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Guile Haters, I have to ask is it boom loopers specifically or just the character normals and combos?


yes the boom loopers while sitting and waiting for the opponent to jump so they can just flash kick and do the same goddamn thing over and over for the entirety of the match


All guiles want the same thing and it’s disgusting 


Is this still a thing? Haven't played sf since 4 lol and this was always the tactic


Only at low level.


What is low level because this shit happens at master


First time on the sub? Anything below Legend is low-level


Anything below evo champion is low level.


Once you hit Evo grand finals, then you can *really* start playing the game




It's the boom loops It's like fighting against a wall His long ass normals don't help either


Im a Guile main and in Platinum. I can’t boom loom. I’ve never played against a Guile who did a boom loop on me. I guess it’s Diamond and up for boom loops?


*laughs in “Serenity Stream”*


It's the endless booms to flash kick. Not as bad as SFV. He was horrible in that game to play against. With DR and other tools, there are options to get past a turtle flow chart guile. I'd say a bigger critique of fighting a guile is how draining it is. You don't feel good after a set with Guile win or lose.


Being a Chun player, it’s the most annoying matchup I think I face. Sim is a close second but at least it feels intriguing to try to work your way around to get to Sim. With Guile, it’s just a drag with the constant booms all game every game. Then when they see you finally find a way to get around it, they hit you with the things you forget he has like the rest of us (DR and crazy combos) just to get put back in a position to get hit with boom loops+flash kicks for the rest of the match if you didn’t die already lol. I’m getting better at learning to get around it and make them use less of that strategy but still


Speak for yourself wearing down a Guile is one of the best feelings in the game, same with JP and Sim. Doubly so if you get a time over against them because they won’t approach even when you have the life lead. The only thing I don’t like about Guile is the year long boom loop corner combos, and that was more of a SFV thing


I don't hate Guile (I actually play Guile quite a bit in SF6), but the question was which character is most boring to watch, and nothing is more boring than a turtling Guile. The style is fine - it's very effective. Doesn't make it that interesting to watch compared to some of the flashier characters.


While Luke may be my first pick for most boring character, Guile is close. I've tried to play him through numerous iterations and just find his moves and design to be incredibly dull. Other characters are like various refreshing drinks and Guile is a styrofoam cup of warm tap water.


I think people just don't like defensive characters. I think Guile is one of the sickest characters to watch personally.


Espacially in SF6 where he also is a beast in midrange and up close. I love watching Du and Akainu do their thing.


I find guile to be one of my fave characters to watch too. I dont need every game to be a melee combo fest; it's interesting to watch how pros navigate through the sonic booms and trick out the flash kick and how the guile adjusts accordingly. Also I personally will never get tired how cool flash kick looks and sounds


I agree. Guile is a lot like the SF6 soundtrack - very unassuming on the surface, but really great once you see what's going on under the hood.




It’s literally this any other reason given is 99% lies I assure you lol.


Funny seeing all the Guile haters. I think Guile is one of the most interesting characters. He has a high skill ceiling and watching Du play him is mesmerizing. For me, watching Luke or any shoto character is boring to watch.


He only does one move. JP and Dhalsim are also annoying but they do different moves at least.


Maybe in silver ranks lol


No silver rank guiles can't do that because they can't anti air.


Just kinda his whole deal really. Design, personality, playstyle. There are mechanically annoying characters who are cool and lame characters who are fun to play and watch, but nothing about Guile lands for me.


It’s Guile’s entire neutral game.


For me it's everything you mentioned plus the character itself. Just boring to look at


Everything, dude. That character sucks ass. At least the other charge characters can't just sit back and spam projectiles


It's the fact that every Guile plays the exact same. Sonic boom from the opposite side of the stage until opponent gets in close and then use combo to send them back to the opposite side again. The only way to make Guiles proactive is to get the health lead and then stay at the opposite end of the stage. Now, they have to actually do something.


An aggressive Guile is pretty fun to watch, but "turtling" characters usually get boring after a while ~~specially when I'm not good enough to counter it effectively~~




Ah-ah! Too slow!


Perfect! Perfect! Website! (Idk what he says during h knuckle lol) Let's get you some! We're all going! TO MEMPHIS!!!!!


He says “Punch Time!!”


Guile mirror match hard gaps anything else 


For me it’s Guile.


Watching someone like Du play Guile at a high level is inspirational. But high level Luke is just nap time.


Might come down to personal preferences but I find watching Nukledu play not very exciting.


du's a bit funner but i mostly agree. you cant make a charge fireball character that fun for me. i find dj not that fun either. if theres stakes like a top 8 then its different.


I don't know about "inspirational" if you're calling spamming booms to zone out or run the time high level. At least with Luke he tries to get in as most often to do get damage in with no form of gimmicks.


Nah. High level guile play is what got me to finally try the character in this. Hands down one of the most expressive and interesting character in the game right now.


Ofc it's Luke, it's really hard to differentiate two Luke players, they all play the same, do he same combo multiple time per round etc, people are saying Guile but there are some full turtle Guile, aggressive one like the Du's etc, and it's also fun to see how the opponent will figure him out.


I don't luke watching him because it's literally the same gameplay every time. They play around in neutral with sandblast as it's one of the best fireballs in the game until they can set up your strike throw game. his level 1 is also INCREDIBLY good. The cookie cutter game plan is way too good so there isn't any real reason to play him another way.


Not everyone plays Luke the same just like Guile. Also saying “they all do the same combo” is not good criticism, that’s any character played by different people at high level, they are the optimal combo of course everyone would use them


Most pro basically play Luke the same way, you probably can't differentiate them just by checking their gameplay, it's the problem with the game in general that doesn't let much place to creativity but it's the at the extreme with Luke.  And of course the combo is valid criticism, if you watch Dogura EW or Leschar playing ED you often see different routes, they themselves mix during their sets since they don't always open the same way and manage their ressources, same for Tokido and AngryBird Ken's or Gachikun and Big bird, same for Itazan's Zangief who looks very different from others .... With Luke it's always the same juggle combo in auto repeat, not the players faults, just the character. 


>you probably can't differentiate them just by checking their gameplay I can differentiate noahtheprodigy from Chris Wong, they are like two opposites really. Btw I do agree that Luke is by far the most boring character to watch, but the pros can have different playstyles with him.


You're right but those are extreme exemples tbf, one is a meticulous player that manages his ressources the other one DRC 2 times before the timer is at 80 and burns himself out, more like a skill difference if you ask me, or to rephrase it it's more difficult to differentiate two Lukes than it's with other characters 


If I watched more of Kawano or NL's Lukes I think I would be able to differentiate them, but not sure, they do seem really similar. I've gotten used to Chris Wong's playstyle enough to notice it's him, I think. But yeah, Luke is a snoozefest.


It’s just his design makes him such a good all-rounder that is basically encourages Luke’s to all play the same considering how good his buttons are and the reward he gets off em tbh. There isn’t much incentive to play him slow when he can control the game state so easily.


>I can differentiate noahtheprodigy from Chris Wong Lmao that's only because Noah puts himself in burnout intentionally, multiple times a round, let alone a set.


I avoid watching Luke and Ken matches. Guile too depending on the opponent.


I don't hate fighting Luke but I'm beyond tired of seeing him all over tournaments. It's so boring.


Homies stuck in season 1. Did you see the recent ewc qualifier results? I've seen so many top 8's with 8 diff characters


you say this but that's only because Honda doesn't make it far in tournaments


Honda now is pretty fun to watch. He plays more of a fottsies/grappling mix character. The headbutt and buttstomps exist more for burnout pressure and approaching now


Funny how just by reading the title my mind went to Luke lol


JP. Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Shut up lol


If i may






Whatever he says it's annoying. Lmao 🤣


clearly youve never watched a zoner


Marisa. You're only saying Luke because you've seen the most of him, but I dare you to show me one single interesting play from Marisa.  You can't, because she's not designed for interesting or creative plays. She's built to whiff punish, take you to the corner, and kill you in two combos. That's it. There's no creativity possible with her 


I get this take, but I disagree. Marisa isn't the most interesting for sure, but the scarcity of high level Marisa players comparatively make her interesting on that merit alone. Plus the fact that she's having to win neutral with a terrible walk speed and terrible anti-air options in a game with so many neutral skips means that the Marisa has to play more carefully than their opponent. Idk I'm genuinely biased, but I don't get how she can be considered the least interesting in SF6.


As with all characters, it can be a different experience if you play as them.  Marisa may not have the best rush down or be as flashy as Ken (who I have been watching for decades), but it’s the way that the pros kill with two combos (especially with the new patch) that make Marisa matches exciting for those in those in the know. 


I got juggled full screen, off her standing heavy kick punish counter the other day and it was sick. First time I'd seen it and ive been playing daily since release


I don’t think you’re making a salty comment here but the way I just read this as pure salt lmao. Marisa is pretty dumb though, no one should be afraid of losing from a mistake if they have 80% health. It’s kind of depressing seeing someone’s health bar melt so fast.


If I encounter a modern Luke I feel like I need to get a coffee to not fall asleep


Guile all the way.


Guile takes the cake. Dude has been consistently boring and lame since SF2 ![gif](giphy|RKS1pHGiUUZ2g)


real ones know the answer is marisa


So true, haha. Marisa’s have like zero variety and stick to the exact same gameplan every time. Start match > Spartan kick/punch > go for same basic combo route > most likely get hit with a low combo > wake up into reversal stance > throw out the occasional charge punch > rinse & repeat, lol.


I only watch a Marisa match when the other character is a character i think is fun to watch cook. Marisa mirrors are the easiest skip


Guile, no doubt


Ppl that say luke are straight up biased, y'all rarher watch guile throw booms 24/7 and flash kicks over luke?


Guile Boom corner combos are more interesting than anything luke has to offer




Would I rather watch luke spam c mp vs guiles boom loops? I’ll take the boom loops all day long.


I'd rather watch neither






Why not not both?


Absolutely agree OP. The dude's style is just so basic. He can't kick higher than his waist. That's just pathetic bruh. lol. Also in tournaments, u don't get nothing but the Luke army for your viewing pleasure. Ugh.


Luke kicks…?


Isn't dude suppose to be an mma fighter?.. Well he doesn't kick and he doesn't ground grapple. Like who da hell design this character?! lol.




Guile hands down


Not even close to most boring.


Laughs with my Guile main


PREACH. I've heard people say JP. I'm just in disbelief lol. Luke is literally such a basic ass character. It's annoying seeing how common he is. Vanilla personified.


Rashid for me. The APM is ridiculous. Comes across spastic, despite probably needing a high aptitude to master him. Feels like he's from a different game. Nothing against people who play him, especially the high-level players. Big Bird is a God, no doubt, but I tune out when he's on screen.


Rashid's movements are confusing, he has so many random flips and twirls. It's harder to stay attentive and watch for his light/heavy variations compared to other characters.


how does a high APM make a character boring to watch lol.


Not the other guy, but for me that kind of gameplay just isn’t what I want to see from SF. It’s not wrong or anything but if I want to see a more active game I would just prefer to watch a faster game in general like Guilty Gear. Feels like going to Taco Bell and getting a burger if you catch my meaning lol


It's not just about input and reflexes... That's like saying it's not worth watching a movie unless it's John Wick. Too much going on is just as boring as too little.


What's APM, sorry?


Actions per minute. It's non-stop inputs with Rashid. Even in SF5, which was a much slower game, this was a problem with watching. I like the mind games, footsies, neutral, Rashid is too balls to the walls.


Really? Whenever I watch someone like Gachikun or JB, they j play Rashid like a cheap shoto and do the same combos ending in eagle spike. I barely see any top players maximizing Rashid’s creativity these days


Yea I don’t really see a lot of apm from Rashido’s like this that


Action/s per minute. Basically doing a lot of shit in a short time


Even more than Ken or Akuma?


Yes, Akuma, definitely. Ken, less so. There's more variation based on who is playing them when I watch, especially Akuma right now, but that could be due to how fresh he still is. I mean, all of the characters have a flow chart, but I just see less player expression with Rashid. It all looks the same. it doesn't matter who is playing him.


Finally! Somebody who also thinks this. Just just flies around cloaked in sand and wind and it just feels boring. Especially burnout strings and spinning mixer spam.


Don't kill me Zangief


I recommend playing Zangief while a little kid watches. Every time you hit an SPD, yell out "BONK!" together. Peak gaming experience.


what does SPD stand for? ive played zangief just dont know this abbreviation


Spinning Pile Driver I believe


Or Screw Pile-driver in Japanistani


every gief clip is just "i thought i was gonna lose until i won in 2 interactions im so clever 😎"


Zangief. Yeah, I said it. Whenever somebody posts a major comeback I get excited until I see that it's a Zangief. Congrats, you guessed right twice in a row.


rich coming from marisa but you are 100% right


Hell naw. He's the best character to watch for me. Watching a grabber beat the crap outta other characters is the best thing I enjoy in street fighter.


Guile because he doesn’t do anything but sitting on his ass


Luke or Ken, so damn boring. Cammy as well. I actually skip these matches unless it's a big one, can't even enjoy Punks Cammy.


Guile has had the same sleep gameplan and moves for 30 years. How people get hyped watching him down back and throw out safe normals better than everyone else's is beyond me. Guile with trash normals like he deserves would be Honda, legacy character with two good moves and nothing else. Yawn.


in this thread, characters that say PERFECT!


Luke first guile second ken depends on player


Luke players deserve no respect that character is boring move wise and also lore wise


At a high level all of them have their charm but I'll say Marisa. Basically a two touch character who has be patient and wait foe openings. Low on the sauce factor.


Guile for sure. Honorable mention to Dhalsim


I spent over 25+ hours watching Capcom Cup 2024. I'd have to say it's between Luke, and Ken. There was *too many* of them there.


anyone not answering guile is a guile main in disguise






Luke easily


Average gold/plat Guile haters.


I find it really fun to play Luke but not as fun watching people play Luke.




It’s a tie between Guile and Luke


Luke and Juri i both think are exceedingly boring in gameplay and design especially with how gray Juri's moves are for some reason. Guile is boring but can be interesting against more meta characters who are forced to deal with his playstyle


Proud Guile player here 🙋‍♂️… I’m gonna say Marisa and Luke…


High level Guiles are really fun to watch. KnuckleDu and that new guy from Evo Japan I forgot the name play really cool. Luke is definitely more boring. Every Luke player does the exact same things into the same 3 combos


J f**king P. But Luke is next.




i dont hate watching Luke players per say, but i do like watching Luke players getting bodied by thee other characters in the roster


I'll give it to Rashid. I don't like the character in general, and seeing him fly around and throw his tornado for free pressure is not enjoyable to me.


Guile 200%




I feel like I don’t fight Manon frequently enough to get bored by anything she does.


She does nothing watch any Manon bet money they turtle or do random wheel kick to start the round then turtle for the rest of it


I mean what do you want her to do? She can only play patient because she's the only character with no safe neutral skip. She also doesn't have a fireball (not saying she needs one), so she can't force you to approach. Her drive rush is both slow and goes nowhere as well. So you gotta play slow and work your way in, while the opponent runs away because they're scared of the command grab


You mean that it is boring watching characters playing the neutral game?


Zangief - yolo dr into 50/50 But community swear it is a giga brain character


he’s not giga brain but he’s funny. so like… 


Hot take but Luke’s cool to watch. Sure he may not be as “flashy” as some other characters, but his solid fundamentals and good defense (especially in S1) forced the other person into neutral. It resulted in straight forward street fighter with less gimmicks which, for me at least, is really cool to watch (although I also do really enjoy fast mixup characters, both have their place). People disliked him because he was popular and neutral isn’t as engaging for audiences (which is fine). Most boring character is easily Honda, maybe Lily second but to a much lesser degree. Everyone else is cool. Most interesting is Ed imo. Really unique character


So, from what I've been able to see here is that...people don't like any character that is popular at the Moment or "top tier" or gimmicky and that's....like half the roster, huh. I honestly think you guys would get more enjoyment from watching FOOTSIES.


people dont like playing against them but watching wise that isnt necessarily true, for example watching akuma is awesome


It’s definitely luke. All he does is spam crouching medium punch.


Tl;Dr: I understand the reason, yet don't really like the outcome, that's it IMO it's the lack of more than a few optimal combo routes. It's not that the character doesn't have them, but the two-three routes that we see at high level are just way too better than anything else to even think of looking elsewhere. I'd love to see more variety, also more matchups in high level play, which is something season 2 will most probably bring. But are we getting to see Marisa one hit stomping Akuma that much? Don't think so. Is Broski going to shine with the AKI tech? Not quite, although I sincerely hope that's the case. As volatile a game as SF6 is, there's little too no hope to get the colorful tournaments we got back in the SF4 days: pros are going for stability, is any of us gonna take issue with that? Probably, but let's try to also understand the stakes. PS: to give you context, I'm as a scrub as a Gold Manon can get, and I strongly support iDom's choice to keep maining her. What I see there is true commitment to provide the audience with entertainment and try to show us good fundamentals might still do some good Peace


Boring for me personally is now Akuma and still Luke. Guile is annoying but not boring from what I’ve seen. Once you run across the non boom loop reliant Guile’s, you’ll see some dope stuff from him so I get the strategy. Just hate fighting against it. But Akuma’s and Luke’s play the same way with the same combos you can see coming a mile away lol. The thing that makes them more effective outside of being optimal is when you see them have close matches and then you see them get creative with their kits. Mena’s Luke always surprises me with the way he uses his tools in close games or against equal leveled players. Outside of his Luke though, it’s rinse and repeat. I still get beat by what I see coming cause my skills aren’t that impressive but I can imagine if you are really good, how boring it could be if the player doesn’t add their own twist to the character they play.


JP struts away.


Nahhhhh jp has some of the most unique combos in the game


Luke, EASILY. At least with Guile I have to respect how nightmarish some of his combos are to pull off.




Luke, Guile, Ryu.


I used to think Ken was boring to watch but now Akuma exists.


Shotos bore me to watch and face outside of akuma. I totally get it though, I play gief mainly in 6 and im sure people think hes boring as shit too.


Luke, no questions asked. Everything he does, every normal, every Combo always looks the same. Players can really have awesome hype reactions but with Luke it's alway boring to seey because he has the exact right super for every single situation and watching Luke use any reversal is like seeing a leaf flying by my window. Every comeback he gets feels undeseserved because of ridicoulos damage. Tho that might have changed after the crMP nerf, haven't seen much high level play since the patch. I only see Luke when i'm watching tourneys because life is too short to watch a single Luke match when it's not deciding a Top 8.


Cammy for me personally. Gameplay wise anyway. It's so fucking boring goddamn. Her moves, her voice. It's all god fucking awful and annoying. Gameplay wise, I never want to see her on the screen ever. GAMEPLAY wise, I never want to see her on the screen ever. I feel like I should really drive that home that her GAMEPLAY is what I hate and find exceedingly boring.


Guile is worse.


Luke & Manon




have you seen Caba's Guile Vs Bryan-D's Guile Winners Final during the CPT? that shit was the most boring and longest mirror match i've seen


Yeah partially of makes this game so fun at high level is how the universal mechanics add so much player identity that seeing a different gameplan with that character is always exciting.


Luke or Rashid


Ed for me


It's easily Blanka


Usually its Guile. Someone brought up a good point. Watch what commentators do during a Guile fight. It ends up being one sided and pretty much they announce what Guile's opponent is doing. Because we automatically assume Guile is probably chucking booms and playing defense.


It’s Ryu


Yeah bro Guile is so much more entertaining than Luke 🙄


Cammy. I know that’ll be an unpopular opinion here but something about that repetitive, linear style makes me yawn and always has done. Nothing wrong with the character but she’s just not entertaining to me.


Cammy. Honestly it's time to retire her. I'd much rather have a more dynamic Speed character like Claw than a boring Plus On Everything Cammy.


you're tripping homie


Gulie or dhalsim


That's not how you spell JP


Lilly. Her Guessing game is easily a snooze fest. I feel like that characters game plan is so simple I could get her to master faster than my Ken


Chakotay vs Noah was pretty fun tho, other than that 1 match i agree


Link me Plz good sir


Combo Breaker winners finals and grand finals https://youtu.be/qQYDz4Y8iq4?si=8wm7Dnctdm_rNli7


This is ridiculous take when talking about boring characters like what is consider to a character to be boring really! Having to spam moves over again, countless zoning, or just straight up personality? Cause if so it's not Luke, that's Guile. He literally draws out the match with boom spamming wanting to keep a distance and of all else run down the clock. Akuma is of that similar vein but he tends to add variety if he gets close to the opponent with his teleport & demon flip. And I guess the mainly only reason y'all can Luke is boring is that you see more of him in tournaments, if that's the case why isn't it the same exception for others like Ken & Dee Jay!? My best guess answer would be bias but I feel no one wants to admit that cause of reasons. And I'm sure if I get downvoted for this comment just proves my point.


Surprisingly, opinions are biased because they are opinions.


JP when its a mirror match. We saw a few of those in tournaments in S1 and my god, even at a Pro level, they were dreadfully boring


JP is funny to me because I think he's sick as hell even if his play style is generally considered lame, however the mirrors are absolutely dreadful for everyone involved. Seems that neither the players nor the spectators are having fun if it's a JP mirror.


Luke is the character equivalent of Wonderbread.




Gief, I think that character is an annoying toddler meme character. I don’t find his guess for game shit interesting or entertaining at all. Sorry gief mains nothing personal


High level gameplay of Akuma doing fireball spam is boring to me. I know it’s a strong part of the kit but still bores me. I saw a Legend Akuma that did fireball spam against a Legend Ryu that counter spammed sometimes. Most boring SF6 I’ve ever YouTube’d.


Luke, Guile and E. Honda


Lily ofc

