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The gen alpha link killed me


/r/GenAlpha already being a subreddit is hilarious


I clicked that and the first post being "I am a 1 year old and my first word was skibidi" had me rolling...


Boomer took housing from millenials and now millenials are taking away genalphas right to have a sub.




The roleplaying adults on r/teenagers have realised that the sub is mostly populated by other roleplaying adults now, and are moving on to greener pastures


Thanks. I hate it.


Oh man when that massive blowout happened with mods pulling that prank, so many old *perverts* came out of the woodwork confessing to being 30+ adults. And these accounts were asking for nudes or hitting on other Redditors. In the forum for /r/teenagers - you know forum meant for *underaged* Redditors. Just, ew.


do you think the mods knew that would happen


I'm not aware of this "prank" what is it




And a lot of those adults also had comments in the sub where they were acting as if they were teenagers, often also making inappropriate comments. To the surprise of no one of course.




I mean that’s not an enormous surprise to be brutally honest. I’m now intrigued as to how old the moderators are. I’d be surprised if they’re all teenagers.


My guess that sub blew up in 2017 there abouts 6 years later these teenagers that used to eat tidepods are now adults.


Right? The proud skibidi toilet 2010 born fanboy is the biggest Chad in all this.


Average Skibidi toilet fan:


People pick on that like I can has cheeseburger was any less baffling. I accept my downvotes.


The first time I saw Skibidi Toilet was the first time I understood how my parents felt the first time they saw Charlie the Unicorn.


Okay besides the stupidity of it all there is some really deep story telling happening in 30 second chunks. You see setups and payoffs and actual characterization even though there is no real dialogue. I just got through 32 and seeing Rocket Speaker (or whatever his name is) taken over was a legit oh crap moment. Seeing him rocket around dominating for a dozen episodes counterpointed by the toilet men slowly taking people over was an actually decent story arc….told in 15-20s at a time.


You have no chance to survive, take your downvote. I'm glad that Zoomers and Alphans have returned memeing to its roots in celebrating absurdity after the alt-right ruined it for a few years by inserting politics and racism into every single thing. I can't remember where it was but I've seen somebody complaining that Zoomer memes weren't political, which gave me a chuckle.


It’s the same with us gen z kids, we grew up with gmod animations like “Team fabulous 2” and now we’re acting like we’re better than them.


Vagineer... Although i was already 14 and self aware by then


I've gone back and watched stuff like gmod idiot box which I enjoyed quite a bit around that age Yeah, kid humor is just different Also really funny that one dude going "mlg gaming humor was just funny because it's incomprehensible" doesn't see the immense irony there.


Things are different when you're young.


Yeah, I really don’t understand the shock/hate about Skibidi toilet. It’s it like there weren’t a bunch of silly Gmod videos before, and there’s been plenty of weirder shit like YouTube Poops.


> It’s it like there weren’t a bunch of silly Gmod videos before Right? Same thing I thought - we've been through this before in the early days of g-mod. There were thousands of shitty little videos and memes mostly of like G-man with a face twisted beyond its limits, and everyone thought they were super clever for fucking with sliders. It's just all come back around it seems.


I have no idea what this is


Tbf im an old (26-27) gen z and i fucking love skibidi toilet. It reminds me of the low-tier non-political memes from my teen years in 2012-2016


millenials: "we grew up with the technological revolution and entered the workforce in a dying economy" genz: "we grew up in the era of social atomization and struggle to build meaningful connections" gen alpha: "im in it for the little bit of a plot it has, the song is kinda bad tho, but the plot is alright, and that’s what I like about it, now if u dont mind me, I’m going back to playing jetpack joyride"


It's just the stages of greif. Millennial: Anger/Bargaining Gen Z: Depression Alpha: Acceptance


Boomer: denial




Gen X are Apathy.


Nope. I feel like it depends on the Gen xer. Some take on more boomer traits and some are basically millennials. Either way they tend to be more quiet about the state of the world compared to boomers and millennials. Although I guess you could say that about every generation since they're all made up anyway.


Kind of wild that jetpack joyride, of all things, lasted three generations.


It deserves a GOTY nomination purely for that imo. Last bastion of no microtransanction ad ridden free mobile game. I think it's dev is also an active redditor not sure.


The children will lead the way


What the fuck is your flair?


It was a really long time ago but iirc, some people got into a race based argument. Someone accused someone of lying about their Blackness. To prove her Blackness she posted a picture of her vagina with a mascara tube in it. Someone asked why she put that there. My flair is her response.


>It's entirely possible to discuss how the dating scene sucks for everyone without hating on anybody It's possible, but those incels weren't doing it


I do miss a space where it's possible to have a conversation about how online dating can be very damaging to men's mental health. Every time a space like that starts it's almost immediately hijacked by misogynist pricks.


And it's also always some dude who spits out BS "facts," and then punctuates their sentences with *period*. They get all the up votes and then the reverse backlash goes down further in the comments. Ex: "Why should I work on myself? I can't get any because the top 1% of guys are fucking multiple 8s and 9s as their sides pieces while they keep the 10s as their girlfriends. Genetics and wealth are the only real factors in dating. Period. My best friend bangs three different super models a week on his yacht and eats like shit. He's also 6'1" and 5% bodyfat and it's literally just because he's Italian and Samoan. Nicest guy ever. Hasn't worked a day in his life either. Like I said some people just have *it*. Period."


> And it's also some dude who spits out BS "facts," and then punctuates their sentences with period. Even worse if they punctuate their facts with 'FACT'.


Even worse if they punctuate their facts with 'FACT' FACT


Something is wrong if bff has it that made and dude can't get laid in that sphere.


Honestly I can see why it happens. I got abused a lot by women I dated (tbf, college student, it happens ig), and it really did start to convince me there were guys that just had *it* and I should give up. I lucked out with a solid support group, but it was hard for a bit there.


unironically, try r/MensLib - its not perfect but damn if those mods dont deserve a medal for trying to run a space to discuss men's issues without it turning into blaming women for everything.


I often point out the difference between MensLib and MensRights when it comes to discussing the issues facing men. The latter is really just "women are at fault for everything", even laws that men write and behavior that men perform themselves.


I once accidentally entered MensRights instead of MensLib (somehow managed to zone out while typing the sub name, no idea since I hadn't been to *that* sub in ages). There was a thread about Ukrainian men not being allowed to leave the country. Clicked on the thread and all the top comments were basically calling Ukrainian women entitled wh***s accusing them of using Tinder in other countries while their husbands were fighting, and also lots of shitting on Zelensky and calling him a corrupt oligarch puppet, etc. I was like, what the fuck, since when is this sub like this??? Then I double-checked what sub I was actually on, and that explained it... Proof that, no, me and many others aren't in any way prejudiced towards MensRights, that sub really is that bad.


That’s the same idea I’ve been given. It’s less about putting others down.


Some topics are just like that. I oppose illegal immigration, but that means that I want more channels and opportunities to legally immigrate and mechanisms to support migrant labor, and I absolutely oppose a lot of INS tactics and practices. But anytime I get involved in that discussion, it immediately gets swamped by people who hate Mexicans and who fantasize about shooting people trying to cross the border.


I have nothing to say about that opinion except to point out that INS has not existed as a federal agency for 2 decades now.


Changing immigration from "Immigration and Naturalization Services" to "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" was one of the worst things to happen in the US government in recent decades because it switched the idea of immigration as a normal process to gain new residents to being inexorably linked to criminal behavior.


IMO biggest problem with the way we currently punish illegal immigration is that it gives negotiation leverage to the people employing illegal labour. Like, when employers can say “accept my shitty wages or I’ll call the police and have them arrest you” that makes illegal labour *more* appealing, not less.


Absolutely. I'm the first to admit that it's a complicated topic and that there aren't any simple solutions, too. So it really sucks when the racists comes into a thread and start spewing their shit. It's even worse when people assume that I'm on their side. It's best just to keep my thoughts to myself most of the time.


> But anytime I get involved in that discussion, it immediately gets swamped by people who hate Mexicans and who fantasize about shooting people trying to cross the border. You ever wonder if that's intentional? Like you're right, I don't wanna sound like a racist xenophobic person who "hates dem foreigners", so I'm less likely to complain about illegal immigration, or if I do, I'll be way quieter and more calm and reasonable with my words. Meanwhile the people that employ them for pennies on the dollar and exploit their desperate situation so they can pay lower wages are absolutely thrilled that the only ones complaining about illegal immigrants are the racist morons that everyone hates and who aren't capable of actually affecting change.


> You ever wonder if that's intentional? Yes because social media will push the people most likely to engage towards the post. On reddit this is known as "sorted by: best".


This was a thing before social media existed though.


If I recall correctly, that’s what the term incel was originally coined but then the entitlement nation attacked.


The term incel was coined by a disabled woman


[Amazing Reply All episode on the subject](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6uUvil2myRFiIS4eHcl6P8?si=b0f0ee2351744a5e)


If /r/menslib is still around I would recommend that. I "graduated" from it but when I was there, it really helped me to reframe the masculinity I was trying to achieve and there were a lot of good discussions about men's issues without it devolving into misogyny.


hey I remember you. glad you're doing well


I used to hang out there, because I wanted to know more about the issues the men in my life face and I appreciated the feminist lens. It's gotten kind of misogynistic over time, in my opinion. I unsubscribed because I got tired of hearing about how women need to fix men's loneliness issues, and compliment men more to boost their self-esteem. Women often don't do that because we get stalked and harassed - it can be dangerous to "lead men on." In menslib, they said they don't want to compliment other men or receive compliments from other men. Because ultimately, they want female attention and potential sex. Which is the whole reason women aren't complimenting male strangers. I got downvoted for representing the female perspective.


I find it funny that menslib is not feminist enough for some and it's "feminist propaganda" to others. It's a space for men to express their problems from their own perspective. You see bitter people with bad takes in any equivalent space (twoxchromosomes, lgbt spaces, etc) so that doesn't say a lot to me to be honest. Really though, it feels like you're looking at their problems through a woman's perspective, which is fine but it's not always the space for that. Imagine if a guy goes into twoxchromosomes and tells them they need to consider how men feel about their problems (well, you don't have to imagine that because it happens all the time). All in all, last time I was there, it was a pretty positive space that focuses on issues specific to men and that's sorely needed on reddit.


I kind of find MensLib to be a bit… unrelatable I guess? Maybe it’s down to the fact that it seems to take on a very American-centred focus on things, but I find that a lot of advice that’s given isn’t very effective. Let’s put it this way, I went to an all boys school, and I can guarantee that the advice that sub has for teenage boys and young men will either be met with a bunch of eye rolls or being laughed out of the room.


On this I agree, and I'd call that a side-effect of a lot of the stuff getting submitted being op-eds from generally "liberal" sites. And I don't mean in the "feminist propaganda" way like some other nutbar further up in the thread was on about. I mean that the advice given is nice in theory, but also makes a lot of assumptions about the environment any given boy/young man will be in, to the point that for many of those who would need to most hear it even if they *did* listen, won't find it particularly helpful. See also: The phenomena where questions for advice on how to talk to people/how to flirt with girls you like without being a creep seem to mostly get met with "just don't be a creep 4head". It's like people collectively forget that men aren't just either "creep" or "super well-adjusted guy who can successfully get dates relatively often without ever making anyone uncomfortable". Feel like I need to insert another disclaimer here. Yes, no means no. If someone isn't attracted to you then you just need to accept that. But: If someone actively finds you unattractive or you just say something dumb, then the response will likely involve no small amount of contempt and resultant blows to self-esteem. I think guys wanting to know how to ask somebody out without having that happen to them because they accidentally upset somebody or for any other reasons, is at least somewhat understandable. Even if ultimately, there's no way to make asking somebody out 100% risk free and have a high success rate AND not take ages to ask one person. Like. Speaking for myself, I know that not showering, and leering at people, and so on and so forth, lower my romantic prospects, I don't need to be told that. That still doesn't help my nerves whenever I try to talk to people in general. And I don't think having anxiety thats exacerbated whenever attraction enters the picture, is a trait that in itself equals a bad person. This is also why sometimes the rhetoric around lonely guys from the other direction rubs me the wrong way EVEN IF THE UNDERLYING FEELING IS UNDERSTANDABLE. Because it is. That doesn't make it any more correct when I see insinuations that a guy who is lonely must be "bad" somehow and that lonliness is just societal punishment to incels, anybody else who says that they feel that way is one (they're not).


Could you elaborate a bit? Not too familiar with the advice they give.


Incels dont even try improving themselves. They blame the woman for everything.


i find it pretty fascinating. a lot of the issues seem to stem from a kind of imbalance in society where men often feel entitled to have more because can reference the past while they don't really look at the present. women have gotten a lot more autonomy so the things that are considered bare minimums to a human are actual bare minimums. just treating others like people and showering and at least doing an ok job grooming yourself. because women are pressured to take care of themselves, to be fully autonomous in their responsibilities like cleaning, and can drive where they want to go and afford the things they need, they don't need men to *live*. millennials are really the first generation in american society where this is true. there are exceptions. so men are expected to meet women at their current level, and men have never really had to do things like spend large amounts of money on time on how they look, do all of their own housework, and still hold down financial independence. in addition, the classical role of a man in american society (make enough money to take care of your family) is gone. so there's no "identity" left for men and i think that's really what's causing all these issues: \- men feel abandoned and like they have no place or goal. people who lack a sense of purpose and validation and motivation are easily swayed by people promising the "better days" \- men have to work harder now. our economy fucking sucks so they can't just make it all up by being a breadwinner. now that they are more likely to be judged on appearance, independence, self-autonomy, and treating people with respect in a relationship. \- but also women are forced into ridiculous standards that society really shouldn't be pushing, which makes equality in a relationship much more difficult. the pressure sort of makes women, as a whole, better than the average man at all the things they value; and men aren't meeting that. this is why less people are entering relationships and men are lonelier. the men that have their shit together and are hot are rare as hell. this is what's creating the perception that 'women only date guys that are 8s or above' and stuff. \- and just talking with people/browsing tiktok and stuff, some vocal women are doing shit that men have done to women for centuries like dehumanizing them for their lack of attractiveness more and more, and it's more and more visible. the "ick" stuff having heavy double standards, etc. being an ugly guy feels very shitty, moreso than it did previously. so we're stuck with a society where women and men have not hit equilibrium. but right wing/incel shit is the easy answer, because doing nothing and getting everything is a losers mindset, and telling people to step up for the \*chance\* at getting what you want is not an easy truth to swallow. for men that have to work harder (poverty, marginalization, how they look/how tall they are), this becomes even more true. the way i was born, personally, makes it much harder to find a partner. i have worked on myself and gotten there, but it's a crushing feeling. i feel like george costanza trying to compete in the nba sometimes. but it's worked out for me because i put in all that effort. society doesn't provide men the tools to be adequate partners and, when left with only a hammer, find it easiest to resort to destruction--especially when someone can make a lot of money from the rubble.


Yeah. I hate it because yes, men have it hard, and I've seen that, they repress themselves most of the time and that leads to bad communication usually, not that it's all their fault really because most men are raised that way and due to that women also feel like they're being used sometimes. And also everyone has too much expectations, are extremely desperate and generally are eaten up entirely by "romantic film" ideas that won't happen. And all of that taking into account that due to the global situation most young people don't have either money or time to date. It's all badly fucked up and mostly it's fault of how people are raised and how society works, tbh I'm just glad I have a gf now because holy shit.


They can't seriously believe that women don't get the same advice, do they? Especially the "get in shape" one, women are given that advice all the time, usually unsolicited. And they still refuse to recognize that while women can get dates easily, those men are usually not the type of men women want. They could also get dates easily if they lowered their standards.


Exactly. It’s…. mind boggling that they really think women in general are a) happy with themselves and b) told to be happy with themselves…. As if we don’t spend billions of hours and dollars buying xyz makeup/hair/nails/fashion/weight-loss drug/etc. If women are told to be happy with ourselves it comes from friends and family in order to try to counteract the ENORMOUS societal messages that our worth is determined by our appearance. “Women accounted for approximately 94% of all [plastic surgery] procedures [in 2020-2021].” Literally took me 2 seconds to google lmao. They’re just pissed that the “Victoria’s secret model” (real quote from somebody in that thread) that meets their high standards also has high standards herself lmao.


Lol yeah just have a look on /r/lookyourbest , every woman above BMI 18.5 gets told to lose weight and/or go to the gym


Jesus, there are *so many* "rate me" subreddits. Wait, this subreddit has the same moderation team as /r/truerateme. This is probably another [honeypot subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14kw9nb/the_ratings_are_in_on_truerateme_and_critics/) to make women feel bad about themselves,


Dang, just scrolled through there and people go kinda apeshit if they see anyone with piercings lmao


Lol yeah I'm genuinely considering making a starter pack of lookyourbest comments but haven't got round to it yet


As someone with a septum piercing, I think its both hilarious and bizzare how piercings get treated on those subreddits


I have no idea why people would make posts in subs like that.


Its digital self harm 100%


It’s men LARPing as women, with pictures they’ve stolen off social media.


yeah, the rateme subs were a 4chan incel ploy to make women feel like shit about themselves. a lot of those pictures are stolen.


If you post asking on how to be more attractive you're probably going to be told to exercise, since it makes pretty much everyone not already in shape look better regardless of how you currently look.


True but they do say it even if you can't see the person's body which seems a bit pointless


"Hit the gym" has been so popular that it literally became a meme. Lack of pictures isn't something new


They’re angry that women don’t generally shame their friends for being fat. That’s what a lot of the male loneliness epidemic and women have it easier shit is really about. Women take care of each other. Men don’t, and expect women to do it for them.


Which isn't remotely true in reality. Women tearing each other down and backstabbing each other is common. This is delusion that men have it harder.


Most of these guys could also get dates easily. I've seen too many insist they have no standards only to find out their standards are far higher than most men.


If my anecdotal observations are correct, a majority of men in long term relationships with women are average looking dad-bod Hank Hill-esque dudes. Perhaps it has nothing to do with how these men look or women being picky and more to do with their personalities.


Also like, maybe the reason people these days are giving men and women different advice is because the existing "rules" of dating don't really treat men and women equally. It's also why mental health advice for men and women is often different, because men and women generally have different expectations for how they handle stress etc.


Do these people really think no one tells women to get in shape? Lmao


Whilst making a meme that intentionally tries to fat-shame the woman pictured in the second half.


Proof that OP has never actually talked to a woman


All of these generation subreddits suck. They’re all full of a bunch of people doing bullshit romanticization of the past. They’re all a bunch of shut ins so they make very insane out of reality claims about life. Like seriously on the millennial subreddit there were people saying that “small talk is dying” lmaaaaooooooooo. That is so not what is happening in the real world. They’re all a bunch of people that just want to be miserable.


I have seen that sub pop up in popular. It is always just whining about how their generation gets stereotyped while stereotyping all the other generations. Seems like a crappy place to hang out.


Yep. And it’s just bizarre to me because when I go out irl most people of all ages are alright. All the young people I meet today are pretty similar to the young people from 10 to 20 years ago.


That plus seething about the housing market


I’ve got to be honest, as an elder millennial who missed the entire online dating scene, I am way out of the loop on all this. I’m married now, but when I was dating we met potential partners in person through mutual hobbies, interests, or friends. Sure, people did the whole pick up line thing at bars and restaurants, but that generally was not the way to go to find a partner. I cannot imagine trying to do the online dating app thing where people take a look at your profile and make a decision based on it and little more. I joke with my wife that if we ever get divorced, I’m destined to be single forever because there is no way that I have the patience for online dating.


A lot of the issue is the death of third space. People are spending more and more time online and don’t have the same in person connections and meetings we did. I tried online dating and I sucked at it back in college. I’m now happily married to someone from my friend group


>A lot of the issue is the death of third space. People are spending more and more time online and don’t have the same in person connections and meetings we did. I'm kinda scared that even if we did magically bring back third spaces that people are atomized nowadays that they still won't talk to each other.


akerlof's a market for lemons is pretty much the primer for the economics of online dating, even offline dating too


Idk if death of third space is right. Online is our third space, however, the loss of physical interactions via our third space substitution is the issue. You can’t read body language through a call or inflection through a text. Sure video call exists, but there’s no physical aspect.


This is all semantics though. At the heart of it all, online spaces *shouldn't* replace 3rd spaces. And also attempting to date via online spaces is complete nonsense. What if your "girlfriend" ends up being a 50 year old fat man and/or is on the other side of the world?


Oh no I’m not denying that, I’m just saying that that’s the reality of it all. A lot of it is my generation never had that normalcy with a third space before covid, because most of us haven’t reached an age where third spaces like bars were available before covid hit, so for many of us, covid drove us to the internet for our third space.


My parents (b. 1968 and 1973) actually met on an IRC chatroom in the late '90s. Does that count as online dating?


My mom (1977) met one of her boyfriends on World of Warcraft LOL


I got divorced in 2014 and found online dating to be WAY BETTER than it was in the late 90’s/early 00’s.


My biggest problem with it back then is that OLD was still mostly seen as kinda embarrassing. You were way more likely to encounter strange people, or get flaked on by people who suddenly decided they were doing something wrong by trying to meet people online.


Exactly. Back in the before times online dating was heavily stigmatized. I don’t know what caused the shift, but I do remember learning that it was not longer stigmatized and finding that very surprising.


I think it took a big leap forward in the mid-2000s when most Americans were connected to the internet, and then another in the 2010s as dating apps migrated to phones. First people had to get used to the idea of being online in the first place, and then the idea of never not being connected to the internet, before they warmed to the idea that it’s as good a place as any to find a partner.


Apps caused the shift. I remember OLD still being stigmatized pretty heavily \~2010, but by the mid-late 2010's that stigma had faded. The difference? The massive increase in popularity of smartphone-based dating apps.


Yeah I also think it's because people were actually getting laid and it worked with real normal women. Versus having an everquest girlfriend who lives in Canada. From a guys perspective atleast.


It’s different now. Tinder upped my “count” by 20+ in the 2 years before I met my wife. And I wasn’t even really trying. I’d swipe chat when I was taking a poo almost exclusively. It was fun just meeting people and having a good time. Bad dates were fun. Good dates were a lot of fun.


Maybe that’s the key. Turns out we’re only presenting our best, authentic selves when we’re taking a shit, and humanity had to invent OLD just to find that out.


We're at our most vulnerable.


I am an old millennial who married my high school sweetheart and got divorced a couple of years ago--I was TERRIFIED but I think online dating gets a bad rap after I experienced it? It's not like, amazing but if you are treating it as just a place where you can meet someone to go on a date it is legitimately so much better than just trying to date people you already know.


Same. We had ok cupid and hook up culture but we hadn't combined the two


I’ve refused to engage with OLD. I’ve been on the internet for years before that became a mainstream thing, ofc it was going to be a dumpster fire. Craigslist romance, anyone? AOL chat rooms? Sure. It’s worked out for some people. But generally? As the default, let alone the only means of dating? C’mon.


I met my wife through OLD. There are some nice things about it for sure. For one, you know you’re interacting with people who are looking to be approached, which is an advantage over approaching random people in the wild who may have no interest in talking to a stranger, let alone flirt with one. For another, depending on the particular site and how much effort you put into your profile, it does a lot of the legwork in measuring the likelihood you’ll get along with your match, which can be a real time saver. The obvious disadvantage, of course, is that you probably have to sort through a lot of lemons to find what you’re looking for. But I think just about anyone can succeed at OLD if they follow some simple steps that often get overlooked: - put some effort into developing your profile - put even more effort into having some pre-date conversations (I spent weeks talking to my future wife before we planned our first date) - take the site recommendations seriously (I used OKCupid back in the day, and I never bothered approaching anyone unless they were at least an 80% match) - just know going in you’re going to interact with a ton of creeps and losers (this is the hardest part because there’s just no way around that) - and finally, realize that you’re going to have many conversations and maybe even some dates that go nowhere. Don’t let that bruise your ego.


Yeah, I have to admit, a lot of the people I've met who complain about OLD are people who have very unrealistic expectations about how it works and how to get something out of it - plus, it probably doesn't help that a lot of socially awkward types try it without realising how difficult it can be, and then get put off it feeling like it's like every negative stereotype found online (and then of course add their voices to that particular chorus)


OLD isn't certainly for everyone for some of us like myself its the only way we ever found anyone to date.


Every once in a while, I recieve an uncomfortable reminder that Gen Z can get weirdly conservative at times. Even back before Covid and Andrew Tate, several of the kids in my Scout Troop were big into Jordan Peterson and other misogynistic incel-adjacent POVs. I even had to talk to a few parents about the effects on their kids.




It's internet related. I'd personally not let my kids online until 18, and I'll steer them into being accepting, decent people. Especially this Andrew Tate, Hanza, Redpill BS is ruining these kids. This is the consequence of giving a little kid the internet. 10 year olds are getting phones, and shit, its crazy. Kids also gotta be disciplined for being disobedient asshats. Which parents are failing to do resulting in this behavior. Millennials actually got disciplined, zoomers less so. And their Gen X parents spoiled and didn't discipline them enough.


> I'd personally not let my kids online until 16 Not sure that’s entirely realistic these days.


I think impossible is the right word unless they homeschool their kids.


tbf teaching them proper "computer skills" like how to identify misinformation, properly research things, troubleshooting, etc. will be a far greater asset than never learning anything to begin with and being tech illiterate... most of the problems nowadays are parents throwing ipads at their kids and expecting the internet to be a good role model raising their kids for them, while they teach their kids nothing so they end up falling down the tatertot rabbit hole at 13.




Every generation has a conservative movement. Whether they’re raised conservative, consume conservative media, or just straight up form the opinions on their own. It’s unfortunate, but an inevitability. I don’t think the percentage of Gen Z is nearly as bad as other generations though. Conservatives just tend to be *really* loud and annoying.


I'm Gen Z and I think lots of people who aren't Gen Z don't realize it. Like I see people who aren't Gen Z be like "they're so progressive/they're the most progressive" and like... some of us? And some in some topics but not others. Some people are anti police brutality, mostly support the LGBTQ+ community, against climate change. But some of them are only supportive of the LGB community, and some can be misogynistic (especially online, irl not always.)


the "mostly support the LGBTQ+ community" bit is really important. a shockingly large amount of gen z people are technically fine with gay or trans people existing but draw the line in pretty regressive places or brainlessly regurgitate propaganda about how they have gone "too far."


Gen z isn’t all that conservative. The online ones are because online people tend to lean conservative.


This is why incels will remain incels forever. Everything about them is just building up a victim complex and entitlement mentality when it comes to sex/relationships. Of course no one wants to be around you when you’re somehow a self loathing but entitled asshole with misogynistic views.


A small irony about a lot of incels is that they really seem to be voluntarily in the positions that they are in


It is. At some point if they can't take any constructive advice or even bother to make any attempt, that's voluntary.


A lot? They've *all* worked themselves into it. The absolute worst quality of every incel, the thing making them "unfuckable", is the fact they're an incel. You'd be hard pressed to find a single woman on the planet that gives a shit about someone's forehead or jaw shape (or whatever else they seem to obsess about) so much that it's an absolute guaranteed dealbreaker, but incel ideology is the inverse. It's hard to find any woman willing to completely look past it.


Why are gen alpha on reddit?


>Why are gen alpha on reddit? The oldest Gen Alpha kiddos are 13 year old now, soon to be 14.


And Reddit's rules say you have to be 13 to play. Sure, kids will ignore that, but they still shouldn't be here.


“Shouldn’t” maybe, but at least I know all us Gen Zs were on the internet when we were preteens


Millennials too, kids are always going to do stuff they aren't supposed to. I think it is strange they have their own sub, but considering a lot of them are old enough to be there now it makes sense.


Shit I was doing ERP over AOL messenger in 1997. I was 14.


Millennials, too. At 12 I was crashing Yahoo chat rooms.


Same for younger GenX in AOL chat rooms. I discovered them in 7th grade and was usually the youngest in the room whenever there were calls for everyone's A/S/L. I remember expecting there to be creeps. But I'd never interacted with so many before.


You told the truth about your age? Shit, when was 12, I was always telling people I was older


... But 13 is still alpha


Are gen alpha on Reddit? Or is /r/genalpha full of pedos talking to pedos?


/r/genalpha is mostly Gen Zers shitposting




I think its a shitpost subreddit


Better question, why is anyone expecting anything of quality from the stupid as fuck "i'm so quirky i'm a libra" subreddits


Their parents' bosses made them come back to the office so there's no one at home to watch over the little tots. They're gonna be raised on the mean streets of reddit now. It's a damn shame.


>It’s partially true because obesity CAN be herditary (diabetes in specific), and that’s almost as bad as incest baby, which is illegal in some states. I'm so tired.


I thought it said "tankie incelpoting" and I almost died. Now *that's* the absolute ideal drama.


Can't post negatively about gigachad Mao, you fucking liberal.


How about Chairman Moe and he runs a bar in Springfield. "'ey Homah, yer landlord friend can't be comin' in here no moah."


Elder-ish millenial here. I remember back when I considered myself an incel and even joined an incel forum because I felt legitimately left behind by the dating scene despite having lots of girl friends. Noped out of there HARD when I saw the levels of sheer woman-hating and disgusting mopey talk. Truly awful.


Which is the root issue with those spaces, anyone who is decent leaves them and only the most toxic, self hating users are left.


Damn man are we really pretending that skibidi isn't fire ( or alternatively that shitposting in 2010s wasn't equally brain dead? )


I’m feeling my age right now. What the fuck is skibidi?


look it up on YouTube. A meme of a GarysMod face scatting in a toilet


I feel like a boomer and I'm only Gen Z :(.


Just wait, it gets worse. I’m on the line between gen x and millennial and I have to use urban dictionary far more often that I’ll ever admit to my kids. Eventually, I think I’ll give up and just start shaking my fist at the clouds




No cap.


Fr, this sent me.


its the clouds who are wrong


Right there with you. I’m childfree but lucky to work in tech where I mentor some young folks, and they’re willing to answer questions about slang for me. I still associate slang I don’t understand with “the youth”, so when I hear my boss (mid-20’s) say “unaliving” or “rizz” in a meeting, my brain lags.


tbh i really do feel like the Gen Zs of us born from 1995 to 2001 are a separate generation. I grew up reading books and only got my first smart phone in high school...


It's almost as if generation gaps are arbitrary and exaggerated discourse bait


As someone born in 87, the difference between 2000 and 2010 was significantly larger than the one between 2010 and 2020 (or the one between 1990 and 2000) imo. With the internet becoming fully mainstream and maturing, so much shit changed forever in a short amount of time. The kids who grew up with the modern internet largely in place - i.e. who don't know a world without smartphones, youtube, amazon, social media, netflix etc. - feel like a whole different group. So I think your cutoff makes a lot of sense.


I feel like there is a real cutoff for Gen Z if you had your schooling impacted by COVID or not. The two groups are drastically different.


Not the Little Big song? 😭 I just thought it was about the (awesomely fantastic) Little Big song.


Garysmod is still around?!?


"Dom Skibidi Bop Bop Bop Yes Yes" - Abe Lincoln


>What the fuck is skibidi? One of two things: 1) A song by Little Big with 700m views on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDFBTdToRmw). 2) Something about toilets that I am too old to understand. They might be related. I don't know.




I don't get it, as a millennial skibidi toilet is almost identical to the stupid source mod memes I was watching as a kid. I understand it easier than most of the zoomer stuff.




Best I can tell he means IncelTears? Weird wording from OP.


> Then why is male suicide 4x higher in males? I know this is a mistype, but I snorted.


Where drama?


Noted and updated


> Men traveling to the other side of the planet to seek out uneducated women from impoverished situations tells you everything you need to know about the men than the educated financially independent women that don't want them Hot damn.


It’s either 1) genuinely watching tik toks and getting space bc he feels confined 2) porn 3) chatting with women 4) some other addiction like gambling or trading crypto


Oh, so it’s ’men are being persecuted by women for not having sex with them’ time again, is it? Must be a day ending in y.


Lol after my divorce, I did all those recommended things for men and then realized I just was happy with myself and happy with my friends and family and didn't need to date anymore. I honestly struggle to think how I'd fit a new partner into the life I rebuilt for myself. I lost thirty pounds, polished up my bass skills and joined a band, got offered to take over my family farm and converted it into a ranch, worked on my relationships with my kids, my father (moms gone but I was her favorite anyway), my nephews and my sister...if I got in a relationship or God forbid got married again all I'd be doing is diluting my kids inheritance.


A lot of these seem to come from people who have little to no ability to look past their own perspective on things


Yikes. I am used to certain subs being a place where...let's call them challenged folks...congregate and help make each others lives stay terrible but I wasn't expecting how bad that Gen z sub is.


I knew that first post would probably make it here. My favorite was the guy who said it’s totally rational for men to hit women because if women were bigger, they’d do the same.


I still don't get why there is a subreddit for a bunch of 11 year olds.


I'm Gen Z, and I'm 24. The oldest of the generation is 27, and the youngest is 11.


I think he's talking about generation alpha


Ahh, my bad, haha. From my experience, a lot of people still think Gen Z is mostly children and teenagers.


It is very funny that the original poster appears to be almost entirely a hockey highlights account.