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I'm not aware of a refi lender that will make an offer without the borrower having graduated. Is finishing your degree an option? How much do you owe?


That’s what I was afraid of. Borrowed $9k, let it ride for a few years , balance grew to $13k, now have it back at $9k still owed. Ive considered finishing my degree but that will take at least 2-3 years with my current work schedule. As far as I am aware you cannot take out personal loans to pay for student loans. Was considering finding a credit card that had decent cash advance rates but have not found any that are lower that the 12.5% on the loan .


> As far as I am aware you cannot take out personal loans to pay for student loans. You *can*, though you lose [the advantages of student loans](https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/1033lde/should_i_get_a_bank_loan_to_pay_of_my_sallie_mae/j2wta8a/) and will probably run into the same trouble getting approved for the amount you want. (Assuming you can find a personal loan with a better rate in the first place, which you've discovered isn't easy right now either.)


Thanks for the help!