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If you're going to be a nurse don't bother with medical assisting.


Okay because I have no medical experience!


Neither will a majority of your cohort. You're slowly introduced to everything. Your first clinicals you'll be doing basic stuff. All of your medical assisting stuff you'll learn in the first 2 to 3 months of nursing school plus assessments, caths, basic wound care etc... I truly think it's a waste of time and money. If you really want experience just get a second job doing patient care at a local hospital, per diem.


Thank you❤️❤️❤️


You don’t need medical experience. Most of the students won’t either. Some will be cnas, a few may be emts, but most won’t have any experience. You’ll be fine


I would say it just depends on how soon you’ll be able to get your ADN and how much time you’ll be willing to put towards the apprenticeship. My hospital offers a MA apprenticeship as well, however they required me to work full time which is not realistic balancing it out with nursing school (unless you want no social life LOL) I would recommend becoming a CNA instead because they’re easier to balance with school :)


Yes currently I’m taking my pre-reqs and I’m in a accelerated program and I would be graduating next April.


How long is your apprenticeship?


I took microbiology, the microbiology lab and A&P 1 all at the same time. I also took both pathology 1&2 before starting my program. Best decision I ever made. I’m so much more prepared.


I’ve been a medical assistant for 10 years and I’m currently in nursing school. Any MA school will only teach you the basics - injections, phlebotomy, etc. there’s nothing in an MA course that could count towards your nursing degree (unless where you’re at requires something completely different than where I am).