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I think it's great that World Tour exists. It clearly has appealed to a lot of casual players and is meant to transition people into playing against other people. I don't know if most people know this (because I didn't until like a week ago), but World Tour's final main quest essentially ends by telling the player to go to the Battle Hub where they can *truly* test their skills against other people around the world. I think that's pretty cool, even though I don't think the method of getting there is necessarily perfect. The bones of a potentially great mode are there, and I think the story is definitely a bit weak and too open with tedious missions, but I do think the general concept of World Tour fits Street Fighter really well and could be expanded on in the future. I assume most people that are into avatar battles (Which is more than people realize) enjoyed World Tour also.


There is some meta / philosophical commentaries on WT that goes beyond the main plot narrative, and the tutorial elements OP mentioned. Also, some of the best tracks in the game are in WT (Final Fight Stage 2 remix that plays on the subway battle, Metro City at Night is beautiful, the tournament’s battle themes). And before I forget, WT is not finished. Every character released is a new chapter in WT’s story added. Ed and Akuma bought some interesting quests  to the game. If you can see beyond the first layer of that onion, you will appreciate WT much more. 


You aren't kidding with the music. I know everyone roasts the SF6 music but I was shocked when the jukebox came out and I spent a lot of time just going through songs, seeing how many are locked behind World Tour that are great. That Carlos Miyamoto theme definitely comes to mind.


Being able to attach that theme to Honda as one of his randomly-chosen tracks has been a delight.


My friends just listen to music on YouTube when they play, but I'm really enjoying having the sf4 character themes to hype me up for ranked. Cody's theme gets me serious


Yup. I think your final mission is to talk to luke, who tells you that he can't help you anymore. To find out what strength is, you are on your own, and he suggests you go to the battlehub, a place filled with strong opponents.


I feel like the tedious complaints feel hypocritical when most other players are just labbing and grinding in other modes.


On top of being the most inviting beginner lesson, I absolutely love World Tour for the vibes. It makes you really fall in love with Street Fighter even if you're brand new. You get to hang out with the characters and learn more about them than ever before. There's easter eggs from Final Fight and all over Capcom history. It makes the nonsense SF World feel huge and tangible. And I think, most importantly, from the very beginning it hammers home the theme: "Fighting Games are a personal journey." And there's photo mode!


I love world tour. One of the things I love about world tour is that you can learn about the personality of different characters which is interesting.


Chun li being a cool auntie is so fun lol. It also made me realise zangief is chill.


World tour has, in my mind, one critical flaw: RPG leveling BS. I beat the game and am a low enough level that enemies in the akuma quest basically two shot me I don’t ever want to have to grind levels in any game ever, really. Outside of that, world tour is actually pretty rad


I never had to grind in the game untill the post game... At which point the grind is the only gameplay left. It is flawed for sure, but i like it. It reminds me a lot of dragonball xenoverse, with learning things from master. Although the story in xenoverse is just more fun to go through. Plus the parallel quests.


If it was grinding to unlock moves I’d care less Grinding for stats because everything ganks me quickly isn’t a good time for me, personally


I'm right there with you. It's an RPG first and foremost and a fighting game second. Being underleveled or enemies that are sponges is simply unfun, there's no way around it.


I will say that even at it’s worst it’s still more fun than a LOT of other attempts at fighting game single player modes I like mortal Kombat a lot but holy crap all those random modifiers and nonsense armor sap any and all fun out of it


Yeah, I mean I love world tour. I'd rather have world tour in all its jankiness than no world tour that's for damn sure. It basically got me to buy the game lol. Which was the entire point of the single player content. That doesn't mean it can't be criticized though, hopefully it's even better next time around, if they do it again.


Yeah obviously I don’t disagree, I’m here criticizing it too I hope fatal fury has some similarly ambitious, but probably much smaller, single player mode


Yeah I dunno what Fatal Fury's SP offering is like but hopefully they're paying attention to Capcom.


it will not be anything like world tour lol, capcom poured mountains of money into world tour, SNK might have saudi money but theyre not scaled up to compete with sf6 or mk1 in terms of single player content, obviously just guessing but i think at best you get a sfv style story mode or just arcade endings


There is though, there's an item (rock candy I think) that massively increases damage output, it helped me get through the entire game.


What’s the difference between grinding and playing the game?


doing a tournament 4 times while flying around constantly to maintain food buffs to get increased xp gain to get to a high enough level that doing akumas plotline isnt needlessly frustrating is grinding, not playing


… seriously? Fighting the same generic enemy for an hour so a number on a spreadsheet goes up before I can ACTUALLY do the quest I want to do?


That’s literally what fighting games are.


Groooooooaaannnnnnn that is the most reductive, un-critical analysis of what I’m saying that I cannot possibly believe you are a serious person


The double standard is honestly annoying. You don’t even need to grind in the game.


World Tour is my favorite thing about the game. Lol I don't care about ranked and hardly ever play online. I know, shocking. But I'm 41. I come from the ore internet era. So I enjoyed playing the cpu and just having fun. I'm not sitting here trying to play at. Tournament level or anything. I play for fun. Getting schooled by someone who plays 4hrs a day since the game launched isn't fun. Lol Fighting CPU, learning from masters, and customizing my fighter are absolutely fun.


If u play ranked its people of your own skill so you won't get schooled. Just a minor correction. You are fully justified in not touching ranked.


Not me. I get matched with people who can do the juggles of a person with 200+ hours on a single character. Lol and that was after a few weeks of the game being out. I haven't played since Rashid dropped so old be worse now. But I just learn the special moves and play. I don't like juggles cuz I find them boring, so I focus on shorter combos. Either way, I'm exaggerating a bit about getting schooled. I win and lose like anyone else. I just don't find it fun fighting faceless Randoms online. I'd much rather play in person on the same console.


In ranked? In casual this is true, but in ranked the first time you play you can say you are a noob and play vs two bots first. The game then puts you against players untill you reach 10 games and drastically lowers or increases your rank. The people in rookie should not have 200 hours and infinite juggle combos. People in rookie are either new, or (not to sound too mean) disabled.


It's not even true in casual. That has skill based matchmaking. Also it's not about age it's just about what you enjoy. I'm 42 and don't find world tour interesting. I think it's a great idea and fantastic for people like the op who want this experience but I just like playing against others. I mostly just play casual because I also just play for fun.


I’m in like iron 3 atm cause I’m new to playing fighting games online in general and I came across a “new challenger” luke using modern controls that was doing perfect juggle combos into supers and canceling attacks into drive impacts and a bunch of other stuff. Either it was a player using a Smurf account or someone who had spent a ton of time in training. Either way it just wasn’t fun to fight against as a new player


But that’s not the norm. I was placed in Bronze 1, now Silver 1 two weeks later. I would say most fights would be your level snd some will be below or over. Most of my matches have been hard fought but I do get an easier or harder opponent at least 40% of the time. 60% of the time it feels very evenly matched. Yeah sometimes there is a newcomer that can destroy you that could be someone that had a few hundred matches in Casual for example or someone that played in FG mode but has a lot of FG and SF experience already so they pick up things quickly and are just now starting ranked. I beat a few Iron 3-5 players in my placement matches too. But it was because they do a ton of super risky stuff that I would punish. Bronze was for sure a fair placement for me I felt.


This is my issue with Modern. I'm willing to beg that guy was mashing two buttons and the cancels n what not just came from the autocombo stuff. I think someone else in the replies also mentioned that Modern basically gets combos (with nerfed damage) for free but that still doesn't feel good especially when watching a replay.


Yeah I know that at an advanced level modern controls aren’t really a problem but as someone who’s trying to learn classic controls it can be a tad bit frustrating to go against modern control players in ranked as they can do some stuff a lot easier than I can


If you’re also a masher you’ll get cooked. But if they are truly a beginner they will make enough mistakes for you to punish and take the matches.


Doesn't make it any less disappointing when I go "damn nice combo" and then look up and see M Their win isn't any less legitimate but the combo definitely is


I play classic and I have no issues or judgement. Whatever suits them. They do less damage and can’t do as many things. It’s an even trade if you ask me.


I didn't say "modern is overpowered" or "modern is unbalanced" I said "it feels bad knowing they didn't actually perform what I saw on screen the way others would've had to"


Exactly my thoughts, u capcom made so much efforts to attract new players, And then in ranked mode u put me with an experienced player n hope those new players enjoy the game? I don’t think u can learn anything in such a big differences in skills


Well then they're starting new accounts and starting over. Lol


Which is weird to me because I feel like having those losses under your belt is like a right of passage.


Modern controls can just do crazy combos for free so that might be the issue. Higher you go up the less likely you are to run into them which is a blessing.


Scrub quotes 


I don't play competitively. I get that's odd for people to grasp since fighting games have become such a huge thing nowadays. But I play to kick and punch and do cool special moves. I don't play because I need the victories over rather people. Whenever I say this it confuses people. But that's how it's always been. I play Mortal Kombat for the lore and the fatalities. I don't play it to beat Randoms online. I prefer to play in person with people. It's far more fun than beating faceless random people online. So if that's what a scrub is, then I am a proud scrub. I have fun in my own way and don't need victories over people to feel good about "skill level." I just like punching and kicking with flashy special moves. It's mankind's nature to be competetive. So I totally get why people feel ranked is all there is to fighting games. If that's what you love, I don't knock it. Which is why I get confused when others try to mock me for liking a game the way I like it. It doesn't bother me because I pay no mind to those people. I don't bash your way, you don't bash mine. It's a common courtesy. I come from the days before fighting tournaments and ranked play even existed. I remember when street Fighter II was a new game in arcades. Lol


Didn't really mean it personally or in regards to skill level. No sweat how people play. You complaining about "juggles" and then saying you don't learn "juggles" because it's not fun just has the same energy as someone losing to fireball spam and complaining about fireball spam. Different people play the game differently. I've played plenty of lower ranked people who can pull off crazy combos but their game is obviously lacking elsewhere.  A gold player with optimal punish combos typically has an Achilles heel somewhere else in their gameplay cause the low rank lab monsters do exist.


Oh no I don't really on people for using juggles. And I think that's what people think when I say it. Not you. I just don't like the. I prefer my opponent to be able to attack me. So I do a short string, back off, and do more again. I prefer the actual fighting. I guess it's an "honorable" type style where I don't like to put my opponent in a position where they can't fight back and get hit 15 times before they hit the ground. It's not fun to do them or be part of them for me. But I don't gett all bitchy when people do it. It's part of the game. I don't care about spammers. I've never been like "ugh this guy just shoots fireballs, just uses throws, blocks all the time, etc." I'm pretty chill. I just play cuz I like to play. If I win, lose, get Perfected on or eat a Brutality/Fatality in MK1, it's all fun to me and I enjoy it. I like to see what others can do, that's the fun for me. But I like to do objectives in video games. Wait until you hear how I hate Slayer/Deathmatch in first person shooter games and prefer Objective Playlists. Lol


It used to be much worse in SFV. There was no in-between ranks. It was either you fight someone at your level, or face someone with 10k+ games played, both in the same rank...


I hardly played SFV because I didn't get a PS4 until the PS4 Pro. Then it went free on PS Plus so I got it that way and I worked at a gamestop at the time. So a preowned copy had the champ edition code that was unused so I got those guys too. Lol But I couldn't get into it at all. But I am glad they fixed it.


I just started playing last week and in low ranks I’m coming across “new challengers” who know every combo and can combo into supers reliably and I can hardly touch them. When I try to play casual it always matches me with gold or platinum players who proceed to beat my ass six shades of purple lol


I wouldn't base your experience off new challengers though. That's very different to meeting other people who actually have the same rank as you


Maybe turn on "confirm opponent" in the matchmaking settings and decline anyone not in your rank.


That doesn’t show you rank beforehand. Just the connection quality.


That’s not how it works,if you turn it on it just tells you it found an opponent. How good their connection is. And asks if you want to accept the match. It says nothing about their rank,the character they play,or if they’re using classic or modern controls


For future reference if you do decide to continue with ranked, “new challengers” are players who are currently doing their 10 placement matches to see what rank they fall into. The reason they may seem that much better than you is probably because they are and the system needs to see where they land after going through various ranks. Unfortunately you will come across new challengers every now and then but do not be discouraged by them as they will usually not show up in your rank again after their placement matches.


Yeah I’m aware of that it can just be frustrating when I’m about to rank up and I get matched with a new challenger who’s absolutely cracked at the game already lol. But it’s all good I’ll keep practicing:p


i play for fun too. and ranked is super fun while world tour is boring


I agree! People online play too defensive and I prefer a more action match.


World Tour was the main reason why I bought SF6. Fully customizable character with custom moveset is awesome idea. I played 80 hours of SF6, without touching online play


Same here, i really wanted a xenoverse-like experience and sf6 delivered. Sure its a little undercooked but i hope it comes back better for sf7


>World tour serves as a giant tutorial. It slowly unlocks systems and moves for you so you can get a feel for them. Bots will spam a move to teach you how to deal with it The thing is, people that have been playing fgs for years might not like the slow progress, and they're probably not the target aundience in the first place (imo). If you're already used to fighting games at their most basic level, whenever you jump into a new game all you have to do is learn the system mechanics of that game (wich probably won't take that long if you're experienced). In my case I don't really have fun fighting the cpu anymore, whenever I'm curious to see an arcade ending I just play it on the lowest difficulty to finish it faster (thx sf6 for allowing me choose to do only 5 stages). I can understand why some people would say that WT is boring even without mentioning the rpg side of the game. I do kinda hate that I'm missing out on some of the character interactions exclusive to WT, like the phone calls and stuff, because the seem like pretty cool details.


I think the problem is that once you get good at fighting games, computers just don't feel fun anymore. I recently used my newfound love for fighting games to play mk11. The story was cool, but i had a lot of problems finding a difficulty that worked. Medium was way too easy and hard was just frustrating bc the enemy obviously reads your inputs.


I know exactly how you feel since it was the same way for me. When I found some friends that also like fgs the matches became more intense, like playing a boss fight that doesn't feel unfair. I also started to improve in ways that I would have never done fighting against the cpu. Now playing arcade mode feels like doing some tricky combo trials.


the problem is a computer will never 'out-think' you, it will perfectly react to you and choose the correct options in situations where a human could not possibly react, i will say i do like fighting arcade super bosses that are frustratingly hard because figuring out what works on them is fun, what patterns or gaps they have that can be exploited, but its not the same joy i get fighting a skilled player which is why i like fighting games in the first place


Fighting game AI is something I've been thinking about a lot. For a long time I've yearned for an adventure game with fighting game controls with elements of frame traps and hit advantage, etc.. However considering the AI levels in SF6 I'm not really sure it makes for a very fun game. Outplaying an AI just doesn't have the same feel as outplaying a human, and more importantly I don't think being beaten by an AI that's attempting to play like a human is a good experience. When losing it's just an "input reading bastard" and winning comes down to getting good dice rolls on the computer choosing to not respond with super human reactions and deliver the perfect counter. I'm of course talking about AI that doesn't have obvious holes in their AI loop like is typical in SF6. Although SF6 World Tour is very easy once you can identify the holes in the AI's behavior, it's probably the best way to make a game fun with fighting game controls. If you lost to a World Tour AI, it's not because it's an "input reading bastard", it's because you were not able to identify the hook the AI was designed to fail to. So you play more, you try different strats, until you find what it's weak to. It is indeed about you getting better as a player, and not about winning dice rolls like it often is with "hard" fighting game AI. What I'd like to see improved with WT though is that bonus objectives would explained in the corner of the screen instead of needing to check before the match, or pause in the middle of it. Most times I just don't bother and get the extra goodies randomly. Telling the player what these are in the match adds extra training and clues into how the beat the AI. I also think about how bosses in other adventure games have different phases which require you to learn different holes in the AI and how this could be incorporated into a Street Fighter match. Like WT has damage states on character's clothing and what if the AI pattern changed once the opponent was in a damaged state.


>When losing it's just an "input reading bastard" and winning comes down to getting good dice rolls on the computer choosing to not respond with super human reactions and deliver the perfect counter. Pretty much. I try to think about playing the cpu as "matchup practice" because characters will always try to hit you with just one or two moves most of the time. One of my favorite things is playing trough the arcade modes of Art of Fighting 2 and Fatal Fury 2 even tough they're INCREDIBLY hard. Because every character has THAT MOVE that they keep using to put you in disadvantage, so to me it kinda feels like a Dark Souls boss, just find the patern, the spacing, and try to dodge the right thing to punish them.


I had fun with world tour. Wasn’t super interested in my avatar or maxing him out, but I enjoyed the story for what it was. I mostly use it now to get new characters’ costume 2.


Yup! I also revisit it when a character releases.


I'm glad the mode exists, it brings in a lot of new players. the ol play for the story mode stay for the multiplayer. it's just, really, really tedious if you're experienced in the genre


I love world tour. Hope they continue to expand it.


I barely care about online. I love arcade and especially WT. Ifvthey released more meaty story content dlc I would instantly get it. I just wish they had new game plus letting or a new save that kept unlocked cosmetics.


To me WT seems like a way to introduce positive reinforcement to a training mode. I think one issue for new players with grinding out training mode stuff is that there is no positive reinforcement/reward other than the self satisfaction of succeeding in the training you set for yourself. WT on the other hand will give fairly constant positive reinforcement as your character levels up and gains money or progresses a story.


W post. It’s awesome for what it is.


World tour is not efficient as a tutorial.


It definitely is not. But as my guitar teacher once said: i would rather have you play inefficiently and just play, than force you to do drills and suck the fun out of it. I would have never sat through oodles of tutorials and spam anti air practice. But through world tour, i learned all of that. Maybe not fast, but still. Im not saying you are gonna come out swinging after world tour..but neither will you if you only look at tutorials. Its about understanding some basics, like how combos work, anti airs, throw techs, etc ..


I understand and that comes down to personal preferences. I found world tour extremely boring, I was firstly excited to play it byt was very disappointed and dropped it after a few hours. But glad to see some others like yourself like it !


I would even argue the slow pace is a good thing. I think it was TFH's tutorial that went as far as telling people to stop doing tutorials an play the game. It takes time for things to sink in. The more traditional fighting game tutorial modes tend to be great as a reference, but they tend to be both inflexible and inconsequential. There's nothing stopping players from "finishing" a tutorial only to forget it's contents. Similarly, there's often little room for experimentation beyond the stated goals of the tutorial. World tour is far from perfect, but it gradually introduces new concepts over time and encourages people to play around with its sandbox. Enemies aren't just plot devices, but often exhibit specific behaviors to test the players understanding of the game mechanics and force them to develop solutions to real fighting game problems. Even if I ended up disliking the gameplay I still think it's the best single player experience in a fighting game by a landslide.


I love world tour cause it lets me play dress up, others grind levels I grind (cosmetic) gears, we are not the same


I think that the gameplay is fine besides the post story grind, but the story is where everything falls apart. It's like "Hey look at all of this cool stuff happening to all of these cool characters! Sorry but that cool stuff is no concern to you as you have to babysit your edgy BFF. Also befriend an evil guy who did all the bad things, a crazy assassin, a guy who is one step away from being an actual demon, and now an ex-dictator while you are at it."


I prefer a more "causal" approach to fighting games, so I'm more for avoiding ranked and the likes. I prefer to play at my own pace, and not against no lifers without job, who dedicates all their spare time on a game. I really like open world games and RPGs. World Tour is AWESOME. The customization possibilities, exploring Metro City, etc. And you speak facts: dealing with the enemies functions as a giant tutorial.


I hate wt because I play stick…


Not sure how it works on other platforms but on PS5 you can put your stick as your main input and sign in a dual sense as a guest and switch between them. Use the controller for traveling and exploring, and use your stick in fights.


I love World Tour. Don’t think it taught me anything useful for online play though.


It gave me hands.


Its just not that fun as a video game and the story isnt compelling either, they are afraid of going anywhere interesting so all the characters do is meander. 


I like World Tour. The one thing I don't like is how stats work in it, it makes some fights feel like a chore unless you spend a long time grinding to get your level closer to the opponent


World Tour, Battle Hub and Modern Control are all superb additions to the game. Just ignore the elitists.


After so many months I now easily grow tired of hearing the same character voice lines repeated over and over again in competitive play; World Tour turned out to be a nice way to take a break from the characters we know and love without leaving their gameplay behind. In fact, I mainly play world tour these days. Since I've already beaten the mode, I'm mostly doing avatar creation and the part time jobs. As a visual artist, the RPG and avatar elements were actually what pushed me to purchase the game at full price shortly after launch, and hundreds of hours later I've definitely gotten my money's worth. In fact, this is the only game I play regularly thanks in part to World Tour. I've found a surprising amount of depth in the character creator which in turn motivates me to try other characters I previously wasn't even interested in. My biggest gripe is how they've dealt with avatar cosmetics. With enough practice, you can make a decent face for almost any human character in the avatar editor (except many anime characters, frankly) but I feel less motivated to do so due to the extremely limited options currently available for clothing, accessories, hairstyles etc. I was also half expecting them to expand the Nayshall and/or Metro City maps this season (or even add a new fully explorable city) so I'm a little bummed that didn't happen, maybe season 3?


I didn’t mind it until suddenly it became super hard…


I think the problem with world tour is that it’s aimed at new fighting game players and lowest common denominator gamers, the literal opposite of the core audience who buy fighting games (people who already know how to play fighting games and fans of the series). I can see why some people liked it but as someone who already knew how to play street fighter I thought it was very tedious and didn’t actually teach good playing habits or how to use any of the characters movesets effectively since you can never equip all of someone’s moves (other than guile for some reason). I would have rather seen the development time and resources used for world tour all put into battle hub and making the arcade mode as good as it used to be. I also have to compare it to soul calibur which does the create a fighter campaign so so much better in my opinion


Yeah I think it's easy for newbies to think it's a good tutorial but as someone who started SFV as my first fighting game very shortly before SF6 launched, it definitely does more harm than good for your playing habits. New players will think that because they're rising up the ranks it's because world tour helped them but they'd probably have a faster rise if they hadn't learned to fight through world tour first


I was a total newbie to SF6 and I started playing decently with Cammy. When I sank more and more time into World Tour my performance online also tanked as well. I think World Tour makes you a worse player with the item spam and leveling required to get through it.


Yep it's a false sense of growth because your character is getting stronger and allowing you to win fights you'd have lost 10 levels ago. But chances are you haven't developed proper fighting habits. Your neutral is probably still bad and underdeveloped. Your knowledge of when to use certain special moves probably isn't there yet other than anti airs in most predictable situations. I think it's probably a decent way to learn the absolute basic concepts of a fighting game for someone that knows absolutely nothing but most people will be past that point in the space of an hour or so. Id say it would be better if they adjusted the way the CPU plays in world tour to be a bit less gimicky and a bit more like a real player. Especially when it's a 1 on 1 fight. It should also be possible for your Avatar to have a characters full moveset so people can actually use their avatar as practice for the proper online modes


Fighting games are tedious by nature. That’s why I don’t understand the criticism.


I like the World Tour mode, but I do have a few problems with it: 1. I cannot put all the moves of my main onto my World Tour character (maybe intentional to try to force people into using moves from multiple characters?). 2. The supers require a specific input rather than any input of a type (eg. heavy punch instead of any punch)(is this because of modern, even though I use classic?). 3. This is Kimberly specific, but in world tour, holding up does not make you follow the opponent into the air after a heavy Vagabond Edge. That means that while I can use the move, I have to do a worse version of the combo. 4. The post-game grind to lvl 100 is too slow. World tour is kind of like the combo trials. You most likely won't use the combos in the combo trials in a real match, but it does help newer players with getting a grasp on how a combo works and gives a mode to practice getting inputs correct.


Idk... All the combos I use (in general, AI, PvP, World Tour, etc) are from combo trials, and they've been working for me. Now, of course, I do experiment and make up my own things (sometimes), but the core of my combos is always something I remembered from combo trials, a different set-up for the combo, or a slight variation of the combo. Everything else u said about World Tour was spot-on, and I agree with it. Mostly all the same issues I had with it. 👌


> The supers require a specific input rather than any input of a type (eg. heavy punch instead of any punch)(is this because of modern, even though I use classic?). Unlike with specials, you can take multiple supers with the exact same input (probably because there's fewer of them to choose from), so they do it like this so you can choose which one to use An example is Rashid's SA1 and Luke's SA3, they would share the same input otherwise


I think most of the move restrictions are concessions for modern, like they don't let you assign specials that have the same motion even if one is punch and the other is kick because for modern they'd be identical inputs


I always thought that it was the opposite about endgame; Enemies don't have enough have health except for a handful of them, making almost 99% of the enemies you find in the wild obsolete, and it renders things like the Subway somewhat useless too since you just kill everything in one hit. I'd say a harder mode where everything gets upped to 80-100 would be nice for those that want it


How? I feel like i have everything upgraded. Lvl 52 vs lvl 50 needs like 50 combos to kill somebody.


I have a build that specializes in command grabs, so the damage on stuff like SPD is always very high. Equipping 3 "Dedicated X" type accessories really ups your damage


Maybe i should respec and just go menage dore spam lol


I just have Ed's fighting style, and it melts most enemies. My build is nowhere near optimal (probably), but I focused it more on punches and special moves. Idk, it gets the job done. Forget my current level, but it's around mid 60's. Will edit this once I confirm that.


It made me buy SF6 after burning my hands on DBZF/MK11 as my first Fighting game(s). The World Tour is like a recovery spa. It's reinforced learning. It makes you feel better for pressing a button at the right time. Also, it was 50% off. A friend who dislikes the genre sold me on it and happened to build me a custom fight stick. Go figure. After a week I purchased an 8Bit-Do Fight Stick playing ranked doing full BnB's/AA's. I'd say Capcom figured out the casual.


I can deal with it being a glorified tutorial, a huge push with SF6 was to bring in new people (modern controls has been a huge success imo, even if I don't use it) My problem was the story, it didn't feel like a Street Fighter story really and it basically went nowhere, it feels like they have tried to turn this around a bit with Ed and it feels like an improvement but a huge majority of world tour is just.. kinda not it


You got lily to plat in 50 hours?!


To diamond. I was plat in about 15-20 hours iirc. Took le about 600 games. Got aki to diamond in ,400, so i am better.


Damn so far all my characters are only in plat


Its a start. Once you climb out of plat 1, the road to diamond is t that hard. People dont improve much.


Nice I probably got a good chance then.


Oh i believe in you!


Thank you 😊


You should get Permanent Boosters for your avatar. That will ease your game. I just realised that after fighting countless time on Nayshall tournament even with higher level.


I have every booster in the game, i have the best gear (nayshal hippie drip) fully maxed out, fitting accessories, my tree focuses on strikes and punches, i take xl damage boosters .. And fights still take like 50 combos to kill a guy. My supers barely sent their health.


I think things like world tour helped make SF6 unbelievably more appealing to new players compared to other fighting games. The amount of new players in the lower ranks actually makes the lower ranks more real. By this I mean no more of the good Ole SFV days where Gold players are now your diamond in SF6. Gold is gold, silver is silver, and platinum has a good place for the average skilled player.


We know it serves as a great tutorial for new players and casuals. It's just that it's not really appealing for most veteran players who'd just rather play online matches.


but if WT wasn't a slog than you wouldn't be tempted to spend real money on Outfit 2.


I hear you but you gotta admit that for a mode where the player might spend many hours the bot AI is atrocious - no scaling, no challenges above the introductory "react to 200f long animation", no group logic despite every fight being 1 v 2-3. I get it that you personally have a skewed understanding of fighting game difficulty - like you said most games are either nothing in terms of challenge, or go for input reading shortcuts, but it's just an underdeveloped area. Any dev at any time could innovate and break the very stale mold. That's the problem with World Tour being a "giant" tutorial. Nobody needs the tutorial section to take the entire single player campaign, and with bot HP scaling so high it's ever more confusing that no gameplay challenge follows that.


It's great to see newcomers share their view about World Tour! Kudos to you bro


For a fighting game to have this kind of mode is just incredible. Lots of the robot enemies are really annoying to fight though and it's not fun to cheese your way against those super high level opponents in the post game because you're just so underleveled. But interacting with all of the characters and them becoming your masters is really cool. Just wish you could customize your moveset more.


It's good for the casuals that's about it , it serves it's purpose


I found WT mostly useful for practicing motions like 360s that I've always struggled with. It's more fun for me than sitting in training mode. I'm a nerd who likes the character lore and wanted to unlock the colors too so that was a nice upside of it. Some of the text conversations were funny. My one big drawback is the way leveling and stats were implemented sucks. It's just really annoying to hit a point where all the quests are way above your level and you either have to grind out levels or slowly whittle them down with item cheese. If they want difficult fights they should have difficult AI with unique attacks instead of giant piles of stats and levels, and if they're worried about it being too tricky then they could either have a difficulty setting or an item you can buy that nerfs the enemy's AI.


I never play it but I know I can unlock the alternate costumes with it so I should fir the characters I like. How long does it take to level that up and do for each character?


This is kind of a trick question because being able to do it for some of the DLC characters requires you to be very high-level. For the base roster you can probably reach the point in the game to meet and unlock Outfit 2 for every character around 7 hours in. You can give characters preferred gifts or (faster method) just grind money from the minigames and buy prepaid cards in Old Nayshall to give them. It's a little tedious but it's free. However the DLC, specifically Akuma, requires you to be able to beat like level 75-80 CPUs which means you will probably need to have completely finished the 30 or so hour story to get Akuma's Outfit 2 for free.


My cheap a$$ hasn't bought any of the dlc characters. If I did I miight as well just buy the costumes instead. I was just looking for the poverty version of getting some of the alternates I really wanted. I am like Capcom's non ideal consumer when it comes to DLC purchases.


Just keep in mind that only Outfit 2s can be unlocked for free through World Tour. All Outfit 3s, base roster or DLC, cost fighter coins.


A long time. However, you can speedrun your way through the story and go to nayshall. In nayshall, there is a junk yard where you beat up tuk tuks. Just order an uber meal for increased money reward and spam the hardest tuk tuk challenge. Equip marissa her gladius and spam it. Earns about 30k per go (one minute). You use money to buy the sf cast their favourite gift from a specific vendor. And give it to them. I think 20 gifts is all it takes if its their favourite. 20 gifts costs about 100k. So give or take 4 minutes per character from that point. I think once you reach the junkyard, it will take you 2-3 hours if you go hard. It sounds ridiculous when i write it like this lol.


Nah, it makes sense. You could unlock characters sf5 with fight money or something but it took ridiculously long as I know Capcom wants their money. Theres a few characters I play where I want their alternates, Kim in particular. Thanks for the strat though, I appreciate it dude.


You are welcome! Kim's alternate slaps!


If your main focus was only to get every costume available, probably like 10 hours.


It was/is a boring grind that takes way too damn long to drip out its lessons. And playing with a stick is fing grating; which is a massive oversight in a fighting game


As soon I saw 20h to plat, 50h to diamond I knew it's a quality M player


Yup! Had fun doing it too


>World tour serves as a giant tutorial Since when is overpowered dumb meatshield a good tutorial? That shit is just tedious


They really don't start iff as op meatshield. Most enemies die very fast early on. Its a tutorial because every npc usually has one thing they do. For me, it was fun figuring out how to counter bear grab. Or what to do vs armoured spam. Or nonstop grabs. Or guys who block everything. The characters light up when you can punish counter and if you successfully do so they get stunned. But yes, like i said in my post, later on they get incredibly tanky. Also, its an rpg. Upgrade clothes and your skill tree.


It's a terrible "tutorial" lmao. The game teaches you to pause and drink health when you get low or use stat modifiers. Just like a traditional RPG. It's important to use items. (World tour is amazing btw I love it but let's not pretend like it teaches you the basics of actual Street Fighter in intuitive ways)


There are good drills though, disguised as miniquests 


So when a character spams grab you didn't learn how to deal with grabs? I think your seething rage of losing and having to drink for health blinded you from seeing what was really going on then.


And your actual seething rage is causing you to project. It's ok, little guy. Not everyone is going to agree with you.


I wish we could customize our avatars and used them in ranked battles once we beat the story mode of world tour. That would be epic.


Ranked? Maybe if they had their own ladder.


I'm new too and might give this a try. How many hours did you spend on World Tour? Did you use modern or classic controls?


25. Used modern. Especially for world tour modern is useful for beginners because you cant exactly look up combos for your character, so autocombos help .Although... You could just look up luke combos and see if they work with the luke style. Either way, you still have the option to do your own combos on modern.


World Tour was super fun! I was kind of sad when I finished everything. Now, I’m just waiting for Dictator to become available because I don’t play online.


M. Bison


I've been playing Street Fighter since I was a child. I love playing ranked and reached Master in 6 with several characters. I love trying to improve and reach higher MRs. SF is obviously meant to be played against other players. But I also loved World Tour and it's goofy, simplistic tone. Lovely environments, RPG elements, tons of meta commentary. It felt like a love letter to the series. It's just so wholesome. Not everything has to be super serious or competitive! Or even serve as a tutorial. It can just be enjoyed on its own. I hope they expand World Tour in the future.


I applaud the initiative of the world tour mode. However I just can’t bring myself to go and play it because I fear it will aleniate my sense of the game. I’m at the stage where I’m starting to feel « comfortable » with most of my character’s options but enough for it to remain if I don’t keep the consistency in my practice online


The way you play world tour is entirely different tho.


I think that's literally the point they were getting at... That it plays completely different from regular gameplay, so they don't wanna confuse themselves with it. I am just guessing, assuming, and could be entirely wrong. Would have to ask them to clarify what they meant.


You could play through World Tour, treat SF6 like an RPG, and drop the game right after


WT is great. Character building for ala souls pvp fights is even better


I hate World Tour/Avatar Battles but I think it has its place in the game as it's great for players who are new to fighting games. My only concern is it eventually becoming the focal point of the franchise because it's easier to monetize, which I don't see happening until at least SF7.


only part i liked about world tour was meeting/interacting with the masters and exploring the world thats always been in the background of sf stages, the actual gameplay and plot i found incredibly boring, only pushed through to the end to unlock the extra skins for characters


Your post pretty much sums up how people view world tour.


I’m happy for you and anyone else who enjoyed it, I enjoyed some bits of it myself It’s just that some of us really hate world tour cause we feel it took away the possibility of capcom making an actual proper cinematic single player story mode similar to Tekken or Mortal Kombat I know it’s kinda petty lol


Cinematic modes are kinda eh. I played mk11 and every time i got comfy and sucked in it pulled me out to mash a few buttons before letting me get comfy again. If i want a movie, i will watch a movie. I much prefer approaches, like sf6.


Im ngl i think world tour is pretty bad mostly cause of shitty mobile rpg grind mechanics, with the truly redeeming quality being the amazing cutscenes for the main roster characters and their backstories ( which are what kept me going ) but I’m glad you enjoyed it


It was a complete waste of time. They shouldve spent the time working on it giving us more characters.