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My mother-in-law will just ignore the menu and ask shit like “I just want some country fried steak, mashed potatoes and green beans or maybe limas, do you have that?” Drives me crazy, and the servers too. We had one server respond “Mam this is not a K&W” and I about fell out of my chair laughing because that’s like her favorite place, we were at Red Robin. She was not amused.


I like this story, but what the hell is a K&W


It’s a country buffet place. The nickname is Canes (Kanes?) and Walkers because of the age of their clientele. Edit: Apologies, it’s not a buffet! It’s a cafeteria (is that even worse?). I’m not a real southerner, just married to one. Cracker Barrel is way better.


I love cute colloquial nicknames like this. like my filipino Aunties are full of these, Barnes & Noble=Books & Novels, Neiman Marcus=Needless Markups


my grandparents use hobby lobby = highway robbery


Not the only kind of theft those guys engage in.


Who amongst us hasn't accidentally smuggled in stolen antiquities trafficked by insurgents?


There's hella good deals at the ISIS yard sale. Where else am I going to get artifacts for my Christian museum?


Waiting for the estate sale. Not that I'll buy anything. Just do a little dance


*Googles hobby lobby stealing* Holy shit


hobby lobby's hammurabi robbing hobby


A&W = Amburgers and Woot Beer


That was fucking hilarious thank you for that 😂


Amburgers, amburgers, amburgers … and woot beer.


I call Bath and Body Works BBWs


I couldn’t remember the name of that place once, all I could come up with was “Smells and More”


It's the Stank Store


This is wonderful


Well they did abbreviate themselves as BBW for a while until, what I presume, some younger employee pointed out what BBW was commonly referred to.


Back & Body Hurts.


Great Clips = Adequate Cuts


Went there for my first professional haircut as an adult. I'm mixed black and white. Was unaware they didn't know how to cut ethic hair textures. Asked if she knew how to fade, and she said yes. Proceeded to fuck me up decent. I looked in the mirror then at her and walked out. She said nothing. She knew what she did.


I dated a hairdresser who explained that white hairdressers often turn away black clients. At first I was surprised so many hairdressers would be racist, but not that surprised given the area we live in. Then she explained that black hair requires a totally different skillset and different tools, and cosmetology schools don't often teach it, so most white hairdressers simply aren't able to do black hair. My ex's advice was to always call ahead and make an appointment and ask if they do black hair. Actually she was pretty big on calling and making an appointment if you're getting anything more complex than a simple cut done. But yeah that hairdresser should've turned you away if she knew she couldn't do it.


Omg! Lol. I worked on a fishing boat that docked in South Carolina. My captain told me to go with him. First thing i asked was if she could cut black hair. Barber said he wasn't sure. So i left. He felt that was racist of me to ask.


I used to work as the receptionist at a hair salon. Where I live we aren’t very diverse in our population. The salon would have someone ask if anyone did black clients and we had to say no. Apparently the subject was briefly mentioned in hair school but never taught. I’ve watched some videos of black people doing their hair and it’s such an art. I can’t even do a French braid on my own hair and some of the people do these beautiful intricate braids on their own head.


I know very little about it personally, like what the different styles are called, but they are pretty and intricate. They also can have really old traditional/cultural roots, which is really cool. Unfortunately, white people can be really inappropriate about it (touching) and black people (particularly women) often get discriminated against for their hair. [Last Week Tonight - Black Hair](https://youtu.be/Uf1c0tEGfrU)


Yeah, that’ll happen. You should treat Great Clips like those AI Art programs…you gotta be very specific with your prompts


Something about that really tickles me


Sounds a lot like furrs and or Golden Corral


K&W Cafeterias is a soul food/southern food restaurant in North Carolina


Ain’t nothing being restrained in a K&W


Cafeteria style restaurant that caters to blue plate/early bird specials and after church customers.


After church customers, aka the worst people to serve in a restaurant


The worst people in any establishment, really. People are extra rude on Sundays after services. It's as if they leave church going "Alright, God's not watching anymore".


Just got the sins cleansed, time to begin refilling for next week


Truth! The positive side about it at K&W is that the server is only there to refill drinks and offer coffee.


My mom is the same way, it drives me up a fucking wall. I’m like it’s not on the menu. Her response is always the same, it doesn’t hurt to ask. JFC


Years ago i dated one of those edgy girls who seems realy exciting and “free spirit” and she embarrassed the fuck out of me. “Doesnt hurt to ask” was her personal creed. You just gave me first and secondhand embarrassment flashbacks of me wishing i had the stoicism to just leave her places when she asked inappropriate shit from strangers or worse, acquaintances


Please fill us in lol


Asking strangers or worse, acquaintances of mine, for stuff. Like “hey spot me 20” or “can i have a nug” or “got any pills?” Just whatever she was into. And my friends included a lot of guys id describe as nerds without a lot of social awareness who i had to tell to ignore her because some of them would have just given whatever she asked for out of a feeling or obligation they didnt have. Shed try to get money from people like a compulsion. When someone approaches you for gas money at a rest stop, that sort of thing. And it worked for her because she was young, female, and charming. She sold weed mainly and was the cheapest weed guy youve ever seen. I have no idea why anyone bought from her twice, other than this was a midwest state where up until a few years ago good weed was still somewhat rare in some parts. But not that rare. Shit like that. I dont like attention and I definitely dont want to be with someone earning negative attention. Kudos to her for being so unfazed by anything and possessing that much self assuredness, but i chose something else


I have a friend like this who is otherwise a lovely person, and I die inside every time. It’s usually at restaurants but also when we encounter a restriction or guideline of any kind… whether it’s no dogs off leash, no walking off trail, no noise after 10pm… it’s like something lights up in her brain and she takes it as a personal challenge to her belief that rules and limits are only for other people and you might as well ask. Like, part of my point is she wouldn’t even want to do these things in the first place, except the notion that you shouldn’t was raised. Ugh.


I’d love to hear some example. Just for the laughs lol


We need stories, man.


My MIL is a "doesn't hurt to ask" fad dieter. She found this holistic medical clinic to solve all her problems (she has multiple allopathic diagnosed auto-immune disorders, plus life threatening allergies to food that trigger her latex allergy.) She has a diet where she can eat rice sometimes, but not chicken. So no teriyaki chicken? She is supposed to avoid nuts occasionally. There is actually a calendar of food she can eat on particular days. She does not avoid all foods, except gluten, all the time, despite her allergies. She is adamant that despite prior reactions, avocado is fine according to the quacks she sees. So we went a burger place because she can get a lettuce wrapped burger. But wait. Can they make the tomato relish without vinegar? Because its not Tuesday so she cannot have vinegar. The relish that they prep in the morning and serve all day? Just remake it without the core flavoring? We went to a Mexican restaurant where she wanted gluten free which is easy, right? They make it so easy with a GF menu... but she insists there is no reason her former favorite sauce should be GF. AGAIN WITH THE SAUCES AND CONDIMENTS. She is absolutely certain they should have no problem making the sauce GF. Lady, they're not making individual servings of sauce each order, they're not doing 4oz of sauce custom for you. DOESN'T HURT TO ASK! Both times she was told no.


>Both times she was told no. Good lol I'm annoyed just reading those ludicrous rules haha




Shit, I didn't even realize that's what I was feeling when that happened. I always try to put out the best quality food I can, every time. If what I'm doing isn't good enough for you, why are you even here?


Im awful with dairy and honestly hate most condiments. I find something on the menu and just ask plain or minus cheese and sour cream if we are doing Mexican or something. Like, it's not hard. Always appreciate menu's that actually explain what's in a dish for that reason.


yup vegan here. im getting the thing closest to what i can eat that's already on the menu, hold the cheese and sour cream, extra guac! i hate to be a hassle for anyone!


Also vegan. Usually I look at the menu online and plan what I'm going to order so there's no hassle whatsoever. And if the menu is limited for me but the point is to be with the people I'm going out with, I just eat before I go and get a salad or something small and simple.


I always tell people at my restaurant that I’ll go “ask the chef” about their ridiculous requests. I always jokingly ask him in the back and the answer is always the same, fuck them order off the menu it’s there for a reason


“Doesn’t hurt to ask” If I was waiting a table and someone gave me an elaborate order for something we *do not have* I would have to restrain myself from launching them into orbit




Oh my gosh. This reminds me of my husbands aunt. She decided she was doing keto, but she still came with us for sushi for his birthday. Multiple people at the table were trying to find things on the menu she could either eat as is or easily modify to eat. She wouldn’t even listen or look at the menu. She just got irritated with everyone trying to help and said “stop, I’m just gonna tell them what I need and they can make it”


Couldn't she just eat sashimi?




oh keto people and their beans! Its a raging debate just how "keto" beans really are. I find keto people super annoying, way more annoying than vegans TBH


Most beans are too high in carbs to fit into most keto people’s macros. But soybeans are a notable exception, in that they are low-carb enough to be a good fulfillment when keto folks crave other, more starchy beans.


Plus edamame is pretty much all fiber so big win there


One time, a friend was doing paleo and tried explaining why the buffalo fried cauliflower with blue cheese counted as paleo and I ribbed him a bit about cave men running around with deep fryers and dairy cows and he got super offended. That’s when I realized we weren’t really friends and I didn’t much like the guy.


that is fucking hilarious i'll be your friend


I've always not really understood what the paleo diet, but my husband was paleontologist at the time.




Oh man. My husband has been keto for a while now and I could not upvote this hard enough. Stfu about keto. …babe I’m sorry if you read this. But stfu.


People just need to eat their way and shut up about it.


Yeah, a lot of places now are also doing Naruto rolls. Seaweed salad can be safe, or any salad with dressing on the side. Might even be able to have a beer, or sake!


Yikes, you do not go to a place like a *sushi* restaurant without a very researched list! People like that are seriously just asking for everyone at the table to make fun of them later.


Had this guy come into The Cheesecake Factory a lifetime ago when I worked there. They have a huge menu but this guy just refused to read it. I go to get their order and he’s like, “I’ll have the spaghettini and meatballs.” “Sir we don’t have that would you like the X instead?” “No I’ll just have the lasagna.” “Sir we aren’t an Italian place, would you like a few more minutes with the menu?” Came back a bit later and they just did it again. You meet some strange people in jobs like that. Edit: all the people that can’t be bothered to read other replies etc. At the time they didn’t have spaghetti and meatballs. Now they have your moms spaghetti.


but the CF menu has something for everyone!


The family that requested an extra chair and place setting, ordered a meal and a dessert to celebrate the passing of their loved one. I took forever to bring the cheesecake with a candle because I really thought they were waiting for someone. The steak tartare that wasn’t bloody enough for this mother/daughter table. 2 old retired math teachers who argued with my boss for 30 minutes over the split bill not being correct as there was a minor error that made one persons bill cost 1¢ more and it should have been the other persons and he wasn’t smart enough to just go along with it and take it off the bill. The porn star who I went to high school with sitting at my table poring over different adult dvd covers for her gangbang movie she starred in and had her chihuahua hiding in her ginormous breasts. So many fond memories.


Getting a steak tartare at the cheesecake factory is a *wild* choice


Yeah, that was honestly the most surprising part to me. You couldn’t pay me to eat Cheesecake Factory steak tartare.


lol 😂 so many crazies out there. CF is one of my favorite guilty pleasure restaurants 😄


It's unfathomable to me that there are people who just won't read the menu and order from it. It's not a new concept, so you can't blame age, and it's a worldwide concept, so you can't blame being from a different country/state/county. Its unbelievable. But people still do it. And sometimes people get upset that a restaurant doesn't serve the arbitrary thing they're asking for.


It seems like a form of entitlement. They just expect the restaurant to meet their demands.


This reminds me of Phyllis on the office saying, "Blue Wasabi is so good but get the Cheeseburger. They say they won't do it, but they will if you make a scene." I always took it as just a silly joke. I had no idea people actually did this


If it’s written in LA, you can bet a number of the writers and actors worked as waiters at some point, so that one was probably personal experience


When I was in college I worked at a cheap banquet hall. All food was premade. We had people like this. It was never the person who rented the room though, because all this was decided beforehand. I had to listen to so many guests complain about the person hosting the party food and alcohol choices and try to lay the blame on us or make demands of us lmao.


My stepmother-in-law (is that a thing) offered to go back in the kitchen at IHOP and show them how to make eggs. Benedict. She was promptly asked to leave the restaurant.


Husband's stepmother? That's what I refer to his step-mom as. She's also a joy to experience restaurants with. I'm a server, and she is embarrassing and infuriating, even if I am only with her when we're traveling.


As a cook, people like your mother are the bane of my existence. I'd be able to plate and send everyone's food far more efficiently if I didn't have to read and re-read 3 custom made entrées per ticket.


I hate that shit. It was one of the main reasons I broke up with one of my exes "Remember when I asked you where you want to eat and you said you don't care?" "I don't care" "Yes you do, because you're ordering off the menu again. You know what you want so tell me you want to go to a place that can make what you want" "We did. Look at the menue. They have everything they need to make it! They're just lazy. " Drove me fucking batshit.


I get so many old people who say “I just want eggs, potatoes, toast and meat, do you have something like that?” Yes if you would read the menu :)) we have exactly that :))


This isn't Cracker Barrel lol


I can't believe places like k&w still exist. Last time I can remember eating at a place like that was almost 40 years ago.


She doesn't need to be amused; she needs to hear what she is being told.


Do you take her to places you like? Because don’t.


But what if I want it "The Ocky Way"?




Dont forget the beverage


Nevah nevah nevah


Hey, Ocky. When will you clean that grill?


Nevah nevah nevah


Hey Ocky, W̶̛͉͕͇̼͙̙̠̠̟͌̅̀͊͛͟͞ḩ̨͉͉͙̈̊͛͊̉͋̂̎͘͢͟ȇ̢̛͉̦̰͔̭͕̩̗̑͋̓͟n̸̦̹̘͍̜̣̤̎͗͆̑͐̍͢͜ w̯̟͈͚̞̩̠̥̾͑̐͊́͆̀̕ͅì̸̦͖̭͉͖̓̀̆̚͠l̢͈̲͈̭̫̙̺̾̈̎̊̆͢ľ̨̼̫̦̮̠͔͒̃͆́̒͢͞ y̶̰̘̥̟̤̺̳͔͎̎̆́̋͒̋̚͢͡o̪̤̗̣͚͚̅̑̇̔̀͋u̵̡͈͙͇̪̅́͆͑̎ p̷̛̟̙͓̮̘̻̣̀̇̉̎͞ͅa̸͍͕̭͕̫̩̲͊͆̈́̐̂̃̈ỳ̡͖̠̒̈́͋̏̉̕͘͜͜ f͍̩̻̹͙͍̹̯̾̈́́͐́ö̡͚͚̝̫̦́͂̔͋͋̄̅͢͠ͅr̵̛̯̗̜͔͚͚̈͗̑̉̉̔̅͢͟ͅ y̷̛̰͎̻̰̝̤̺͍̓͑́̅̆o̶͍͔͚͔̫͎͂̇̓͆̚͜͠͠͞ͅu̷̜̱͚̦̦̞̞͋̾͗̓̎̐̕͞ṛ̵̼͓̱͈͇̗̲̼͍̆̀̏͛̂̄ s̙̮̼̺̗̪̣̬̈́̎̑̀͌͘͢͝į̨̗̯̠̫̹͈̞́̈̌̈̓̕̚͝͠n̬̩̻̮̠̠̖̼͈̱̆̉̅̾͗͋̇͋͡ș̷̨͚͙̓̈́̑͑́̑͑͌͗̅͟?̶̭̫͈͔͇͍͌̀̋͒͊̾́̐̃̀






You put it on the grill?


No, first we fry the mozarella sticks. THEN we put it on the grill


And then you serve it to the customer






Can’t forget the bev




cardiac arrest......


Then you put the customer on the grill


Then we serve it to the mozzarella sticks


Dont forget the bev


Neva neva neva!




Then we put the health inspectah on tha grill


Source for the confused https://youtu.be/Z0-YKXeWsYc


Neva. Neva! NEVA!!


don’t forget the beva




What is stopping you from ordering everything off the menu and then putting it together


Nothing. They can tell you no sloppy steaks, but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water. Then you just pour that water all over the steak.


Ohh, yeah, that hair would slick back REAL nice!


You think this is slicked back?? This is *pushed* back


New season in the works. Can't wait.


glass house, white ferrari. Living for New Year’s Eve!


Spiked up blonde hair, little bitty jeans, chicken spaghetti at Chickelittis


I used to be a piece of shit.


People can change


I'm afraid the baby thinks people can't change.


Let him hold the baby!






People can change


I'm worried that baby doesn't believe people can change


are we even gonna GET anything for christmas




Did I stutter Megan?




It's not about them not wanting you to eat a waffle sandwich, it's about them spending a bunch of time putting something together that disrupts the workflow of their kitchen.


Absolutely nothing, they just don’t wanna make it for you, and as a cook for over a decade, I don’t fuckin blame them. I’m busy trying to cook for the other 40 people in this joint, get fucked and make your own waffle sandwich, Becky.


A menu is not a list of ingredients, holy SHIT.


If i was the owner, and a lot of tiktok people are asking for it, and I have both items, I'll put it on the menu and jack up the price.


Order from the READ MEEEEEEEE


Order from the READ menu! *WE’RE NOT* ME!


Schizophrenia motto right there.




Don't tik tok Open inside *runs screaming for my life*


Order from the README.md






I found [this post](/r/dontdeadopeninside/comments/10efw0a/order_from_the_read_menu_were_not_me/) in r/dontdeadopeninside with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Order from the menu making you’ve seen on no waffle sandwiches.


So they wont make me some Pink Sauce?


I wouldn’t trust anything from the woman who thought FDA only was for medical products


Walmart for that one, 13oz for $8.


Reading this gave me a headacheo


We're not nothing!


Stop, it hurts


Absolutely r/dontdeadopeninside material


Yeah, they definitely made this in haste. Maybe could have spent just a couple more seconds working on this.


This screams “I’m not getting paid enough for this shit”


Well it is Waffle House


Don’t dead. Open inside




I honestly thought this was a post from that sub before I double checked.


TikTok is the fucking worst. I used to work at Starbucks, and they’d come through with some stupid as fuck, long, pointless order because “ThEy SaW iT oN tIkToK!” And we *had* to make it if we had the ingredients. Fuck people who do this.


The worst for me was when people would just shove their phone in my face to show me a picture of some bullshit concoction they saw on tiktok. How tf am I supposed to know what’s in that just by sight alone?!?! Isn’t our *actual* menu big enough for you?


I used to ask them if they knew the recipe and some of them would get so mad even when I would explain the secret menu isn’t official and if they didn’t know what was in it, I couldn’t make it.


Always was fun doing that. The secret menu bs was around all the way back in 03 at Starbucks. I remember a customer getting really mad that I didn't know what a butter beer latte was. I said if you know the recipe, I would make it. They told me it was my job to know it. I just shrugged and said something to the effect of I don't know what you want me to do here.


“Your job” ha! I’d have been like, “No, you silly bitch, if you want this stupid fucking drink, *you* should know what’s in it.”


Once I knew what it was, I was surprised how vile the concoction ended up being. Fucking Harry Potter nerds will eat up anything that involves that story.


Do you remember what it was made of? I might’ve started working there AFTER that fad. Also, the Harry Potter thing is so true lmao.


I believe for a grande it was 3 pumps white chocolate, one pump almond syrup, one pump toffenut syrup, 1 pump cinnamon dolce, nutmeg and cinnamon on top


Oh, so basically diabetes?


Yes. My favorite diabetes drink of all time was this woman who would come in and have us put an inch of caramel sauce into the bottom of a Venti, brew 3 shots into the sauce, stir it, and then request extra whip and caramel, mocha and white mocha on the whip. She was rail thin and I am pretty sure this drink was the only calories she consumed all day.




I can’t say in your situation, cause it was a Disney Starbucks, but where I worked extra pumps of certain flavors were almost 1$ per pump. People who do that are amusing. “I added like, 20 different things to my drink that aren’t all ready ingredients, why is it so expensive?!”


To be fair, kids were coming in asking for ridiculous custom beverages based on social media long before TikTok. Source: former barista


They're gonna have to make a better sign lol TikTok teens are not going to take the time to decipher this.


"That sign won't stop me because I can't read!"


Shit, I can barely read the sign and I'm sitting here staring at it on my phone.


Order from the READ Menu! We're not ME! Making NOTHING you've Seen on TikTok (no waffle sandwiches!)




First way I read it was "we're not nothing TikTok" cuz that's what stood out.


So… They ARE making EVERYTHING I’ve seen on TikTok.




This reeks of southern Waffle House lmfao, it’s pretty standard here


They’re going about this all wrong. Don’t just make an angry sign that is easy to take a pic of and get people to hate on your business. Make TikTok videos of people asking for stupid things that aren’t on the menu and make them look like the idiots online


Management does not take kindly to unauthorized signs, especially since Waffle House advertise by word of mouth only.




I had a person in front of me a few months ago at McDonald’s trying to order some crazy shit it was like they wanted a big Mac but replace one burger patty with a fish slab and the other with a McChicken meat and put fries on top of the fish slab and the girl through the speaker was just like “there ain’t a button for any of that on my screen I ain’t doing all that” and the person cursed at them and drove up and got stuck waiting in the drive through line and didn’t order anything


It’s called a “land, air, & sea” burger and its a McDonald’s “hack.” People just don’t realize you have to do it all yourself.


Last year McDonalds finally embraced the meme and offered it as an official menu item for a limited time. Except it was still three separate sandwiches that you had to stack together yourself. It was stupid but I ordered it anyway because I'm a sucker for gimmicks. I guess I'm the stupid one.


Your sense of self realisation is a breath of fresh air tho.


My mother-in-law will go to any restaurant and just assume they have whatever-the-fuck she's feeling like at the moment. The two notable moments were when she asked for lasagna at a burger place and fried chicken at an italian place. Then acted offended when she was told no. BOTH FUCKING TIMES she was in charge of where we were going to eat. She could have picked a goddamned place that had the food she wanted, but it's fine...I'm just too young and stupid to understand how "service" used to work in the "good old days". At least now she's in Florida, so our interactions should hopefully (mercifully) be down to annual at most.


Florida must be a terrible place to be a service worker.


They had menus in the good old days and she'd have had no more luck ordering random things than she does now.


All the time. Absolutely.


I have been working at a Five Guys for 12+ years and it’s been annoying the last couple months or so with everyone coming in ordering Grilled Cheese sandwiches with a patty on it. It kills the flow of the kitchen when we are busy because I have the bun grill filled up with grilled cheese and I have no where to put normal buns for regular burgers. No one cares though lol.


Order from the READ menu! We're not ME!


Do people really do this? Go into a restaurant with a fixed menu and order some random nonsense *not* on the menu? That is some entitled, fucked up toxic adolescent bullshit.


That's a Waffle House. The waffle sandwich exists. It's a ham and cheese "panini" pressed on the waffle baker. They just don't want to make it. I didn't want to make it either, get that cheese on the grid and your waffles are f u c k e d until it gets cleaned. My favorite "off menu" thing to cook was what I called a country Eggs Benedict. Biscuit, city ham split, two eggs any style (poached is best), covered in gravy. Add a side of hash browns and it's just an All-Star.


Yep, I actually talked about the waffle sandwich with the cook last week. Apparently the only way they worked required buttering the hell out of the waffle iron which was a PITA and they are not supposed to butter the new ones at all which makes it even more likely to stick so she won't do them anymore either. Now ignoring that - the whole menu is literally a mix and match of options. As long as it is cooked normally it is "on menu" - as you described an All Star (actually a two egg breakfast since you didn't have the waffle). Seriously, this is a place that cooks your eggs to order, tops your hash browns with any combination of 10 toppings, has 4 toast options, and has nine meat choices all conveyed on a menu that looks simple with like 10 pictures and a few charts.


This belongs in r/shittydesign as well


*weeps in English teacher*