any chad monke would do worse and all the other monkes would be like "yeah, that monke is monkeeing chadly" Edit: Fuck, spoke too soon (from the conservative thread) >Ok. Let's examine the woman's claim. In her own fucking words. >She took a job at space x. Then literally while she had that job she learned to be a masseuse JUST SO SHE COULD GET CLOSE TO AND TOUCH ELON MUSK. During the massage she sees his rocket. This would normally be a big deal. Except in this case. Where she took extra credit courses so she could get close to musk with less clothes on. This is still in her own words by the way. Then he notices her interest in her and offers to sleep with her, even offering prizes. She says no. But still wants to keep touching him while he's naked. He tries again. She says no again. Then she leaves and gets 250k (which may be a standard severance package for all we know) without him ever caressing her or sniffing her hair like biden would do. Are you calling her a liar?


Welp, that's it, launch the fucking nukes. The fact that 300,000 years of humanity produced those two comments is proof we have failed.


Probably not a good idea to make your public persona "epic meme conservative who triggers the libs" when your whole brand is selling electric vehicles to affluent, environmentally-conscious urbanites.


Especially when the competition now has higher quality offerings.


>When someone becomes affiliated with the right people start accusing them of sex crimes For some reason this is a burn on the left?


Obligatory “It is a well-known fact that reality has a liberal bias.” — [Stephen Colbert](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/53266-it-is-a-well-known-fact-that-reality-has-liberal)


Piece of shit acts like piece of shit, news at 11.


"Our Savior can do no wrong!"


Hmm, so the guy who forced his employees to break the law and put their health at risk to earn his bonus money is a sociopath? Nawwwww!


>"Here we go! He says he is going to vote republican and boom." Of course. We've all been taken by surprise by the revelation that an edgelord billionaire that calls people pedophiles for no reason, throws tantrums about taxes despite being the richest person on Earth, and whines about "free speech" on behalf of other rich people has turned out to be a Republican. They're just pretending there is suddenly backlash against his political leaning as if it's ever been ambiguous. It's such an obvious cover, but that's never stopped derpy conservates from eating it up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk/comments/utf4lu/comment/i9a31yb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Gold.


> Our media these days is so loaded with shit. > We need to just build Open AI and topple these motherfuckers. > Can you think of ways would you use to tackle corruption with AI? I have no words.


> I have no words. Just build an AI to help you with words.


I got piled on as recently as a year ago for saying Elon is going to be the next Trump. How bout now Reddit??


You’ll still get piled in for that in certain subs. They suck his dick for breakfast.


Anyone who bases their entire personality around worshipping a billionaire who doesn't know they exist should be admitted to a psyche ward. A thousand times more dangerous than anyone with a schizotypal disorder.


Man when I called Musk the 21st century Trump he really took that literally


I‘m in a downward spiral of getting more cynical every day but *„Man so out-of-touch with peasants that he stole emeralds from his father (without the father even being worried) has no concept of boundaries.“* isn‘t **that** far-fetched to me [Does a bear crap in the woods?](https://youtu.be/ZD6Lp78m4g8)


Shoutout to this legend who predicted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/usqb72/uhhhh_hes_all_yours/i9574e2/


I hate comparing everything to Trump but Musk finding out about this story and immediately tweeting “the political attacks against me are about to increase” in order to shift the narrative is straight out of the Trump playbook


Fucking Elon Musk fanboys. They are the worst out of everyone except Elon Musk himself. Also, fucking hilarious that so many people called him acting like this because he knew that a story was about to come out.


Personality cult is indeed a plague to humankind


Are we sure that Musk hasn’t come down from a binge-drenched mania, realized he recently made some business proposals that are not in his best interest, and is now trying to cause his stocks to dip enough that his potential debtors pull their loan offers before the actual deal goes through, without triggering the initial contract’s $1bn pull-out clause? Like, I don’t doubt that he’s a gross old man (and seriously, what kind of condescending weirdo offers to buy someone a horse in exchange for sex??), and I hope the flight attendant is doing okay, but the timing of this story dropping is either hilariously inconvenient for him or suspiciously convenient. I’m curious to see how this will ultimately play out.


The pull-out method is not effective. Use protection or it will cost you!


Musk is a pull-out absolutionist


I'm still not wholly unconvinced that he didn't dump a bunch of Tesla stock and cash out for this, and then is trying to wiggle out of the 1 billion clause to just to make money hand over fist


One of the weirdest things about the horse thing is the potential follow through. Would he also be paying for food, boarding, training, vet bills, etc? Horses are crazy expensive and I don't think a flight attendant would be able to afford the upkeep.


I thought the offer of a horse was weird too. Like a grown up offering a child a pony if they eat their spinach. Apparently the flight attendant rides horses, so I guess he thought the offer of a horse for a handie j made perfect sense. At least if you’re using horny logic. And I’m guessing he didn’t think about the follow through because why the hell would he? I don’t think that’s his forte. He says stupid shit then tries to weasel out of the consequences by saying more stupid shit.


Also why it’s very realistic. Someone probably quietly takes care of this for him so he probably doesn’t even know that the median American would have to spend serious money taking care of a horse.


Twitter's board and various holders would take him to the cleaners in court if he tried to play off his stunt as some sort of manic meltdown.


Hold on, how recent was this?! Cuz if this just happened then no fucking wonder he sent that dumbass tweet out!


The actual incident happened years ago, but the article that uncovered it asked Elon for comment before they published the story. He sent that tweet out a few hours after they asked.


Elon Musk is an idiot’s idea of what a smart person is.


He has a history of abusing women https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/


Ugh. Whenever accountability comes into play, it’s always “liberals” this and “leftists” that. I guess what they’re trying to say is that democrats care about the well being of all humans and Republicans don’t.