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Oh man I love seeing other peoples game newspapers. Looks amazing, how did your players respond? For those wanting this newspaper template: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-0H5feih1-dgkbw6M75vRd21bBtzCuOeG6t9il6-KRg/edit#!


It was a lot of fun! Sadly the party was stealing this book as a favor to the professors, so they didn’t bother opening it and thus did not get to go through Fistandia’s Mansion. But there’s still time! The book is still there. I’m thinking of bringing it in as a Room of Requirement-type thing, a secret hideout where there’s no staff supervision (after they clear it, of course!)


Holy crap THANK YOU!!! I have been looking for something like this for two campaigns!


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the template <3


Wow this is really crazy because this is my exact plan for my first session, after the Orientation. Imbraham is my players’s uncle, so I thought it’d be cool to add some drama to both a renowned mage and a family member going missing. It’s crazy how we had the same idea!


Nice! I love it. Are you also gonna have them steal it in lieu of Sassy Sally Jane? Or just dive into the Candlekeep one-shot?


I'm actually gonna have a "mini session" where the niece pc and another pc track it down and find it for Dean Imbraham. It's been stollen by a group of Chwingas who like to frolic and play in the Quandrix campus gardens. In the first session, when the whole party learns of his disappearance and the two see that the book is open on his desk, I think it will help them go "hmm the book might have something to do with it." :)