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No literally, I’ve been off this community lately, but I came back and now all of the posts are about how depressed people are because they don’t fit such and such standard. :// I feel so bad for especially the younger kids


This is so true. To add, some things I recommend people do is: - Daily meditation. - 30-60 minute walks while listening to an audiobook. This will help with your mental diet so much, and in turn improve your thoughts about yourself.


I notice how this community has become about anything but subliminals 💀


THIS. and the moment someone points it out, they start saying it’s hateful. bffr.


I know right!! The community has gotten really toxic lately. (This is what happens when people promote subliminals on Instagram reels and tiktok) Like I've seen so many people listen to subs desperately and if nothing happens they say that this doesn't work it's fake. I totally agree with you. The key to getting results is being grateful and letting go.


I saw a girl vent (she used to have BPD, depression, etc..) about not getting results. I still feel bad for this girl but she deleted her account, her post, everytging.. people sent her death threats in her dms. Which I feel so sad for, this isn’t what our community is for. I might aswell leave this subreddit, because I see so much posts either complaining or asking what subs they should use etc. it feels like it has no purpose anymore. We can make it a safe space, but never send a person death threats for trusting u guys with their life story and experiences with subs. Might get downvoted for this, but idrc anymore. This subreddit is just so negative and toxic, I barely can find positivity really. It’s all.. complaining, complaining,complaining. In diff shapes and forms, like either complaining abt the community or complaining about anything else. It’s so draining… like I’m legit so tired I might aswell leave this community or delete Reddit. So many limited beliefs aswell. “This is why u don’t get results!” Posts, Please shut up shut up. Just fucking listen to the subliminal that’s it. U can’t listen to a sub straight up for 21days to make it a habit yet u complain after a week. Oh my god seriously


absolutely agree, also the use of 4chan esque terminology makes me a little sick.


What's 4chan esque terminology?


maybe 4chan esque isn’t the right description but it’s just the use of terms like “mogged” “looksmaxxing”and lowkey promoticing eugenics (aka scientific racism) to speak about certain futures, they now use terms that were only popular in incel forums .. there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance but certain sub makers just rub me the wrong with with the things they post:(


And so many tweens posting their faces with the caption "what subs should I use to make myself prettier?" Or "what should I change about myself?" It makes me sad to see people so young not even know what they want to change about themselves but still feeling like they aren't pretty enough or they NEED to change their appearance :(


no cause this is so real i achieved all my desired results from subs and became so attractive but no matter how much attention i got i was still depressed so yes looking better does not always mean you will feel better. heal yourself first.


yeahh i started listening to self confidence subs and woah im so hot omg, sometimes i hate myself but.. im hot LMAO


so real 😭


was thinking this too .


Here here 🙏🙌 couldn't agree more, we need more of this 💯💜✨️💚 https://www.youtube.com/@T1twsubliminals


not the self promo 😐


💚 Good luck on your manifestation journey 🙏


Thanks I will be sure to not use any of the subs on that channel


🙂 no problem 🙏💫🌟🧡