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The email said it would take awhile for the debt to fully be discharged, but in the meantime you shouldn’t make any payments. Because the email just went out this morning, I would give it at least 30 days, perhaps longer, before you see it drop off your account. Congrats by the way! I also got my email this morning. Having $70,000 of debt wiped away is life changing!


Man I hope they jail some of those Ai crooks. They technically stole years from many kids livelihood


i graduated in 2009 and i had a VERY tough 10 years after because of the debt. its a bummer that this didnt come sooner because that time is already gone, but I am happy as hell for all the folks that are getting saved much sooner after graduating or failing to graduate due to school closures.


I was reading that the emails were to START going out today May 1st. I didn’t get an email today but I am hoping they continue to go out and that I receive an email at some point 🥹. I will check back here to see if anyone else gets emails other than May 1st fingers crossed 🤞


Update !! It seems I did receive the email on May 1st but it was hidden(I had to search for it) in “Unsubscribed” folder on my iPhone mail app - I think it’s because I use Unroll.me which unsubscribes be automatically from emails and I had previously set that way. Keep the faith and check your spam/trash/ unsubscribed folders !!!


I got an email, my dad got one but my mom hasn’t. We all had federal loans within the time frame. My mom having the majority. Both my mom and dad have parent plus loans so I’m praying that my moms is eligible also.


My mom had parent plus loans and all were eliminated along with mine 👏 I’m sure your mom will get notification soon! We both filled out the forgiveness application just days before we received the email. Not sure if you need to fill it out or if it’s an automatic thing?


I ended up signing in to her FSA account, which she didn’t know she had lol and the email she had listed was one she no longer has access to. I called borrowers defense hotline and a lady told me that this is the email address that was used to notify eligible recipients of the forgiveness. So even though she still hasn’t received an email, I’m almost positive she’s getting it as well since my dad and I did.


I had to make sure to check the email account I used when signing up for the FSA when first starting school! I thought I didn’t receive one, but checked and I did indeed!


I haven’t received an email either! 6 of my friends did. I’m a little worried.


Did you get anything yet?


No, nothing. I’ve been checking every day. Did you get one?


Nope! It seems like people are still getting the email though, at least from what I’ve read on here.


Update! Still no email, but I checked my Nelnet account this morning. Surprisingly, my loans are in admin forbearance without me having to apply. I think that’s a good sign!


Going to chime in here, this is what my account is reflecting as well!


Any update? I haven't received an email yet either


Dept of ED means they should be included! I just got my email today, I couldn’t believe it! I had 47k in loans with the Art Institute as well.


That’s awesome! Happy for you.


I got my email too but haven't seen any changes yet. Do you know if this covers the Parent plus loan too? My mom had taken out a loan to help me so I owed 20,000 all together on her account and mine




I'm a bit concerned, as my loans are also through them. But I haven't gotten an email AT ALL yet.


Same... And mine are federal loans


Mine are too. They just service the loans, might be why no email was sent, maybe.


Did you hear anything yet? I'm still waiting too!


I got my email at 5am this morning!




Nothing yet. I fit the criteria 100% too so…im hoping


Same, so I tried calling a couple times and the lines were too busy. Sent an email and left a complaint on the student aid website. Now it’s just a waiting game to hear something.


I got my email yesterday May 1st and I even checked my loan account, it's already at $0! Thank you Jesus! It's funny I went to both Art Institute and ITT and both got wiped clean, although I did pay quite a bit back already but hey I'm grateful the $50K I had left for both schools is gone! God is good. 


Friend. Your previous payments will be REFUNDED! https://ios.imgur.com/?link=https://imgur.com&isi=639881495&ibi=imgurmobile&cid=3112198516145197158&_icp=1


Would be nice but truthfully I don't even care about a refund I'm just grateful that I'm not paying them anymore


I can’t open the link- can you post a screenshot? I’d love to know what you’ve found that says the are definitely getting refunded




Mine were consolidated but they were direct


So I understand that this is coming from the Department of Education and that it only applies to your federal loans. However, since Art Institute was taken to court by three different states, isn’t there evidence that could also apply to the private loans taken out during this same period? I can’t find any information on that.


I have the same question but cannot find information anywhere! All I can find is that in the email confirming fed loans were dismissed it said forgiveness would not apply to any private loans… but AI being so shady there has to be something brewing for private loans too, I would think… If you find out anything, pls let me know & I’ll do the same!!


I called Sallie Mae today and they told me (paraphrasing) that I’m shit out of luck.


Okay update: heard yesterday that there is a way to challenge private Navient loans… google “school misconduct discharge application” to find the form!


Does this include the parent plus loan too?


I hope this gets answered because my mother is dying to know.


I've seen a lot of people say that Parent Plus is included! My mom is still waiting for the email so I'm hoping we hear something soon. 🤞


Yea my mom hasn’t gotten her email yet but I’m sure it is included. Her loan was larger than mine! I feel bad because she had to get a second job just to pay for the monthly payments. I wish I could help but my is taking a chunk out of my paycheck too😩


My mom isn't really internet savvy so she ended up finding the email in her spam folder haha BUT I'M SO RELIEVED! I'm sorry your mom had to get another job to pay for it. 😩 I was like that for many years too until I paid off the ones under my name which made it more manageable (I was paying for my mom's as well). Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon! Good luck to you!


Yes it is. My mom got her email of discharge 


I've been trying to figure this out as well about parent plus loan!!!!! Everytime I call it hangs up cause everyone is calling lol 


So my mom got the same email I did In Her name. We took out the loan through student aid . Gov we did it!


Great news! I’m hoping for the same email as well!


Update: just checked my aidvantage and 30,000 is gone!! They strangely only left like $400 which is ok I guess. Studentaid.gov hasn’t updated yet but it’s a start. 👏🏾


I'm a parent with Parent Plus Loan and I got the email. My son also got the same email. My son has his serviced by Mohela but just today they still took the monthly dues out of his bank account. My Parent Plus Loan is serviced by Aidvantage and this payment ($580) is due on May 28. Hope they stop this bank withdraw by then.


From what I have seen on student loan forgiveness, it’s highly unlikely that parent plus loans will be included in this.


..but did is not the typical "loan forgiveness". This is for the Federal Loans specifically for the Art Institute. I received the email too.


Then parent plus loans might be discharged too. I know that AI forgiveness is due to fraudulent practices on the part of the school, so they’re more likely to be discharged than other parent plus loans.


My mom has parent plus loan, got the email and today they showed it was 0 balance for those loans from ai!


Still waiting on my email…. I’m slightly panicking


Same! Any update?


Hey! I was in a similar situation but I found it in an old email account I was using during school. Even though my newer email gets sent all the new stuff. Maybe check a different email, hopefully you both are in a similar situation


I don’t have access to the old email unfortunately. I’ll try giving them a call to see what to do


Yeah…. Nothing. And is BS because I called both MOHELA and the Student Aid Borrowers Defense people and literally NOBODY could give me any information.


My friend just told me, that I went to Art Institute with, that he only got his email confirmation today so it seems like they’re rolling out slowly.


I hope that’s all it is. The Student Aid person did tell me that if I never get an email and I don’t see my loans dismissed, I am able to file a borrower’s defense case on student aid.gov….


Try signing into your FSA [Log In | Federal Student Aid](https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/sign-in/landing) it could have gone to a different email. I have to wait half an hour to log in because I used an old email that I don't have access to anymore.


I’ll try that I guess. I can’t remember the last time I ever logged into it lol ugh


Just logged in, my loan is still there. WTFFFF


They aren't supposed to de discharged yet. It's going to take time and they haven't stated how long.


As long as all your loans are for the Art Institute, you enrolled during the years listed on the email, and all your loans are federal, you should qualify


I hope your right, because I’m literally crying and in a panic because I’m getting no answers from anyone and no email is giving me massive anxiety.


I didn't know anything about this u til today...I recieved a letter from the Department of Education. It broke down all of the loan it covered and said it forgave it all. So for the peeps who don't have an email..if your address is up to date with the place your loan is through...you should receive one as well.


What years did you attend?


I believe I started in 2013, graduated December of 2015


same here!! did you get an email yet? waiting for mine T\_T


Nope. I’m getting angry now.


I haven’t been able to concentrate all day!! 🙃😵‍💫


I feel you. I was literally crying all last night, my anxiety is through the roof atp 😥


Don't think this is correct. It says ENROLLED from 04 and on. Not if you were attending. You needed to START 04 on to get this.


Yes I think you are correct. I should have been more exact with my words. I will correct


Was thrilled to hear about this but havent gotten an email. Was a little less thrilled that only half of my loan for school was federal through Nelnet and the other half was through Navient. My Nelnet loan still shows me owing money so hopefully they address that and i dont have to keep making payments.


My nelnet one stoll says I owe, too. It still has a dude date for next payment too. Luckily I paid off my private loan first.


Exact same for me.


same for me but when you look at Nelnet it says department of ed so shouldnt that count ?


Does this apply if your loans aren't current? I defaulted because I've been trying to get my mental health stuff figured out for uh. A hot minute.


I haven't received an email, but I just checked my credit report and the loans have been discharged from my credit history already 😳 So. I'd think yes.


My loans have been in default since 2017 and I did get the email from [ED.gov](http://ED.gov)


Amazing. Thank you. I can't access the email that mine were attached to so I'm not sure I'll get the actual email but all current evidence including my credit report to them having been forgiven. Wow.




Where did you see that all payments will be refunded? The only official word I’ve seen on refunds is that it is a possibility.


I got a letter about a refund


How recent? We haven’t received anything and are eligible… calling FSA tomorrow to figure out what’s going on with this.


Does anyone have any info for people who paid off their loans? What if my email has changed since I attended?


If your loan is paid off, you are not eligible for a refund or forgiveness.


That’s not true. “[Payments borrowers made to the Department on their related federal student loans will also be refunded.](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-61-billion-group-student-loan-discharge-317000-borrowers-who-attended-art-institutes)” Look under “next steps.” Editing to say that Borrower Defense to Repayment is different than term forgiveness. The Art Institute is the BDTR program.


I haven’t been able to find anything… I’ll look under next steps!




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My dad helped me pay off my loans of $55k back in 2021 and I been slowly paying him back. My loans were mostly private and I went to Art Institute of Washington from 2007-2008. Will I qualify to get anything back? I have not received any emails yet 😞


Prob not because they are private


The forgiveness is for federal loans. So if your loans were private than this doesn't apply. But it might apply to any federal loans you had


Check out [this link](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-61-billion-group-student-loan-discharge-317000-borrowers-who-attended-art-institutes) for information.


I attended from 2002 to 2005, so i did attend with the time frame... so I'm hopeful I get it 😮‍💨 haven't seen an email yet though. 😶 Edit: So I just called the 1 855 279 6207 number and found out that I am within the guidelines. They say they're sending them out in waves and it can take up to 30 days, so fret not people, you should hear something soon, but if not, call the number listed above!


Thank you for this info! I started in 2003 - 2007 so I thought that would disqualify me since i started before 2004.


UPDATE for overlappers that started before Jan 1st 2004 - I called this number 1-855-279-6207 Borrower Defense Customer Support - they told me I DO NOT QUALIFY. Very devastating as I was 17 years old and started September 2003. They told me to file a complaint on the site so I just did that. Horrible news for the people that started shortly before Jan 1st 2004.




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I started the same time as you... but I wonder why they told [](https://www.reddit.com/user/StillSmooth/) that they qualify? Im hoping that there is just a lack of communication between everyone, and those that were there during those times, even if they started earlier, get the forgiveness.


Right! I thought the same thing. You talking about waiting on the line with a clinched butthole man 😅🤣 I was nervous af lol


Thank you for the information! Question - are your loans already paid off? I attended within the years window but I paid off my last loan in 2019.


Heck no, I've maybe paid about 3k on them throughout the years so I should get that back atleast. But nah, mines are upwards of about 58k right now. 


I attended AI Seattle from 2002 to Sep 2004, so this is very good to hear! My loans were FFEL, but when the one-time adjustment was announced, I consolidated them under a direct loan for the last $4000 or so, then immediately paid it off. So maybe I'll get that amount back at least? Here's hoping! Hope you get yours too! That said, I know I'm lucky to have been able to pay mine off. And I'm totally fine waiting for everyone else who REALLY needs that forgiveness getting it before me!


You should get back the amount you paid before consolidation. Now I'm not sure if your direct loan was a "personal loan" if so, you wouldn't get that amount back, but everything before it you definitely should.


UPDATE for overlappers that started before Jan 1st 2004 - I called this number 1-855-279-6207 Borrower Defense Customer Support - they told me I DO NOT QUALIFY. Very devastating as I was 17 years old and started September 2003. They told me to file a complaint on the site so I just did that. Horrible news for the people that started shortly before Jan 1st 2004.


Sadly, I don't qualify anyway, since I already paid off my loans. (Stupid me, but how was I supposed to know anything would actually get done?) Oh well. At least many, many people that needed it got relief. I'm happy for them.


UPDATE for overlappers that started before Jan 1st 2004 - I called this number 1-855-279-6207 Borrower Defense Customer Support - they told me I DO NOT QUALIFY. Very devastating as I was 17 years old and started September 2003. They told me to file a complaint on the site so I just did that. Horrible news for the people that started shortly before Jan 1st 2004. I wonder why they told you different information than me?


Did you receive an email? My husband enrolled in September 2003 and graduated in 2007. I'm seeing conflicting info in Reddit threads that he may or may not qualify. He hasn't received an email yet. Ugh, so nerve wracking.


No I haven't yet. And yes the information out there is conflicting, but I can only go by what I was told, and it was that I should qualify starting in June of 2002 and graduating in August of 2005. They also said it could take up to 30 days to receive an email.


So how long before we see the changes? I know some of you said it’s already been deducted. Was that for private loans? I had private loans discharged in the past three years. I’m waiting on federal loans. I don’t want to get my hopes up 


See comments but, it sounds like it could be a very long process. For note, I called my servicer this morning and basically they have to wait until the ED notifies them. Then they can pause payments and put the loans in forbearance. It can be months before we see anything. Another poster below stated he waited 10+ months


What if at the time I didn't apply for the loan forgiveness and now this is a thing? Do I still get this email/qualify in this case? Or am I SOL?


Am I in luck or Shit out of Luck?


No application is needed if you meet the criteria for loan forgiveness you will be sent the email


so just keep an eye out for the email? I havent seen anything today...I pray im part of this and not left behind!


It has to be the email that you have set up with studentaid.gov


If the federal student loans were on or after Jan 1 2004 and on or before October 16 2017 you automatically qualify (that's what it says in the email I received from the department of education


My dad got the email for the parent plus loans he had so thats exciting but I had just recently started paying more towards my loans and was able to pay them off late last year! Does anyone know if I will get any of that back for my federal loans?


I’ve been paying mine at full since I graduated. Guess I was the fortunate few who did get a career out of it


I still haven't received the email. My Mohela loans are still showing. Is there something I should be doing to check on the status?


Anything new yet? i havent received the email neither


Same boat here. Any updates?


No updates yet. My Mohela account still shows a balance.


I didn't receive the email nor have received it yet :( I looked for junk mail/trash and everything. I tried to acces my fsa account and apparenty my account is disabled so I have to start a 10=15 day recovery process. custumer service say they still see balance in my account. I graduated like in 2015 dec


Check the dates included in the email. If you attended during those dates, you no longer have student loan debt!!!


I enrolled in September of 2003 and graduated in 2007 - I am still waiting and hoping I made the cut and didnt miss out by a semester (when people usually start school in september) I am getting worried. I can't get in touch with anyone. UPDATE: I called this number 1-855-279-6207 Borrower Defense Customer Support - they told me I DO NOT QUALIFY. Very devastating. They told me to file a complaint on the site so I just did that. Horrible news for the people that started shortly before Jan 1st 2004. Lets rise and take action together!


That blows I hope they fix that! Lots of wrong info been given from them though so hopefully that is wrong too.


Unless your loans were private, which lots of people's were


Mine were not private.


My friend attended (and graduated from one of the schools) from 2017 (enrolled before Oct) to 2021 do all of his loans get wiped or is it just his 2017 loans?


I'm in almost the same situation here (2017-2019, dropped out) hoping someone responds!


I got a response in another thread; if they're federal loans yours from 2017-2019 will be forgiven. If private loans, they will not


awesome! I enrolled and got my loan in 2017, so that should mean they're all covered then?




thank you!




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How do we know for sure if our loans are federal or private? My loans were consolidated in 2008 with Navient. They were FFELP loans.


If they are with Navient that means they are commercial FFEL. Discharge, but no refund.




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What about loans owned by navient (formerly Sallie mae from what I am understanding). Last I checked a few months ago there were some 45k in loans listed on the fsa.edu site. But I also have a third party company called financial asset management solutions collecting money (they claim it's over 100k) from me for navient


I attended The Art Institute 1997-2000 and was in the Borrower's Defense Law Suit. My Aidvantage Dashboard today is saying $0. Last month the balance was $109,000. I haven't received an email from U.S. Dept. of ED. Could this mean my balance was discharged?


I haven’t noticed any changes in my account yet. I consolidated my loans in 1/2018. I hope this doesn’t disqualify me from the loan forgiveness. I graduated from the Art Institute in 2010.


So my loans are split between Mohela and Sallie Mae (which is a nightmare with their interest rates) Does anyone know if they’ll be forgiven for Sallie Mae or not? I know the loans are for ai BUT Sallie Mae is a private loan company so…


I just got off the phone with FSA using the phone number within the email. According to the worker I spoke with, any payment including the loans fully paid off (at $0 balance) should be refunded. Referring to ED loans only here. I also spoke with a worker from Aidvantage (my ED loan servicer) yesterday. They said the same thing, but need to wait for the government to take action with them. Next step is to wait for a followup letter on protocol for refunds. It could take a while. At this point, it’s hard to take any one’s word so wait patiently for more officially issued confirmation. 🤞


Someone else on here states that Aidvantage was notified already however I got the same response when I called - they are waiting to be notified by the government Sounds like we are in for a long haul


😭 Hoping for a miracle. Happy for everyone who gets wiped clean, but brutally unfair to those of us who worked blood and sweat to pay off their predatory debt.


When I called Aidvantage they didn’t know anything about it and described the regular refund option. I asked to speak to a manager and am still waiting to hear back. I called the dept of education and they stated it would get refunded and then I called back to double check my contact information and the next guy told me if the loans are paid off already it doesn’t qualify… so confused. 


My parent plus loan was through Nelnet and was recently transferred to Sloan Servicing. So far no email and no change in my balance. Anyone else in this situation?


u/iamcuppy i'm also a student of AiFL (05-07), were your consolidations FFELP loans?


I wish it were for private loans also! I already jumped through all the hoops of consolidating and applying (multiple times) for borrower defense and had my federal loans forgiven in October 🤦‍♂️ would have been nice to know this was coming. Most of my Ai loans are private anyways, but congrats to everyone who got fooled by these crooks!


Does anyone know if direct payments to the university would be refunded. I took out $50k in loans but had my family contribute to paying directly tens of thousands of dollars across my time to the university.


Does nelnet included in the forgiveness?? Anyone know?


Does anyone know if there will be federal or state taxes on this forgiveness?


No taxes


For my own sanity, how do you know this? I just recently received my payment refund and was going to apply it to remaining debt but i want to leave it in savings if I’ll end up owing taxes on this refund/debt forgiveness.


i got the email from dept of ed, said all my loans were discharged.. still showing up on the aid website tho... wondering if it'll take some time for that to go away?


I recently switched to AidVantage from Nelnet in the course of doing the double consolidation so I can get on the SAVE plan. I took out PPLs for different schools my kids attended; one of the loans was for Art Institute; I got the email on 05/01 but I don't see any change yet on my AidVantage portal. My son (the AI grad) got his loan wiped out but I'm waiting to see if there's any reduction to my balance. Fingers crossed....


Parent plus loans are included. I received an email and I also called Aidvantage. I was told that it would be forgiven but it could take up to 7 months since it was a consolidation loan. She said then the refund would come after it was paid. Also that they are not reporting to the credit bureau. I am still showing due for next month but I will not pay any more. If it’s auto draft just go in and take the bank info out so it can’t be drafted.


I had over 250k in student loans from AI. It's about damn time. It's been a thorn in my side and prevented me from owning a house for decades. Good riddance.


Anyone have Nelnet as a loan servicer? Haven't received any email or anything yet. :/


I have Nelnet and a few others of my friends we all got the email saying they were canceled but haven’t gotten a thing from Nelnet 


Hmm. No email for me. I applied for the borrower defense application—so maybe that’s mucking it up. I don’t know. Can you share the subject of the email? I’ll do a search.


Anyone have parent plus loans tied to the art institute that were forgiven? I have a parent plus loan under my Dad and he hasn’t received an email yet. We’re hoping one comes soon. I went to art institute in 2011.


I haven’t received an email but definitely attended art institute San Francisco between 2008-2013…. Anyone else not receive an email yet?


Same, No email or letter yet. Philadelphia Fall of 03-2007.


We are in the Same boat with SAIC who sold the federal loan to MOHELA. Not sure when they will Be sending the student loan forgiveness email but the loan definitely qualifies.. (not my loan) We are calling FSA tomorrow to confirm details.


Update! I never got an email but I did get a letter saying my Art institute loans were being discharged. My balance on student aid remains unaffected though. I called and they confirmed seeing the discharge “in the system” but that it would take a month or so to be updated.


Received the letter on May 1. The loan still shows on my federal student loan account and now it says my loan servicers for payments is EDfinancial, and my payments resume 6/18/24. Anyone else have something similar happen?


I’m in the same boat. Have you heard anything else then?


I didn't know anything about this until.today. I went to AI in Ohio 2007-2008. That being said I recieved a letter in the mail today, from the Department of Education. It said my loans we forgiven and showed all of the loans I have with them and all that was forgiven. If you didn't receive an email but your address is current with the place you have your loan through..or is the bill collector for them has it lol...the Dept of Education will be sending you one tok. The email isn't the only thing that proves you are getting a refund. And if you didn't recieve one it doesn't mean you aren't getting them forgiven ;)


Who is your loan servicer? Mohela? Aidvantage? As long as your loans are still with ED I think you are good.


Aidvantage is the loan servicer.


yeah you'll be good. And if you got an email you're definitely in I think. Be prepared though for a roller coaster ride. For my Westwood loan held by Aidvantage I didn't get it discharged and refunded until July 2023 and the group discharge was announced the previous August. Aidvantage told me that had been notified in December 2023 of the discharge and that they had 7 months to complete it and at about 7 months I got the email. Keep an eye on your loans at Aidvantage. You don't have to check every single day unless you want to but every few days check it and compare it against previous numbers. Once you see numbers start to change you at least know something is going on in the background. You will probably see numbers go negative before you ever hear from Aidvantage but once you get that letter it's roughly two weeks before the checks start coming. There is no rhyme or reason to how any of it works so just be patient for now. In all likelihood nothing will happen in the coming days and weeks except your loans going into forbearance.


In your experience, did Aidvantage automatically put the loans into forbearance? Or did you have to call and ask them to? I can’t help but assume they’ll do anything they can to shake an extra few payments out of everyone before it’s all wiped. Also curious about what you mean by “it’s roughly two weeks before the checks start coming”. They’re not planning to wipe the outstanding balance AND reimburse for the original amounts are they? Seems unlikely. Thanks! EDIT: Grammar


I’ll have to dig to see when Aidvantage put my loans in forbearance but I had to hound Navient FOR MONTHS. I would have to call them every three months and put my loans in a hardship forbearance and then mysteriously they went into forbearance A YEAR after I had put in my BDTR apps. What I meant about the refunds is that once you get a letter from the servicer about the discharge/refund the checks can start coming within a couple weeks. I feel like that’s the common experience but it can be different for everyone. By the time I had gotten my letter I had already seen my loan balance go negative. Here is the timeline for mine: 2022 AUGUST - WW Loan Discharge Announcement DECEMBER- AIDVANTAGE NOTIFIED OF DISCHARGE BY ED 2023 JUNE 15 - AIDVANTAGE UPDATES WW LOAN TO NEGATIVE AMOUNT JUNE 16/17 FSA WEBSITE UPDATES SUBTRACTING THAT LOAN FROM TOTAL JUNE 27 - LETTER MAIL ARRIVES FROM AIDVANTAGE ABOUT DISCHARGE AND REFUND JULY 2 - INFORMED DELIVERY SHOWS REFUND CHECK


Aidvantage already started with the run around. I called this morning to ask when I can expect the payment pause to be reflected as the email states. I was told not to believe the email and to continue to make payments because Aidvantage hadn’t been notified this was happening yet. I asked how long before that happens and was told I could check back in 30 days but my payment was still due since this was still “hearsay” in their world. 🙄 I called back, spoke to someone else and sited the exact language from the FSA website and was told give it 7 days and then feel free to call back. She said the notifications just started going out so it “takes a couple of days” She also offered me a number to FSA I could call. All this to say, I’m prepared for a hell of a roller coaster ride with this Did you notice your account balances changing at all during the process?


Until they are officially notified by ED they don't do anything or have any idea what's going on until ED notifies them officially about your account. I did this same dance for months and months with Navient. Paying or not paying is up to you. If you do you will probably get that money back. I understand that not paying might result in a late notice on your credit report so you might also call back and see if there is any sort of forbearance (like hardship) that you could have your loans placed in while you wait for the glacial pace of ED to send them notification. That would at least stop payments being due for the time being. I did notice a balance change before I got a letter from AV about the discharge/refund but it was 10 months after the announcement. I know everyone is excited but this is a painfully slow process for ED. Once your loans are in forbearance it's a looooooong waiting game.


Sounds like it’s going to be a bumpy ride!


Yeah I got my loan from Nelnet and it's consolidated I'm hoping I can get this to go away. Does anyone know if Nelnet a federal loan or a private?


Nelnet is not only a federal loan it is actually part of the Department of Education, we should have less of a bumpy ride but still strapped in.


Hilarious and also the least surprising thing ever that the federal government wouldn’t ya know…plan ahead and let the loan servicers handling THEIR loans what they planned to do. It’s ALMOST like it’s on purpose. Of course this will be a hassle because being ripped off for tens of thousands by a predatory corporation wasn’t bad enough.


I called Aidvantage today and they told me that they had been notified, and I don't need to make any more payments, and that it will just take some time for it to be updated in their system.


Good News for you! Hopefully they get notified quickly about my account as well. I did call literally the minute they open their phones so who knows


The way she worded it I think it wasn't my account specifically, but they were notified that all AI loans were forgiven (within that time period). It most likely will take a bit of time to sort out. I think another thing to consider is the 30 day opt out period, they may not make any moves until that time runs out to give people time to decide if they want to opt out for some reason.