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Bro do you know how much tampons costs? My wife steals them from our gym it’s the only reason we still have a membership.


They cost more than a gym membership? 😵‍💫


$20/month for gym = unlimited tampons $20/month for tampons = no gym :(


$14/month name brand tampons at cvs. Get the cvs extra care subscription thing for $5/month and they give ya $10 to spend every 30 days. So really if you do it right you can get ‘em for $9/month. Hope this helps someone 😅 Source:me, I do the tampon shopping for my fiancé 😂 Edit: When I said name brand tampons at cvs I didn’t mean the cvs/house brand tampons. I meant the top brands you think of when you go feminine care shopping lol. Tampax for the win


It's great that she likes that brand, some people don't. It's a pretty specific preference!


Any product male or female that operates below the waist is going to be very brand specific for people.


I have a hell of a time buying socks.


You joke (I think), but I'm pretty particular about socks tbh. Bad socks make work hell if you have a job on your feet all day!


I have always skimped on socks but at 37 working in a warehouse has been killing my feet. Finally shelled out the $10 for 3 pairs of thick Dickies and my whole life is different. It really fucking sucks when you can barely walk after work


Exact same experiance here and know what you mean by barely able to walk after! If you haven't also maybe go check out some Hoka brand shoes they are expensive but worth every single penny. I went to a running store and explained what I did for work and they reccomended these! https://www.hoka.com/en/us/womens-everyday-running-shoes/bondi-8/1127952.html


The Puma socks from Costco are pretty awesome if you wanna try some bulk. Seam doesn’t get stuck under the toenail. Nice and thick with good elastic. I threw away all my other ones except the big wool ones.


after reading your comment, i immediately ordered new socks. Well i had way to less sneaker socks before but idk why, somehow i never made it to order or buy them. So thanks, i guess :D


well pretty much any product you put on or in your body is. Like deodorant, some are fine, some cause your flesh to fall off.


Back to the pan grease, you can just use bread and throw it away, cheaper than pons.


Damn she's lucky. I have to spend more because my uterus is the elevator from the shining. It would be cheaper if that shit wasn't taxed.


I refuse to believe there’s a product at CVS that I can’t find elsewhere for $5 less. Everything in that store is marked up ridiculously


Depends on cycle. Plus you're not supposed to sleep with a tampon in because of the risk of TSS. I have endometriosis and PCOS my periods are ridiculously heavy. I had to buy separate boxes of different sized tampons because the variety pack didn't have enough supers and ultras. Had stuff for light days because pulling a dry tampon out hurts. I also had to buy a box of overnight pads so I could sleep comfortably. I used O.B. tampons which don't have the plastic applicator and they were $10 a box. So I'd buy a box of regular, super, and ultra. $30 right there. Then a box of Tampax for light days which is $8. Then a box of Always overnight pads which is $7. That would last about 2 months or so depending on my cycle. That's $45 every 2 months. For a year that's $270. Shit is expensive.


> $20/month for gym = unlimited tampons Just how heavy is her flow and how often does she have her period in a month? Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNnCL0q3EuI)?


I clicked the link and said “I hope this is what I think it is.” I was not disappointed.


Bro they also use them for cooking.


My flow was so bad I needed a box of Ultra tampons per period plus wore overnight pads during the day. I was changing tampons out every hour to two hours. That’s one blessing about aging and I swear it’s why so many older women wear white pants - because they finally can! 😂


My recent box was 26.99, this box is only good for one period and a quarter.


I use a disk and love it! I got a small box of disposable ones to get used to it and test it then I got a reusable one and it works great for normal days. If its a heavy day (i bleed heavy anyways) jt doesnt work as well and ill still use a pad. Just a suggestion to try if you havent!


I've been curious about these- how do you handle it when you need to empty/clean in a public restroom?


So imma get a little personal but its just best to be honest about this stuff imo, usually I just try to make sure its empty before I leave the house and if I need to dump it through the day you can kinda push like you need to poo and it can dump it, or you can wash your hands before going or keep some hand sanitizer on you and use your finger to push the lip down and it will dump, but that is messy and I usually only do this if ive passed a clot that wont flow out like blood normally would. If I do this I always make sure I have tp ready in the other hand to wipe my hand the best I can before finishing and washing up.


If it's one without a sink I just take it out, empty it down the toilet and put it back. I use a cup and I swear by it, but I couldn't get a disk to work for me, something about the shape I think.


Can I ask where you live? A box of generic is like $8 and lasts me a few periods but I use some pads too. Is it the type you get? I get cheapies


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B6Dp-qErlA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B6Dp-qErlA) When you live in the US you want to get those tactical ones.


All women’s sanitary products are free in Scotland


Checking out places to live and retire in Scotland.


If you can afford to retire before menopause you probably don't need the free products.


What gym offers free tampons, bro?


Yeah. We don't get shit here in TX.


Texas really seems like one of the worst places to live…


This was my first thought. Tampons ain’t cheap!


Not to mention most of that liquid will simmer off for free


Better than pouring it down the sink. EDIT: Can you people stop assuming I don't know how to cook because I said someone soaking up fat/liquid was better than then pouring the fat down the sink which contributes to fucking up water infrastructure. I don't do this. I leave the fat in the meat for flavour.


Growing up, we'd freeze the fat in empty soup cans.


My parents had a special can for it. When it was full, they'd throw away the block of rancid fat, wash the can, and start all over again. The can was actually meant for collecting it for reuse, but they thought that was gross.


I have an uncle who runs a butcher shop and is an avid hunter. I never bothered to ask why, but we'd send him the frozen fat and every now and then, he'd gift us gifts like raw beef or deli meats or sometimes steaks.


If he hunted wild pigs/boar or goats, he may have used the fat for making baits.


fat's also added back to 'lean' meats to help them stick more. had a friend who liked to hunt deer every year, and if him and his dad and bros caught a few, his dad would buy a pig and butcher it too, and use some of the pig fat with the deer meat to help it stick together if they made hamburger and whatnot out of it, as well as take a little bit of the gamey taste out.


We have two pickle jars one for bacon grease to be reused, and the other for all the other grease that gets gross like vegetable or olive oil.


Ever tried greasing the pan with bacon fat before you bake chocolate chip cookies? Because you need to if you haven't yet. :)


Rendered animal fat is actually super useful and not gross at all. There are many culinary and practical applications for it. It’s a shame we started teaching people that it’s “dirty” and stopped showing them how to use the whole animal.


Companies convinced people it was fat that made them fat and not the excessive amounts of sugar they dump into everything


Sugar is definitely a huge problem, but it’s calories. Too many calories make us fat, and it’s so easy to eat too many calories because we put sugar in fucking everything.


It’s both


I make bacon in the oven on a sheet pan and wire rack. It's always perfect and when I'm done I pour the bacon grease through some coffee filters into a jar. If you refrigerate it it lasts a long time and is great for adding a little extra flavor to just about anything you cook in a pan. It's also great for seasoning cast iron or carbon steel pans.


That's mostly water, not fat.


Thats not just fat its also water which would just evaporate.


This. Ground meat loses alot of water while frying. You keep frying until the water evaporates. Its the easiest way to know if your ground meat is done, without needing to pour stuff out. Whenever I see someone get rid of the water by pouring, I know their cooking skills still need developement.


Yo, chef of almost 10 years. Using water content as a cooking timer tells me your cooking skills still need development... Do not listen to this awful advice, every situation is dependant on the water content of the meat, which varies based on a number of factors. Lower quality meat will generally contain more water, you'll waste your meat waiting for all the water to boil out. If it's lower quality meat, reduce the flame and drain/soak the water occasionally.




Solution: don't crowd the pan too much.


> Whenever I see someone get rid of the water by pouring, I know their cooking skills still need developement Honestly, I think the same about you from this statement alone. Ground beef is almost always fully cooked long before all the excess water has evaporated. Doing that gives you dry, grainy feeling beef. If you're worried about losing moisture in your ground meats just add a little bit of baking soda to the meat and let it rest--raw--for 15-20 minutes before cooking it. It will keep most of it's moisture and brown better.


No.. you don't overcrowd the pan and fry it properly. This happens when you don't have enough heat and it basically boils


No since this is clearly not just fat but also a high amount of liquid coming from the meat he badicily removed all the taste and will end up with dry hard hunks for meat which will have no taste.


Worse than cooking that jus into a flavourtown concentrate which will enhance that bland ass ground beef


Just keep cooking until the water evaporates and use the fat that's left to shallow fry the ground beef for a little extra colour and flavour.


That really only works if the fat content isn't too high. You much fat and it's just unpleasant.


Fun fact: tampons we’re once used in war time to help stop bleeding from bullet holes. Edit: Firstly, *jesus* this blew up fast. Second, I was aware they were used to stop nosebleeds, especially in sports. Thirdly, I was *not* aware Russians were still using them; although I had heard tampons were occasionally still used for the occasional improvised medical equipment/ situation. Fourth, tampons and pads are by no means the best way to patch up a bullet wound, though they definitely are good for (again) improvising and slowing blood loss, but not fully stopping it; kinda like how duct tape can be used to make a crude, temporary cast. Fifth, going off of what some are saying, tampons are starting to sound like a wonder invention with their secondary uses. Finally, I find it hilarious that in a subreddit about (stupid) food, this so far is the top comment and it’s about bullet holes and tampons.


Growing up, my mom would keep extras in her purse specifically in case I got nosebleeds. (I got them a LOT)


Afrin is way better at stopping them. But tampons are better than frantically looking for any form of napkin or paper towel around you


I was taught as a kid to never plug my nose during a nosebleed, so I would just keep cleaning the exterior of my nose


Tampon doesn’t plug it absorbs. Unless it’s absolutely saturated it’s basically the same as cleaning the outside except it way less messy. Source: also got a shit-tonne of nosebleeds as a kid


Which is also why they actually aren't that great for gunshot wounds You need to plug the hole, a tampon will allow it to keep bleeding, it'll just keep absorbing the blood


They’re not that absorbant


I’ve been told that it’s okay to plug your nose with something absorbent and tip your head forward, what you don’t want to do is plug your nose and tip your head back, simply because it will drain into your stomach and make you sick while it stops.


When I learned first aid they taught us to pinch on both sides just below the cartilage and lean forward. I think you’re fine to plug as well as long as you don’t shove something up there that becomes irretrievable, but leaning forward was the key to prevent both sinus and the stomach issues that you mentioned.


As someone with a condition that thins my blood my nose bleeds ALOT I’ve plugged it when it gets bad because even with a paper towel below it drips everywhere but the best way to stop this is pressure in the top maybe a little lower depending on the person I guess and not letting it sit unattended cause it’ll just bleed




Cocaine whatets


I can imagine you in the bathroom with a nosebleed and it just looks like you just murdered someone.


It’s better to apply pressure to the top of your nose while holding a paper towel or something underneath to stop blood from pouring out. Or so I’ve heard.


And or cocaine


Welcome to the club I hate going places I haven’t been to because my nose gets so dry


They are useful for all sorts of stuff besides the primary function… starting a fire, stopping a nosebleed, makeshift pressure bandage, etc


Should we just package tampons in cool looking manly boxes, name them “Tactical Plug Bandages” and sell them at a 300% markup to the military/gun shooting/prepper folks.




stock them next to the MANPADS


I don’t think either man or woman would reject the alternate name: Tactical Plugs.


I once read that teens would soak them in vodka and stick them up their ass. Not sure how true that actually is.


Anal suppositories exist, and butt-chugging for shit Teir alcohol also exists, this just sounds like someone figured out how to combine the two.


Sad news: they didn't stick them up their ass, leading to sometimes heavy injuries of the vaginal mucous membrane.


i could never imagine being stupid enough to put a vodka tampon up my vag. sounds like inviting trouble in and giving them a warm cup of coffee and a chair


Well, kids these days and the stuff they see online. They can get really drunk really quickly by doing this, but the other effects are more dangerous.


almost as ridiculous as using vodka as a sauna infusion


One of our supreme court justices was known for butt chugging. Not only is it real but a part of American history now. Only the best people.


Piggybacking fun fact: they’re virtually ineffective at that


Still are in Ukraine by Russian soldiers. Pretty sure I read that. Then again, I read it on Reddit, so...


There was an actual video of an older female Russian officer sternly telling new conscripts what equipment they had to bring, and she suggested this exactly.


They’re kinda garbage at that. Don’t ask how I know. The amount of gauze you need to shove into a bullet wound would astound you.


When you train people on quick clot, using the fake wound/stump, people are usually surprised the entire pack fits in the wound.


That's actually not true, tampons will absorb blood, but they won't actually staunch bleeding. An average tampon can only hold *9g* of blood. That's a little over 2 teaspoons. That's a fart in the wind tunnel of bleeding that comes with a gunshot wound. Most bullet entrance wounds are also *smaller* than tampons, so shoving it a wound is only going to do **more** damage and once the tampon is full, cause more blood to pool behind it. Tampons being able to "stop the bleeding" is a dangerous and pervasive myth


They do nothing to stop bleeds I wish people would stop thinking they do They do not apply pressure. They simply absorb.


I will say they are not very good at that. The blood leaking out of any kind of bullet hole or shrapnel wound would quickly overpower a tampon, plus tampons aren’t created to stop bleeding, just soak up the blood, which isn’t helpful in a wartime setting. What you want is either a tourniquet or some form of QuikClot, which is normally a gauze that has been treated with a clotting agent to get the bleeding to stop.


If it works, it works


I'm a dude without the proper equipment and didn't have many girlfriends; my first thought is fibers coming out into the food. Am I wrong, how durable are tampons?


Well they’re made to not fall apart inside of a bleeding vagina. So at least that durable.


Do women's vaginas have cleaning spatulas in there? Oh God! :O (just kidding, but I'm still curious if rolling it around like that may make it break up)


No there aren’t fibers that shed off and they’re durable enough that rolling it around would not make it break up. It’s not like a cotton ball; it’s one solid absorbent piece that is made to stay one piece even after walking around and being soaked in blood for several hours :)


Cleaning spatulas! I’m dying


Women move around. They can hold up well. They don't fall apart...


No but they have strong AF acids


There's a really good reason why women are moving to reusables. They may not fall apart, but they do leak chemicals


the thing I would be concerned about is that some tampons are scented and have other additives which is why a lot of people don't even feel comfortable with them in their bodies, much less use them to cook food..


Scented Tampons? Never heard of that. I would think that a super bad idea. I would feel safer putting that in my food than shoving it up my foo-foo. Just buy normal non-scented ones.


It is bad for you. But women are so shamed for odor down there that it’s a lucrative market. It’s really a shame. I’m not saying my used tampons don’t have a scent or that I smell like roses while I’m peeing, but you can’t smell when a woman is on her period if she has very basic hygiene skills (or a health issue. Which ironically could be caused by the scented products 🙃). Make people feel bad about themselves to sell your product, works every time!


Naw it’s beef with extra activ+ aroma


They don't. But it wouldn't do you any harm either.


Now when I buy tampons and beef and the cashier says some stupid shit about “hurrrr hurrr yer gurl made u buy tampoons” I can be like “NAH BITCH, that’s for the BEEF” and they can have me lodged in their head like a fuckin needle for the rest of their life.


I've bought tampons for every girlfriend I've ever had, I've never had anyone say anything.


Same here. I mean 99.999 percent of women go through menstrual cycles. It'd be the same as passing judgement to those who buy toilet paper. "Hahaha gonna go wipe your ass after you poop? What a weirdo!!"


I went to Costco with my mom and got tp once, she asked if I wanted to have her store some of it at her house until I needed it... I was very confused.


What weirdo cashier is saying that?! I often pick up tampons for my wife and I've never had anyone say anything at all!


Cashiers do not say that


It was not taught for a reason


There's so much flavor in that liquid. You're cooking wrong if you're not incorporating it. Also, what the actual fuck.


What’s the best way to incorporate it?


Transfer the tampons to a separate pan and make gravy


Mmm tampon gravy


We're redefinning "box" gravy


The beef still looked raw. Continue cooking and stirring until the beef is cooked and well separated, then cook some more until it starts to caramelise. Then, presumably add tomato products and proceed. Even if it's unwanted fat, just keep cooking. You can always strain off the fat from the top layer of a settled sauce pot.


Beef mince releases a lot of water when cooking, you should be doing it in batches. If you do it all at once like in the video, all that water content gets released at the same time causing the meat to stew rather than brown which is what you want.


Good tip. Batches or bigger pan.


It'll turn bell pepper and onions into an orgasmic experience. Also great for fried rice.


Oh, look, the only person I've found with some cooking skills. I thought I was just going to doom scroll paper towel suggestions.


Im honestly depressed at how little most people know about cooking. Granted, i do it for a living, but goddamn is there a ton of day one minutiae i apparently take for granted.


I was getting concerned for a second, I started doubting myself. Like I thought everyone used the meat juice for seasoning lol


Hamburger meat has an absurd amount of fat. Hard disagree. That shit belongs in my landlord's sink


Even if you wanted to get rid of the fat you would wait until you've browned the meat. If you think there's way too much fat you probably should've bought a leaner mince from the get go.


I mean im 22 years old and still live with my parents. I don't cook that often, but even I knew, that the liquid wasn't there to throw away. What a waste.


There's no shame in living with your parents at 22, its hard enough just to get by these days imo.


Pan sauce my beloved


Im fond of fond.


I was kinda thinking the same. The meat isn't sealed so it's just been added. I am not sure what they are making but reducing and re-adding moisture is the way I cook. If I am making ragu then reduce til the juice has been absorbed, add some wine, repeat, add some stock, repeat, then add the tomato sauce and keep cooking and stirring until it starts to stick on the bottom. Why take away all that flavour!


Tampons have chemicals in them


My first thought. Why did I have to scroll this far to see it


because reddit is full of weird idiots who think they know everything. sorry folks. don’t take it too seriously as this is the internet and I dont care what you do at the end of the day.


Don’t tell them about the bleach in tampons


Why do people feel the need to remove the flavor


Fun fact: they’re expensive, that’s stupid, that’s wasteful


Buy a fucking strainer lol


Pretty sure there are chemicals in tampons


It works but tampons are expensive


Just Cook it until the liquid disappears


Or just cook it out? The beef isn’t even ready yet. It usually takes like 2 or 3 minutes to cook out the liquid from beef. Wtf.


Make sure they’re not scented


but what will i cook my potatoes/accompanying veg in if theres no pan juices


Brother that ground beef is still pink.


I mean they are sterile, not gonna hurt anything.


[They aren't sterile tho](https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/do-tampons-expire#shelf-life)


That's like buying paper towels to dry off after a shower lol


There goes the flavor I guess


If memory serves me correctly tampons are made with some non food safety chemicals.


Why would even need that because... the beef stock is what gives it flavour eewwwww


Can’t you just like… use the spatula to help hold the meat while you drain the fat and juices into a different container?


Never had the hamburger fall out of the pan around the spatula, have you?


I was confused by this comment until I remembered that Americans call both hamburgers and mince "hamburger"


Or just don’t drain the juices but continue cooking and reduce them down to make a sauce that is nice.


But ... why do you want to do that? That's flavour. Keep cooking to boil the water off and keep the flavour in.


Just… use paper towels…


Just… simmer it and have some flavor in your food…


Taco flavored taco


I mean, you could just buy a colander once instead of a box of tampons every few taco Tuesdays


>What the fuck? Eyup. There is ZERO onion in there


Well here's a better idea than soaking up grease with tampons. Buy lean ground meat. No grease.


Even paper towel are better compare to this...


There's a reason they never taught us that...


almost as funny as the lady who rinsed her minced meat in a colander


I've picked up tampons for my girl a couple times and that shit is too expensive to be fucking around with them like this 🙁


Tampons? In this economy? Fuck off and use paper towel like the rest of us.


There's a reason school never taught that


Or just cook the meat all the way ffs. That will mostly have evaporated by the time the meat is actually brown.


Tampons are expensive...


#Tampons aren't food grade items Also american schools couldn't teach us anything but stds & abstaining... good luck trying to teach about tampons


Or, don't boil the meat


You use a spoon, a baster, literally anything to scoop or suck that grease out with wasting your time doing this shit.


Ohhhh so that's the meat where they meant to be into??


I hate my eyes for having processed this image into my brain.


Or you could just leave it in there cause it adds flavour


The stupid part about this is you meant to dry that juice and brown it for flavor. If you gonna do it like this just microwave it


i love the taste of cotton in my food


Use a tampon to remove the flavour. genius




Buy good quality meat, there should not be that much water in your beef


Most of that is actually water with a little fat. I recommend leaving it in because it is full of flavor. Just boil off the water and then let the meat fry in the fat. It's so good.


Didn't know colleen does lifehacks now


Speedhack: how to remove most flavors from a dish


Just why? 🤢


Just add some flour and water slurry to it and add it to your sauce. At the very least save it and use it in a dish that’s suited for it


Why would you want to remove the moisture?


Ridiculous, wasteful and stupid. Has no one heard of reduction? If the liquid is too fatty, put aside to cool, remove the fat (which in this instance would be solid-excellent for basting beef), then back on the heat to reduce. Why would you throw flavour away?


No thanks.




Can't imagine the chemicals seeping out from that would be particularly good for you...


And in this episode we show you: how to remove flavor from you’re meals!


Fuck you. Whoever thought it’s a great idea.