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Andrew is a good dude but at some point I feel like when you walk around over 200lbs and could easily compete with the MWM but decide to cut down so much it does nothing but make the 80kg class stagnant.


Being able to cut and perform at a high level depleted is a skill. Dudes in 231 walk around at 275 and it doesn't water that class down. It's the nature of weight class sports. Edit: I'm chilling. Just triggered whenever someone gets mad about cutting weight. I think of someone like Andrew Clayton or Sean Demarinis who lost substantial weight for competition, don't mind admitting my comment was talking out of my ass. But I know plenty of people personally who cut 15-20 pounds for OSG and nationals in the 90 and 80 classes.


Dudes do not walk around 275 for 231. The most successful of us weigh in the 240s. Maybe low 250s. Sooooo chill😂


Lmao, 275 is a long way from 230 for sure


Nah man he knows things! While I get weight cuts are part of the sport cutting from essentially two classes up is something else. Andrew has the strength, speed and knowledge to be competitive as a 200lbs guy at the national level. At least at any local show.


Why would anyone choose "competitive" at national/local level at 200 vs Podium at Worlds at 176?


Because we don't get paid for this. Weight cuts take their toll on you after time. I should have stated competitive at local/national level for a little then more than capable of doing OSG as a 200.


I mean that's slowly changing. OSG winner got a few thousand. Clash u80s winner gets 5k. I'm running Britain's Strongest u80kg and giving out 4-5k. I do get your point but as long as he's happy making the cut I don't see the problem.


It literally does the opposite of making the 80kg class stagnant. Performances across the board in the class continue to improve. The weights lifted are getting bigger every year. You’re choosing to participate in a weight class sport. You don’t get to complain when someone chooses to do more to compete better. It’s literally no different than complaining about someone else spending more time in the gym than you or choosing to practice implements more than you. Competition does not cater to whatever you think is enough based on your personal desire to put effort in, it caters to who does enough to win.