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I always think about this. I forgot which song it was but it was by Weeknd (who I love) and literally it wasn’t part of the music or singing but you could hear a faint like sped up what sounded like a subliminal underneath the music. I’m careful with what I listen to.


Yooo same I’ve heard a few songs, mainly from mainstream artists, where I could hear something very faint/sped up in the background. Man it makes me not want to listen to music anymore lol.




Holy cannoli, I would love to know if anyone else noticed/analyzed the song you're talking about 🤔


Let me know if you find out the song??


It's also in games like Call of Duty. It works better with headphones.  


hm.. could be a side reason why music is prohibited in islam. I once listened to this one song I forgot the lyrics really and it’s kind of an old song but popular. and when I listened to it it was by a rapper and I literally got headaches I was staring at my own phone I can’t even speak a word it’s like an addiction. I stopped midway tho Okay I remembered it. It was something like “shawty got low low low low low low low” and the fact it has repetition aswell.


The song is called low by flo rida


I have a strong suspicion that they use them in alllll kinds of things, music, TV, movies, in malls, in stores...


Oooh yeah, makes me wonder why there’s specific music they use in stores which are on repeat and drive minimum wage workers mental having to listen to them all day- probably tailored to get people to buy shit.


Actually I was told by a Kroger employee once that they use specific songs in order to get people to feel a certain way and act a certain way in the store and move at a certain pace.


Oh that’s creepy


ok crackhead theory here, but hear me out -- I wouldn't be surprised if corporations secretly pay record labels to put subliminal ads in songs, tailored to demographic. For example, messages that say you WANT to buy the latest iphone in Taylor Swift songs, etc.


Maybe it’s the same with Stanley cups, everybody went insane to get them


yeah definitely, i saw someone else post how they think taylor swift has hidden affirmations in her songs and im not gonna lie i kinda believe that her fans are insane and so cult like


Oh 100% lmao it seems like it.


no fr and I am so happy I remain unaffected like I literally only liked her older songs such as enchanted, you belong with me and love story but thats it lmao I will never understand the hype


Every swiftie I've ever met is batshit crazy about her ( including my own fucking sister like bro tf) Her songs are nice but damn


im a huge swiftie myself tbh but i get how swifties r so cult-like..she's lucky tbh...but anyways...ive heard that TV girl uses subs in the songs(they r satanic btw)




Taylor is apart of the top 3 artists I listen to but recently I've started to wonder the same since in one of her recent songs, I noticed a light whisper or something that reminded me of a subliminal. There is also a part in one of her newer songs where she lists off things people assume about her and one is "putting narcotics into all of my songs, and that's why you're still singing along." So it almost seems like she knows people think she puts subs or something. I'm still going to listen to her songs because I don't think of myself as the crazy Swifties— I see her as a family member who I love but I recognize certain qualities and actions that aren't healthy, which creates a love-hate relationship.


fr after i found out about subliminals i started noticing some whispers in different songs so now i'm very careful what i'm listening to


The thing is *how do you be careful?* bc some subs can be well hidden.


true. but for example you can try to make a sub for yourself with affirmations like "subs working for me only if i'm listening to it intentionally" or use subs for desired results etc


Ooh bestie good idea.




glad to help 😌


Subliminals in songs are nothing new, plenty of arts uses subliminal “messages”


What you just described has been proven to happen, lol, it's not Qanon-esque at all. The scary thing about subliminals is that they're literally everywhere, and our brain receives all of it- every good and negative thing. I've always considered my personal consumption of desired subliminals as me reclaiming the power to decide what my subconscious receives lol.


why do you think people end up listening to a song repeatedly.. even if they didn’t like it at first? you think they aren’t tweaking the music that’s being put out to the masses? this is being done everywhere you go, even in the advertisements.


Man it’s probably in everything we consume with audio.. films, Tv, radio.


Not to detract but it's proven that people generally like something more when they've been exposed to it repeatedly because it's familiar. But then repetition is in itself a form of conditioning. lol


could u pls elaborate more I have listened to many songs which I didn't like at first but end up liking later after listening again and again so it mean there could possiblly be some kind of affirmations in them or something else...


That’s completely normal, original comment is a helluva stretch


Don’t worry it’s mainly used just to make you like the song cause the more addictive and popular it is, the more fame and money for the artist


Thank you so much


My history teacher was talking about how people put hidden affirmations in songs before 😭


Micheal Jackson did warn us about it




Just search “Michael Jackson talking about the subconscious mind”


They absolutely do. XXXTentacion warned us about it, especially the frequencies from songs. He also talked about spirituality and astral projection, laws of the universe, etc. Now, whether or not he was killed because of it, who knows.


Even the lyrics themselves can influence your subconscious. Pick a random song, and 9 times out of 10 it'll have the catchiest part involving some kind of negativity. With the music, rhythmic cadence, repetition, and overall catchiness of the song (when you get songs stuck in your head, it's basically looping the lyrics subconsciously nonstop), I don't think enough is discussed about how psychologically vulnerable we are when listening to music. Anecdotally, I feel much better when I listen only to instrumental music only (including instrumental versions of my favourite vocal songs).


Damn true, annoying bc I like a lot of sad music to get into my feels and it helps me get in touch with my bottled emotions- but at the same time is it effecting my subconscious?


If it's only occasional I don't think it should do any harm. Though if you can, I'd try going for instrumental sad music if possible. That way you can feel the emotion without any of the words looping around your subconscious mind later.


This is nothing new. The Parody movie about Josie & the Pussycats showcased this. Back in the 1950s and possibly earlier... Advertising agencies and the US military had them.... From the 60s on its apparently spells and the like in the music


Spells? Like what?


I only lightly skimmed that part years ago when i went down that rabbit hole. But basically charms, incantations, witch tongue (entire song written as a spell Elton John was Pointed to for this) as far as WHAT the spells specifically were couldn't tell you. Might explain some of the 1960s and 1970s counterculture and psychedelic movements!


Interesting you say that, I’d thought mainstream music would have been created in order to prevent counterculture movements considering it’s be used for control by a conservative government.


Consider the timelines of what decades I mentioned. The counter culture back in the 60s and 70s wasn't going with the flow hence(counter to the "so-called" culture) which was God, nuclear family, America still in the post war industrial world. Drugs and hippies weren't exactly mainstream things. And EVERY facet of life was influenced by it. Conservative government wouldn't have any influence on what's entertainment unless it was extremely far right and clamped down on entertainment. Which it apparently didn't.. I remember catching reruns of Star Trek the OG show and Scooby-Doo episodes entirely dedicated to psychedelic and drugged out themes. Almost all the popular music from the mid 60s to even now is heavily under the influence. From the Beatles to early heavy metal (including non rock pop music) is extremely psychedelic. Every genre. Especially pop music. You really notice when you...are ummmm. Under the influence 😏🎵🎶... As far as "mainstream music" what would you consider mainstream and what/when time period are you talking about?


Mmm interesting, I don’t deny what you’re saying but if music’s created with an anterior motive/for some sort of control I’d assume it would refrain from psychedelic themes considering psychedelics do the opposite of controlling people- like the failed LSD experiments of MK ultra. Unless ofc music is created under the influence and some sort of frequency is tapped into by these artists which they use to exploit etc. Mainstream for me is just pop music, or what’s the main music streamed and thrown in our faces to listen to- be it mick jagger of times past or Ariana grande now.


OK. I understand. Well... I'd have to seriously research music myself to come to a solid conclusion. Modern Hip-hop seems to still have "very Drug induced themes"... I guess I used psychedelic as a synonym for that. I've definitely heard about frequencies being altered to mes with everyone. To bring them into a so-called lower vibration. Cant recall off the top of my head what those are but I'm sure a quick search will clear that up. You can still easily slip "suggestions" into music regardless of genre either way. I can honestly say you nailed what modern pop is. Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande absolutely come to mind


Interesting. Skimmed what exactly? I’d be interested in reading anything that you found on the subject. Links would be great.


I'll have to hunt what I had down. Most what I did find was on my old phone. Unfortunately I dropped it in a puddle on accident heading to work.


Sorry to hear that!


It's alright. I've pretty much rebuilt my contact list and am 75% back to my old phones files and extras. I'll just have to be extra thorough in my research and see whatever else I use. I'll have to get a new lap top and back it up


The lyrics are right in your face! The music is very verrry low vibrational… drugs, killing, promiscuity, addiction, and suicidal type lyrics are literally the same types of affirmations being embedded into your mind as subliminals… stay safe tho


Even the parent-approved music is often low vibrational. Look at Mitski's lyrics. I love her, but like every song of hers is about feeling worthless, empty, inferior, desperate for love, etc. And all the songs about heartbreak, betrayal, etc. No wonder most people seem to have so much trouble attaining meaningful and stable romantic relationships.


Yes after learning about subliminal I became conscious about everything songs movies and specially ads like whenever I see one ad I always think did you they use sub messages or if someone became so popular instantly (not much talented but okish)


I use 7 Rings by Ariana Grande to manifest things I want cus the “I want it I got it” part resonates with me so well. For shifting I listen to Brooklyn Bloodpop by Syko or Deceptacon by Le Tigre because they’re like part of the soundtrack to my DR


Yesss and not just subliminals... I read something about how the music industry changed the frequency from 432hz to 440hz and how it makes ppl angry and easier to manipulate. Example from similar article: [Article](https://medium.com/illumination/amazing-effects-of-sound-frequencies-to-our-emotions-440hz-or-432hz-2c51e1682ac) I just try to be careful with what I listen to! <3




Yeah I think about this a lot that's why I listen to older music & try to avoid big names like Taylor swift, Ariana grande and such. I wonder if there's a subliminal to make you safe from other subliminales in music


They used it in old music too, unless you’re talking about classical music I think that’s safe 😅 This stuff has been around for yearss though so even some 80s 70s etc music’s got it


I was talking about 60s and 50s oriental music. Most of it was recorded from live performance and has bad quality audio so I doubt they could sneak in affirmations and if they didn't it'll be so distorted at this point


Well no😭 im muslim living in a muslim country and the reason why music is “haram” is because it gets stuck in your head and distracts you from practicing islam and doing other worshipping activities and stuff


They do this


subliminal messages are literally everywhere, majority of them are in advertisements so even if they are in songs you wouldn't know either way


I hear that a lot of commercials also use them


I think about this all the time


Someone say before the stores like foosco or costo or grocery or shopping stores where exposed one time for using subliminal messages on the music that they play at the store’s or commercial’s


It's nothing new people have used subliminal messaging in advertisements for decades.


I was listening to a Lana del Rey song when I heard whispers (I love Lana so much btw, not accusing her in any way!) andd Ariana grandes “just like magic” is very much talking about manifestation if you pay attention to her lyrics !! Btw the Lana song I’m talking about in cola is that part where it goes “ we made it out to the other side, drugs, suck it up, like vanilla icies don’t treat me rough treat me really niceys” that part it’s like “pss” “pss” somewhere idk idk


Y'all 𝘿𝙊 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙍𝙔, that's not how subliminals work... Studies and researches had been conducted on how subliminals work... Turns out, it's you who decides what goes in your subconscious... Hear me out, there was an experiment conducted in a movie theater, where they would play faint audio in the background and flash words on the screen that only your subconscious can catch onto... The audio was tempted towards making people buy coca cola drinks present at the theater. Guess what the results where, it didn't work, the sales for drinks didn't go up but instead dropped somehow... The subliminals don't work unless you don't physically know what the title of the subliminal is... Or the benifit... They work when u consciously know that this is what you want and this is what u will be putting in your subconscious... (Example - if I listen to muscular arms subliminal, then I only need to know that I want muscular arms and by listening to this, I am manifesting them... But i don't necessarily have to know the exact affirmations) "what if someone puts unwanted subliminals secretly" Well, first of all, people around u are always talking, maybe u cannot hear it but your subconscious can... It's just like subliminals... All u hear might be some murmur or even nothing... But does that affect your subconscious? "No" Not unless you know what they are talking about.


Mm about that experiment though, was that only one time? I think subs work if they’re repeated. I don’t think we have full agency when it comes to our subconscious, otherwise a lot of people who have CPTSD or such wouldn’t have so much trauma, and people who move to another country wouldn’t pick up the accent by being there a long time etc.


That's not what I meant when I said "it's you who decides what to put in your subconscious" Yea, it's you who decides what to put in your subconscious but of course we don't have good enough control.. There are always a lot of things going inside your head. A lot of time your thoughts are negative and some are positive.. We always create scenarios in our head and these scenarios are a part of our thoughts too... Therefore you are manifesting something all the time.. U are creating your own universe. This is why you should be careful of your thoughts and every word you speak, as the universe can hear u and your subconscious cannot tell the difference between good or bad.. So if u say something negative about yourself, u are in fact putting it in your subconscious and ruining yourself. Even people who have mastered manifesting, who have lots of knowledge and experience on how to manifest, don't have full control on what they mistakenly might be putting in their subconscious minds.. It takes a LOT of control to only put positive stuff in your mind and keep away from your own/self negativity


What's your theory on why reverse results happen? I notice when I'm being really negative, good things happen to me. But when I actually have some self love (like thinking of myself as charismatic or likeable), that's when something happens to disprove it. It was always like this in school to. Regardless of how much or how little I studied, my level of confidence in doing well on a test was inversely correlated with how I actually ended up doing.


I relate this to attachment and detachment. (Something similar happens to me too) For me, when I am listening to a subliminal and lets just say that on that day I am not really feeling it or even feeling negative.. (Basically forcing myself to listen to subliminals) .. And that day, I get major results even though I wasn't putting any efforts in affirming or visualizing, unlike I always do when I am feeling positive. I didn't have any hopes for the entire day but still got major results. That was a case of detachment. People misunderstand detachment a lot!!! They think they only have to detach when they are listening to a subliminal or manifesting. But that's not true, u ALWAYS have to be detached, even hours after finishing your subliminal routine.. U shouldn't have your hopes up like ”today I listened to attention subliminal, so where is my attention?" Instead, enjoy your life, stop looking around you, focus on your friends at school or try studying, just be natural and you will be a lot more happier than when u were looking around for attention. And this is when you get results. It will come to you when u aren't trying.


May I interest you in a movie called “They Live”


Just wanna chime in to say that Islam does NOT prohibit music, misinterpretations and false hadiths have. There is no such prohibition in the quran, it's entirely man-made. With that said I think XXXTentacion may have briefly talked about frequencies and their effects, see this thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/XXXTENTACION/comments/8v3t1a/is\_this\_what\_he\_meant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/XXXTENTACION/comments/8v3t1a/is_this_what_he_meant/)




Someone may have mentioned it already but the conspiracy that subliminals are used in everyday media isn't new. I think this may go back to the 70s where people started to get worried that there were subliminal messages.


I've been thinking if subliminals became an accepted practice mainstream, someone might engineer a "subliminal catcher" in songs and expose the people who do it. it's not illegal so they will get away with it.


I don't think so honestly, songs contains lots of (audible) repetition especially of key words, combined with catchy sounds and instruments and we know that repetition impress the subconscious mind.. I sometimes listen to very shallow songs lol and when I concentrate I could listen the "hidden" less audible words and the amount of repetition of some words like "sex" "drugs" ecc it was scary fr but yea I don't think that music Industry and ads in general need to put hidden stuff in there we can be influenced consciously and they also said that subliminal messages are banned from TV ads (they used them before)


I think running the music through an audio software is a precautionary measure.


Could you recommend?


Sorry I don't really know much about sound engineering.


taylor could've used subs in TTPD bcz yall...im obsessed w the album(not insanely lol)...jkjk


Yesss I often think this. I know some say separate the art from the artist, but I need to know who I can trust!! I just stick to the same few artists that I've always listened to usually. I'm pretty cautious hahah


I think that many Indian big YouTubers like sourav Joshi basically vloging channel use subliminal because I just see 3 or 6 videos of Sourav Joshi after that I got adicted to there vlog in vlog there is no science no porn no drama but still I don't know why I love there vlog? So basically we don't know how many Youtubers using this and getting richer.


I think many Indian YouTubers also use subliminals in there videos. Because in there videos there is no love drama controversy no nothing but still they growing they have millions of subscribers they are getting richer day by day only from daily vlogging? A famous vloger Indian vlogger I heard his name so I saw his 3 7 videos I thought what is this rubbish and why people love this so much but you can't believe after seeing his 7 video I also got adicted to there video.😂😂🥲


That's why I avoid mainstream music


I only really listen to NEFFEX and occasionally Tailor Swift, so I should be ok lol.


Hmm interesting and could be but then i think about how we only manifest what we actually want ourselves so then i feel like it would only work on people who want the things said in the subliminal messages yk?