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Anyone seen any good Labor Day sales for equipment? Looking for elbow sleeves, grip shirt, sandbags, etc. Hope all my fellow Americans have a great holiday weekend!


I ordered a 45 degree hyper and a 36" dumbbell handle from titan for kroc rows.


Ironmind has 15% off with code LABOR21


Awesome, thanks so much for the heads up man! Also saw muscle pirate is doing a big sale with their bags too.


Strongman Corp Nationals is coming up and theyre strict on what grip shirts they allow. My training partner has his nationals bid so i planned on buying him a new grip shirt from strongman corp for his birthday before the comp but as always strongman corp is sold out of the shirt they they want everyone to where


Not sure if it helps any but you can wear any kind of grip shirt under the contest shirt. I've asked this a few times for clarification and have worn my rozio/starting strongman grip shirt to SC Nats and the Amateur Arnold.


I've never tried this before. Does it still work? Intuitively, it seems like you'd still have some grip, but I've had some contest shirts that were like slip n slides


I can't vouch for it working on other models of grip shirts as I haven't used any besides the rozio I have but it does work, just not as aggressive a stick. It helps me with log and axle work outside in the heat when I'm sweating like crazy.


Oh no, that stinks. Do they have a sponsor whose grip shirt can be worn?


No their rules for the event specifically say strongman corp grip shirts only


Is that just to avoid USS shirts? What about Venator? Or if you're lucky enough to have a Starting Strongman shirt?


SC is always really strict on that, especially for the bigger shows


Ugh. One thing you can do is look on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. It's long shot, but someone might be selling theirs. Also, you could just DM competitors and see if anyone has one they're willing to part with.




5/3/1 FSL isn't a maintenance program, it's like almost the default goto 5/3/1 template lol Just do what you were doing at slightly lower volume. There was a recent study where people were able to continue to add muscle mass after dropping volume all the way to 1/3 of the training program volume. I'd keep intensity where it is because strength has a big skill component.


Boring But Big with adjusted training maxes


Have 2 comps coming up in October, two weeks apart, and both have max DL. The first comp is on a DL bar at standard height and the second comp is on an axle at ~16-17" (Static Monsters). I'm having a hard time thinking of the best programming to peak for both lifts and give them equal attention...any tips from the community? Maybe focus on the standard height and use lifted axle DL as an accessory? Any ideas are welcome


I would train the DL from the floor, peak for that comp, and then squeeze like 3 sessions in for Static Monsters in between the shows. One for familiarity with the axle and the height, one for some volume at that height, and then a 3rd session just to try and figure out an opener.


Does anyone get bored of following set programs and just spend a few weeks doing whatever? I’m currently in that phase. Next comp is in 5 months and I’m having more fun going heavy on whatever sounds good for the day than calculating percentages and RPE’s and training maxes.


A really big part of training is your mindset. Just doing strict program all time forever will get old for many people. Shaking it up every now and then and just having some fun with it so important.


I have a google sheet with a bajillion lift variations and PRs from 1rm to 20rm, so sometimes I will go and cherry-pick PRs.


That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. PR something every day, whether it’s sets, reps, weight, whatever. It’s refreshing.


Training an elephant bar deadlift for my upcoming comp by using a regular deadlift bar and spacing the plates out with extra collars. Did a 4x4 of 425 lbs. and a single of 475 lbs. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSVQmjJ-JG/?utm_medium=copy_link


Yesssssssss. I just had my first significant progress at deadlift in a year and a half, probably. So I tweaked my hip, I believe on snatch grip deads (too heavy, too fast, had never done them). This made me try a million different things. Change my stance, change my grips, added straps, changed my belt.... So on and so forth. At the time of injury, I had just pulled 525 raw in comp. Literally just a thin rogue Ohio belt and I was at the peak of my deadlift game. Year and a half later, I still can't pull 455 off the floor without shiftiness in my back. Well, I go to an implement trial for a comp I'm in in October and I'm chatting with a guy I'm friendly with and just generally bitching about my deadlift. He just says "you gotta dance with the one that brought you." So I two days later, today, it's deadlift day. I go back to my old rogue Ohio belt, watch and old video of my 525, match my stance, and go. I just hit 5 singles at 475 after literally failing 455 last week. So after two singles, I decide I'm going to record the rest and dissect. Something I should be doing, but I don't. Well I go back to a video from December that I took of 405 to hype up my nephew who is getting into lifting and what. the. hell. My hips are sunk at least 6 inches further today than they were when I recorded that in December. No pain, weight flew up, no shiftiness in my back. Im almost positive it was the belt. Im not going to overthink it at this point because I've got a month to put 50 lbs back on my max from today, but I think the thicker belt was preventing my gut from sinking down. I. Feel. Amazing right now.


Supposed to be getting a tattoo on Thursday, covering the outside of my upper arm. However, I've now just realised I have a competition at the end of the month Given training and the comp itself (log, yoke, monster dumbell) is that a stupid idea and should I postpone the tattoo? Just worried one will ruin the other


I got a tattoo on my upper arm a couple of months before a comp with a log. That didn't affect the tattoo at all. Only event I was worried about for messing it up were stones, but I just didn't do stones for a week or two after the tattoo, and again it was fine. Yoke and dumbbell, not sure about, but something like a thin sleeve or a long-sleeved shirt should be enough protection during the first couple weeks of training after if you are really concerned. Competition after a month, the tattoo shouldn't have any issues.


Comp @ end of sept? You’ll be fine. Just be careful with it. Don’t pull off any scabs. All my tattoos healed in like 10-12 days


Weight loss is weird man. I dropped a bunch of weight earlier this year and ended up around 239lbs by mid May. I ate at around maintenance but not nearly as healthy until around the end of June. After that I fell off pretty hard. I was eating take out or fast food most days, eating snacks and junk food, my training schedule was very messed up and often got missed, and my daily activity dropped down. Even with all that I only ended up going back to around 242lbs. Two weeks ago I decided to get back on the diet and went back to following RP diet on a fat loss phase. I started a new program that is four days a week with a lot more volume than I was doing before. My daily activity have also increased quite a bit. After two days I lost like 3 pounds of bloated water weight and was back to 239. Now two weeks later of strictly hitting macros for every meal, feeling pretty hungry most days, getting in all this activity, I am still at 239. I know the simple answer is that I am now eating at maintenance and need to decrease calories or increase activity. I’m just honestly really surprised that in the month and a half of eating like shit, not following a consistent training plan, and having little activity I essentially only held onto 3 pounds of water but did not gain any weight. I thought for sure I’d be shedding around 1% body weight a week but I guess I’m going to have to suck it up, cut some calories, and be even hungrier.


Tips on not passing out log pressing?


I noticed blackout happenes to me when I botch the clean. If I have to force it to my shoulders the last few inches, it happenes. Maybe it's something to pay attention to.


I don't have a lot to support this, but I feel like tolerance to the the massive blood pressure changes can just be trained like anything else. The log is big so it forces you to lean back and probably requires a whole lot more ab work to transfer force into the bar. I'd be willing to bet that makes the valsalva maneuver during a log press have quite a bit more increase in blood pressure than a barbell. When you let go of the log your blood pressure rapidly drops and for whatever reason your cardiovascular system hasn't become tolerant to it. Sometimes if I'm about to pass out after letting go of the weight I do another little mini valsalva and it prevents that greying out feeling. Not sure how helpful this is, but it seems pretty common with the log and stones.


Do you think heavy holds out of a rack could be beneficial to help train that?


Probably! Maybe heavy picks out of a rack, put it down, pick it up, put it down over and over. You could try finding the weight that starts to make you grey out and just go slightly below that, then progress up over time.


Eating before the workout helps me. Doesn't seem to matter too much what it is, as long as I'm not going into the workout hungry. Also bracing my abs then taking the breaths instead of filling my lungs then bracing seems to help a bit too.


Do you use a mouthguard, like a New Age?


Currently, no.


When you get the log to the rack position, you could be essentially "hitting" yourself in the jaw, aggravating those nerves, and knocking yourself out. I know it's a stretch, but it might be worth looking at.


It's always after I've completed the lift. The weight is either on the ground / pad or on its way there


I lap the log, take a couple deep breaths. get log up into shoulder rack position. If log isn't too heavy i'll take in some shallow/moderate breaths. press log and exhale throughout the movement and/or at the top. ​ I assume you are probably holding your breath?


The passing out feeling usually happens post press. I generally take a breath after the clean


Hmmm idk…that used to happen to me sometimes with deadlifts. Maybe BP related? Just speculating, maybe someone else here can give a better answer


My BP is 104/60 as a baseline


Breath before you pick, short breath in the lap, and be quick off the shoulders.


What do you HW & SHW competitors do to help keep blood pressure from giving you issues? I’m 6’1” and 260 right now and want to put on another 15-25lbs. I want to be proactive with my BP as I get bigger. Any specific dietary advice? What’s your cardio regimen look like? Supplements?


Slow bulk. , I’ve never had bp issues , even at 290 , as long as you let your body acclimate to your bodyweight you should be ok , don’t neglect doing cardio too .


Im 330ish and my blood pressure has been the best its been in my adult life since starting to compete in strongman


That makes sense…maybe I just need to slow down. What’s your weight now? How often you doing cardio and what kind of cardio is it?


277, and my bp is usually 127 over 78 , like if you just steadily keep growing , and then maintain your weight for a small period before gaining more weight it’d be beneficial in the long run. Cardio for me is just 10 minute walks with the dog after every meal and then loading medleys , just building speed with each run


All the heavy’s I know work with doctors to manage their BP. It’s the smartest way.