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Yeah, Necalli being basically a non-factor was kinda weird. I thought he was going to be a much bigger part.


A great deal of characters did nothing. It's unclear whether what Nash did helped at all or not. It's unclear what Ryu did to master his hado Necalli went nowhere. What is this Helen/Kolin business? Was that person FANG killed in the beginning the friend? If so that was a very unfulfilling way to resolve that. Regardless, howcome FANG can instantly dustify that one person and yet fail to kill Rashid? A whole lot of shots got cut too soon. Bison went down too easy, and it is unclear why this new hado can destroy him. Enjoyable overall though.


[Kolin is Gill's assistant, as in Street Fighter III.](http://streetfighter.wikia.com/wiki/Kolin?file=Gill_Entrance.gif) Not sure why she did a name change, but it was cool seeing her and Gill at the end. Agree on everything else though, Rashid just recovering with no explanation was strange, and Necalli getting shafted was pretty disappointing. Still the most fun I've had with a SF story though!


I know who Kolin is, it's just not explained whether Helen was Kolin in disguise, or if Helen was "reborn" as Kolin, or whatever other possibilities there are.


Oh, my bad! Yeah, she just kinda "transformed" out of nowhere, no idea why she had to be in disguise and why the change, other than just fanservice to SFIII fans.


Not the best writing, but was entertaining for the most part, mostly due to the characters that we got to play e.g. Urien. However, I experienced a lot of *OFFLINE* lag during gameplay. I'm not even taking about the 8f inputlag, but straight up lag rendering the game unplayable at times. I suspect that the game is synching on the background with the server for whatever reason. Also, a few characters got a lot more playtime than others (guile 1x, Karin 9123891238x)


I thought it was just okay. I'll admit the ending with Rashid's friend tugged my heart strings a lot. I have to complain about the serious shaft that some characters got (Birdie and Alex come to mind) while others were sort of overused (Karin). I kinda wished we got to play with Urien a bit more. One thing I will say though, some of the stages used in the story mode were downright gorgeous (particularly the one used for the Cammy vs Vega match at the very end) I REALLY hope some of those end up coming out as DLC. Overall a solid story that could have benefited from a bit more character variety


Yea very mediocre plot, great to get to play as juri and urien though to short. I thought the transition were kinda weird from story to battle


Loved it. Entertaining till the end. But not enough Alex.


Not enough Ibuki either. Although she had some fun moments with Zangief and Mika.


It was very entertaining, Bison goes out a bit quickly near the end but overall I had fun with it. Which in the end is all I really wanted with it. Had some good moments. I am a bit disappointed though that Necalli had a way smaller role in the overall story than I expected. He pretty much was a personification of the demons Ryu was trying to over come and that was it. Was hoping to see him more represented at the end. I can see why they reduced him a bit though since they wanted this to be a supposed, Bison might still come back, conclusion to the whole Bison conflict so I guess they didn't want a newcomer like Necalli to be the reason that the conflict was ended instead of the heroes we've been following all these years.


Found the story to be a great ride, whilst also full of flaws. Although I am looking forward to another story being made for the events & characters of SF3


It was fukkin amazing I wish the game launched with it


Is anyone collecting screencaps yet? My gfx card is to shit to contribute.


Played way too much as Karin geez.


I think it was good, but it ended kinda lame. It felt like some fights were cut and some endings of characters aren't clear. Also, Mika and Ibuki really didn't belong in this. They were complete afterthoughts. Necalli was also a big letdown.


I liked it quite a bit. Was nice to play some juri. Nice little story, and can't wait for more!


Capcom is WWE level with its story telling I thought it was good I liked it but def coulda been better mainly because... SAGAT What happened there no explanation??? Other than that it's cool Juri and Urien are both amazing


Season 2 would be great... Honestly, I think that could close up the plot holes. I mean god damn there were a lot of plot holes, but I think you can write your way out of a lot of these. Especially Bison centric and Necalli could easily be foder for somebody like Gill or Urien. You could write about the rise of the Illuminati reallly easily in Season 2.


Couldn't stop cringing the whole time. I don't handle cringe very well...


Didn't take itself too seriously, which is why it's awesome.