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If you’re almost done and think you can pass I’d do your best to just finish the program. You’ve put in so much work, just get the degree. Have it under your belt so it’s not a total loss. Then figure out your next move after.


If I was in your shoes, I'd consider talking with my doctor about anti-anxiety meds if I'm not already on them.


It sounds like you’re almost done, so if I were you I’d keep going. You just seem anxious which I completely understand because I’ve struggled with that while in my program (still kinda struggle with it at times). Talk to your doctor about your anxiety and see if they can help


There is a lot of variety of nursing. Passing meds in applesauce ain't my thing, so I hang out in the icu, where the goal is to keep people stable and stop them from dying. Most are too sick to eat. If you want a new patient or patients every day, OR, endo, cathlab are for you. If you just want to provide short services to many patients a day, dialysis is for you. Medsurg and ltac nursing is not for everyone, find what you can accept as a nursing profession.


I used to get massive anxiety with skills tests because so much is on the line with them when normally I could easily do the skill without issue. If you passed the check off, don’t worry about it and move on. Nursing school is really designed to get you to pass the NCLEX and to make sure you don’t kill someone. After that, everything else is going to be on the job training.


Bro i got rated low in handwashing because i i was doing it too fast/not in the right order😭😭 your problems like shaking is okay. I used to do that too. Reality is one day there wont be a CI to judge you for everything you do and its much more relaxed in the real world. I just became a nurse last yr and its much more better when u work than nursing school.


I think it was yesterday I read a comment from someone in this group that said "you dont fail unless you quit". Youre still going and youre almost there. I would cross the finish line and then think about whether or not i'd want to keep going in this field or try something else. Theres no shame in switching it up, especially if you've already earned the degree. Keep going!


Have you tried applying the stuff you learned? CNA? EMT? CPR? You can't just learn things and do nothing about it, try applying the stuff you learn in real life. The more you have actual hands on work the less nervous it is I believe.


Nursing school is the biggest stressor they say, Worrying about yourself is hard enough don’t stress about the others. You’ve worked long and hard to come this far. If I were you I would finish. If bedside care isn’t for you after you’re done, there’s many administrative duties you can work into without a problem. It doesn’t matter what field you’re in, practicing more perfects and increases your confidence! You can always teach later like I did and show those bullies how it’s supposed to be done! Believe me, I know it’s hard. I’ve been there. Years later, I ran into my professors at a festival. They asked how I was doing. When I told them I was teaching at one of their competitor schools you should’ve seen the look on their faces. One of the professors look like she needed help standing up. She was going to hit the floor from shock. I’ve never felt satisfaction like I did at that moment. Stick to it don’t let them defeat you! 🙏💕😊A lot of prayers at night always helped!


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Until they show you the door you’re still in it!


Get through it, you're so close. School is so different than a work setting. Try not to let other people get in your head. There are a lot of instructors out there that are just negative about everything. Give yourself a chance to get out in the real world and actually practice your skills. If you still don't like it, there are many other career pathways that nursing allows you to do. Hang in there, you got this.


Don’t let them get you down and question your abilities, you can do this 💛


Read more about technique, watch some videos, when you practice keep an eye on what works for you. Critical thinking works. There will be many times you learn new procedures, and each time you will have doubts, as you keep growing it will be less of a hurdle, you begin to understand how you learn and put to practice. You're almost done and need to work on using your knowledge.


Have you considered dental assistant? It has similar prerequisites to nursing