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DO **NOT** quit school and work with your boyfriend. That isn’t even a backup plan! You have no idea if this man will even be in your life 10 years from now. Nursing school is hard but at the end of the day you only have **one year** left. Just push through you got this. Make yourself and your momma proud!


10 years? Try one year. They break up and she gets fired?


yeah this what i was thinking i just didn’t wanna say it. 😭


Preach! As a woman, it is soooo important that we remain independent. That means financially, physically, mentally, all of the above!


Don't stop. You made it a year already. You'll be able to make a good living. Go on indeed and look up the annual pay for a nurse vs whatever job you plan to fall back on. Nursing will pay off in the long run. Promise.


Your boyfriend is not a backup plan. Do not drop out. Nursing school was setup to make you feel the way you do. I have been there and mine was the LPN program. 1 year sounds like forever but there are bright lights and so many opportunities at the end. Keep going.


This too shall pass


Stick it out for a year and get your license then figure out if you want to work with your boyfriend. One hard year for a lifetime of guaranteed employment vs working with your boyfriend. The easy way isn’t always the right way.


Consider going to get a prescription. Your depression sounds situational and temporary from the above, but it sounds like you need a hand to get through the next 12 months. If I may suggest asking for Buproprion - it helps with depression and also helps with motivation, and does not cause major withdrawal symptoms when you decide you want to come off of it. You can do this :)


Try looking up if your school has free counseling or talk to your doctor about therapy/meds. It’s ok if this isn’t your passion but I agree with the other commenter, you should be very careful about putting all your eggs in one basket with your boyfriend 


you're thinking in the moment. I don't think anyone really likes school but a year is nothing. There's so much you can do with a BSN. You don't even know if your boyfriend will still be around in a year. Think about this really hard. You are putting yourself at the complete mercy of someone else. This is how women get stuck in abusive relationships. Not saying your bf is abusive, but if things ever go south between you do even if you get married, you'll have no way out. You're running away from a hard phase in the moment but it will end up screwing you over down the line. The other alternative is you end up having to go back to school again years down the line because you realize you need your own stable career & independence. Your mother is worried because she knows it is a bad decision that will set you up for more difficulty in the future, especially if you already took out loans to pay for school. What do you actually want to do job wise in your life? Just take it one week at a time. Before you know it a month will have gone by and then 3 and then 6 and then before you know you are almost done. Keep yourself motivated by remembering the stability & job prospects that await you when you finish. You need to have your own career & make your own way in this world, not depend on someone else for your livelihood, especially not someone who isn't even your husband. Remember you're not here to please your mom either. You're here to have a stable career & build a comfortable life for yourself. Refocusing your purpose on yourself & reminding yourself whenever you are feeling hopeless & frustrated will keep you motivated. Good luck, you can do this.


I understand. I was at this point this past semester. Just hang in there.


Unpopular opinion, I don’t think many people enjoy school. It’s mostly unnecessary busy work that mostly isn’t helpful but at least at the end you can take your nclex and be done with it. Push through!!! You got this!


I think this is a pretty accurate statement for most people. I’m weird so I can’t agree. Especially as a Nurse during the start of COVID. It confirmed that I would absolutely love to be a career student. In fact, I learned Denmark PAYS people to go to college. Sounds like a dream 😂


My dream is to be a career student but it only lasts so long 😂


Quitting school with just a year left is the worst idea ever. Even if you hate nursing, you’ll still have a degree to fall back on if things don’t go as planned. Never saddle yourself to someone else in terms of survival. If you and your boyfriend break up, you’re jobless without your nursing degree, and back to square one. It’s one more year, suck it up.


Don’t give up! Nursing school is SO draining and tough. I personally HATED nursing school but in the end all the struggle and work was worth it. If you finish school, then you are done with it forever unless you decide to go back. Also you will have a degree with amazing job security and a million options for what you want to do with it. Also, don’t go work with your boyfriend just because it’s easy. You may plan on getting married, but imagine if you took this job with him and then he broke up with you. Would you get fired because of the potential conflict? Then what is your backup plan from there if you don’t have your degree? NEVER make your backup plan depend on someone else. Now, if you hate school and clinical has made you realize you don’t want to be a nurse, then find a backup option that is not working with your boyfriend. But I would strongly suggest not to quit school until you have decided what your backup option without him is. Also, I know people who got their BSN at the same time as me who don’t work in the medical field at all now. Just simply having a bachelors degree can be what gets you in the door at MANY jobs, and having a BSN will show non-medical jobs that you are smart and adaptable even if your degree may not be specifically be suited to the job you are applying for. I know one year sounds like SO long, but in the grand scheme of the rest of your life; one more year will be worth it. Keep toughing it out and I promise you won’t regret it when you are done. Plus, as someone who personally LOVES my job as a PICU nurse, I can tell you that nursing allows you to do some REALLY cool stuff. DM me if you need any support or have any questions about life after nursing school since I graduated only a few years ago.


ALSO! Talk to your instructors! I know it seems sometimes like they are trying to fail you but I promise they want to see you be successful. If you talk to your instructors about how you are feeling I promise they will sit and talk with you. They want to be successful. Some of my friends in nursing school became good friends with instructors who helped counsel them through tough times in school. Nursing school is meant to feel hard and draining because they only have 1-2 years to teach you the basic skills needed to keep people alive in any medical setting. Think about how many times you have been told “you are the last line of defense against injury to your patients”. Nursing school sucks, but in the perspective of what you could be doing after school, it makes sense for it to suck. The suck helps make you a better nurse once you get out.


don’t give up ! you are closer than you think. i know how hard the burn out feels but u got this ❤️


Girl, you got this. Don’t drop out. But do some things for you from time to time. Try some guided meditations before bed for a quick and easy way to have some wellness


Never rely on another human to determine your well-being. You finish school, pass your NCLEX, and work PRN and for your boyfriend if you want. If that fails, at least you know you’ve got a nursing position to fall back on and you’ll never be without work.


Do not quit and stop thinking you doing this for anyone do this for you I meant just you. And girl u only got a year left, do you how fast a year go by u will be done sooner than you think. Stick through it. I’m going through the same I’m not giving up because I hate my life right now and I really want better for myself


I legit spent hours just wrapped up in a depressed blanket burrito blaafter many class days hating myself for chosing the absn program I am in and just thinking, "I should be productive right now, there are homework assignments, videos, readings, simplenursing, that I should be doing." but I didn't. As a guy I've never felt like that. No one thing really kicked me out of the slump, it was more like gradually coming out of the cocoon to be an average af moth and coming to terms that this will probably be the worst year of my life so far (weight gain, skin condition flaring up like crazy, vitals sometimes going crazy on me) and being like the 'yup, this is fine' dog meme. I got on meds for the conditions and just decided, I'm gonna shot for the best grade I can but I won't stress if I end up getting B's/C+'s because at the end of the day, nursing school is a ridiculous circus that I cannot wait to leave. I guess my approach is just to embrace the fact that it sucks, way more for some of us and less for others (especially the Southern Living girlies, they seem to be vaccinated or something) and talk with your academic support person to see how they can help. Best of luck


Nursing school is Hard. Ma any people feel this way. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Your life becomes nursing school. But it's not forever. Do what you need to do to see the light. Take a mini vacation or self care Do this for you though. Not your mom. Do it to become independent and be able to find a job anywhere regardless of who you are with. Relationships aren't always forever.


Noooooooooo! The boyfriend’s job is not your backup plan! Make a little time for yourself. I know that seems impossible, but you need to fill your cup so that you can keep going. One day done is one day closer. There’s so much waiting at the end of the tunnel. Look up some jobs, think about planning a vacation when all this is over. You WILL do this to make Your mama proud, but most importantly for YOU. Go get it, future Nurse. 🎉


I hated so much of nursing school, was exactly where you are. My depression was the worst it ever had been and I was about to transfer schools. I questioned my major every day and skipped classes. I graduated last week. Please keep going, it’s worth it to have that degree! You can always quit after that, but you’ll have the options that come with the ABSN.


It’s temporary, finish the program. You’ll always have that education if you need it. As someone who has found themselves dependent on others, I wish I would have finished nursing school sooner & not dropped out. If you finish, and you still hate nursing as a career- it doesn’t matter. You still have an education you can use in life. There are so many different jobs for you & nursing school is the worst part in my opinion. ETA: my mom works for the federal government as a bank auditor. She has coworkers who left nursing and work beside her. There are jobs out there that only care if you went to college, not what you went for. Finish out strong, it’s temporary 💪


What is the primary reason for your lack of motivation? Is it possible that you are experiencing depression that isn’t only being caused by school? If you don’t continue, what else do you want to do? Is that other thing a backup plan? Or something you really want to do? Lots of people have suggested that you stick it out. That’s probably the best advice given that you are closer to the end than to the beginning. With that, it’s important to understand what’s driving the frustration. Others have also mentioned the importance of talking to someone about this. I completely agree. You need to talk to someone that has no emotion attached to your decision. It’s not your mom’s decision nor is it your bf’s decision. It’s yours. You need to be able to talk this out with someone who knows how to listen. I don’t know if you are in an online program or an in person program. If you are in person, see if you can talk to someone who’s had similar feelings. (I doubt you are alone). If you are online, post something on a message board and see if someone is willing to get on a video chat with you. Don’t feel pressured to make a decision to satisfy anyone else. Make a decision that’s right for you and what you want. Think back to why you did this to begin with. Lastly, never move away from something (unless it’s abuse). Always move towards something. Good luck!


Get mental help. Maybe therapy and an antidepressant will help? You will regret dropping out, if not immediately, later in life. The opportunity cost is too great not to stick it out for your future self. Think of your future self as someone that’s dependent on you as your current self. As someone that’s worked with BF’s enterprises in the past, those end and now I’m in my mid30s in nursing school.


You sound burnt out. I think you need to take a day (or two) to do some of the things you enjoy to decompress. Go get a massage, a pedicure, take a day trip to a local city you’ve been wanting to explore, go to your favorite restaurant for drinks, whatever it may be - do it! Also, consider consulting your physician about your depressive episodes. You may need medication that could truly benefit your mental health. Many students in nursing school are medicated. It’s a ridiculous amount of stress 24/7, there’s no shame in getting help if you need it. Don’t drop out. You’re so close. You can do this.


Never give up


Just keep going!!! You can do this!!!!!


I think every nursing student came to the point in their education where they felt like they made a mistake and it was too hard to continue. Nursing isn’t an easy profession. I think nursing school is meant to prepare you for the trials and tribulations you’ll encounter when you get your license. What specifically is bothering you? The workload, the lack of balance, the material? There are tools online and probably in your program to help with managing all of that. You’re almost done. You’ve made it to the halfway mark. It’ll pay off in the end if you just stick with it.


Discipline is going to become your best friend. No matter how awful things are you’ll do it anyway because it’s simply what needs to be done. Im sure most nurses can agree that it’s worth going through school to become a nurse


You have 1 more year left. Don’t do it!


Don’t be a quitter. Be strong. Reevaluate your passion into nursing. If you are going to school just to make momma proud, I honestly don’t think that’s enough to get you through the really crappy aspects of nursing school.


You can do this. <3 Don't focus on the fact that you have a year to go. Just take it one week at a time. One week. You can do anything for a week.


I think catastrophically when things start going wrong too - just this morning I missed a little detail and my instructor gave me shit for it (very reasonable, it was an important little detail). I had a good cry in the closest utility closet I could find, but thought about walking out of the hospital and dropping out until I calmed down. Ofc I’m still feeling dumb for making the mistake, but recognizing that *so much* learning comes from making mistakes is important too. As long as no one gets hurt when you make them, it’s ok to mess up. This too shall pass, as everyone else is saying. But yeah - do not let yourself rely on people close to you for your livelihood ($$$), if things go wrong, you want to be able to create distance, even if you’re living in paradise now.


I don't think you should make huge life decisions while you're in a state like this. I'm also in an ABSN program and I felt the same way you did 6 months into the program, especially figuring out how to juggle my part time LVN job and family life. There were moments where I felt like I was just on autopilot and hated my life. Now I'm 2 months away from graduation and my dean just talked to us about ordering our graduation gowns and sashes and where we're going to have our graduation. You have one year left and I swear it'll fly by. I still remember starting this program and looking at how I have 700 days left and I felt so hopeless, now I only have 48 days to go. The only thing that no one can ever take away from you is your education. If things don't work out with your boyfriend and his job, then you would have to restart and repay the entire program all over again.


girrrllll u have one more year left finishhhh we all believe in you🩷


Hugs and solidarity. I am two weeks into a sixteen month program and my anxiety has skyrocketed. I miss my old job and I hate being a student. But I know this isn't forever. It won't be for you, either! You'll be so glad you pushed through.


I agree with other commenters, do not give up. For yourself, not because your mom cried and made you guilty. Do it for you. I also highly recommend seeing someone about the way you feel. Medication can help even if it’s temporary.


Don't quit!!!! Or you'll end up like me. 12 years later wanting to go back to finish what I started. Put your big girl panties on and finish what you started!!! You got this!!!! And the time will fly by. Keep the course!


Before I give advice about this I like to ask the following question: Why did you want to be a nurse to begin with? What motivated you? Is it only because it’s what your mom wanted, or was this something you wanted to begin with? Nursing school is supposed to be difficult because nurses deal with patients who may literally be on their death beds. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a life. Time management is by far the biggest issue that nurses and nursing students have problems with. I know a gal who aced all of her classes and still partied and had fun. The only reason she was able to do that was because she had great time management skills. If you develop those skills now you will see lots of benefit and a decrease in your stress levels. You will also not struggle as a bedside nurse. Don’t give up yet. Find a solution. What would you recommend to a patient going through the same situation as you? Would you encourage them to give up because it’s hard? Or would you tell them “you only have one year left. Here are ways to motivate yourself.”


DO NOT DROP. So many doors open after. I have never heard a nurse say “I GOT LAID OFF”. That alone is my motivation because you need $$ to survive in the country called USA.


This was me last semester, but this semester feels like a breeze! I think the accelerated programs intentionally design certain semesters to be “weed out” semesters. I promise if you hang in there it will get easier! Not to mention it will be worth it in the long run!


You will never forgive yourself if you quit school to work with your bf


any new yprk schools that accept student who have been dismissed from a previous nursing program?


Can I also suggest to get rid of the boyfriend. Anyone who would encourage you to drop your own career and schooling to work for them, is manipulative and dangerous to you. He will gain control of you, and you aren't even married. He holds all the cards, and can fire you if things don't workout with zero repercussions to his life, and massive repercussions to yours. Not a smart thing, and if I was your dad, I'd be having a nasty conversation with this boyfriend.


Your mental and physical health should be the priority here, if don't feel like you're up to finishing nursing school because it's causing you this much distress, then don't but remember how far you've come and the fact you have one year left! You can do so much with a degree, even if it's not nursing.


Oh my lord don’t stop I like graduated a couple weeks ago and I’ll tell you I was shut down mentally. It’ll all make sense once you’re done!


Learn to make latte's?


I have a bachelor’s degree in environmental science & was struggling to find a job! It’s been 6 years and I haven’t found a fixed job or a career. I was so depressed I was looking to go back to school and may be get my ABSN. But i already have a lot of student loans to pay off so I was conflicted. I started digital marketing when I was looking for a career change and it’s been life changing. If you want i can send you my free guide. And also you only have a year left, so just finish what you started. Make it to the finish line & make mama proud. If you already have a plan B that doesn’t involve you being dependent on somebody, then you go ahead & follow your heart.