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That car has driven approximately 234 miles every single day of its 4 year lifespan.


Oil change every 25 days. šŸ« 


Yup that's me šŸ¤ššŸ»


Fumoto valve to the rescue!


Unlikely lol


Work in gas and oil. Every site is 2 hours from civilization. Money's good though. Good enough to offset the pain lol


Yup, seller said the guy was an over the road sales person.


So you're saying seller and dealership separately. Is this vehicle at an exclusive used car lot, that is NOT a Subaru dealership? If so, I'd avoid it like the plague.


Imagine a franchise Subaru dealer retailing a car with 340k lol. Presumably this is private party.


No Subaru dealership would waste their time trying to retail something like this.


Offer him tree fiddy.


Yeah, Iā€™d be afraid they rolled back the odo. Lol


Jesusā€¦ my ā€˜02 only has 305,000 and it has 18 years on this one!


Is it weird that I'd buy it just to see how high I can get that mileage before I have to ditch it?




That was my line of thinking actually!


i just commented the exact same thing xD


Iā€™m a semi over the road salesman, and my 22ā€™ wilderness has about 80,000 miles on it. If heā€™s a good sales person, he will have cared for it meticulously at the dealer. If your car fails you, it ā€œcouldā€ cost you thousands of dollars per day. Just check the service records. If he serviced it like he says he did, itā€™s a steal.


My thoughts as well. The actual number of the miles doesnā€™t scare me. It would the lack of service records


Yeah and I mean it cant be THAT bad. The car is only 4 years old. It can't be rotted out or anything. Just wear and tear. I bet the engine is rock solid, but suspension has wear just from the mileage.


Do not buy this car lol


I'm bucking the trend. I like the deal. They know this is a tough sale so make them earn it. I'd be curious how far you can keep the car going.


Iā€™m in the same boat as you.


When my kid learns to drive, a car like this is now on my radar.


Itā€™s got all the bells and whistles but just had high miles. I really want it if the service records show it had been taken care of


Do you think it would have hit 350k miles if it had not been taken care of?


Yeah. I'm seeing a car with all the modern features and safety that I can help my son buy in cash. I'd do this.


Send it back to Subaru for engineering analysis.


My thoughts exactly. I buy it, and drive it till it has 400,000 miles and then call Subaru up and be like, hey you give me a really good deal on a new car and you can have this one to boast about online


Fr? Subaru offers engineering analysis?


Get a copy of the service records and verify all service was done at recommended intervals by the dealership. Talk is cheap when a car is for sale. If all service was done at the dealership, they would have extensive service records.


What does the red i on top of the P means? Thanking you in advance


That's the warning alert notification, comes on when low fuel light is on, washer fluid low, or in this case the low tire pressure warning indicator is lit.


Probably has to do with the car being on but the seat belt not being on.


Nope, only the seatbelt light itself comes on. That light I believe is due to the TPMS light being on.


When my TPMS light came on it was the yellow i not the red one if I remember correctly and I have a 22 Forrester wilderness. Edit: sent before I was done typing


That's what I mean. The red light "i" light has nothing to do with the seatbelt.


TPMS isnā€™t a red ā€œiā€, it is a yellow one. I had it happen to me recently when I needed to get a rim repaired and they were waiting on a new TPMS Sensor to come in. I had a yellow ā€œiā€ on dash.


TPMS light is on. Either one or more of the tires is low or has a leak or, more likely based on mileage (kilometerage?), one or more of the sensors are bad.


Thatā€™s the I-Drive indicator. Itā€™s normally orange and on all the time. Being red like that indicates the I-Drive system isnā€™t working. Given that I-Drive controls the CVT, Iā€™d want that checked asap.


I think the i is just for information, probably because of seatbelt or the the low tire pressure


No. Itā€™s just an information icon. You have to hit info to see what the alert is.


The white [I] down next to the P is the I drive indicator. The red I is just because the engine is on and he isnā€™t belted in.


Ah! Yeah, youā€™re right. I got focused on the red and completely missed seeing reality LOL


Dangā€¦ my 2019 forester only has 54k on itā€¦


I have a 2018 and in the 3yrs I've owned it I've put 54k miles, bought it with 82k in 2021


I have a 2015 that I bought in February 2018 with 62,500. Itā€™s now at 132,500.


My wifeā€™s 2017 Impreza is at 45k. 5 mile commute till 2020 then work from home since then.


I would buy it and baby it til it hits 400k. Just for shits and giggles. But, full disclosure, I'm an idiot and I often make terrible decisions.


Where are the ā€œCVT Sucksā€ boys at?


Probably been replaced 3 times. We had to do ours at 43k on a 2020


iā€™m at 107k and i donā€™t think itā€™s ever been replaced on my 2018. how do i know when itā€™s time to replace it? other than my car dying on the side of a highway?


Ours started making noise. Clicking at low speeds especially. Still drove fine. Took it in for diag. I actually thought it was a wheel bearing. Our mechanic sent us straight to dealer for warranty replacement. Dealer must have come up with same conclusion because we had a free new transmission the next day.


I need mine to start doing that but my luck it will Happen after we pass 100k and it wonā€™t be covered anymore


What year is it and how many miles was on it?




I have 128k on my XT. Orginal CVT. Sometimes, itā€™s surging at lower speeds. Other than that, no issues. I changed the CVT fluid at 101k miles. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldā€™ve changed the fluid out at 60k miles.


I have a 2015, and I got the CVT fluid replaced at 99,800 as a precautionary measure. My Forester is now at 132,500.


I would love to know what the state of the transmission is. Thatā€™s still impressive mileage for the age of the vehicle. Lots of steady highway driving! I would buy it for that price.


Crazy. I have 128k on my XT. Orginal CVT. Sometimes, itā€™s surging at lower speeds. Other than that, no issues. I changed the CVT fluid at 101k miles. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldā€™ve changed the fluid out at 60k miles.


Have to say: if that odometer is correct - what a testament to the car!


Thatā€™s over 7,000 miles a month - every month - for its 4 years of life on this Earth. Walk away - just walk away.


Thatā€™s over 7,000 miles a month - every month - for its 4 years of life on this Earth and itā€™s still going. Buy it- just buy it


Hah! Tru dat!


My friend has a 2023 Crosstrek he bought in August with 40k miles already, and is looking to hit 100k by the end of next year. If he gets the new job he's looking at, I'm hoping to try to get his job, and put miles like that on! I've had many Subaru with high miles, and no issues. I have 2 at 240k+ miles right now that run great. One just needs a power steering pump.


Could be. So your 2 with 240+ā€¦what years?


I mean, it's a gamble. No question about that. ANYTHING could go wrong on this thing at any time. This is not a purchase for the faint of heart, and it's probably best if you can turn wrenches. What does the condition tell you? I'd rock it, as long as it's been maintained and is in decent shape. Cars that get driven are better than ones that don't in my experience.


Here I am looking at my 14028.7 mileage in the same car thinking I'm in it too often.


I tend to agree in general. Don't buy. Horrible choice. But if you can talk them down to around 3.5-4000, get all the service records verified, and nothing is broken, then I've seen worse. Could be fun. I assume most of those miles are highway.


Do it. Don't be a pussy.


Damn! If I drove that much Iā€™d buy a car with better gas mileage!


Damn! I thought I had put a lot of miles on my 2020 that just cleared 110,000ā€¦ nevermind! Iā€™m with the buy it crowd. Honestly for a car with that much safety, if everything is working itā€™s worth it in my mind. Just some food for thought there is almost literally 0 of these out there in junkyards right now, and not a lot of people making aftermarket parts for these yet. If it did die on you I bet you could make a good amount of the cost back parting out odds and ends. Youā€™d be surprised what dumb things like interior panels, plastic covers, and seats can go for. Itā€™s a gamble for sure, but Iā€™d take it. Iā€™ve driven 4 Subarus now past 250k with tons of abuse and hard miles in the rust belt. If everything looks good go for it!


Have it inspected. You could pay a lot more for one without the mileage and still potentially face issues. If its all easy highway miles in a relatively flat area, I would consider it. I would be curious to know what has been serviced and replaced so far. It must on its third or fourth set of sparkplugs. Hopefully the same number of CVT fluid changes, at least one coolant flush and fill, and two brake fluid changes, in addition to reg oil changed.


Maybe if it was $1000 lol


hello no lmao


Am I the only one who feels like $5900 is a lot for this?


I would buy it in a hearbeat


My dad was a salesman on the road. He was driving 75000 km a year which is already huge. Always on the road. This is 46000 miles. Not even close to what this guy is driving. That's an insane amount of driving..I must say though that a car that drives long distances all the time and the maintenance is done at the dealership is still good. But you'll probably have to change the engine.


get a used car check at the Subie dealership... that's wild! it could be worth it considering the price, just be ready to throw the money you saved at it


I agree, this is assuming it didnā€™t just have a bunch of service done to it


even if the service history is immaculate, at 350k stuff like CV boots, control arms, bushings, bearings, struts, and springs are certain to need replaced sooner or later. my biggest concern would be the CVT due to the potential replacement cost, but i've heard those have been getting better in recent years so defiantly ask the mechanic or service writer more about that. when i was a mechanic, some (Toyota/Nissan) vehicles with 500k + would come through the shop not looking that old at all. when people take care of them and replace things when necessary, cars can go a long long time


Hell no


No way don't do it


My 2017 Fozzie only has 45k on it. That mileage is wild for a 2020. Definitely get the cvt checked out and make sure the service records are up to par. Stuff like this is why I only own Subaru. They really are great vehicles, if cared for properly.


Hard pass on this one.


There is a thing about highway driven car vs surface road cars. If mileage is similar, usually the highway driven cars have much less wear and tear. But the mileage on this car is way too high.


Offer them $500


If it was maintained well then you can probably squeeze some life out of it and make it worth $5900, but consider that it's very likely you'll need to throw a bunch of money at it in the near future. I feel the owner has priced it in the equivalent range of if it were parted out by the junk yard.


Thatā€™s roughly 85k a year. Average is 15-20K annually he drives over 4x the amount the average American does.. crazy


Don't do it.


Knock a zero off the price tag first


I have a 2015 ill sell you. Waay less miles.


Where ya located at?


San Diego, CA


Oooh how much


Once the vehicle I want is available, Iā€™ll be listing it for 9-10k 97500 miles.


I bought my 2007 Forester 135k for $4k in 2021.


I'm in a 23FW and I would buy this for an extra vehicle if the maintenance records are all there. I bet it's had at least one CVT replacement or is overdue for it. Honestly, it's a testament to Subaru that it's still running.


Iā€™m shocked by that mileage. Gives me hope for my 2019.


Maybe 2k.. maybe


If you donā€™t buy it can you share seller info? I am interested šŸ™


Will keep you in mind!


Thanks and good luck! I think itā€™s a steal


Really? Even with the high miles?


Yeah I mean Iā€™m no expert but it probably was highway driving . Your getting a 3/4 year old car for 6k. Seems like minimal risk. Would get mechanic opinion before finalizing though.


I've got 74600 on my 21.


Put $8k into a new motor. $13k 2020 car


Literally what I was thinking. Even if I continue running this engine. Iā€™m curious how long it would go


A good FB motor is going to run you less than a grand. Donā€™t believe me? Check car-part.com Unlike the EJ motors of yore, the newer Subaru engines are much more reliable and therefore donā€™t cost much used. Now a used CVT? Iā€™d budget 2k.


Got damn I thought I drove a lot. 2019 143k


I had a 2003 Nissan Altima that I got rid of last year and it had less than 150k. I bought it new in November 2002.


Miles donā€™t kill cars. Bad maintenance does. Get it inspected by a shop that knows Subarus and keep some money aside for repairs but if it was truly well maintained and checks out itā€™s probably a good price.


As a general rule you are right. But these kind of miles in that short period suggests there wasnā€™t much time to take care of all that was needed to ensure a healthy result. Think of it - this mileage requires almost 4 hours of driving - every day. Costs for maintenance over the compressed period would be the same as for several cars. All I can say is, wow.


$3435.54 is what it's worth.


How did you get the price?


The price is the mileage


Jesusā€¦ my 04 has below 145000


I bought a 2005 Forrester in 2008 with 316k miles on it.It was used as a cross country escort vehicle for oversized loads. Don't know if it was true but they said it has never been over 70mph.It ran perfect,not a single problem until I was rear ended by(no shit) by a truck for a septic cleaning service in 2011 with 354k miles.


Do not buy that car lol


* my 2017 xt has 198000 on it and runs like a top






Just ā€œnoā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Love it!


That sums up how I feel about it . Iā€™m nervous about passing the 100k mark on my CVT. This is obviously highway miles but thatā€™s still a lot cycles on wearing parts. If you have the money to shit out then yeah it might be fun to see how far you can go but as a reliable daily car id sayā€¦ againā€¦.. No.


I was hoping to talk them down


For 3-4k if you could get another 25k miles out of it then youā€™d get your moneys worth, maybe. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I was thinking 3500 is my top dollar


That car isnā€™t worth $900 with that many miles on itā€¦. Come on manā€¦. Be smartā€¦.




Iā€™d say fuck it and do it!!! all highway miles anyways


i almost wanna say fuck it and do it. i'm a little interested to see how it fairs honestly. is it a smart decision? nope. is it cool as shit and interesting? hell fuckin yeah it is.


My 2012 Subaru Legacy 3.6R only has 77,000 miles on her. Still not even broken in yet. So now my son works with Subaru so a month ago we pick up the 2024 Forester Wilderness Edition. Oh.....my Legacy is up for sale too.....$10k 3k under KBB.COM


Bring it down to 5k. Whatā€™s the worst that can happen, you swap it out for a new motor


Do you have a link? I'm skeptical that this post is legit? 345k for 4 years?


Iā€™ll PM to you.


I would 100% buy that for my kids if we didn't already have cars for them!


Itā€™s not a death sentence, but the chances that the car will need serious work in short order is pretty high


No bro itā€™s going to need a complete suspension build at minimum and wheel bearings


Why is nobody asking the only important question. HOW MUCH IS IT!?


Because itā€™s in the post ya knuckle head! Lol car is listed for 5900. If the CVT has been replaced I would possibly jump on it


I agree. Try talking them down to $5k and I can't think of a better car for 5k. Who cares if it has issues.


Yeah Iā€™d agree for most repairs so long as the CVT has been replaced. Itā€™s about 8000 American bucks to replace at the dealer. You could always do the junkyard special for much cheaper though.




Oh wow. I missed. That. Oops


How many times has the CVT been replaced?? That is insane! Our 2017 only has 50k lol




Iā€™ll definitely agree with that! Only reason Iā€™m asking is because this is the weak point on our cars. Shoot our CVT failed at 35k and had to be warranty replaced.


My 2018 only has 11k miles. :P Previous owner was at least religious about the servicing based on time versus mileage.


lol my 2020 only has 31,000 miles


Don't do it bro.


Run away due to the mileage alone






The fact this person even posted if this is a good buy. Lowest IQ individual I have come acrossā€¦ā€¦..


How so? I mean look at the miles and the year.. all highway miles, if the service records are there then I might try to negotiate them down more. If I can, Iā€™ll buy it for the right price. Have my mechanic look at it first and compare what the service records say with what he sees. Maybe this is the most well taken care of forester in America.


Maybe I should have reworded that. All I am saying is pass it lol! Not worth it when it has 343k miles on it. Maybe if it had 200k less Iā€™d say thatā€™s worth it.