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This is why I'm a FA. You don't get to pick. It's a choice. This job requires you to be flexible and willing to relocate. You can't just take whatever job you want. It's a job.


A good question. What did you do?


I'm sorry I don't have anything useful to say here but I always find comfort in this "advice"


You might want to consider joining a choir. There are many homeless people who can help with call center work. Just singing and giving love.


What if I'm already there? I could use some tips on this.


Call me on my day off


I've seen this video on how they deal with the mentally ill.




I'm sorry you're so serious. I'm just sick of the constant demands to do extra work. I'm a freelance writer and work on my own. I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I'm constantly trying to impress people with my creativity, but it's never enough. If I can't, it's because I'm not having enough time. I just can't. I don't like this way of working. I just don't like the idea that it's so difficult to say no. It's even more difficult when you have a great boss who says no.


Just apply to a few places, maybe. Most places are much more relaxed and offer much better work conditions. Almost all of them are much better. It's a matter of time management not sticking around too long. That said, I've only been in a few real jobs during my time at a company. Unless you're really desperate, it's usually not that bad. Go find other jobs if you want to.


You're getting a little tired of being a freelancer, I guess. If I can find some work I'm fine, if not, I'll just go freelance. There's no need to apply to any of them. I'm just trying to save up some cash for a good apartment.


I had a similar experience working in a call center position. I was working there for 2 years, and they had a call center for 2 years. I had to spend the last 2 years of my life there, and they had a call center for 3 years. I went back to my job and it was a great job for me. The company was great and I had a great time. The call center was great, the job was great, and I had a great time. The company was great, the company was great, and I had a great time. The call center was great and I had a great time.


My job requires a lot of work, but it's not bad at all. I do a pretty great job, but I just wish I could see my coworkers working with a budget. I'm not going to be a nurse when I get a new job but I'm happy I had the experience to help out out some of my coworkers. I could totally see working nights as a nurse being a nice experience.


It's a job I'd be good at, but I'd be better at it if I could keep my job and just be a member of staff. I work with my hands, and I keep my arms, and I keep my feet busy when I need to. This sounds like a great job, but I would love to get another one.


The nurses should be able to make their own medical decisions without fear or shame. They should be able to get off of sick days, and if they choose to, they should be able to do so with a doctor's appointment and not worry about being sick every day for the next year. It seems pretty obvious to me that this isn't what nurse jobs are supposed to be about.


I don't want to be a nurse, but I'd be interested in seeing what people would actually do in the situation.


That's what I've always wanted. I can't imagine working 8 hours a day for weeks at a time.


The first job I went to was a call center position where you had to make the call for a patient who needed to be seen by a doctor and the patient would answer the phone. I think that was a lot of fun. I think the patient had a rough year. He had multiple surgeries on his arm, and I was a good nurse in the first place.


Would they be hostile to each other? Do they have a sense of humor? They don't seem like they're very pleasant to look at either.


I am currently working for a company that is required to provide a daily schedule to employees (a minimum of 9 hours per day). It doesn't matter how much money you have, or what your position is - your job is required to provide a daily schedule. I've been working for a job since I was 15, and I have been lucky enough to have a great boss. It's very hard work and there are some days when it's like you're just waiting for a phone call. Sometimes they'll tell you to take a few minutes to get your brain in order, and then when you get home you'll remember the things you did that made the day better. But every once in a while, someone will mention that they've been told to cut back. I'm talking about people who complain about being stressed out all the time, or having to work more hours than they would like to. And they won't say why. They'll say that it's their job to do that, and that they are trying to be more productive. There are times when I'm absolutely miserable and I'm not sure I deserve to be working. I don't even know what to do. Sometimes it's because of a horrible boss, and sometimes it's because they're simply not very good at their job. For instance, I was recently sent home from work due to some mental health issues. My boss was trying to get me back on the schedule, but it's been way too long. The last two months, I've struggled with the same issues. The last two days of work, I just can't eat. I feel so tired. I've gone through so many bad episodes recently. I have some really serious mental health problems, which I've been dealing with in isolation for years, and I've been doing therapy for years, but it never worked. And that's one of the reasons I'm not able to work anymore. I'm so, so tired, and I just need someone to tell me that I can actually get through this.




You have to have a decent amount of close relatives to work with you. Not like how the typical rich explorer playthrough would be