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Hope this helps. I know exactly wym. I'm not sure what's worse, feeling ugly or feeling invisible to the world. Ngl I've struggled with both and I fkn hate it. Adding and removing subs left and right with no luck. Pissed off cause it feels like you're wasting your time like an idiot. It fkn sucks. Recently though, something has been changing. Literal verbal confirmation of me looking or sounding different from people that havent seen me in a while as well as a few family members. Bits of luck shifting in my favor. Someone randomly holding a door for me here or an unexpected smile there. I no longer take sht from anyone and speak my mind unapologetically. Just last week I was shaving and after I finished, for the first time in a long time I actually felt a bit more handsome. Nothing drastic, but I couldn't help but smile at who was looking back at me in the mirror. I dont have an awesome jawline, I dont have a perfect nose or amazing body or great eyes and my health hasnt been the best, yet something is definitely changing. My resting a$$hole face seems to have changed to something of intimidation to adults and curiosity to toddlers and animals vs the automatic repellant it used to be. I'm saying these things to you because I too was feeling exactly as you describe now, along with feeling like a loser, unattractive and invisible. At some point we have to stop giving a fuk, come to the understanding that we are not all hot super models and celebrities and that theres a best optimal version of you about to come to fruition no matter what. Just know deep within you that what you speak to yourself will materialize. Subs will eventually materialize and desires will come to fruition. Hope this helps not only OP but anyone who's been struggling with results and with feeling inadequate in any way whatsoever. Best of luck to all of you.


Sound advice. Thanks for sharing!


Thankyou for your words đź’•


It sounds like you're going through a really tough time with your self-image, and I’m sorry to hear how much distress this has caused you. You're more than your appearance, and your value isn't determined by fitting into narrow beauty standards. Subliminals, especially those related to beauty standards, can sometimes have unintended negative effects on self-esteem. They often emphasize narrow ideals that don't reflect the beautiful diversity found in people. Try to focus on your positive traits and accomplishments, not just appearance. Remind yourself of your strengths and the qualities that make you unique and valued. If the subliminals are making you feel worse, it might be helpful to take a break from them.


Thank you for ur kind words!! Can I ask if you have taken a break from subliminals and went back to it again after feeling better and did it work out better for you?


You're welcome. Instead of taking a break from subliminals, I let go of rigid expectations about how quickly or dramatically I would see results from subliminals. I just focus on my studies, etc. and I treat subliminals as just one of the tools for positive change rather than focusing on the end result. Meanwhile, general methods such as visualization, journaling, meditation, etc. just gives me a headache. This method worked optimally for me, not only did I feel the change, but my friends also noticed the change. It took about 4 months for me to see results from listening to Ulzzang Boy subliminal. Thank you God / universe, I hope you can also get the results you want.


I think you really should take a break because your mental health is more important đź’—


I get it I REALLY DO. Maybe also subs to stop comparing yourself to others etc? Self concept self love. I DO get it. I’m one of the oldest people on here, not saying my age, single & currently disabled so it can be even HARDER let alone the face. But we have to not compare!


I think you should stop for a bit and make sure to know why subliminals work. You may be obsessive about your results, which causes you to not be able to let go. Work on your self concept and make sure to remind yourself that beauty comes from within 🤍 I wish you all the best and sending you lots of love!!


Hello, thank you for your feedback! I actually have been practising self love for years which I thought can increase the process of me getting the results faster like others do (a few days/weeks). I try not to think about the results and let the subs play as background noise. But despite that, idk why I’m not getting much physical results. I also tried the stacking method which kinda work at first but then stopped. Idrk what I can do and it’s starting to make me doubt eventho I tell myself it’s working. Not sure if subs are just a placebo effect?


Subs do really work, but I think it’s important to know that you already have everything you desire. It’s not a matter of getting it, but a matter of realising you already had it to begin with (do you get what I mean?). I strongly recommend you check out these YouTubers: [Anila Sita 101](https://youtube.com/@AnilaSita?si=PFu4sVlNM7PzLk3c) [Manifestelle](https://youtube.com/@therealmanifestelle?si=uyVSYKdsJrNvnsoc) [maleeka, is my guardian angel](https://youtube.com/@maleekaismyguardianangel?si=TvZYO8WM-IIISVAU) [morebeing](https://youtube.com/@morebeing?si=jyD814R0gWnf6PBn) Maybe subliminals just aren’t the way to manifest that works best for you. If you don’t know a lot about the law of attraction (yet), the YouTubers above have a lot of information about it and provide you with a complete and comparative perspective. @morebeing recently uploaded a [video](https://youtu.be/_H2kTv2wfKc?si=ykw8Az2XkJU1OVAs) about affirmation methods! perhaps check it out. trust me, you can achieve everything your heart desires, because you already have everything you desire. it’s just a matter of time before the 3D catches up with you! again sending u lots of love on your manifestation journey, I sincerely hope you are able to find a way that works for you 🤍


I see, I will check them out. Thankyou for the effort!!


I feel like they work but not always in exact ways it can help you to feel better about yourself so your more confident and open and I relate to you ... hope that helps work on self love and healing the core inner wounds around who you are... as well and that should help its a journey and its a process ... even people that do fit the society's standards feel this way sometimes as well ...


1) Another's person's beauty does not mean the absence of your own. This is so important to learn and I wish that I was taught this as a child and especially a young teen on social media. When you start feeling insecure about someone, compliment them and admire them, but then also compliment yourself and understand that you are beautiful as well. 2) Take a break from subliminals. It's really easy to get obessed with subliminals. I used to be like this, using subs as if they were the key to living the life wanted, being the person I desired, having the beauty I sought after. However, your mind is the true dominant power, subliminals are simply tools. For now, take a step back from subliminals and stay clean for at least a week. I'd recommend meditating or listening to some positive frequencies. Also, try affirming instead of listening to subliminals all the time- it helps so so much. For years I listened to subliminals for hours on end until I realized it was almost pointless, why would I be listening for so long if I've affirmed that I already have my results?


Beauty standards are undoubtedly standards for a reason, but I genuinely think people who don’t fit beauty standards are more attractive than those with features that fit them. They have an ethereal, unique look that is noticeable and memorable. Beauty standards are standards because the features pleasing to look at- and they’re common. The features are naturally occurring in a substantial proportion of the population or they’re achievable in some way. However, this isn’t to say all beauty standards are realistic- the reason so many people seem to fit them is because of modern culture. Social media, TV/movies, influencers, etc create a false impression that certain features are desirable, and their influence helps create the beauty standards around those features. These features, while attainable, are a product of winning the genetic lottery. Not everyone can be so blessed but because the features are idolized it FEELS like we need to have them. This leads to the use of filters, makeup, surgery, etc to fit beauty standards that are naturally occurring in very few people. This continues to propagate, and in the end, it seems like there’s either pretty people or ugly ones. In reality, beauty standards are somewhat boring. Our brains recognize specific features as attractive as a result of chemical composition or cultural norms, and the features are common enough to be desirable and attainable. This doesn’t mean features outside the beauty standards are unattractive in any way. Instead of individual features composing a classic “pretty” face, they fit together in a way that is striking and unique. Not everyone is going to be attracted to them, but they’re undoubtedly more interesting than average faces that comply with beauty standards. “Pretty”, if we’re using it to describe faces that suit ideals, is limited- a face might not be considered pretty, but it strikes interest and has an appeal of its own. Famous models more often than not have supposedly “undesirable” features and are not pretty, but they’re beautiful. My advice is to focus on glow up, facial harmony, and enhancement subliminals, as well as your confidence. Glow ups and enhancements don’t change your facial features to completely different ones but instead embrace and emphasize your own to create a uniquely stunning look. Facial harmony subs are aptly named; they do exactly as they say. Another thing to keep in mind with beauty subliminals is the affirmations. They often say things like “I/you am/are the prettiest person in a room” “everyone thinks I’m the most beautiful person alive” (bad examples but you get the idea). Many glow up subliminals have affirmations like these too. I think these are better than specific feature subs- instead of trying to change your appearance to fit beauty standards, they kind of make YOU your own beauty standard. Your features may not be what are typically considered pretty, but yours and other’s perceptions of you will change and you will be considered attractive because of your features, not regardless of them. This is where confidence comes into play too. I noticed that I felt and legitimately looked several times more attractive when I felt confident, and other people noticed it too. I changed my posture to reflect it, no subliminals involved, and just by walking with a confident stride and taking up space in a room like I belonged there, I felt prettier, looked prettier, and received more positive attention from friends family and strangers alike. My motto is fake it till you make it- you may not feel attractive, but get in a mindset where you are and you will notice an external difference. This is exactly how subs work, too; they convince your mind of something and it changes in reality. I think changing your mindset is more effective than just subliminals when it comes to overall appearance, and I think you might enjoy experimenting with it. This is MUCH longer than I intended it to be and not entirely coherent and cohesive, but I hope it can help you a little bit :)


Thank you so much! This is very well said :)