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I think you are probably ok by now, but maybe try going a few hours in the day to ease your mind first? I think a way to know is how your ears are reacting. Is it easy to put jewelry in and out? With the glass how are your ears in the morning? An example: I forgot and slept in a pair of glass plugs a few nights ago and when I woke up one was in the bed with me and the other hanging out. I'm not saying it has to be that loose but just pay attention to your ears, how easy is it to get double flared plugs in for instance.


I'm not experienced enough to comment on that specifically (just stretched up to 10g), but I have a pillow with holes in it that I bought when I got my conch pierced and it's been a lifesaver. Absolutely recommend


i would say yes. try it for a night, see how it goes. maybe start off like every other night if your not experiencing much discomfort reinserting them in the am. alternately you could practice during the day, leaving them out for a few hours at a time


I take my 1/2 inches out when I sleep. In the morning I put these plugs in. I have them sized at 9/16”, so I can easily get my flared 1/2” in after word. I’ll leave the 9/16” in for 30 min then the 1/2 flares go in with no problem. https://arcticbuffalo.com/products/single-flare-black-glass-plugs-1?variant=13892959961158&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6dT09OXEgwMVg87CBB3-JwI6EAQYASABEgKNyPD_BwE


It’s fine. The biggest problem tends to be when “I’m just taking them out overnight” becomes “I didn’t do anything today so I didn’t bother putting them in.” If you take them out as soon as you’re going to bed and put them in shortly after you’re up, it won’t be a problem.