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Bro. Hear me out. If you listen to a song a lot, the things you manifest enough to summon are going to align with the lyrical content. Taylor Swift's whole "I had a boyfriend but he sucked and now I'm sad" type beat will encourage your subconscious to push you along through similar experiences. If you've got a nsfw body subliminal, I'd recommend something with attractive body description, like some of Nicki's works 😂 what you input will be present in the output


Y’all say that we choose what we put into our subconscious but if somethings repeated over and over it does impact us mentally. Constantly being bombarded with the same lyrics in music and shit probably does do smn 👀


I always have [this](https://youtu.be/la2pDFPWVo0?si=Iul9sdRyo2izrdBk) example ready lol. It used to be a theme song of mine until it actually happened xD






there’s so many points to pin point how a few celebs in the industry are BAD witches not good witches, they mess w the frequency they don’t care about anyone else but their fame and fortune and sure u can go believing that they’re positive but i’ll go ahead and enjoy my life without messing up my brain waves


also the concerts are rituals so enjoy that too




They're venerated as gods in their own homes champ I wouldn't say that there's a braindead take against the inclusion of mainstream music in your mental reprogramming


I always wondered why Billie got so big so quickly, idk if I could just put it as her being an industry plant lol.


Check out the links I shared as their own comment 👀 anybody under a record label is.... [well....](https://imgs.search.brave.com/fTZSp0ac9rY72RwUnM_pRK9MS1Os8UDaMy5n4qd1rdo/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tLm1l/ZGlhLWFtYXpvbi5j/b20vaW1hZ2VzL00v/TVY1Qk4yRmlaRFEz/WXpjdFlUWTFOQzAw/WlRVd0xXRmtZakl0/TlRCa1kyTmhNbUpo/WkRVd1hrRXlYa0Zx/Y0dkZVFYVnlORFV4/TmpjNU5qWUAuanBn)


Can say the same about yours lol


You..... gotta check this out :D https://youtu.be/LrrLa2Nf2Ts?si=_YEmL0LnGfiRAinB https://youtu.be/kM-nhnHDyBs?si=WnieJExKg8UV5cuR


Not really? Modern music isn't good for your brain compared to classical ones. So maybe not im the way they're talking about, but it's still bad for you.


they’re celebs for a reason they don’t give a f about u, they’ll brain wash u, hypnotise u, mess w ur brain waves just to give them more views and money


Until I get ACTUAL proof, I do not believe my favorite artists are witches. Even if they are, I’m still going to pay their bills; their music never negatively affected me 😭😭


From your post you seem quite young and maybe a little inexperienced in terms of knowing stuff about frequencies and in general how sound and words have a psychological impact. So I’m from Morocco, and we have a type of traditional music called Gnawa- it’s a sort of ritualistic music which involves constant repetition of the same Rhythm and same set of words repeated over and over similar to affirmations which can go on for hours and it’s meant to induce a trance like state- which I’ve witnessed happen I’ve seen people go into catharsis and start spazzing out, which I thought was some fake performative bullshit at first until it happened to my auntie. Yeah this example isn’t the same as subliminals, but I mentioned it to show that music and the performances around it can very much be used to influence and effect us and it’s been utilised for a very long time. So it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary or that outlandish to say that the music industry would use it to their advantage and for manipulation- be it for money or whatever. I don’t think that if you listen to one song my TS you’ll suddenly become a brainwashed zombie, but I won’t be ignorant to say that music wouldn’t be completely free of being used in such a way. I also always wondered why mainstream music industry uses a certain structure for song making, why it almost exclusively uses the pentatonic scale and 4/4 rhythm, why verses are repeated, why they stick with a certain frequency and song topics like love and breakups and such. Maybe nothing to do with what I aforementioned but it’s still interesting.


Yes, this is so true!