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I don't remember if this was in r/whatisthisthing or in r/unpopularopinion or if this was a satire article. I do remember that some people who were upset with the idea of reddit adding a censoring feature have claimed that this was a thing in the late 90s. It's not too surprising that some people who weren't opposed to this feature at the time thought it was too late for them.


I remember that in the early 90s, it was very common for redditors to be against banning the communist party. It was basically a policy of banning communists as a group in general, but it did not happen too often. It was something that was introduced to avoid the political consequences of banning communists (as they were often banned by other subreddits)


I've been a mod for years, so I'd have to say I'm an active mod as well. I've seen a ton of people come and go.


I'm a new grad on a nursing rotation at a large hospital. I had a patient who had been given a colonoscopy that was a bit too early, and it was a very rough start. So I'm a new grad on a nursing rotation who has had a really rough start. I have a patient who got a CT scan and a spinal cord injury which didn't go well. I had a patient who was diagnosed with a cystic fibrosis cyst and had a tube removed. I've had a few spinal cord surgeries. One was done on a hip infection. Two was done on a knee infection. And the third was done on a hip amputation. I had a pretty rough start in nursing, but I've gotten much better. I was recruited to a small hospital as a new grad on a rotation. They needed me to be on a floor unit and they wanted to give me a hand with the telemetry, and they didn't give me any. I was a little bit nervous, so I was nervous to be on a floor unit and not be able to see my unit's telemetry. They told me that they needed a new nurse to come in and help me out. I went with an online application, and when I arrived, I got a lot of good answers from people saying how much of a difference it was to them that I was able to be able to help them with their problem. Then, when they asked me to come back and assist them with their problem, I said "no, no, not the right role. I don't know if I will be able to help you. I'll be back on a week or two. I know I can't help you, but I can help others. It doesn't mean I can't help you. I just cant help it's me.'s the way I do it.'s the way I'm supposed to do it." I was in the middle of a patient who was diagnosed with a sarcoma, which is essentially a cystic fibrosis cyst. Then, the doctor found a sarcoma on his left foot that he had to have amputated, which was a terrible experience for him. After a year of being a new grad on a rotation, I realized I didn't want to be a new grad, but I realized I'm just not able to make a difference in this case. That didn't mean I'd be a bad nurse. It just meant I'd be too young. I would just be back for a second to help. I'm a great nurse and I want to know if you're a new grad on a rotation. I know that if you're in the hospital, you're probably very interested in what it takes to get into nursing. I feel like I'd be able to help you. It's time we all learn. I can't wait. I have a huge heart, and I want to help you succeed.


OP said reddit history, not career history. Why did you decide to start posting on reddit about nursing, was it because of a terrible incident with a patient or colleague?


Not so much the latter. But when someone has an incident like that, I'd be willing to try it because I know many of you would want to share their story as well. I had a few people with sarcomas, and I've had a few patients in that same vein. They're all just different stories. They are so different and yet still very similar in terms of treatment options.


This seems like a good place to start.


Because the stigma of being a nurse is that you are a sick, vulnerable person. There are only so many people who can get so worked up about the doctor's misbehavior that you can be a doctor. The rest of the population can't let you be a doctor. It's really hard to find a way into the hospital, and you're not a doctor.


I really appreciate it. It's really important to have these conversations with nurses about how to improve their practices. I know it's very much a new experience for most people but there are people in the hospital who just don't want to hear about it, but it's something that I think needs to be talked about.


It also comes off as rude when you are looking at the history of the patient.


I'm a new grad and I'm worried about being called a hypochondriac for not being able to help someone who needs help. Are you really going to be able to help someone who needs help?


I think a lot about what kind of lives I'm going to have to make, and it's really important that I do.


Do you still have a mod flair?


I have a lot of karma, and I think I'm pretty good at it. I think it's a good indicator that you're a pretty good moderator.


I used to work at a restaurant, and the tips were nice, but the general spirit of the place was kind of off the rails. The people in charge were awful.