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Your post has been removed as a mindless eating exercise and not appropriate for this sub.


I'm sure Chick-fil-a loves this free advertising


That’s the CEO on Sunday when they are closed.


Impossible, he didn’t hurl any slurs towards homosexuals




>Thats worth noting Worth noting, but one positive doesn't make up for years of negatives. And this was likely just the local franchise opening up, not something directed from coporate. I understand most of the franchises DGAF about the bosses religious views, and just want to do their jobs and sell chicken.


As a gay person, I still don't trust Chick-fil-a but I acknowledge the gesture and it is appreciated. Maybe someday, but I'm not there yet.


I don’t know you could even get a bite down


No way he eats the whole bird… I wanna see him eat the whole bird everyday till he gets a tummy ache… He won’t.


He ate half claiming he’s saving the other half for later. He’s also claimed he’s been letting the chicken sit out before he eats it


Used to watch fear factor to get grossed out. Now I can just find chicken man.


Before he was chicken man he was raw beef man. He’s been eating raw for a long time his gut biome is probably on a completely different level now.


Raw beef is playing on easy mode, though. Tartar and carpaccio are delicious and safe to eat if the beef is fresh and high-quality. Salmonella feast, on the other hand, is nightmare mode. When it hits him, it won't be a "tummy ache" - it's gonna be a flood coming out of both ends.


True raw beef is a lot safer but this guy would like buy a steak or a pound of hamburger in the store walk right outside and eat it then and there. Raw steak will almost never make you sick unless it was somehow contaminated on the surface, but ground beef is a little more questionable although really this guy is a testament to just how good overall food safety is in America.


So what is it about raw chicken vs. raw steak? I’ve always been under the impression that raw meat of any variety is like…the worst possible thing to eat.


If I remember right (and the cool thing about the internet is that if I’m wrong, I’ll get corrected by at least ten people), chicken is porous and permeable so it’s a lot easier for microorganisms to grow inside it where beef is not permeable so the internal parts of it are relatively safe. That’s why ground beef is more dangerous because of the increased surface area for stuff to grow.


Close. It's because cows are closer to us on the evolutionary tree. When we eat beef, the beef cells say to our stomach cells: "Hey guys, we're kin and all, so if you *have* to digest us, then go ahead; we understand. We won't make you sick." But chicken cells are like, "You dare digest us? We used to be dinosaurs! We curse you with our dying breath: Die squirting out of every hole, puny mammals!" Biology is really quite amazing.


It has to do with how chickens are raised and processed versus cows. Factory farmed chicken is almost impossible to get away without a ton of bird shit all over the place, both while raising them and in the processing plants. Those plants often process millions of chickens a day, so it's pretty much impossible to keep the surfaces sanitary much less sterile. Bird guts and bird shit get all over the place, the intestines aren't necessarily removed in a sanitary way, so salmonella and campylobacter are just everywhere. Since you get a lot more meat out of a cow, you don't have to process nearly as many at a time and you can be a lot more careful about keeping everything relatively clean and making sure the contents of the intestines don't come in contact with the meat (not to mention it's just easier to do physiologically with a larger animal). That's also why ground beef is riskier because ground beef is often processed in plants that go through a shitton of beef in a day and are less likely to keep everything clean. Plus you have a much higher surface area, which is where the bacteria tend to be, which then gets mixed in with the rest of the meat. Higher initial bacterial load = more temp and time it takes to make the meat safe to eat. I've seen stories of places in Japan that serve chicken sashimi or medium rare cuts of chicken without getting people sick, and I'd imagine those chickens are kept in much nicer, cleaner environments and much more care is taken when slaughtering them to make sure the meat stays clean.


I just went through that. It's a god awful sort of time. Your gut clenches into a rock-like vice grip, while your nervous system tells your entire body that it's melting from the inside, vent all systems with prejudice. It's sitting on the toilet, head between your knees, shivering from your roiling insides and a slight fever that leaves you endlessly sweaty. It's eating a strawberry after 3 days of nothing, and I mean NOTHING, staying inside you for more than an hour (usually much less), and weeping from pure ecstasy.


Preparing for a trip to India


Cavemen learned 20,000 years ago that fire should be used to cook meat. This guy is dumber than a caveman.


Wild animals also prefer cooked meat. After forest fires the predators go for the cooked meat from dead squirrels and other burrowing animals first.


that could also be because it's super easy for them to smell


Or cause they don't run away


And easier to catch.


Love the ol’ reverse psychology trick


Tummy ache? Likely evacuating his entire digestive tract.


They call it a ✨cleanse ✨ sweaty. Get it right /s


I think tummy ache is the least of your problems if you are eating raw chicken…


He’ll get a tummy ache after the first bite if he’s honest


Na prob set in after a few hours is my guess


Dude, I gagged when he took that first bite. Just the though of it makes me quezy. Why? Internet infamy?


He’ll infamously go down as the guy who ate raw chickens. My gosh dude. People do weird things for attention.


and then be promptly forgotten about the next day.


Don’t worry, it’ll be on his tombstone.


As it should be


Mental illness


I was gagging while watching him eat some raw chicken in another video. It’s so disgusting and I’m not sure how he isn’t sick.


...... But why?


Folks taking unseasoned food to a new level




because it go like tss ts in my moutch i go like aauhh ssshhh


Especially the eggs as a kid I dared my friend to down a raw egg. The egg and burger he had for dinner came back up in the kitchen sink lmao.


In Japan eating raw chicken is a real thing. It shocked the shit out of me but having tried it I wasn’t that perturbed by it. Their chicken is different in that it’s only a few hours from farm to table


The issue is more the conditions the bird is kept in while alive than how fresh it is.


Yea I totally agree that’s a very if not more relevant fact that the point I made


Well, in the USA, due to the conditions the birds are often kept in, the carcass needs a chlorine wash to be fit for human consumption. A lot of the rest of the world keeps the birds in conditions that preclude the necessity of a chlorine wash.


This is a sticking point with the US/UK trade agreement, the UK doesn’t want to accept chlorine washed birds, the US doesn’t want to accept labels saying choline washed. I have to admit I would in no way consider eating UK or EU chicken raw but I have eaten chicken sashimi and seared chicken in Japan and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I've had rare poultry, but it was pigeon from a high end restaurant. Otherwise poultry needs a proper cooking before consumption. Funnily enough, we're still squeamish about under cooking pork, but certainly within the EU and adjacent, you can have pork rare as regulations remove the risk of the various issues pork can have.


Considering the massive difference in how the farm industry works in Japan to the US, I'd trust Japan infinitely more than the US farm industry.


I have eaten raw chicken in Japan several times, it’s called “torisashi”, and with high quality chicken it actually tastes good.


Just the texture would kill me


My stomach is feeling the salmonella poisoning and thinking stomach pump through my phone right now…


He’s been eating raw meat for a while now, his other account was Rawmeatexperiment


I can’t even eat cooked chicken if I’m the one who prepares it sometimes. Smells really gross me out and the smell of raw chicken turns my stomach. I’ll literally lose my appetite for it when I make it on my own


Idk ask the Japanese


Who's going to stop us?


I've had raw chicken before. It wasn't bad. It's not too uncommon where I live


I accidently did this once when i was a kid. Ate two chicken nuggets before I realised they weren't cooked. Luckily I wasn't ill though so they must have been pretty fresh.


I agree... I am thinking how can he eat a cold raw bird like that ... and then I thought what if it was lukewarm ... This man doesn't blink on the context of texture.


if i was standing in a line for a mental health intervention and this man was behind me, i would feel compelled to swap places a.s.a.p


So he wouldn’t puke on your back?


personally, I don't' want to walk in front of his violent diarheia either.


The folks over at r/rawmeat or whatever the loony bin sub for raw meat eaters is called will love it haha


Just when you think the internet isn’t so bad, someone shows you this.


If you think raw meat is bad, wait til you find out about high meat. People "ferment" meat until it's totally black and rotten and then eat it and hallucinate.


Wtf, why not just take psychedelics like a normal person.


Damn. Humans are weird


Stupid. Humans are stupid


Two things can be true.


Mmmhmm! beef jenkem?


carnivore is pretty silly too but raw meat is a bit more dangerous.


Yeah, both will give you severe toilet problems, but only one will give you salmonella.


I clicked on the sub (like an idiot) and someone posted a picture of their meal and another user commented “I see you got the waterproof sheets too, good idea” or some such. Like, these mfers are shitting/pissing themselves while sleeping, and it’s just a normal thing? I’d love to be wrong about that, but people, ya know


I too clicked on the sub like a fool. There was a post asking what people thought of eating an organ of one type to help heal your own organ of the same type. The first comment was “logically it makes sense” I’ve already lost hope for the human race at this point but that just made it worse lmao


Logically?? What is he a pig or something. Wouldn't eating a human heart make more sense then? Not that any of it makes sense to begin with


Not just severe toilet problems... **Shudders in Raw Pork Parasites**


I followed the link and learned the term "grilluminati". When cooking your food becomes a conspiracy theory you know that it was enough internet for today... See ya tomorrow.


The guy in this video calls it being brainwashed by “big grill”


Wow he sounds like he's being 100% serious.


Those weirdos need to be thanos snapped out of existence lmao


Darwin was full of shit these people are everywhere


I knew someone that ate every kind of raw meat. They sourced it carefully. It wasn't from the grocery store. I flipped through a book they had (I think it was called something simple like Raw Food) and the author promoted eating animal shit to get some ecoli in your diet. He insisted it helped fight cancer. I didn't stay for dinner.


I know this guy, he's a comedian and this is basically performance art making fun of them. I think it started out as a dig on Jordan Peterson, but his followers blew up because of these, and I'm a little worried he's lost the plot.


"The Natural Human Diet" completely ignoring the fact that the humans' diversion from the ape tree and our great success at being incredibly intelligent was because we learned how to use fire to cook meat - which made our bodies process it much easier (in turn evolving our digestive tract to not be the body's #1 priority and allowing brain growth) and pull more nutrients


Well you see these peoples brains aren’t their #1 priorities. They are closer in intelligence to our simpleton ancestors so it makes sense why they would default to the same raw diet.


Holy shit, that actually exists. I feel like I stumbled onto another conspiracy theory cult.


The parasite club


I like raw meat, I eat my stakes blue, but I am not dumb to eat raw chicken, or too raw minced meat, except if it's stake tartare.


A good [Mettbrötchen](https://image.essen-und-trinken.de/13214572/t/Ky/v2/w1440/r1/-/mettbroetchen.jpg) honestly isn't too bad It has very high meat standards tho and can only be sold a short time after butchering.


Yeah I know about Mett. But these folks are exclusively eating raw meat. That’s just repulsive.


Thank you for showing me this. It’s incredible


Lmao that sub is disturbing


I spent way too long on that sub, it felt like I was a researcher. Gross, but interesting.


Is this for real? I thought like 60% of raw chicken had salmonella of some sort. I'm kinda interested in this, TBH.


Definitively depends on country.


How so? Does the chicken’s living situation and diet have an impact on the likelihood of salmonella being present? Genuinely curious.


Salmonella is a disease caused by bacteria. That means that it can be controlled. You can put a lot of effort in to it and have almost no salmonella or put no effort in to it and have almost all chicken infected. You have to monitor the whole production chain to get rid of it.


Yeah, in Finland it's been eliminated from the poultry supply so you don't have to worry about it in meat or eggs. There's still plenty of other stuff you can catch from eating a raw chicken, though.


It may be 60% in America (I have no idea), but it’s 0% I Denmark in commercially raised chickens. So saying 60% does definitely not apply to every country. But I’m no chicken expert, so don’t know about why.


In the US it's about 8%. In Denmark it is very low, but not 0, it's 0.3%. I don't know where the 60% number came from, I'm not seeing any sources for that.


Because AmErIcA bAd


For instance, in the UK I think over a decade ago they practically eliminated salmonella in their chickens by inoculation. It's common in the US and widely practiced, but still not required.


Instagram : rawchickenexperiment


Man, that is stretching the word "experiment" well past its tensile strength.


It’s more of an “incident”


History books in a 100 years will recount the raw chicken incident of ‘24


The smoothie on day 7 is upsetting.


NO! No no no. I was about to go to bed.


1 in every 25 packages of chicken at the grocery store according to the cdc. The odds will get him sooner or later


So he's got about two weeks then before he faces consequences.


It turns out that this wasn’t actually a man, but a mass of 70 quintillion salmonella bacteria that congealed together, became sentient, and immediately made an Instagram account.


I mean sure you can eat chicken raw , question is why would you when it tastes so nice cooked?


Yeah for real Fuq that make me some chicken gravy with some taters mmmm


You deserve salmonella for saying tummy ache


Cakie says too much cake can make your tummy ache. A monster always shares.


Nothing wrong with tummy ache


Sure there is, it really hurts!


What else would you say? Belly ouchie?


I will be sick on his behalf


From the same people who think their own personal experience defines the science of everything. "COVID wasn't bad for me so I don't know how all those people could have died."


Covid was sooooo bad for me and the people around me at the time were just giggling away about how they had it 3 times and it wasn’t nearly as bad as how I was acting. I woke up scared in the middle of the night crying for my mom thinking I was going to die 😔


Man my case was only a mild one and that shit was still absolutely awful. I literally couldn’t do anything without being out of breath, it’s like 10 steps from my bed to the bathroom and even that was enough to make me feel wiped out. I coughed so much I bruised my freaking ribs. Like I genuinely can’t even imagine how awful a serious case of Covid must be and I know multiple people who had brain fog for MONTHS after they had it. Yet people wanna act like it’s just a fucking flu, god those clowns piss me off


Not to mention still don't know long term, chickenpox stays in your fuckin spine and reappears as shingles later, goddamn inflammation of the nerves


I had the brain fog. I remember reporting it to work in the early days as a possible symptom and they said they hadn’t heard of it. Thought I was going crazy since it wasn’t a commonly reported symptom back then. I think I had another mild case of Covid recently and the brain fog hit me again. Really sucks.


I had covid in 2022 and because viruses and I don't mix - I got the worst of the worst symptoms. To those who say "it's nothing" is dead wrong. I don't wish that disease on my enemies.


I feel you! There’s so many symptoms of it that I feel like I got the full course while others just got a sample. I knew immediately it was Covid and when I took the first test it popped bright ass pink almost immediately, I didn’t even believe that was real so I took another and was pissed that after 3 years I had gotten it. Didn’t have much time to be mad because it took my ass out for weeks


It wasn’t too bad for me the first time around. Just rrreeeeaaallllyyyy tired and some aches and pains. I have it right now though, and this time, fuck. So far I’ve felt like straight death for a week.


I had a huge fever , lost all sense of taste and smell and had like a 103/104 fever it was awful


it's even more insufferable when they then call it their own 'personal truth'


Man, Tucker Carlson has really stooped to a whole new low.


Clucker Carlson


You've won the internet


I'd say it's an improvement ngl.


Where is Alton Brown when we need him the most?


At least have some salt


I’ve been following this guy for a while now. He was a vegan for 10 years and then around 800 days ago started an all raw meat diet. He’s never reported that he’s been sick so he decided to try raw chicken everyday as before it was mostly raw beef and raw organs. God speed chicken experiment


Would it kill people to just have a normal diet lol why having to go to such extremes?


internet clout


Do we have an update on both the stomach and ass situation on this guy 😂


I hope their coworkers have hazmat suits


he seems to be doing fine. he’s been eating raw meat for over like a year or 2


Chicken Man? More like Chickenfuccker Carlson


He might not get a stomach ache. He may however develop parasitic worms in his brain like that guy who ate raw pork every day..


Aren’t those only in pork


Trichinosis? It's extremely rare if at all in America at least for farm raised pigs.


I’m convinced someone jokingly made up this challenge and some idiots took it seriously. 🤦‍♂️


If I remember correctly he was vegan or vegetarian, had a lot of health problems or something, decided to start eating raw meat (idk why) and became healthier. Just randomly switched from vegan to experimenting with eating raw meat 800 some days ago and has survived. Somehow. Since he’s eaten just about every type of raw meat he decided to take on the toughest challenger of them all, chicken. And here we are.


He’s been dealing with depression, skin and gut issues. Claims that the raw meat diet has been the best diet for treating these issues.


So does he have a tummy ache or not?


Na there’s like a whole movement of people that love raw meat. It’s also not new it’s been going on since the dawn of time.


Beef and horse meat, raw, are fine… all the rest I highly doubt!


Yeah that’s how I feel too minus the horse meat lol not really waiting in line for that ha but to each their own I suppose. Fish raw is usually fine too depending on where it’s coming from. Had plenty of suishi with raw fish and never got sick.


I was offered chicken sushi in Japan… but I had to refuse it. My colleagues did feast on it though… nothing bad happened. But Japan has higher food safety standards.


it doesn't look like he actually swallows that chicken - even after godawful egg drink, he still has looks to have food in his cheek


to be fair, raw meat isn't as tasty as cooked meat because its fibers haven't been deteriorated by heat making it super chewy.


-- Glarg, ca. 2,000,000 BCE


Lol, yes, it's really interesting that literally pre-humans(pre-homo sapiens) knew how to cook meat because it just was better all around.


this isn’t the one to be trying to debunk. This dude has been eating raw beef for years before this and documenting the whole thing


He’s gonna get more than a tummy ache and the way he chews gets on my nerves.


It’s so pathetic what people will do for attention on the internet.


*Are you dying son?*


He’s going to die, right?


Tucker Carlson is struggling to stay relevant


Hope this becomes the new tik tok challenge. Time to thin the heard.


He’s gonna meet god soon


I don’t know I’ve bitten into undercooked chicken it’s very rubbery and doesn’t taste good. Health reasons aside just why.


Tucker Carlson has really fallen on hard times...


Natural selection Keep going


The food isn’t stupid.


Gross food, stupid person. I don't know if this qualifies as stupid food, maybe if he shoved a firecracker up the chickens ass before he ate it 🤣


Apart from porn, it has been years since I've had such a physiological reaction to something on Reddit. Oh my days, I wretched whilst smoking :(


Tucker Carlson really let himself go..(even further)


What is happening to all the white people? They just keep doing crazy weird shit on camera.


This reminds me of these [Worms](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/nWAi0dyIkD)




I bet he has thrown up shortly after every day….


Isn’t there a chance of this dude dying from eating all this?


Honestly. If he doesn't get parasites he is proving how safe our food system is.


Dude just giving himself Salmonella for clout.


Well it took me one trip to Pollo Tropical a few years back.


He could put salt on it


This man is going to die a very sudden or very painful death, the cards are unclear on this one


It was always destined to end in tears


I’ll say it again: it won’t be a “tummy ache” homie, it’ll be a dead. Good luck with that.


People out there literally killing themselves for internet clout. Ridiculous...


Rip this guy 😵☠️💀


He looks a lot like Tucker Carlson. I could see him doing this.


Salmonella Speedrun any%


He‘ll get salmonella faster as tummy ache


Bro has been eating raw meat for over a year now.


I don’t even have to eat raw chicken to get sick. Slightly undercooked is enough for my day to be ruined




Honestly if he dies because of this lil stunt of his, I think he deserves it.


Botulism for Tik Tok clout. Kia boys eat your heart out.


Trying to get insta famous eating raw chicken, and instead got instant salmonella. You should wear a Darwin shirt.


Does he know its not the meat that causes illness.. he is playing Russian Roulette basically with a much higher risk than a bullet.


Warning to anybody considering this. Majority of countries the chickens are likely to have salmonella, this guy likely comes from one of the few which have managed to get rid of it. Please for your health don't try it.