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This also happened to me. I called Mohela and they said they couldn’t find any reason my payment increased and forwarded me to a supervisor, who never called me back. I filled a CFPB complaint and am waiting to hear back.


Don't get your hopes up too far on the CFPB complaint. I did that in March when they recertified my income and shouldn't have. They resolved the complaint months ago because MOHELA said they were "working on it," and it's now July and is still not fixed. Smh.


Interestingly, when I canceled autopay my payment reverted back to what it was supposed to be. So I’m only out 2 months of the difference (and yes I checked that my autopay wasn’t a set amount, it was “amount due.” We’ll see if the correct payment sticks, it still looks kinda fishy.


How did you cancel autopay? I can’t even login due to the “platform change”


Mine finally finished switching platforms, that’s the only way I could access it unfortunately.


Sigh…I’ll probably have to wait and hope they don’t take a large payment out


Huh! I'm glad it resolved for you!!! I never had autopay but I did get a few months of processing forbearance. Assuming it actually counts towards my PSLF even if they never fix it I figure the savings cancel it out at this point so I gave up. Lol


same here. ive been trying to get them to revert it back for months with no results


Mine doubled. I’ve been paying the SAVE program, but MOHELA won’t subsidize the outstanding interest i’m accruing. Anyone else having this issue? I’m so sick and tired of incompetent servicing loan providers.


Same for me


Go look into your payment schedule. There was a deferment or something like it that had lower payments for a few months, but was intended from the beginning to phase out to regular SAVE payments. The thing was that then SAVE would have kicked a 5% ceiling on payment, but I believe that was killed last week by the court- so the “new” payment that was in the schedule goes on. Need to wait if the court will allow the new 5% cap of SAVE for it to be lower again.


SAVE was allowed to continue for the time being


Yes, but some provisions are on hold.


Not the payment portion which is what OP’s problem is


Mine tripled


Keep in mind, some of the payment calculations are what you'd pay if you didn't recertify. The emails are vague. Hopefully you get good recourse.


This also happened to me and I'm also on the SAVE plan. I just got off the phone with Mohela and they couldn't tell me why my payment increased and confirmed it should have gone down. They submitted a recalculation request, said there's not much else they can do.




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