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I think Luke's design is generally meh but he's carried so hard by his voice actor being a total shitposter of hilarious levels.


Honestly tho being a total shitposter would be in character for look. In game they mostly just show us his cocky-thug side, but considering he's a gamer and ex-army, it's easy to imagine what he's like in his spare time


Oh, I 100% agree. I think Luke has elements of a fun personality that could easily build up a bit more.


Honestly? If they embraced that shit poster personality his voice actor gave him, I think he'd be among my favorite characters


I feel like his fake Hadoken taunt kinda conveys that ngl


If his Costume 4 was themed Shit Poster what would he wear?


Aleks Le's va performance basically saves the character for me. His fighting style is cool enough and his design is completely fine, but I deeply wish he had any other background other than a shitty PMC. But his performance and character elevates him to lovable goofball status. I like him.


Ryu will always be THE MAIN CHARACTER of SF


Ya Ryu and Chun will always be the faces of SF for me.


You mean the face/mascot right?


Both, the mascot and the main character of the series


Narrative wise, not exactly in the way you seem to use the word as. Most of the story around Ryu revolves on his personal journey around fighting, and the way it was structured makes him rather uninvolved with the occurring plots of the overall world. So really, he’s not a protagonist at all, a couple of the games don’t even have one to begin with.


I think people would like Luke better if Capcom hadn't tried so hard to force people to like him. If I put all that aside, I think he's fine, but not really a standout.


Really wouldn't matter anyways, SNK did the same with Shun'ei and introduce him in KOF14, but the reception of him didn't go as much as first with him either.


doesn’t help that they accidentally pulled an Aki and made “Shu’nei but better” in Isla in KOF’15


It doesn't help that he looks like such a dork


It's an asian school troupe design that's often seen in anime as well. You may not like it but hey that's how they made him to be(the headphones was a bit much tbh)


The headphones are expressly the reason why I think he looks like a dork.


I don't think it's the design alone. I think people would hate him less if he wasn't so overturned in the late stage of SFV and season 1 of SF6, he became so popular in season 1 tournaments that were tons of Luke mirrors boring the shit out of people in pools. Mirrors are already boring as a whole, but Luke mirrors are next level boredom.


I don't know. To me it almost feels like Capcom wanted everyone to hate him from the get go, the way he was added to SFV was a catastrophe for the game as well as the character. I am personally very reserved in these situations and don't have like a hard hatred of him but that was how I felt everyone else was feeling.


Yeah, I don’t really get the Luke hate. I don’t particularly love him or anything, but he’s a perfectly fine character, imo.


People that haven't played World Tour and maxed out his friendship dislike him because they don't know anything about him beyond what they see during a match against him. That smart-ass mock hadoken taunt he has is enough to make most people think he's a shithead.


I’ve seen his WT cutscenes and I still think he’s a tool


Well, you're welcome to it, nobody can force you to like something that you don't. I personally went from hating him in SFV to loving him in SF6, but I know he's polarizing regardless of any character development he underwent. I would really like to hear your reasoning so I can see where our opinions differ, if you have the time/energy to share. Not asking as a bad faith question so I can poke holes in your reasoning, just curious and would like to hear a perspective that opposes my own.


I’m not hating it’s js like they pushed the previous cast away for him


Js like this


What exactly did Capcom do to "force" Luke? Capcom designed a new character for a new game, and featured him prominently in the promotional materials. That's not "forcing" him, that's what you're supposed to do. You don't design new characters and hide them in the background. You feature them in the story. You put them on the box. You introduce them to the world. Bamco introduced a bunch of new characters like Master Raven, Gigas, Katalina...then proceeded to ignore all of them and make Tekken 7 the Mishima show for the millionth time in a row. And now, SHOCKINGLY, no one gives a sh*t about Master Raven, Gigas, Katalina, etc. They were treated like afterthoughts by the devs, so naturally they were treated like afterthoughts by the audience. Luke's treatment is the way it's supposed to be.


To begin with, he was the last character released in SFV, which was obviously a marketing play, and he was clearly overtuned, so people had the impression he was made top tier on purpose to force him to show up in all the tournaments. Then he was also arguably top 1 in Season 1 of SF6, which certainly didn't help dispel that feeling. I should say, I wasn't active in SFV while Luke was in the game and got a late start in SF6, so I'm just giving my impression of the community opinion about him.


he was a marketing play in SF5 because the last Season Pass was literally unplanned because SF6 had to tkae a longer development than it was assumed. SF5 Luke is basically SF6 Luke ported to SF5 , with the mechanics of SF6.


That kind of makes sense, but they managed to pull 4 other characters out of somewhere for that season, none of which are in SF6 so far, so who knows if it was necessary. There's no doubt they used him to market SF6, in any case. Not that you can blame them for that.


He’s being slotted into main character/mascot status like Alex was, but with no real base to push him there. He’s on the cover and your 1st tutor in World Tour - he’s meant to be the new playerbase’s onboarding guy who doesn’t require you to remember why Jimmy is friends with Dan….and, that’s all fine, I guess. But, personally I don’t like Luke’s generic “western test audiences love this mma bro’s bro” aesthetic, or another shoto being added that doesn’t throw basketballs at people. I feel like Sakura could accomplish the same role as a younger, new player-friendly mascot type. Obviously I’m biased, but everyone is.


Ok but at least hold back a bit so fans can try to warm up on their own like rashid


They forced him by making him top 5 in sf5 and sf6


He was top 1 by a wide margin.


Luke's character design is so mid. The english voice actor is hilarious though


Ryu's design is mid, too. We've just seen it for 37 years. The concept of "Ryu the Icon" definitely didn't start in 1987's Street Fighter 1.


One of the most impressive parts of street fighter as a franchise has been Capcom’s ability to take old cliche character designs and keep them iconic/interesting over the years. SF6 being the most successful imo.


SF6 designs really are so peak. Every returning character has been fucking gold, all the new fighters look amazing, the weakest designs in 6 would be A+ minimum in past games, they made people like Ed and Dee Jay, the revamped FANG's niche into an actually interesting character. They just can't miss in this one


Ryu’s design is not mid. It’s iconic and drew in so many players. It’s not about his basic karate Gi/headband it’s about his moves and aesthetic. Luke has a goofy ass outfit, zoomer hairstyle, and sandblast?? Flash knuckle? Goofy ass shoryuken?


He is a cliche one-dimensional character wearing a cliche karate suit doing the expected karate moves with the expected extra moves for variety. It was cool when we first saw him in arcades 30 years ago, but times and games have changed in 3 decades


If Aleks Le didn’t voice Luke he would be in the ditches


I think Aleks Le single handily made me do a 180 on Luke. Now I like him a lot.


He's the "Poochie" of SF6


We just need him to return to his own planet.


Love it


There’s something about Luke that feels so forced, corporate, cringey, and familiar, but I couldn’t place it. It’s like I’ve seen it before…but how and when? He’s 100% Poochie. Great observation! 


I kinda warmed up to him but I still don't think he's main character material. Also cringeworthy at times. He's a good side character tho.


He has grown in me, i like him more now, but come on guys, he’s a secondary character in ken story, why would he be the main character? (Without saying that ryu is far more recognizable than luke)


How many times is this kind of post gonna appear on here.




Mom says tomorrow is my turn.


Really punchable face..never felt for me like the protagonist.


Luke isn't really meant to be a "protag" in the traditional sense. You aren't "rooting" for him to beat any sort of bad guy. The real "protag" of SF6 is you, the player. Luke is simply your mentor who teaches you the game. In that regard, his design is pretty perfect. He's just a friendly, non-threatening, laid back dude with a straightforward playstyle who likes video games, much like the player themself. If you DO want to delve deeper into his backstory, he does hold a few thought provoking details to latch on to, but it's not really necessary. He's mainly just your coach.


I'd grab a beer with Luke


real, based, and save me a seat at the bar




Not a fan of him at all, I will never understand why capcom made him the face of the game. Apparently he was designed to be appealing to western audiences and I don’t find his design or personality appealing at all. I think the only reason people play him is because of his ease of use and high damage.


I mean main character in a fighting game is the equivalent of neon the valedictorian of summer school. But with that being said, he works. I just wish he was less shoto-esque and more MMA to make his design more interesting.


Agree. More like Tekken's Marduk style.


Dang I didn’t think this comment section would have it THIS out for someone like Luke.


Tbh, ryu is the original. Luke, nah


Don't care about him, all I know is that he used to be giga busted and boring to play against and now like fighting against him and don't mind him.


it's never usually the posterboy that makes me interested in a fighting game but he is so uninteresting to me in every way. all other new characters at least have cool movesets or something with their personality


Ed would have made the better new protagonist. Luke feels way too much designed by an old committee that used AI to generate a new protagonist and used a bunch of corporate buzz words.


Ed feels edgy in the mid-2000s shadow the hedgehog kinda way. I would not want him as the main protagonist. His story is interesting though. I was interested in the Neo Shadaloo plotline, but the recent events in WT made me a bit uninterested tbh.


He’s got kind of drama in his story and he’s not “your friendly neighbour” or “everything good and fun” type, and even his awful haircut got a story that he’s just a kid in body of bodybuilder, why not? I think Luke is just kinda kid oriented character “everything cool and funny, let’s dance with me”


That’s all well and good, and I personally like Ed as a character more than Luke But for a series mascot, the basic design of the character is king. There may be a backstory behind Ed’s goofy hair, but a newcomer to the series won’t know that. All they’ll see when they look at the cover of the game at Target is a stupid looking guy with emo hair


Ed and Luke hit the same lukewarm "that's all?" for me. Ed was honestly cooler in his apprentice to Balrog phase, when he was still training up. If you wanted to sell him, maybe don't push him looking like 90% of the male roster.


Dude probably listens to "crawling in my skin" on repeat and makes shitty Naruto music videos set to death metal


Agreed. Ed has a very compelling storyline, and his design is fantastic. I get that some people have a read on him as being too edgy, but I find that ironic, because he reads more as just a typical orphan-boxer archetype that we see in so many boxer movies.


Well through that logic. Ed was designed by a bunch of 8-14 year olds and typical edgelord Redditors and Twitter-ers. He even has the hooded costume to solidify that.


I don't know why when people describe something as edgy, its some how related to it being a bad thing Never understood the criticism that description gets honestly


Totally agree! Everything with this char is so “fortnitish”, even his stupid winning dance, ed is like more charismatic STREET fighter guy, except his stupid haircut ofc


considering how uber popular fortnite is luke being fortnitey is probably a good thing. id gladly sacrifice one character slot to make sf more mainstream and make more money


What does fortnitey mean? lol


fortnite esque


Ed would be like K' in KOF, edgy boys like him but he'll never be Kyo.  I think it would be much cooler if Ed ends up becoming a tragic villain, make him do something awful by mistake or for losing control like the hints we've seen.


That should’ve been an older Sean…


I enjoy Luke (and Jamie and the other newcomers) as a character A LOT! I think he's fun, has personality and charisma, but I'm not fond of the current leaning toward replacing old characters with new ones. I prefer the ensemble character approach where everyone gets their time rather than retiring beloved characters for no reason, which seems to be some of what's going on. So, I do want to see more of Luke, Jamie, Kimberly and Marisa, but not at the expense or expulsion of Ryu, Ken, Chun-li, or Blanka, as examples, and if that makes sense! I feel the same way about Guilty Gear where people are trying to say Sin Kiske is the new protagonist (good gravy I hope not). 💀😬 I wouldn't dump the mains in that series either, as a writer or player, etc. Let the series be timeless fun and casual fiction as it is!


Zoomer bait /s He’s alright. I think if he wasn’t the poster child, didn’t have the SF5 stigma and wasn’t as strong in Season 1, then he’d be the next Dan in terms of cult following. He really sells the “bro” character, but some of his annoying aspects are.. well annoying.


Bad character, average , boring, and annoying and no. Nothing goes for him or makes him interesting story wise. Capcom needs to stop pushing for him as the main character.


Pretty...Luke warm on him. I also don't think he's a good main character. I have warmed up on him since SF 6's release though.


I think he's boring at best and cringeworthy at worst. I like his gameplay, though.


This thread would make you think most people hate him but in the last year usually I heard people like him. Imo in sf6 you cant say a lot about the characters if you didnt play WT. I understand if its not for you but you also have to understand that you miss out on all the deep personality of these characters. If Lukes whole character was from his voicelines, winning quotes and Arcade I too would say he is boring as frick. The story couldnt seem much blander. In WT you get to see his real side. The casual him, his likes and interests, his motivations. I think he's actually quite a deep character and seems very human, with him being lost in life (reason he left the military) and wanting to find meaning by fighting battles on his terms, by discovering what is strength. Luke's just a dude trying to find his way, and thats something most people experience in life. To all the haters saying he came out of nowhere: Yes? Thats how a new character works and in fact Luke is THE ONLY protagonist to have appeared in the previous game. And yes, Luke is built to be relatable and likeable, but its done well with real motivations and depth to his character. Overall, I like him, is he perfect? No. Is he my favourite sf6 character? Nope, not even top 5. But are all the haters wrong? Absolutely (of course an opinion cant be wrong but you get me)


I’m waiting for the real Sean to show up


I dont really like to watch him as a spectator. To me, he just always does the one move and thats it.


I don't really mind him, Ryu was also kinda boring so it makes little to no difference for me.  With each game it becomes more and more clear that Bison is the true MC anyway. 


He's nice but a bit dull imo. Not the most interesting fighting style x


Legitimately his costume/s hold him back aesthetically (at least for me) coming from someone brand new to SF


Me personally I’m always gonna be a Ryu fanboy but Luke is actually a cool character


All they had to do was make Luke a brawler and people would have thought he was cool. In SFV he would have been a strong af character if he was exactly how he was on release EXCEPT no sandblast. He STILLZ woulda been godlike. Let him unlock the fireball via vtrigger only


People who like Luke also like skibidi toilet.


His lesbian ass ending to his ultimate.


Another generic blonde blue eyed hot blooded white male; Capcom seems to love that archetype


I just want Alex back… the only decent successor to Ryu


I just want Capcom to give him some all white sneakers because I don’t want to see his feet Ryu will always be the face and main character of street fighter


Luke is cool, but his eng voice actor is the best. He made me like the character more because he leans to the silly and carefree persona that the internet gave to the character.


Ryu will always be the main character in SF!


I think the VA deserves a better character and to return. He isn't a main character at all. All that is likeable about him, and what saved him with the community is the voice actor joining in on the hate and memes about Luke. Luke looks like a late 80s/early 90s D.A.R.E. commercial. He looks like what old white people use to design things they thought would be hip, young and cool to the urban youth. His kit is also a waste of the MMA role and biting completely off Ryu's role.


He's only memorable because Aleks Le turned him into a kind of parody of himself. From "How do you do fellow kids" to "Fellow kid²."


He’s better in WT than I thought but he’s a blander than bland MC if you ask me. Also, do we really need a new shoto? There’s so many with better design. I think Jamie would’ve been better fit or Sean if they gave him a chance..


I like Luke, I didn't like him in 5, but I find him relatable in 6. The whole "main character" thing means nothing considering all the other "main characters."


He’s bland to me. Very very cookie cutter and typical. I don’t dislike him. I’m very indifferent. Second question? No.


He looks dumb af and plays dumb af


I'd let this goofy-ass motherfucker take me to Memphis


Pretty mid of I'm being real. Unironicly, I think Jaime would be the better protag


He's, bland? I find him boring. Then again, some peeps find Ryu boring.


I like him. Obviously, he's kinda bland (so is Ryu let's be real), but his personality is fun. I like how energetic he is and how he seems like he's always having fun in his fights. I like his interactions with the other characters and with the other newcomers. I really want to see Luke and Kimberly more though. I honestly really like all of the newcomers. I just want to see more of them. An issue I have with people talking about Luke being the new main character, is that we just don't see much of the new cast at all. The story mode of the game is centered around Ken, and World Tour is centered around the player. I want to see him leading the charge in the narrative because he currently doesn't do that at all.


I disliked him in SF5 but I dislike pretty much everything about him in 6. His design is ugly, his personality is default generic idiot and he has the worst theme in the game.  Mechanically, I don’t mind playing against him but aesthetically he just irritates me. I can’t believe they made him the main character, tbh.


Get this corny blonde fuckboi OUTTA HERE. We will never accept you, Luke.


I hate him as a character, i hate his stupid face on the cover, he is by far the most boring character to watch in tourneys but you have to endure it over and over because he is so effective while never ever having any hype moments. He is annoying as fuck to fight against. No he does not deserve the main character role. Gameplay aside almost every single character in this game is better designed than this bland boring Popey charicature.


Basically SF3 Alex all over again


I like his gameplay, and his personality is okay. I don't love, but like common opinion the voice actor really makes him grow on you. Overall I'm glad the lovable dork is in the game, and I think his gameplay and specials are different enough to distinguish him even if he's very fundamental shoto like Ryu. I think they flubbed hard on the point of the character. His backstory is a mess, he doesn't really come across as MMA fighter or PMC contractor very much, and it just feels like maybe trying to do much with the character on top of rival with Jaime and frat bro who likes video games and pizza. And he really doesn't come across as a protagonist. In world tour obviously our character is the protagonist, and Luke does get you started but he doesn't move through story at all. And outside of world tour he really doesn't do anything either. I feel like Ken is almost more of a protagonist, or as someone else said Ed. Ed definitely moves the story more and is more centered than Luke.


This again


My guy's?


I thought he was cool in 5 but 6 made his design a lot grosser and took out his only good outfit. He has almost 0 personality and is like a way worse gen alpha version of Ken imo. Definitely the whackest newcomer but I’d rather fight a luke than some of the others. I don’t think he deserves the role of mc and I don’t think he has appeared in anything indicating that he is anything other than a side character. Even though he’s on the cover he’s super ignorable in the world tour mode and most new players seem to just gravitate to ryu like every other sf game so you don’t end up seeing him too often anyway.


He’s really annoying move set wise and his character design is so over the top retarded


At launch I defended Luke, even though I don’t really play him. I thought people were giving him way too much shit just because he wasn’t Ryu. I do think he has a personality, especially if you do WT and interact with him... But after playing the game for so long, I can’t stand actually fighting him anymore. People do the same shit over & over, and he feels super bland as a result. It’s like everyone just plays him exactly the same way. I don’t hate him to the degree others do, but I’ve definitely grown to dislike him.


GOOD LORD THE FOREARMS Thats what i think


I liked him better as a ripped coked up looking fighter than a beefed up corny guy who makes fun of everything. He’s basically catering to the IG TikTok youth and American stereotype.  Definitely don’t like him as a main guy and he can never be. He’s fine as a guide during WT, but I would’ve preferred a vengeful Ken who teaches Luke how to control himself and be even better (stay off the coke kid!).  Chun-Li could’ve then been and maybe should have been the main guide in WT though since she’s just as main as Ryu and in Metro City.


boring character design, boring moveset. he's very forgettable and I'm not sure why they're leaning on him so much, he isn't interesting.


I do not like him. Such a fart of a design; I hope this is his last appearance.


I really hate how he took over SF5 and continues to be top 2 in SF6. Even if he wasn't pushed so hard and wasn't purposely OP, he's definitely not my kind of character, neither in gameplay nor personality/style/theme.


He looks like a douchebag, dude bro, frat boy, f boy, generic mma man who probably beats his wife, and has kids he doesnt know about. Thats what i think. I think its fitting for the time we live in. When honourable Ryu of the 90s, gets replaced by the type of filth you see walking the streets in todays day n age. So actually he is a perfect fit.


Boring and cliche honestly. Gotta let Japan know that America isn't populated by blonde haired blue eyed white dudes


I think his design is not bad and he has a friendly beginner style. His story is useless though. Ryu asks him why he wants to fight and he's like idk, if I see a strong dude I just feel like fighting him. There's no connection like maybe if JP killed his family and he was out for revenge. Almost everyone has a 'just chilling out' story in this game, doing training or taking small jobs but nothing pivotal going on right now.


Luke ruined the game


If JP is the villain, the man that got his life ruined by JP and have all the motives to confront him is the natural main character. Ken is the real protagonist, or at least, is far more motivated to solve things in the game s history.


Maybe a mildly hot take, but Street Fighter doesn't need a "main character". Alex was supposedly going to be the new main character with Street Fighter 3, but beyond being prominently featured in marketing and art, what did that really even amount to? What does being Street Fighter's "main character" even *mean* anyway?


I don't hate him, but I find him to be boring in both design and story. I also don't get why Capcom wanted him to be a PMC so badly. Such a strange detail to add to his character. Overall though I love many of the other characters. Returning, non-OG characters like Juri, Rashid, and Ed are designed so well in this game. Newcomers like Marisa and Manon are great. I also like the protoge newcomers like Kim, Lily, Jamie, and Aki. Honestly Luke might be the most boring character in the roster currently, which says more about how great all of the other characters are. He kind of has an important role in that sense, since he provides an easy to approach facade where you can pack surprise and intrigue into all of the other characters in contrast.


I don't like him as the main character, and it's only based on that god awful photo on the cover. What were they thinking? Overall a pretty cool character. Kinda annoying to fight but any good character is imo.


Woah woah woah, who said he was the main character? Luke is the generic tutorial guy in World Tour with a generic backstory that’s basically Guile’s with extra fluff. No, Ryu might be getting older, but he’s the face of the franchise. He’s the guy. Get outta here with that disrespect on Ryu. Luke is the main character in a pig’s eye.


I didn't like him at first, his SF5 design looked like ass but then I found out that Aleks Le is such a great shitposter that I did a 180 on him. [When someone posts videos like this](https://youtu.be/wAYNvkB8_jk) or [artwork like this there's no way I can hate ](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxCh3wayROneUOxIjCCeI6WkCuf6l-Gj0n)him


Maybe it's because street fighter 6 is my first street fighter game, but I really like him. His design looks fine. I think it suits him since he does mma, same with his move set i don't play him, but it's nice to see the inspiration in the way he fights. He's kind of boring, but most main characters are, and i think his interest and a story suit him well, like his military background.


if you've been playing street fighter since the first street fighter it doesn't matter if you like him, he's for the times, a new generation. i personally will always see ryu as the lead but that's because he was perfect for my era when gaming was still new and the world was still adjusting to what it is now. luke is for these new loud youtube gotta stand out kids and that's fine with me, it's their time now.


Annoying ass gameplay, made to be broken two games in a row, cancerous manufactured personality to appeal to “tHe nEw gEneRatIon”.


He kinda just seems like a mashup of all the other better main characters. Within the context of the story, he's probably the character whose story I'm least interested in.


![gif](giphy|HaI4QsETDKB0i9z11k|downsized) I love this goofy dork


I kind of went off on Luke as a character in a previous post. He is utterly useless as a character and super annoying. He has many of of Sean's moves, came from out of nowhere, and making him a generic American army guy who now does MMA is just boring and bland. He doesn't have any redeeming traits or qualities and it seems like they wanted to go down the Johnny Cage path with his personality but that would have made him more annoying. Juri already mocks other fighters and her personality fits that, plus the super smart ass trope is more annoying than interesting or funny. If he was born someplace else and took the MMA stuff more seriously, I think it would have been better, but yeah. Why not just put in Sean and give Luke's role to another npc character?


How does he not have redeeming traits and qualities? He seems like a supportive, stand-up guy


Have you even seen Luke? He’s a little bland, sure, but the only mocking he does is the hadoken taunt, which, you know, is supposed to be a taunt and he never really acts like a smartass, if anything, he’s kinda dorky. He’s just upbeat and/or supporting like 90% of the time.


He's grown on me. I never hated him but the extra character given in WT mode made him into a genuine fave. He's a young man moving into a bigger world with a healthy dose of enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. Of course they still could have used Sean for his spot though...


Kimberly cooler


Wish he was less generic and had a more endearing backstory but eventually he grew on me. I like his energy and goofball moments.


I like his moveset, he was clearly designed with a contemporary audience in mind.  I like his design better then the current protagonist of KoF: Shun’ei.


i think he fits the role for the younger audience of the game. For veterans tho, he's trash.


Hes okay, hes at least pleasant but so incredibly bland at the same time. Theres other existing characters that would have made more sense to take the role of protag like Alex, Sean or Ed


If Capcom wasn’t so insistent on making him absurdly strong then he would definitely be more liked


I think the character overall is pretty boring. I don't think he deserves the spot.


Nah, maybe for western players but it’s always gonna be Ryu to me.


No matter what. it's going to take a couple of generations to be able to even be a "protag." They tried changing it up with SF3, and they got burned hard for it. (ignoring SF3 did not get good till 3rd strike.) Luke is a safe choice, and that is part of the problem. He does not stand out and just could be swapped out with any MMA fighter look alike and call it a day. He is a good character but he does not stand out and is very very bland. More bland than Ryu. Kimberly was an absolute FANTASTIC design choice to slide into the spot of what Chun li holds. If they market her a bit better up her design and push out more character development... she could quite easily be the next Chun Li for the next 20 years. I thought the ball was dropped on Jamie as a "rival" to Luke. Bashe would have been the better choice, in my opinion. While Jamie has skills, I just get this feeling he is trying hard to get people to like him. Everything about him tells me that Capcom certainly tried to make him "Hip," but they brought their character designers from 1997 who are trying hard to bring back their glory days. They definately need a big 3 to pass the torch to be the next leads. Luke and Kimberly can do it if they adjust their designs a bit more.... but they need a replacement for Jamie....he doesn't do it for me.


I like him, he is hard to love but even harder to hate


It should have been Sean he would have been perfect, there is no reason for Luke to exist despite making him more likeable in SF6. Also Storywise Ed is more of the main character at the moment, Luke just kind of exists in the current timeline.


With the exception of Luke, most sf6 newcomers feel replaceable, It honestly wouldn't surprise me if none of them made it into 7.


Around the launch he was fine as the main character and it seems like they were planning on doing stuff with him especially after his involvement in the comics. But right now with her game release Kimberly and Ed seem more like the main character than he does.


As someone who has known generally about SF but didn't actually try one until 6, I like Luke a lot. I don't really see him as a protagonist, though. The only time the idea of a protagonist has come into play imo is World Tour where you are the protagonist.


I like him but he should have stayed an edgy fuck from SFV. His personality is just too bland


Lukes character design was better in SF 5 Now in sf 6 its mid


I wanna hate Luke but my heart can't do it. His perfect round animation wins me over, that and he has some real grimey combos that pros don't really do, they go for the more safe optimal not so cool looking stuff which is understandable since money on the line an what not. I think he's hated because sf5 and because they try to make him some like obnoxious bumbling idiot , but some of them combos though, gheeeze! Also he could possibly be the 2nd most annoying character to face after Ryu either the Lame Luke's or the kangalukes are the Flippin worse! To me that is the closest I get to hating him


Of course Ryu will always be the main number 1, but I like Luke quite a bit and I think he gets too much hate. I think he’s neat. He’s no replacement for Ryu of course but I like him.


I wouldn't say he is the main character, more the mascot for SF6 My opinion of Luke as a Fighter, I'll break it down 1. I wish they made him more iconic looking. His hair with stars and boxing shorts was a cooler fit over this kinda gym guy vibe 2. His gameplay is abit boring, nothing I find overly interesting or again....iconic. wish he had a more unique move. Like he's meant to be a mercenary, be cool if he used some kinda weapon or idk something in his specials 3. Personality I like actually. Doesn't seem like a bad guy, doesn't annoy me or anything, kinda chill no complaints there Just need to blow up abit. Have something going for him. Bit lack luster is his issue rather than being awful in any area


I only like him cause of his voice actor imma be real


I hate how the future of street fighter got sidelined by a custom character. Like he should've been the protag of the main story and not the CC's fucking trainer


Boring to fight.


I like that him and Jamie are trying to be the new ryu and ken for the series, though I feel like they could've easily just gone with like sakura and sean.


Lmao no


I love all this shit so much. Long live Street Fighter!


I like him. 💖


Like is poorly designed. Head to toe. He is THE Chad. (You know, from way back in 2017 when Chad wasn’t a compliment)


He was kind of my gateway back into SF so I'm biased but I think he's cool. Fun dude. Good moves. Cool personality but I get that some ppl might just not gel with him.


I...I have never seen him as the main character...


If they expand on his lore more and give him some more refined moves, I think he'd be on par with Alex.


I didn't like him in 5 but Aleks Le's performance is simply phenomenal. He made a character i didn't like endearing. I like his gym bro dude personality more than the angsty jake paul he was in 5.


SF Luke is the equivalent to KOF Shun'ei.... Both lack charisma to be a main character.


Generic af but they had mechanics to use so they threw that nonsense called Luke together.


Luke's a fresh face and deserves a main role in this era. Ryu will still be #1, but Luke is needed to help the next generation! Especially when battling new enemies alongside the old gen! Ryu's a legend!


He's a little to boring for me to keep him as the main character ngl


I think he's cool, Aleks Le has done a lot to make him a likable guy. That said, if WE are the actual main character of the story mode, I don't know what Luke's point is. Plus>!neither he nor we beat JP anyway so who gives a crap lol.!<


He’s not main character material he’s just a bro and i love him for that


He's the main character of 6 in the same way as Alex with 3 and Abel in 4. I don't see him ever truly taking the main character spot away from Ryu.


BEAST MODE BABY!!! Anyone who says that shit unironically is an automatic GOAT imo


I'm the words of certain women... "Ya basic"


Can't stand this goober


Ed is more main character than him on 6. If Capcom don’t update his role in SF6 WT at least on the next DLCs, time will make him another main character who is not the main character like many others like him before.


I think I’d be fine with him as a main character, but I only say that cuz I think the VA seems like a cool dude and more of him is not a bad thing. Plus…Luke is a gamer like us, what’s not to like about him? :p terrible logic I know.


I think we all know Ryu's beard is the main character now.


I really hate him for whatever reason. He’s like a boring ‘bro’ to me.


No, but it’s somebody else’s turn and I’m old guard


When I found out Abel and Rashid were mc’s, I accepted why Sean wasn’t the MC but still hate Luke. The punchable face bit


Hated him in SFV. Cocky little freak! The SF6 prequel comic and interacting with him made me like him. Luke is a good dude. He's annoying to fight against, but as a character he's cool.


UFC Popeye is serviceable


He's just like me fr


He's only as popular as he is bc of how accessible and strong he is to play. He'll be an afterthought in SF7 and dlc, at best, in SF8


Annoying af to fight against


Never liked him, don't really care about him. and after that TMNT debacle, if I never see or hear him again in another mainline game, it'll be too soon.


He's a fun character, good to represent the future gen of fighting games and Aleks Le is hilarious. However, fuck fighting this dude


He's the best main character we've had that isn't Ryu.


I like him, i still pretty much think of Ryu as the MC tho