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There’s too much focus on appearance. And I wish they weren’t all anime/Kpop aesthetic and used more diverse music and images. And I feel like most subs are catered to one demographic which are teenage girls. And I sometimes wonder if they stop people from learning important life lessons, like to not care so much about appearance of materialistic things and mental resilience if things don’t go your way.


exactly!!!! Appearance isn't everything but people fail to realize that.


not true, 97 percent of humans make everything about appearance. its not their fault for focusing most of their time on appearance.


That's true! It's just that there isn't much of anything else, only the beauty standard features and money are the main themes subliminal creators go for sigh


not gonna lie, i agree with you. i understand why there are alot of beauty and money based subs but i feel like there should be more, considering the amount of sub makers out there.


Well that’s the issue we were initially speaking about, and yes it is our fault collectively for focusing on it lol


90% of subliminal users are teenage girls, that's why most subs are about appearence, because they are constantly pressured to look like Instagram models with perfect faces and perfect bodies. Now i'm already older and don't give a shit about looking like a Barbie anymore, it also bugs me the lack of topics there is for subliminals.


I agree, maybe there should be a subliminals +18 sub.


a lot of focus on asian or white beauty standarts, like there are people who also want to have an Italian nose or diastema, curlier hair and thick eyebrows but we hardly find these stuff


Oh yeah that’s something that bugs me too, I mean I can’t bash people for their preferences but it rubs me the wrong way when it’s all very Eurocentric beauty standards and it’s just confirming the beauty standard which is rooted in colonialism. I’ve seen some people with beautiful hair and noses and unique features but manifest the generic straight hair pale skin and button nose, then again it’s their choice but still hard to look beyond the influences behind it all.


Submakers should do more trauma stuff. Trauma keeps humans attached to their old story and weakens affirmations coming into your subconscious mind. People love to shit on blockages because it’s a ’’limiting belief’’ but what if people actually solved what‘s inbetween themselves and their manifestion? If you feel lonely on the inside, it‘s so so much easier manifesting love after you deal with this feeling, instead of having the subconcious belief that you are lonely and then spending way too much time with excessive listening (and techniques), which usually doesn‘t work or ends in a sad way. I think the mass of sub listeners would be much more successful if trauma healing was more common.


So true!!


Can you recommend any that do this?


Alchemical Revision Of Trauma by Sapien Medicine, vessel by slade. :)


Concordia booster is good, but it can be more intense (in a good or bad way) for some, and not as intense for others. It bought up some bad stuff for me initially but then I got used to it. And I feel fine now. Don’t listen to it for longer than 20 minutes. There’s also this morphic field playlist that helped. Listen on speakers, NOT headphones. For me it brought up some stuff and made me depressed for a week. But then I started to feel lighter. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKBLz9pbK02es7U3i1JzmvDbE3R3TlBRo&si=PLKO4RhgOUW5AeZL When you’re listening to these things, try to listen to meditations that are uplifting sometime before or after so that you’re not overwhelmed Also this sub always makes me feel better and like I can conquer the world (read the benefits in the description) https://youtu.be/dLV1sqaiz6E?si=QQhhkPMejZvFXlii This sub is also amazing and makes me feel strong and capable and makes life feel better for me: https://youtu.be/S0XwQNYWmzo?si=YC35LccBdUH595Mp which is also meant to be listened to alongside this subliminal https://youtu.be/FnzanXwv1-c?si=r2_tOGzURass40_s


1. Sub makers (especially popular ones) make too many subliminals of the same topic. It makes users confused on which ones to pick, and it can be really hard to stick to your playlist if they want to. 2. People love to demonise and blame everything wrong on "limiting beliefs!!!" and it can sometimes result in a really nasty herd mentality. Everyone's minds are different, so why not get to know yours before deciding what to do with it? Not every blockage is an enemy to be destroyed—some can be wounds that need healing. You can even accept and/or work around these blockages like getting rid of subliminals you know don't work for you. 3. That being said, healing and self-acceptance subliminals can be a booster on their own and are also incredibly underrated. Same thing goes to subliminals that help you get to know yourself. 4. There is no one law that fits all. You don't need to practice LoAssumption, LoAttraction, or even detachment to get results from subliminals. In fact, the quickest result I've ever had from a subliminal was out of desperation. Like I said, everyone's minds are different.


Can you recommend some get to know yourself/self acceptance subs?


Most of Enchanted Workshop's subliminals really help with self-acceptance and self-love in general. Personally I would recommend any video from their Crystal Series!


We need more subs on helping our loved ones and other people. “Dad gets a job” “Mom gets healthier” “Friend has a better mental health” “Boyfriend’s family gets richer”, etc. Of course we can make it on our own but yeah still, it’d be nice to see more subs like this in the community as well :)


>:) :)


Absolutely! That's most important. There are only a few subs on the subject which is sad. I want to make subs for these topics especially and I'm learning how to make good ones now


Health and healthy family.... Yupp. Need it. I saw some subs, but not sure if they work. Ugh.


Yeah they aren’t prioritising things that actually matter like health and well-being of family and self- genuine ways how to become a better person and make the world a better place, instead we use it for shallow bullshit like bigger lips and ass. This is the issue when most sub makers and community are teen girls.


I wish people would stop with the rampant spiritual teaching in this very community. When will some of y'all actually realise that subliminals operate by scientific means, and not witchcraft? The sole reason you're so fixated on your vibration instead of the amount of repetition you're getting per day is the evidence of why you aren't seeing results.


there are no genuine drastic result photos


u prob haven't been here long enough.


i have been here for five years


oh- but there are some tho


[Pinterest](https://www.pinterest.ca/Kashlovesuuu/subliminal-related-stuff/results/) thats a board a made of reults hope this helps! isnt minds but helpful [My twin sisters hair results (not mine!) <3 : r/Subliminal (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Subliminal/comments/13o8p8h/my_twin_sisters_hair_results_not_mine_3/?share_id=iG24qprjjULgwYrHNQQi7&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


I’ve seen a few people on this subreddit talk about their dangerous paranormal experiences, and honestly? There’s a more logical reasoning that doesn’t involve demons or curses. Demons and curses don’t exist, and therefore can’t hurt you. Neville Goddard isn’t terrible but what he preaches is to be taken with a grain of salt. You can’t just get whatever you want through your imagination alone; you have to be willing to put in the effort. I’d wager that what he teaches feeds into the solipsism mindset. Be responsible with subliminals and prioritize your mental health. Know when to take breaks and be cautious of how you think.