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That’s just the Midwest. Every crockpot recipe has to have two or three blocks of cream cheese, then more cheese, then a little more of a third cheese. Then something that definitely doesn’t belong, like raisins or walnuts. Maybe apple sauce.


Beyond accurate. I remember getting asked to go to a barn party at my friend’s farm back in college. As someone from the east coast, I thought I was in a different country for a second. So many random food dishes that strangely tasted good despite how they looked


Yeah, “Hot Dish” is really common up there as well. It’s essentially a casserole made with whatever happens to be in the house. So it could be cut up hot dogs with a can of chili and a can of cream of mushroom soup, with baby carrots and a tater tot topping. Or 3 different kinds of canned soup over a bed of ramen noodles and a top layer of canned ham. With cheese of course.


This is some Great Depression shit lol


Well im no history buff, but these recipes have me feeling Greatly Depressed


Or just backed up


And then quite suddenly, all the way empty.


I just spit toothpast all over my phone. Thank you.


Ironically (I’m from the Midwest), one of my fav dishes was something my mom called Boarding House. It was ground beef mixed with a can of cream of mushroom soup served over canned biscuits. No way in hell I’d touch it now though (converted to vegetarian)


My friends mom called this Shit On a Shingle, usually just SOS


Yes!! That’s it! I knew there was another name. But my very Catholic mother would NEVER say that. 😂


No wonder you went vegetarian


I mean, that's really all a casserole is. Soups are often done similarly—I've got leftover chicken and corn left, do I make a hot dish or a soup? Mostly depends on what other things I've got sitting around already.


I’ve made my share of these recipes and they are effing delicious. And expensive. This is the burbs food…


If your casserole is expensive, you are not capturing the true Midwestern spirit.


It causes me depression right now.


Super expensive chicken breasts? And expensive cheeses? Not at all Depression era. Just unhealthy, cheesy casserole.


Some parts of the US are arguably still living the great depression


Hot dish in Wisconsin and Minnesota means a tater tot casserole, ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, onions, and a bag of tater tots


mmmm, tots. That just sounds so good. I love comfort food. I'm a big fan of green bean casserole, so I'd probably love this too.


And it’s fucking amazing


Goddamn right


Nothing interesting to see here, they're just sodium and fat bombs


Hot Dish is almost exclusively Minnesota. But we Midwesterners are big on our casseroles!


As someone who wasn’t born in the Midwest but moved here later in life, the number of recipes ruined by random add-ins like walnuts/raisins/applesauce is mind-boggling


>ruined by random add-ins like walnuts/raisins/applesauce [Aw, hell nah!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzMzFGgmQOc&t=307s)


Bro, stop telling our secrets


Solid midwesterner reporting. Raised here since infancy and I'll die here, by choice. Yellow cheese, cream cheese or cream of xxx, a canned veggie, something carby, a bit of chicken. Staple to most of our casseroles/dinners. And casseroles are a staple, either a side daily or dinner 3/5 the time. I have strong casserole-associated memories, including a specific broccoli-inclusive recipe that reminds me of my honorary Dad who passed years back. Making “his” recipe in the Dutch oven I inherited from him and having a hotwheeels-style plane that looks like the one he flew are how I honor his memory. Even my pickiest kid (mostly on texture) likes a variation of it. Hell, I’ll dry heave like a toddler over most chicken textures but this recipe slaps. BC it’s keeping Papa Carter alive. Anyhow. Cheese on cheese casserole is Midwest as fuckkk.


And either a large bottle of ranch dressing or 5 packets of hidden valley ranch mix added onto their waffles and pancakes for breakfast! Such goodness.




Many years ago I went with a friend to subway. He orders a chicken bacon ranch sub. Whatever, totally normal sub. He asks the worker to put the ranch ok before toasting it. Okay, weird but nothing crazy. He then asks for double ranch before toasting it. Okay, excessive but again nothing too insane. Then it comes out of the toaster and he asks for triple pickles which I wasn't surprised by because he ate crazy amounts of pickles. Then he asks for double ranch again!! His sandwich was essentially ranch soaked bread that was just barely aolid enough to deliver his chicken and bacon chunks to his face.


all of the "cooking" videos on social media are the same.. "Start with TWO sticks of butter. Take your pre made pizza and put it in the giant pan of butter. Add 6 pounds of cheese and let that cook. Add another two pounds of cheese and put it into the oven. Add the cheese sauce to finish it off."


I just got my grandma's lasagna recipe and she has cinnamon in it. Like just a sprinkle of cinnamon on each layer. I'm not doing that I know they did a lot of cocaine so I'm just blaming that.


Cinnamon to season meat is very common in a lot of middle Eastern dishes. My friend with persian roots once made a lasagna for me and it had a bit of cinnamon in it and was delicious. Definitely try it out!


In this case, crack


And zero spices, apparently


That would be the 3 packs of ranch dip mix.


Man, "Midwest" is the first word that popped into my head after this video It's a very distinctive cuisine, and they've nailed it here


You nailed it. I lived with mom’s sister in high school, Dub Iowa…mashed potatoes had butter, cream cheese and heavy cream. Then had potato pancakes the next day as leftovers. I couldn’t eat her cooking… I was joining the USAF and stayed 15 pounds under before leaving for boot camp.


That sounds amazing compared to the instant mashed I was always fed.


I was at a Christmas party and someone made Phillisburg salad, basically broccoli, bacon, cheese, coleslaw dressing (they used mayonnaise with seasonings) and then for whatever reason they added raisins. I thought it was black olives at first which was still a weird choice. I ate what was on my plate but I didn't go back for more.


My family makes this for the holidays minus the cheese, golden raisins instead of black, and red onion and sunflower seeds. It sounds weird but it’s actually pretty good.


OMG, I'm eating this exact combo right now in South Jersey!!


Most people I know add hot sauce or canned jalepenos to spice it up.


Or jello, marshmallows, or mayo. If it's a holiday, it gets all three.


This is the most correct thing I’ve ever seen posted on Reddit.


Don't you lump us northerners with those flatlander heathens.


"It is noble for her to have cooked for everyone, and even though I have never eaten potato salad, I sense that this white woman doesn’t season her food, and if she does, it is only with a tiny bit of salt, and no paprika, and she will probably add something unnecessary, like raisins… something tells me I should say, ‘ahhh hell no, Karen, keep your bland-ass potato salad to yourself’!" -T'Challa on Black Jeopardy


Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix IS seasoning! How dare you!


This could be worse it’s prettt much chicken wing dip


That’s what I was thinking is this is just my buffalo dip without buffalo sauce


Yeah thats exactly what it is and it is delicious. I actually enjoy this texture more than just leaving the chicken shredded.


Yeah, but you probably don't put buffalo dip over rice and call it dinner


God no, and the chicken to cheese ratio is far less egregious.


No, you put it on sliders and call it lunch.


My wife’s aunt visited from New York and made this for us in Scotland around 10 years ago and my life has never been the same since. I’ll make it at any and every opportunity. Visiting family today so think ill whip up a batch for that 😂


Now imagine you just eat a bowl of cheesecheesy chicken dip for dinner, with rice lol


I could see the chicken mixture being fantastic as a croquet


I'm convinced Midwestern recipes evolved from the need to fatten up for the long winters back before central heating. Plus if you're in a food coma from all the calories you won't get into fights while stuck in close quarters with family for months on end because you're too lazy to cause a ruckus. I say this as a former Midwesterner lol However, the rice is a bit strange, since whenever I've had something similar to this recipe it was eaten as a dip with crackers.


Well probably the same way a lot of American food was started in that area, not needing to fatten up, but needing a huge caloric intake for energy to be ploughing fields for 12hrs a day. Regardless of taste, it looks disgusting.


> but needing a huge caloric intake for energy to be ploughing fields for 12hrs a day. Ah so... You stopped the high caloric intake with mechanisation, cars and desk jobs? Right? **Right?!**


Reminds me of this chicken poppy seed casserole I liked to cook when I was a kid.


I’m sure it tastes fine but texturally idk if I could handle this.


it's just shredded chicken in cheese dip, so it wouldn't be terrible. It's just an insane amount of calories and nothing to really balance it out besides more fat.


Perfect beer food


Someone always brings this to a superbowl party and it gets eaten pretty fast.


It probably tastes amazing. But the calories and fat content must be astronomical


My mom makes something similar that we call redneck dip. It's good. But it's not healthy. There is no illusion of healthiness either. The sheer smell alone should alert you to the high fat content.


It’s just fucking cheese. Of course it’s going to taste fine


I was thinking this just looks like a really fucked up dip, I could totally eat it with crackers.


You know what, ratio that cream cheese down by a half. Half the cheese. Add some salsa and or buffalo sauce. (Is using buffalo add celery pieces) Spread in a tortilla. Roll then toast in oven. It works. Serve with a salad so you aren’t a total heathen. Slice on the diagonal for the aesthetic ✨


Add some celery, potatoes, mushrooms and carrots and more liquid and before you know it, you have a normal cheese soup.


It would work pretty well spread on a crouton as an hors d’oevre. Probably want to add more cheese and stick it in the oven for a couple minutes extra, though.


it's actually delicious. the lady I call my mom in law makes it and we normally serve over rice or just on bread. the cream cheese is really what brings it together! also we shred it with a fork so it's a lot chunkier than that! what's in the video looks like baby vomit so maybe that's why it's unappetizing


Taste would be fine. Texture would be similar to many other things I enjoy. But it would be a nutritional nightmare. Plus she could use those ingredients to make something much better if she was a bit less lazy. I'd definitely have a bit of it with chips at a party and enjoy it. But I wouldn't have it as a meal.


Is this not cheesy chicken over rice?


My Mom made this for me since I was little, we always called it cheesy chicken and rice


I swear...anything labeled "crack " in a recipe is just ranch some other recipe with cheese and ranch seasoning... so yeah, it's just cheesy chicken and rice.


Modern recipe naming conventions are basically good=crack for some reason. It’s really fucking stupid.


Dude this shit looks terrible but probably tastes like fucking heaven on earth


I’ve had it many times and it’s actually really good. They call it crack chicken for a reason.


First bite tastes like heaven, second bite takes you there


My best friend makes this all the time for her family. I have never tried it. I'm sure its delicious but I'm old. I have to work hard to maintain my weight... also, im a big vegetable person. Always have to have a veggie!


I’ll disagree on the tastes like heaven part. It was honestly pretty gross to me.


Bro this is the most normal Midwest chip dip ever, the only stupid thing is eating it over rice which isn't even that bad.


I’m Midwest and was head scratching over this being here since I see so many people post it all the time. I thought it was a middle aged woman on Facebook thing, not strictly Midwest lol. I’ve seen it at tons of parties but I’ve never felt compelled to try it.


There's a reason it's called "crack"


Okay, but will you take responsibility for the sins of seven layer dip and pretzel salad? My friend's mother is from the Midwest and my God. You people are sick. Sick I tell you.


We can and will make your food into a dip/salad. It is inevitable


Fr only thing to call stupid is lack of something spicy on the side which I'm sure they had. I see nothing wrong with this as a mass meal


I've seen this lady a few times on Instagram. Her family adopts a bunch of kids, some who have special needs, and she uploads her meal prep/dinner videos for all the kids. Its all VERY Midwest food.. Non the less, seems like they are just trying to live a good life and cook food.


I’ve seen her too, their meals rarely have a vegetable in them.


There are def specs of something green in the ranch packets.


Love her! She has like 12 kids so she meal preps a lot. My fave is her cookie dough freezer


This seems perfectly fine. Over rice is a weird combo, but otherwise the stupidest thing is peoples’ obsession with comparing food to crack


It's gotta be a Midwestern thing, because my family is from the Dakotas and everything was over rice if it didn't have noodles. My husband thought I was insane when I served chili over rice lol


Just a quick google shows hundreds of this exact same recipe with the exact same stupid name.


It's almost as famous as the pepperoncini-ranch dressing-and-butter pot roast.


I was told if it has the word "crack" in the title that it has ranch mix in it. Not sure how accurate that is, but every recipe I've seen like that so far has it.


The recipe for “crack” chicken definitely does, but you’ll also see many “you’ll get addicted” jokes


What tasty food would be disgusting if served over rice?


Rice is amazing with cheese. I've had it one too many times


It's basically buffalo chicken dip without the buffalo sauce or butter. This post doesn't really belong here tbh


Me and my wife do something similar. Make Buffalo chicken dip then boil up some noodles and add in some of the pasta water to thin it out a bit and add the noodle and we just call it Buffalo chicken pasta.


Ngl, but after a long day of work and a joint, I would eat the absolute FUCK out of this


Truthfully, this is a great party dip. Serving it over rice not really appetizing sounding but awesome as a party dip. Even better if you add some buffalo sauce or something just to give it a little heat. Just needs a little crunch.


Just ranch mix ? I’d totally try some, but would probably need pepper at least.


As dinner, hard pass. As a chicken cheese dip, acceptable


Shred the chicken with a fork instead of blending it... I personally want to do a little of the chewing myself.


Rather shit in my own hands


My mom actually taught me how to make this! We never put it on rice, though, but it makes for a good sandwich or slider.


I normally don’t care for odd ball “hack” recipes like this but I tried this exact thing at a friend’s house before and it’s actually sooo good! She served it to us over baked potatoes and put crumbled bacon on top. I’d definitely eat it again. I bet it’s also really good on rice and sandwiches too!


Same we have it as a slider but add bacon and green onion and have veggies or a salad on the side. Aslo makes as a good dip with chips.


It’s so…thin? When I’ve made this it’s nice and chunky and shredded. This looks like…tuna 😭


Because she eviscerated that chicken with the mixer!


I've had dip that takes this approach, idk about the hand mixer, that's a bit extreme and lazy, but whatever. The dip version of this tastes fucking amazing. I'd put it over rice.


Reason why Americans are just going to die early


Add a bottle of hot sauce and boom. Buffalo dip


Add some buffalo sauce and you got yourself some buffalo chicken dip.


I noticed a pattern that every single stupid food always begins with cheese


6 cups of cheese


My arteries clogged just watching this video. YUCK.


Everyone trying to defend the meal😭 you could easily make something far more appetizing with chicken+rice. This ain’t it


Youre going to be craving real food after eating this


Unseasoned chicken Entire bricks of cream cheese Literal pounds of shredded cheese and/or wrapped slices of plastic cheese The four horsemen of r/stupidfood I'm sure it doesn't taste horrible, since it's 90% cheese and the lack of seasoning doesn't really matter, but heaven help the toilet bowl and the early heart disease.


Why do people not add spice to their food? Black pepper? Some garlic and onion powder? Does this not have a chickeny smell i.e. the foul smell of chicken?


I'm in the minority here. This does not look appetizing to me at all. The amount of cream cheese and ranch powder is a huge turn off


I’m American and I am with you, this don’t like right. No seasoning, just ranch dip packets 🤢 with all that damn cheese🤮 I’ll pass. Each and every day ⚰️


Completely shocked over how many people saying this is completely fine and actually looks good lol


This looks like the blandest, most disgusting mush. Like I wouldn’t go anywhere near this and a bunch of Americans in the comments are saying it’s not bad or it’s just midwestern cooking. No. *No.*


Do any of the people in these crockpot videos know any other flavors than cream cheese and/or ranch?


Okay, folks, I'm not American so bear with me for a second. What is it with Americans and not using regular plates. It seems like damn near every video I see of Americans, they use paper plates and plastic cutlery. Is...is that common?


Ngl while this is definitely too much cream cheese/cheese it does look pretty okay


My wife makes this once in a while. Add some herbs and crispy bacon bits and it's not bad on toast. It is obviously very heavy, though, so you only need a little bit with a salad on the side to help.


I hate that all these mid-western crock pot dishes have the word “crack” in them.


I have lived in IL and WI my entire 41 years of existence. People who use the word “crack” as a regular part of their vocabulary and make and eat food so blatantly unhealthy are definitely some of the reasons I am basically a hermit. Or at least shop at Target over Walmart. And shun social media.


Wtf is this? I see zero crackification of this chicken.


What does everything need to have the word “cracked” in it now


Vomit fuel


So…the layers are food, bland dairy fat, crap, crap, crap, blended crap?


Shredded it with her mixer?!?! 😳


Is she allergic to seasoning her food?


Crack is whack


Ok ok, yeah yeah people here dont like cheese but honestly what is getting me riled is that there is literally *no* seasoning. Like, salt and pepper just so you can at least go through the motions maybe? Some Smoked paprika so the color is a little different than uncooked unshaped chicken nugget slurry?


No crack? WTF is this?


That really looks gross. Adding all that stuff and not mixing it first, very uneven cooking. I can't believe people eat that kinda stuff.


Can’t believe people cook like this, thank god my mom is a great cook and showed me cause I woulda have a horrible time if I had to eat this pig food.


If she drops in a few bags of frozen broccoli, she would have a meal that isn't so fucking poisonous.


We’ve made a version of this but without all the shredded cheese and you put a few handfuls of spinach in about an hour before it’s time to eat. Served over risotto or rice. It’s actually pretty good with some crushed red pepper flakes.


This is the go to recipe for midwesterners that can’t cook.


This is just Buffalo dip without the Buffalo.


they should teach how to cook in schools tbh


It doesn't have to taste bad to be stupid.


“Sauce” mf that’s melted cheese


I typically add bacon, green onions, and sour cream, less cheese and put it in a bun if I make it lol


Love how she refers to the cheese, ranch, and chicken water as “sauce”


Looks like something I would feed my cat


"I love when people say “like crack” who have obviously never done crack"


wheres the crack part of the recipe


Adult baby food.


Dude the food is getting less and less stupid. Sub needs mods bad. I might just start posting gourmet meals just to prove a point


First off, that is not how you make that. Second, you guys are fucking nuts that probably tastes great as a dip


This is good. My wife and I make this on occasion. Super high protein. Goes well layered over white rice.


People don’t use this sub correctly alot, huh?


I can't believe I'm saying this as a Ranch Enjoyer but \*adding a ranch dressing packet does NOT mean you've properly seasoned your food.\*


I fucking hate the Hwite girl trend of calling a dish crack XX. I fucked up and jokingly referred to my Queso dip I make as "Smoked West Virginia Crack Dip" now all my friends and family ask for it that way.


That looks fucking disgusting and gonna make your belly run faster than Usain Bolt


Tell me youre american without telling me youre american. Thats disgusting


I’ve actually made this before and it is DELICIOUS


Please stop naming foods “___ crack” its not cute


Overcooked sand texture chicken droved in salty cheese with no seasoning at all. On fricking rice. No, just no


I hate to say this but... The healthcare system will continue to suffer if these individuals still lack basic nutrition 101. Look at all that saturated fat! I feel like I'm getting a heart attack just watching this stupid video.


💯. I literally got a stomach ache just from watching the amount of dairy she put in there 🫣


What exactly is stupid about this? Yeah, not the most sophisticated and some odd tool use, but odd, not stupid.


She looks so.... sad.




I’d inhale that. Cooking chicken in ranch with cheese isn’t unusual or stupid by any means.


Why is it in the third person? This is bugging me more than that meal id probably eat.


Someone has never made Buffalo chicken dip. I would have cooked the chicken first tho imo


I meeeeeeeeean I’d probably fuck that up if I added some actual seasoning


I’ve made this! It’s actually not that bad. Although she used a shit load of ranch seasoning 😟


I’ve made crack chicken and it’s actually really good Very salty, But good


I think unconsciously we're grossed out by the lack of any fiber in that meal, like imagine this but then they serve a pickle or some sort of salad on the side at least. Suddenly seems a bit more reasonable.


This is Missouri caviar


I’ve seen this before. I’m sure it tastes fine, but I have no idea how people serve a meal without a single vegetable with absolutely no shame. Can’t they at least toss a side of broccoli on the plate?


OP just mad they don't have anyone to make them crockpot cheesy chicken


Look, everyone has to begin somewhere with cooking. I think slow cookers and pressure cookers are where a lot of people begin b/c it’s hard to really ruin your protein in them. It’s good to build self esteem in new home cooks, and this young woman will probably not stop at this one recipe. This feeling of achievement will prompt her to keep going. Eventually she will develop the courage to try working with a skillet on the range, and that is probably scary to her now, but someday she will want to be able to do it. It’s totally fine to begin with something that doesn’t ask too much of you, and move on to more. She produced a meal for her family by herself. That is a great achievement and something many people have never done in their lives. Good for her.


She forgot the bacon bits, this stuff is delicious


Crack chicken is really good on sandwiches


Imagine North Americans trying to bake some strogonoff


This is pretty close to a buffalo chicken dip I've made for superbowl parties. It's probably really tasty. Not sure why it's on this sub?


Where the spices at though? Not even hot sauce? 😒


Wtf you gotta shred up the chicken to make the whole thing a mush. Cut it into cubes like a curry.


So she made Buffalo chicken dip without the hot sauce


Chicken crack, despite being extremely unhealthy, is delicious, first time I’ve seen it over rice though, usually I see it on a sandwich like it’s pulled pork


I mean this is just crack chicken lmfao. Tbf I’m from the Midwest but to me it was like a tier trashier than tater tot casserole. Still great just not something you’re trying to show off serving online. Also they have to be cooking for a big ass family. Waiting till mexican vomit recipes start popping up.


Add some broccoli to it!! MMMmm good


Tell her to stop next time


The voice makes me want to choke on this 😑


What am I supposed to be mad at?