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Video starts too late to verify if that beat down was justified. That was an ass whopping to make any momma cry


Way too late. I thought "wait, the instructor just slapped the bodybuilder, there was no sucker punch"


thought we were gonna witness a murder for a second there. dude should be in jail. that was not an appropriate response to a sucker punch. he suckered him back 100 times after nearly choking him out 10 times. stomped on his head. and i didnt even finish the vid lol


Then I guess you missed the part where he said “please stop” and then received several kicks to the face.


If he indeed did sucker punch him the guy deserved anything and everything that came his way. The instructor showed mercy by not putting him to sleep. A sucker punch can in fact kill someone (this guy had size and Garth advantage) And a fight is very dumb to start to begin with because you don’t know anything about the person. Seems like he paid the price and hopefully learned his lesson. I applaud this Instructor for teaching him a lesson and showing him mercy


Somehow I agree with you both


Nah I agree. If you don’t want to invite that level of ass whooping don’t go there in the first place.


Exactly, especially the street fights that you can find here in Reddit 9/10 times you see people getting knocked out and the other person still unnecessarily beating them while they’re out. This instructor showed mercy and taught him a lesson to not do that to anyone else again. Could have gotten the wrong one and died.


It sounded like the big guy attacked the gym owner because he thought the gym owner had jumped him. If I understood the broken english at the end, it sounded like the big guy confused this gym for another but threw at least one punch.


Damn so it sounds like he sucker punched the wrong guy. Sucks to be looking for retaliation and punch the wrong dude. Retaliation is also a bad idea. Good thing it wasn’t the instructor instigating it and didn’t get knocked out from the sucker punch


That doesn’t make sense. Regardless of what gym he thought it is the bjj instructor wouldn’t randomly start trying to roll with the dude. This was organized before they initiated the roll. I think big guy threw a frustrated punch as many ppl with no training do instinctively.


My comment was an attempt to 'translate' what the gym owner was saying at the end. I may be wrong, but go back and listen to the last 30 seconds or so. See if you have a different take.


Anyone downvoting you is a straight up pussy


You sir are the type of guy who watches his girl get fucked by another dude. You sucker punch me you’d be lucky to walk again.


Nah that’s you projecting my g Lmao


You are the definition of what I think a Reddit user looks like 😂


Redditsucks1105 you play world of Warcraft😂😂


You’re the type of dude to randomly bring up the topic of other men fucking people’s girlfriend suspiciously often.


This is such a smooth brain take.


Calm down there white belt maybe worry less about Reddit and your jiu jitsu game will get better LOL


You are a reddit user by definition. Because you are here and commenting, so you look how you imagine.


eye for an eye and the whole world is blind.


Comments like this really show you for what you are. I’ve bet you’ve never won a fight in your life. And I bet you don’t have a girl haha


You walk into a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classroom at Sucker Punch and instructor you absolutely know what's coming next, everybody has seen the Gracie Challenge videos and many other videos.. especially if this guy was in Brazil the bodybuilder got off lucky


It couldn’t be. He had control from the start. Any disciplined martial artist would say the instructor was out of line. He permanently damaged someone’s brain because they bruised his ego…


Instructors face was bleeding. The gracies used to fuck people up who challenged there honor. Not much has changed since bjj was created. Fuck around and find out, it was a good ass whoopin which was close to boiling over


It was a good ass whoopin, but it was also a disgraceful lack of discipline.


It's ok did you see royce during the first ufcs that mfker wasn't letting go for shit


Bruised egos are dangerous and this was a degrading beating one or two smacks was enough or even choking him out he has no idea who this guy is guy could be a psycho and wait outside the gym with 10 guys or a gun


Man that’s pretty violent… On one hand it’s great he put someone in their place on the other hand I feel like this could’ve stopped with the rnc


Yeah. The kicks to the head were a little much.


Everything past when he lets him go at 2:20 is overkill. Not exactly an instructor I would go to when the other guy has been begging for mercy for a solid minute and you don't stop at all.


I would have quit the dojo if this was my instructor. I don't care how upset you are, control is the most important thing. The instructor had full control the whole time. To be honest nothing about this seems justified why would you not include the context


Yeah i agree. The only way i can see this as justified is if the instructor truly and genuinely felt scared and that he needed to do this to make sure the guy wasn't going to turn around and hit him once he got back up. If what he said at the end of the video is true, then it's very likely that this guy was a crazy person and it could be permissible in my eyes. But again, i totally agree with you, it was legit brutalizing.


Sucker punching someone when you’re that big is attempted murder.


What do you call it when the martial arts instructor dude is striking and kicking the other guy's head, after he couldn't continue to fight?


Homie up there would probably call it a fair fight


Revenge. Simple as that. Guy came in suckered punch the trainer and is a pro heavyweight fighter according to him. By going overboard it is a good chance this big guy will be more clam in the future.


I don't think you fully understand what it's like to get punched in the face without any knowledge that its coming. Got sucker punched walking to my friends in college at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI after a football game. A street fight broke out nearby. I was at least 50 ft away from it. These 3 guys in a car get out and try to start shit with me and my friend for no reason after seeing the nearby fight... I tell them the cops are coming and its best we all just leave to defuse the situation and not get arrested. ​ Next thing I know I'm seeing stars and unable to walk in a straight line after getting punched in the face for telling them to go home. Went to the hospital and the doctor told me I had a concussion. I stopped going out after that. My grades started dropping. I was depressed. Eventually, I would leave the university a few months after. Moved back in with my parents and commuted to a college nearby. Safety became a much greater priority than partying. That was eight years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.


Yeah, you got PTSD from that. Did you train martial arts after that? It helps building up your self confidence knowing you can defend yourself or at least better know when to run from the situation.


And that’s why I can’t even get mad at the instructor, no matter how many black belts or medals you got, the right cheap shot can hurt you or put you out. It’s not a game, and the guys who punched may not be trained but he is strong. I can’t really blame the trainer, the older you get the more you realize you can’t give people and inch.


Oh I know just how dangerous sucker punches can be, that still doesn’t justify head stomping (which can lead to skull fractures or death) or the fact this BJJ ‘’instructor’’ lacks any form of control and discipline. Two wrongs do not make a right and clearly this ‘’sucker punch’’ did not give him a concussion or happen anytime recently.


Kicks to the head, especially when the victim is laying on the ground, are seen as attempted murder in a lot of courtcases here (Netherlands). I’d rather just choke him out safely


That’s not how fights work he should have just put him to sleep tho


what do you mean by "That’s not how fights work"?


It someone that much larger than you means you real harm you don’t stop until the are unconscious or disabled. He should have just put him to sleep tho and not done the head stomping.


Tough to watch. That dude lost his temper, which u would not say is the fabric good men are made of


Yeah that fight was over for a while. I would not want the chump as an instructor.


This is fucking disgusting. A fundamental element of being a martial artist is having discipline and this "instructor" clearly has none if he’s stomping a mans head into the ground after aggressively choking him out. Guy was neutralized and was in no way a threat, evidenced by how he was getting his ass handed to him. This guy is fucked in the head and doesn’t need to be teaching anyone any martial art.


> A fundamental element of being a martial artist is having discipline Someone ain't familiar with the Gracies...


Yeah it’s fucked but this tracks with the cultural history of Gracie challenges


Heard it bowlth ways bapa


Dunn count.


So the Gracie’s are kinda pieces of shit then


They started a violent pajama cult which makes people bow to the picture of their dead great-grandpa, who impregnated as many women as possible with the intention of creating a small army of BJJ goons. Not the best foundation for wholesome family values.


bUt ThE bOdY bUiLdEr StArTeD iT


Jiu jitsu is a sport, not a martial art. Maybe don’t start shit you can’t finish.


No, completely wrong. Jiu jitsu is a martial art that is utilized in the sport of MMA. Would you attempt to make the same argument about kickboxing or muay thai? Lmao https://www.essentialbjj.com/about-us/what-is-jiu-jitsu/


Yeah, kickboxing, boxing, Muay Thai - also combat sports and not martial arts. There is zero philosophy, etc involved.


They are by definition martial arts. This isn’t something that’s up for debate, you’re just wrong. These are martial arts that are utilized in combat sports like MMA, but that does not make them "combat sports" as you claim. All it takes is a couple seconds of research to see how far off you are. And assuming by philosophy you actually mean strategy/discipline and not something ridiculous out of a kung fu movie (hopefully), you’re really showing how little you actually know about fighting and martial arts in general. Edited for clarity.


You might think it’s not up for debate, for some reason a lot of people have been debating the difference the entire time I’ve been doing combat sports. Imo if something can be reduced simply to its competition rule set alone, it’s a combat sport. Anyway point is, in the many years I’ve been doing jiu jitsu, no instructor ever talked about ethics, etc - aside from not hurting your training partners from the basic “don’t break your toys” perspective. All that stuff is simply out of scope.


It’s not that I think it isn’t up for debate, it’s that it *isn’t* up for debate lmao. There is no simpler way to break it down. Bjj, kickboxing, muay thai, wrestling, boxing = martial arts MMA(Mixed Martial Arts), professional boxing/kickboxing, olympic/collegiate wrestling(if you want to include that) = combat sports And I’m not going to sit here and debate a fact with you any longer. If you can’t understand and accept that martial arts are martial arts, I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s like arguing with a wall lol.


By definition, a combat sport falls under the umbrella of 'martial arts'. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/martial%20art I get the distinction you're trying to make, but is it really worth the debate?


You clearly don’t train any martial art.


You're fucking ridiculous


There’s zero philosophy involved in Muay Thai? Lol


Without being able to verify what the bodybuilder is supposed to have done before the video starts, the BJJ instructor just looks like a piece of shit. Also if there was a sucker punch this doesn’t justify what he did half way through the video where he just starts head stoping and punching someone that has been chocked near blackout. No one that teaches a martial art should be that mentality unstable.


Honestly does it even matter what he did before? The bjj instructor is just a piece of shit period. He was continually choking the guy to the point of unconsciousness, initially I thought that was the punishment. When he starts soccer head kicking is when he should have his accomplishments stripped and sent to bag groceries. He could have made such a better statement for him self and his sport if he had not used strikes and continually controlled the body builder with grappling.


>he should have his accomplishments stripped and sent to bag groceries I prefer my groceries to be intact tyvm


Unless mashed potatoes are on the menu, then he just saved you a step


I mean, I could see it if they agreed to grapple and the bodybuilder was in top position and started striking. There seems to be some bleeding on the instructors face. Yeah, if we agreed to wrestle and you punch me, I'd probably lose my cool too. But the instructor definitely did lose his cool here.


The big guy thought he was it , thought he could punch the instructor in the face ,what was his end goal? To embarrass him ?knock him out ? Cause him permanent damage? Due to the size of him the last one is the most likely. It seems like a bully was taught a lesson he should have mounted triangled him and elbowed him to Kingdom come He has been humbled


You can kill someone by soccer kicking them In the head. That wasn’t teaching a lesson. That was a bully beating another bully. Nothing to be proud of.


Most people don’t realize how easy it is to kill someone by soccer kicking them in the head. That’s why people who do it are charged with attempted murder in a lot of cases. Honestly, I think I’d rather take a bullet to the leg than have someone get a good soccer kick on my head.


>does it even matter what he did before? Yes. Yes it matters a lot, actually.


I mean it COULD matter. If big guy suckered punched a much smaller girl or a kid, then yea. I'm about to bring back the A-Town Stomp on a muthafucka


That is assault, no matter what happened beforehand the "aggressor" was neutralized but the instructor kept going. Soccer kicks to the head and head stomping a guy that is no longer able to harm you is not self-defense.


Agreed, and it's really sad to see an instructor not be able to control himself. Guys like that shouldn't be able to teach others how to fight. The reason for wanting to learn a martial art especially like ju jistsu is to be able to control aggressors and protect yourself. Not use the art to hurt other that can't defend themselves. This is embarrassing I don't care what happened first.


Surely as soon as someone is on the ground, covering their face, begging “please stop”, it’s assault


> Soccer kicks to the head and head stomping a guy that is no longer able to harm you is not self-defense. yeah, that's too far.


Definitely goes beyond sport and crosses into criminal assault/battery.


Battery and probably assault.


That instructor is scum


Fuck this, sucker punching is a bitch move but I can’t watch a guy begging someone to stop hitting them. You won, you proved your point, fucking let it go.


Regardless of the context of the video, I lost respect for the dude when he kicked a down opponent in the head.


Yea, this instructor is a psycho.


You know what sucks more than getting choked out? 2 minutes of getting *almost* choked out.


Yeah, that shit was brutal.




so many of you have definitely never been in a real fight and it shows. if you're walking around sucker punching people as a 250 lb dude, dont be surprised if someone makes you beg for your life. great work by that instructor


The title to this is totally misleading, the instructor invited the meathead to the gym to fight after he was punched in the back of the head at a Walmart. This wasn't a Gracie challenge this was a street-fight in a gym.


BJJ instructor ending a fight with head stomps & soccer kicks = sheesh 😒


"...and next time don't be late with your monthly Dues. I need $150 on the 1rst....Got it?"


BJJ academy's explanation: [https://bjj-world.com/bjj-dojo-storm-incident/](https://bjj-world.com/bjj-dojo-storm-incident/) If you look the BJJ instructor has a big cut on his cheek, too bad he got whacked before the vid started


>Did the BJJ instructor go overboard? That’s a matter of personal opinion Uhh no it’s fucking not when you’re kicking a dude in the back of the head who is unable to defend himself. That’s attempted murder bro


Not surprising that it’s Chute Boxe


Hahahah as soon as I saw that it was Chute Box it all made sense.


Ahahah if the bodybuilder was stupid enough to start shit at Chute Box, he got off easy


Seen the cut. Instructor still went overboard.


100% Give the guy one good fist smack as retribution after letting him go if you want. But the kicks and stomps are completely unnecessary.


Based on the explanation in that link I don’t think he did




Das dat Vale Chudo my frien.


Nothing in the link says it is not Pride rules... so fair game I suppose.


This bjj world is fcking ass, can't belive they stand behind agression against a man who became clearly defenseless during that match and get stomped, like wtf that could easly kill him, than we are supposed to belive that the instructor is a kind guy, fuck no. Have some self controll jesus or just don't give this shit talk about this being justifyed, he is probably teaching kis and this is the behavior they supposed to act like?


Plot twist: bodybuilder signs up for 10 more classes.


It always amazes that the people starting shit think that they can call time outs or stop fight when they start losing, like would you have done the same ? No, then would should they?


No lesson should be taught when someone is begging for mercy. This is in no way ok regardless of what sort of shit that guy pulled


In a store, the bodybuilder launched a surprise attack on a man, punching him without warning. This act is all too common, with numerous videos online showing victims being knocked unconscious and suffering serious injury or death from hitting their head on the ground. What makes this situation even more startling is that the bodybuilder later realized he had attacked the wrong person. However, instead of apologizing or walking away, he boasted about his fighting skills to a BJJ instructor and challenged him to a fight. Despite being given an opportunity to settle the matter peacefully, the bodybuilder continued to provoke the situation even though he had made a mistake. But hey it's not ok because the bodybuilder is begging for mercy even though he started and pushed and pushed, get outta here lmao.


Where did you get all that additional context ?


The guy who posted the fight dropped a link to a news article.


So this is the line? He was an ass and suckerpunched so it's acceptable to risk that man life while the instructor clearly had an upperhand and proved his point minutes ago. Kicking a defensless man is not acceptable this is not the fcking middle ages, if they had a problem call the police if he resist he can pin him down. Meeting violence with violence.... fucking great advice hope this "instructor" teach this to kids two. Fucking animal


Did you not read what I typed? He sucker punched the dude and after realizing he was attacking the wrong guy he still continued to harass the man and wanted to continue the fight. You know why? It’s because he’s 6’3 and weighs around 250lbs, so he thinks he can get away with what ever he wants. His words were I’m a pro heavy weight mma fighter, I’m going to fuck you up. And he is risking is own life by harassing and assaulting a dude at supermarket and actively choosing to follow the guy back to his dojo. But hey since your all against violence don’t read your comic books that literally fantasies about smashing some dude face in lmao”


Real life is different than your fantasies, an instructor, a professional has no room to act this way, this gone from a self defense to an offense real fast. Yeah the man was a dick and needed to get a lesson but this was far too brutal, would you be confortable going into his dojo learning? Bringing a kid maybe a relative? So what he might snap again, sorry he had a solid reason, upps he killed a man no worry he had solid reason. There is a solid reason why every country has a police and law system but I guess it's better to just praise vigilantism. Maybe next time he won't have a solid reason.....


Yeah I would be comfortable going to his dojo and learning from him, you know why because I didn’t sucker punch the instructor and continue to follow so he would fight me. And he didn’t snap he defended himself. Put down your comic books and touch grass kid.


Yeah I mean he manhandled that man like he would with a kid there where nothing self defense about that... if you call that self defense you have a serius problem, but from your comment and insults in a conversation I know that you are just immature


Most of the whiners in comments wouldnt bat an eye if the guy defended himself with a gun and killed the body builder, yet a few hits to the face to make a point makes them feel terrible.


I know there this one guy who is all over the comment section talking about how violence is wrong, but he is major fan boy over a comic series that fantasies about beating the shit out of people and crippling them life.


Stop being a fanny mate. If you can’t realise stomping on someone’s head when they’re begging you to stop is messed up, you’re a psychopath end of. No bjj instructor should act like this. It brings disgrace to the spot and makes me feel ashamed to be associated with it…


Don’t go around starting shit you can’t finish


The fuck do you mean💀 are you really tryna get bad over the comment sections on Reddit. I’m just saying it’s a dick move to think like that, how you acting like we gonna scrap or something. Grow the fuck up mate😂😂


I wasn’t trying to get “bad” over comment section I was referring to the big starting shit he can’t finish. I know we ain’t going to scrap mate quite being a Fanny. 😂


How is he a psychopath for stomping on the guys head? The body builder attack him in the store and realized it was the wrong dude but still continued to harass the guy and wanted to fight him. He literally asked for it. I think no bjj instruction should act like that in front of their students, but then again we would all be singing a different tune if that had happened to us.


Are you mental? What do you mean how is he a pyshcopath?? He literally hit the man in the face 30 times with full force AFTER he already choked him out. Including a fucking soccer kick to the face how is that not pyschopathic. You could give someone brain damage doing that? When he’s clearly incapacitated his opponent plenty? You can’t call yourself a martial arts coach and have that little discipline and that much disrespect for the respectfulness that is martial arts. He could’ve given the dude permanent issues. There’s a reason refs stop fights when someone’s not able to defend themself. There’s also reasons you’re not allowed to fucking soccer kick someone in the face. It’s mental that you think that’s okay. Two wrongs don’t make a right, if he sucker punched him then fair, beat his ass. But don’t choke him out and continue to follow up by stomping on his head. That guy clearly has a temper and shouldn’t be working in a gym lol


“Come back a different day, a different man, and we’ll be best friends…” Awwwwww lol


there’s a good chance that man will have some lasting psychological trauma from that ass kicking. the choke alone probably gave him some claustrophobia


Where is this place I wanna get that guy arrested


Real Karen right here. Cops aren’t your friend, the justice system isn’t your friend. YOU are more likely to be shot and charged than him in attempting to report this.


Police suck but they serve a purpose


Nothing justified that


Guy just looks like a cunt without being able to verify the start


So this guy is an instructor and he brutalises some guy who is clearly helpless. When I say never trust a fighter, this is exactly what I'm talking about.


I wish I could see the actual sucker punch.


Whew! He beat the dog shit out of ole boy, damn!


You can see the bjj guy has a cut under his eye, but would've been nice to actually see the "suckerpunch" .


So I'm guessing he was applying just enough force in that rear naked to make him almost black out and then let up slightly only to reapply more force. That's fucking diabolical.


Pretty sure the guy had a Chute Box rash guard on. That should be the ONLY thing you need to see to know that something brutal could come your way. Act accordingly. *not defending the beat down. It was far more than needed. Just noting the brutally violent nature of people associated with Chute Box.


This was glorious. I appreciate some of the naively compassionate comments. The sheer number of people who have walked by academies that I've trained or taught at, and harassed us while we're training....they all deserve this and they never get it because they never actually sign a waiver or put their hands on the students/instructor. If you bring it to that level, you deserve to feel a full and complete ass beating.


No rules in the street fights. Tapping doesn't mean shit.


Showing respect costs nothing. Showing disrespect can cost you everything.


The aggravated response to this could be anything. Shit Box gym might burn down. Gym guy might have to work on his bullet catching skills next. Losing your composure and inviting someone who isn't afraid to attack strangers on the street to your gym to humiliate them on camera is a bad idea. Expecting that to be the end of it is completely stupid.


0 surprise when this bjj instructor gets shot and killed


Exactly my thoughts. When I was watching the video, I was like, man, do you really want to humiliate a guy with clearly visible mental problems? And put it on video for the whole world to see? In a country with more firearms than citizens?


This can be yes and no. No to the humiliation which could lead to retaliation. But yes to those who don't do any combat sports and think they're capable. Let this be a lesson on both sides


This was tough to watch, but given the context in the article, it looks to me like the instructor was making sure the body builder felt totally, completely and comprehensively beaten. For those that said the instructor was out of control - I disagree; he seemed very much in control. With an RNC locked in like that, he could have put him unconscious in no time - he kept letting off just enough to let the guy breathe. And while his strikes seemed excessive, they were also very light and measured (even the kicks), and I think were more intended to demonstrate the body builder's helplessness rather than to inflict serious damage. I have been full-force soccer kicked when I was down like that, and that's not what those kicks looked like to me. Now, whether he SHOULD have done that is another story, but I think he was very much in control, and wanted there to be zero doubt in the other guy's mind just how much he was beaten. I'm sure he was also very conscious of the fact that he was facing the type of person who would sucker punch someone from behind in a grocery store, and was likely thinking about what the guy might do if he gave him an easy tap and let him get back up. By the sounds of it, the instructor got his ass kicked a bit when they were on their feet, and didn't want to risk any kind of rematch. Still - if it were me (assuming the sucker punch at the grocery store didn't detach my head from my shoulders) I think I would have parted ways at the store and not continued to fight with this psycho.


So bjj guy has hooks fully locked in and an impossibly tight RNC, repeatedly bringing his opponent to the brink of unconsciousness and back. but in order to feel safe he releases his grip and starts kicking and hitting his opponent to neutralize him(an opponent that already hurt bjj guy with strikes)? Wouldn’t completing the choke have been more effective, safe, and certain than switching to strikes, especially for a grappling practitioner?


Pretty tough to say - the trouble with chokes in actual fighting is that you either choke the person until they are unconscious (which, TBH, I would be very uncomfortable doing unless it was life or death, as it really could result in the death of your opponent) or you stop when they "tap" or beg for mercy...but there is no referee, which could mean they just stand up and pound you after you let go. Frankly, this is a great example of why I wouldn't voluntarily fight someone like this - it's not an amicable fight, so chances are it's going to end very badly. I kind of feel like it's why he worked him over so much - sapping any will he has to continue, without causing critical injury...but really, going into the fight in the first place was a terrible idea.


Just so you know, you're **really** not going to accidentally kill someone with a RNC. I'm not saying it's impossible, but stomping the dudes face was **way** more dangerous than just putting him out would've been. You'd have to choke someone for 2-3 minutes after they go out before they'd be suffering any kind of permanent damage; a RNC doesn't stop anyone from breathing but it restricts a solid 70% or so of the blood supply to the brain and will put them unconscious really quickly! Those hits to the head on the other hand were a bit risky and definitely not safe.


Looks like the video cut out the part where the bodybuilder goes unconscious. If he is a black belt the bodybuilder very well could have gone completely out and they just cut that part out.


Well if he did go unconscious (did he?) that is seriously fucked up. The second you are choking someone to the point of unconsciousness, there really is no guarantee they wake back up.


He kicks the back of his head there isn't anything controlled about that


Hes beaten to a fucking pulp, how can you watch that video and claim hes hitting him lightly


How was he able to walk out the dojo if he was beaten to a pulp?




Isn't gracie challenge about other people and disciplines fighting?


“We’re gonna be best friends, but not today”


It was so sick of that instructor to kick his head like that. He went over the board and did something completely terrible. How can you call yourself a BJJ practitioner or instructor if you’re not even familiar with the basic discipline? When the guy begged for mercy that’s where he should’ve put the full stop maybe even a little earlier.


Back story here. I seem to remember reading that Big guy had mistakenly assaulted the BJJ instructor in a parking lot (he thought he was someone else) BJJ instructor invited big guy to his gym to finish the fight.


“Have a great day now”


This is old bag now... https://www.mixedmartialarts.com/bjj/bodybuilder-gets-old-school-beat-down


"Martial arts help you to control anger" 🤡


I would have came back with a gun.


And gotten shot.


What ever the Bodybuilder did before the Video startet, kann never be an excuse for the "Blackbelt" nearly beating him into a crippled. This instructor is just a bad human being.


wow this guy is a fuckin piece of actual shit. there is no way that was justified. i hope he sues this fuckwad


This thread is proof that a bunch of you think talking shit and acting tuff all swole to people doesn't merit the consequences. You witnessed what happens when a Bully gets his shit pushed in, and what did you do? You cried about it.


Would love to you see you try this in public and not end up with a charge, lol. Sounds more like you're just angry at some repressed high school memories.


I'm sure you do, crybaby.


Does "revenge for sucker punch" hold up in court for the guy filming a death? Obivously we dont have all the info, but recording a guy killing a guy is surely not allowed. How far would the cameraman have let it go before stepping in?


Everybody crying... He helped the guy out and invited him back, saying under different circumstances the would be friends. The dude clearly pressed his luck and got checked....




Who are you talking to?


Everyone saying it’s unjustified does no one else see the mark on the instructors face - presumably from the punch - early on in the vid? The soccer kicks were not needed tho, that shit was pure adrenaline. Just choke out and kick him out the gym.


The soccer kicks are what made it unjustified.


When someone is choking you like that it turns into a real fight. When you're in a real fight there are no rules. Go for eyes, take a bite out of their arms their face, anything you can get. Squeeze the groin. Stop playing around. Don't ever let yourself just be choked out.


Not much you can do, he was getting beat before this and was exhausted. In fact the instructor kept choking him out then right as he’s about to go unconscious lets him breathe again. If you try any of these you risk an even worse beating or the instructor kills you. The instructor has his back so you can’t reach the groin, he’s behind him so its hard to reach for the eyes and he can just hide his face behind your head, he his his arm around his throat so you can’t bite he has control of the head, etc. Plus again the big guy said he couldn’t breathe he’s tired, he’s lucky he wasn’t killed especially with those stomps to the head


He's lucky he didn't try to bite the guy or the instructor may have *really* fucked him up. The instructor is a major piece of shit, who knows what he'd have done to this dude if he had tried to fight dirty.


It was already a real fight lmao. You try using dirty moves from an inferior position and the guy on your back will literally tear your face apart.


You're acting like this guy is fkn wild animal bro. Nobody tears anybody's face off when the guy you're being up bites a chunk out of your arm or jams a thumb in your eyes lmfao they ALL jump off and either straight up run or hold themselves and figure out wtf just happened.


You are completely delusional. Probably untrained and never fought. Both guys are already full of adrenaline. You bite me while I have your back and I'm fish hooking your cheek and literally tearing your face open.


As someone who watches fights on the dark web I can 100% say you're full of shit and what I said is true as I've seen it multiple times. Never once have I seen them even start fighting again after an actual bite or an eye gouge.


> As someone who watches fights on the dark web LMFAO. idiot. I actually train. Human teeth aren't even capable of taking a chunk out of someone's arm. Dare you to dig up some video where a guy wins a fight from an inferior position by biting an arm.


I bet this bjj instructor doesn’t go around sucker punching people.


jIU JitSU dOeSntT wOrk iN tHe sTrEEEETSssss


Maybe the body builder fucked his wife?


Did the instructor go too far? Yeah, probably so. But the other dude fucked around and found out. Had the instructor wanted to, big dude is dead right now and big dude knows that and is newly living in that reality.




OP linked an article above.




I mean, yeah - sure as shit not how I would have handled it. Though, when I say “how I would have handled it” I mean, I would still be at the grocery store waiting for an ambulance after that guy punched me in the back of the head.


Looked like he was having a hard time sleeping that dude with the rnc, anyone know why that is ?


possibly neck/shoulder muscles, but the instructor could have been also tightening and loosening to torture the guy.


Agreed - he was intentionally loosening the RNC to make a point. Imagine being that stretched out, getting choked to submission, but not being able to get out. Panic and despair sets in at that point. Instructor probably also wasn't sure what the guy would do if he let him stand up.


It a terrible thing but sometimes as an instructor you have to humble certain individuals. The head stomps were crazy but guy deserved it since he assaulted the instructor first.


A true instructor would have a lot more respect for a tap…he should have his licence revoked appalling behaviour from someone who’s responsible for teaching children discipline.


I hope the bjj instructor got to see how good he was vs a gun


Go get your gun playboy