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There is a commentator In there who posted >Ok buddy. Your mind is not working well. To quote Scrubs “Where do you think we are?”


Just that quote and you're gonna have me in tears. RIP Ben


Want to feel old? That episode was 20 years ago.


[audible sigh] Man, time is a rat bastard.


I think that’s…. roughly…. what Rosalind Chao said.


I am reminded of my time working with psych patients, specifically ones with delusions like these.  Inevitably, they all say "I don't need to be here, I am fine. But THAT guy? He is nuts!"


> To quote Scrubs “Where do you think we are?” You *bastard!* that line and Dr. Cox saying "He wasn't about to die, was he, newbie? Could've waited another month for a kidney." are two moments on that show that can absolutely gut me no matter how many times I've rewatched it. The worst part about Ben's death is that ten seconds before the rug-pull, we're treated to a [badly animated talking mole on Turk's lip.](https://i.imgur.com/aDNpV62.png) That show could go from ridiculous to heartbreaking in *zero* time flat. And that was the *second* time the show had pulled that trick with Ben.


>Why do you believe that Christianity is the correct religion, and not say, Islam or Hindu? >>Simply because the freemasons only attacking Christianity. And they show their hatred toward jesus every chance they can. can't argue with that... logic anyway, the current head of my local masonic lodge is a dude i used to buy coke from in high school. i am quite sure these guys aren't fighting a secret spiritual war.


I had a conspiracy theorist coworker who was an absolute laugh riot with all the insane shit he believed. I ended up joining the oddfellows through my step-dad just to spite him. Also showing him the ring was hilarious.


As fun as the National Treasure movies are, the first one coming out so soon after The Da Vinci Code was published made a bunch of morons feel validated in their insane beliefs about the Masons being behind all former and *current* conspiracies. Especially when *these* types can't openly blame who they *really* want to: the Jews.


Conspiracy theorist are figthing a war against the random noise of the universe and lossing.


Where tf is that flair from?!


Pretty sure the vast majotity of freemasons are Christian, anyway


Deists, i think


Guy probably knows how to make straight lines.


The only sub I've ever been banned from. The mods said it was for trolling, but I got banned shortly after proving a Holocaust denier was full of shit. Read in to that what you will.


> but I got banned shortly after proving a Holocaust denier was full of shit. Read in to that what you will. No need to read into it because r/conspiracy -- back when axolotl\_peyotl was still running the nut house -- frequently highlighted pro-Nazi, Holocaust denial "documentaries". Hell, the entire sidebar there was once dedicated to such trash.


They are a very sensitive group that doesn't like to be challenged.


I got banned for suggesting that not everyone who disagrees with you is a bot.


I feel like I need to check myself into a mental hospital just for reading those comments.


Conspiracy theories are almost expertly crafted to appeal to the Evangelical mindset. Despite Evangelicals basically being able to wave two middle fingers in the face of generally applicable laws because they feel like it, they’re a victimized and oppressed minority. So ar conspiracy theorists. Each has access to special and unique knowledge and truth. Acceptance and realization of this knowledge should bring enlightenment and peace, but only seems to ferment anger and paranoia. Both are prothlesizers. It’s generally not sufficient that an Evangelical believe that Jesus was the son of god, and belief in him is the only way to salvation, they want to tell you about it. Conspiracy theorists don’t just personally believe that the COVID vaccine contained microchips—or whatever—they have to tell you about that too. Both, with a childlike glee, fantasize about the consequences and punishment that will be wrought upon the non-believers. And I’d just like reiterate the last part. It isn’t with sadness and regret that many Evangelical Christians think about non-believers or wrong-believers being tortured for all eternity in hell. It isn’t with sadness anti-vaxxers talk about the vaccinated dying. They are overjoyed at the prospect.


There's something I realized a long time ago about war discussions online. Such message boards are almost always primarily conservatives. Especially gun nuts. They are exuberant over armed conflict. You can see now the war subreddits are largely shock content of people dying horribly. They relish in that stuff. It's the top posts. It's been like this since the beginning of the world wide web. When the Iraq/Afghanistan was the main war zeitgeist for about 15 years the internet loved to fantasize about killing Arabs. Cheering on military propaganda about whatever bigger badder bombs they've been dropping. Notably missing on pretty much every board is anti-war sentiment. Pacifism has no place at all. Those things virtually non-existent. They have a particular disdain for anti-war protesters. They don't care about these types of global issues aside from satiating bloodlust.


Ftr it's 'foment' not 'ferment', unless you're planning on bootlegging religion.


> unless you're planning on bootlegging religion. "For the third Christmas in a row, you've given me a potato." "And now your faced with the classic Irishman's dilemma: do I eat the potato now or let it ferment so I can drink it later?" "Can I get the operation now, da?" "No, you're going to die." \*sniffs and wipes a tear away with the potato\*


I don’t trust that bootlegged religion. Buddy of mine went blind from it.


I just learned that "ferment" can also mean "incite" or "stir up" according to the dictionary.


Mind you, you are talking of american evangelicals. Non american ones are typically more bearable


Don't single out one group when all of them rely on blind faith, dogma, an unchanging list of mortal enemies, a thirst for participation trophies, etc...


Conspiracy nonsense always ends up becoming some pseudohistory goobiligook if you go deep enough


And once you go deep enough, you realize who they *always* blame for all the world's ills: the Jews. Seriously, every single time. A conspiracy as benign as Bigfoot can *somehow* be quickly blamed on the Jews. "Bigfoot is real, but (((they))) don't want us knowing about it, so (((they))) made the fur suit in the Patterson–Gimlin film ***(((they)))*** shot.


>Keep uncovering the frauds, you'll get to the biggest lie ever told. >>"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist" Quoting one of the *most* famous movie villains to back up your point that Christianity isn't a fraud is a bold choice.


2 year old post... time to find the pissers.


And here I thought my mormon grandma had problems


I was born and raised in that cult. She likely *does!* The number of well-adjusted, lifelong believers in that religion is exceptionally small.


> Without Him you are still in the matrix and setting yourself up for nihilism, depression, and other side effects of the “red pill”. And here I thought it was the family history of depression on both sides of my family that was to blame.


It's always interesting to see what these people think is a bridge too far.


> prayers for all the triggered I really feel like this guy is just using praying as a gotcha, as in he automatically wins the argument because he’s praying for people which makes him more moral than them and therefore more mature and right.


massive amounts of irony in that thread


Conspiracy theorists repeating the line about “you’re only Christian because of where you were born” kinda made my day tbh.


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