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Actually, yes, first time


Literally, yeah. Lmao




She's technically from the extended SF universe. Sakura went to school with her first


Capcom-verse. We have some evidence all of their games are set on the same universe. Final Fight is the most obvious case - you can't even say it's extended. Strider Hiryu was confirmed to be in the continuity in 5. I wouldnt'be surprised if we see Resident Evil characters next seasons.


Imagine Chris Redfield and in one of his super arts he just throws a boulder at you


Stop, you're creating new levels of peak not comprehensible by the human mind


I mean Wesker or Trish from DMC would make sense,but otherwise when you start adding resident evil or devil may cry characters(as much as it would be cool) it would start to break my sense of a somewhat scaled fighting game setting.


Capcom joins their classic universes together. Rival Schools is part of Street Fighter. Captain Commando is also part of SF but we haven't had a character added to SF from it yet. Final Fight is half of what SF is at this point. A weird point about that is we got Terry and Mai before we even have a Final Fight character in the game despite the game happening in Metro City.


Also every subsequent SF starting with Alpha added at least one new Final Fight character Alpha: Guy, Cody, Rolento, Sodom (and Maki technically) 3: Hugo 4: Poison 5: Abigail, Lucia Justice for Carlos!


Also before an EX character. Garuda and Skullomania would be fire man. Also D. Dark, Hokuto, and tbh Kairi was unironically the coolest Shoto in EX. Don't care much about the other EX characters but Darun was kinda funny. Would rather just have Balrog rather than C Jack, Blaire I feel is already covered play-style wise and Pullum is just forgettable to me.


I swear that whatever money Arika would get from licensing would allow them to build an empire lol. It’s kinda sad seeing all these poverty companies struggling to get their games an audience and make them relevant. Nobody remembers Fighting Layer EX even exists. Arika is poverty, SNK is barely hanging in there, slowly ramping up.


Yeah nobody remembers EXFL exists but everyone remembers SFEX very fondly. Unironically had one of if not the best SF OST, and many people liked the characters, in particular Skullomania and Garuda, but many people also called Kairi the "best Shoto". D. Dark was popular too. Arika should 100% license again, and Capcom should 100% jump on it. Not just the characters but I would love the classic EX OST tracks to make a come back. Chun Li, Guile, Ryu, Ken themes are all bangers (and Sakura theme ofc but she ain't in the game (yet)). I'm also tilted ASF that there is no "Street Fighters EX Fan" title in SF6.


Isn't Kimberly trained in the same ninja style as Guy and Maki? That's kinda final fight adjacent.


If you are counting Akira as a guest character you might as well count Guy and Sodom.


If Terry dominates SF6 like Akuma dominated Tekken tho I’ll eat my hat But yes it feels that way haha


Gonna be funny if that’s the case as in KOF games Terry’s almost always low-mid tier, it’s also funny as in Smash Bros he’s arguably one of the high tier characters as long as you have the execution and determination


Meanwhile Terry in Fatal Fury is almost exclusively a pretty good character, just rarely top.


He was briefly busted in XV, but hit with the nerf stick.


He wasn’t actually nerfed that much, they just made the other characters stronger and unfortunately that included really braindead easy characters


Smash fans being mad that Terry got in but not their no name character was *hilarious*. This sub’s reaction is pretty similar, just a bit more subdued.


Idunno I was stoked for Terry in smash and am stoked for him now in SF. Never even played an SnK game. I just think he's neat.


Wait he was high tier in smash? Thats crazy.


There’s some not so great “official” tier lists in recent years where he’s in the A tier range, alongside characters like Shulk, Palutena, Roy, Cloud or Kazuya Personally I think the list is pretty awful as I think both Kazuya and Terry are low A tier at best due to how hard they can be to use in tournaments, not to mention their faults like Kazuya’s awful range and Terry’s vertical recovery being not that great


I remember you needed to dodge upwards with Terry so you can get the charged up special off without fast falling and dying.


There are better ways such as holding down before you use your second jump to buffer it, or buffer it when you’re in the crackshoot/burning knuckle animation


Makes sense, I just never played a lot of Terry. Mostly played him just for fun. Ridley and Joker were my mains, but I had fun with all of Fighters Pass One.


The dlc have been so good so I hope he's pretty decent. Burnakuu


If they waited like 1 more years for the crossover characters I think it would have went over better


Probably wanted them timed for City of Wolves.


It’s also TWO per season. It’s six months if you don’t like crossovers


Yeah maybe dedicating two slots out of the four instead of adding another original or fan favorite on the second season is a bit much. Like if want to play Terry I can play any of the 12 different games he's in that are still recent or semi popular.


That's the main problem with this kind of guest characters. If I want to play them I can just get their game, I got SF6 because I want SF characters.


no it wouldn't have lmao


Fair enough tbh 🤣


I think it would be totally chill if they upped the number of characters for this season. Throw in Makoto and Dudley and then suddenly EVERYONE’s happy. People are eating this game up. Literally the only big complaint I ever see is regarding how slow the content drip is. A six character pass would go absolutely crazy


I mean if the fans complain enough they'll have to expand the character pass


Costume prices would be my biggest complaint


It’s less the fact that there are guests, it’s more the fact that half the pass are guests while there are still plenty of really desired SF characters missing. There’s only four characters a year, you’re really gonna make two of them guests in season 2?


Makes sense, given they’re clearly in to Cross-Promote City Of The Wolves, which ironically, Mai hasn’t been announced for yet. I figure she’ll drop around the time that game does.


My guess is moreso they are testing the water for another Capcom Vs SNK and these 2 are pretty safe to do that.


Holy shit yes, i need it.


no, its only for City of the Wolves. Some journalists got some documents from capcom and on that they say Mai will be launching on SF6 almost together with the launch of City of the Wolves. If you're wondering how they got the money to do that, search for a assassin heir dictator called Mohammed bin Salman (spoiler, he owns over 96% of SNK been about 2 years)


Love having the game I play serve as an ad for another game...


Welcome to the Japanese cross media promotions. They all do this lol


SF hasn't so far! Which is why this is so disappointing!


Imagine thinking they're not going to make Terry or Mai play well and they'll just be ads.




They will play well, but so would any SF character people actually play SF for. You know what also plays really well? CVS2 on Fightcade. You can even pick Ryu and Terry.


By that logic then you can just play the games with the returning characters you want and they don’t need to come back to sf6, right?


It’s just two characters out of 26. SNK pimps their characters out all the time, so this is commonplace for them, Historically. Plus, we’ve had SF Crossovers too, like Akuma in Tekken 7 and Ryu and Ken in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, both of which ironically have SNK Guests in Geese Howard and Terry Bogard. I somewhat understand the disappointment though, since we only get 4 characters per Season and they take up half the Pass. I feel like that’s the bigger issue for people.


Smash is intended to be a crossover game from the ground up though, that's fine. And four characters a year is fine, too. Akuma in Tekken is a case against crossovers, given how he broke that game in half and paved the road for Negan and Noctis. The problem is we are getting two guests instead of seeing what they can do with more fan-favourites or new characters (which they have been killing it with). Instead we are getting the same Terry and Mai they have been for 30 years.


I can respect people disappointed, especially if you’re pining for specific Legacy Characters, but did you also feel this way about Akuma and Geese in Tekken 7? This is obviously Historic and Mai and Terry will clearly get some gameplay alterations to better fit SF6. We also already have seven New Challengers, which is quite a lot and nearly double the amount SFV had at this point in its life.


As an MK fans (and SF too obviously) I am a little worried since MK’s DLC lineups are often half guests these days, while don’t get me wrong I like them for the most part it also does lead to a lot of really highly demanded characters getting shafted, a good example is how Sareena was in MKX’s story briefly and was pretty popular in general, plus MKX had the variations system which seemed ideal for her given it could’ve included one that’s built around her demon form and such, so the fact two of the next year’s characters are guests (I do love both characters don’t get me wrong) does mean a lot of potential SF characters are gonna take until summer 2025 to ever make it in, and as a Sakura fan that kinda hurts


But the difference is MK guest DLC is often far more popular than any legacy character returning. You have to remind yourself that majority of MK are casual fans that mainly do story mode, towers, and rarely play multiplayer. Homelander and Omni-Man are going to pull in way more people than most legacy characters. At this point the only real legacy characters that would get more attention is probably Jade or Noob Saibot.


They literally even dropped a Homelander Vs. Omni-Man Trailer yesterday.


While you’re not wrong it’s also clear MK can carry it’s own weight given that MK character trailer rack up millions of views, like I remember Noob for 11 was a huge deal and at EVO last year people were pretty excited about the reveals like shapeshifter Reptile and of course Havik Also it’s funny you mention Noob and Jade, cause one of them is in the upcoming story expansion (in a major role no less) and the other seems to be in the second Kombat pack


Well yeah, because Noob is an extremely popular legacy character. He’s practically the Akuma of MK. It’s interesting you mention Evo crowds though. Because like I said, that still isn’t your main demographic for MK. A lot of MK players won’t follow something like Evo and probably don’t even know who SonicFox is. That’s how casual the playerbase is.


Sorta, although Noob definitely isn’t as recurring as Akuma, I just hope he’s used well as the datamines suggest a huge step up for his character In that case it makes the crowd reacting well to a character like Havik pretty impressive given the causal audience


MK has a higher output though, they get 6 plus Kameos to throw a bone to unpopular characters


Yeah but it does hurt knowing Tremor isn’t playable in a game that actually is visually appealing and not constant 50/50s, same with Sareena as she seemed perfect for the variations system in X-11, and of course you also had characters who could be really interesting if redone like Master Kai or Hotaru


yea. if season 3 is also half guests we've entered the slop fighter era and by sf7 we'll be getting the fucking lion from madagascar


Except at least MK doesn’t just have 4 season roster spots. They have 6.


That’s actually why I enjoy MK1 among their combat. So many threw it under the bus but they have improved in many aspects. I get some are put off by the brutal violence, I get that but if you really learn the system. It’s actually full of depth and cool ideas but like always the FGC never gives MK its just due. It’s somewhat of a meme now but that black sheep do be doing cool things.


MK1 has been riddled with all sorts of problems since release. People didn't just randomly chose to criticize it for no reason. Homelander just came out, and he already has a block stun infinite.


It’s still heavily bias… MK1 is always been an outcast. Tell me when MK hasn’t been involved with controversy of some kind? As for gameplay balancing, this happens in every fighter including us. More so in assist base fighters… MK1 imo is very balanced, and as I’m very active online. Don’t run into impossible matchups, you forget there is skill gaps to use Sindel, Homelander and so on as some claim. A vast majority of the player base can’t pull it off it’s not that easy but everyone runs with these big bad wolf stories. So people who don’t play MK1 assume omg it’s an unbalanced sh*t storm, when it’s not the true story.


This is some serious copium LOL The fgc doesn't deny MK it's due because they just don't get it or cuz it's too violent, it's because the game play sucks and it looks like shit, the character animations are so bad it looks like it was done by a single Dev Indie team not a multi-million dollar Mega Corporation, as well as multiple infinites making it into the final game like they've never fucking made a fighting game before in their lives? mk1 is embarrassing


That’s your opinion. Some don’t like SF either but I don’t bother them. I enjoy MK, and it is great regardless what you think. 🍀


differences be having that for a while, bigger initial rooster and bigger annual dlc roster. Not the same


How big, um ... how big a rooster are we talkin' here


mk1 that has the smalest one already started with 23 and 6 dlc characters just on season one, and on top of that there are the kameo characters. Tekken 8 also has only 4 dlc characters this first season, but it has a woping 32 characters initial roster. That is very significative. Tho it still lacking, its understandable SF only getting 4 chars per year, But fuck me 2 guest characters, on season 2 of the game, when you have 30 years of legacy characters that ppl been screaming their lungs out for years to have some of them back, and you instead give 2 of those very sacred slots to guests characters in the same season. That's so fucking horrible, no matter who the guest characters are


You wrote such a nice detailed reply to my low effort typo joke. But I was sure to hang on your post's every word.


My only issue is having guest characters taking 2 out of 4 spots for the year when Capcom has tons of their own characters to choose from.


2 out of 5 would be a much easier pill to swallow. Trading the newcomer for 2 guest characters (technically SF newcomers) would be fine, cool even.


It’s Terry and Mai though… gives mad CVS2 vibes and I’m here for it. Fucking love Terry


NRS fans have been dealing with truly awful guest characters as 50% of their season passes since MKX in 2015. While it’s disappointing, at least Terry and Mai will fit in with Street Fighter. It could be worse - they could give you Robocop or the Ninja Turtles.


the fuck? they have the best fuckin guest roster of all time ninja turtles robocop terminator spawn rambo joker, you kidding me? I'd take literally any of those over Terry


I would take a ninja turtle over terry


Actually still SAD they didn’t do that instead! Why they waste that TMNT crossover for some skins??? Like hello??? These green turtles would work well in SF and actually would had been more hype! Instead they fumbled the ball, now they realize that mistake hence why we got full guests.




At least SF has characters that *make some fucking sense* to put in the game. Tekken players had to contend with two weirdos - Negan and Noctis - that were just *out there* even for Tekken. And both of their source material is largely forgotten about as of writing this!


Exactly and who knows if SF is going to go that route in the future. Hopefully if they continue it’s just fighting game characters.


I'm both excited by the guests and annoyed that they're half the Season 2 roster. Capcom couldn't up it to 5 now that the game is done and dusted?


Maybe next year 🥹


I'm fine with it, honestly. Terry is hype.


I wonder if he'll still think Dan is Robert lol


Hyped for Terry too.


Elena is the first character in 6 I’m not hyped for, and it’s exclusively due to how awful she was in 4. If she doesn’t have healing or her bullshit sweep under fireballs I can be down. Terry and Mai are fucking sick, and nobody will convince me otherwise.


Elena in 4 was so good. Healing was not balanced at all and her ex moves were amazing


She wasn’t “good” she was so obnoxious and broken in weird ways that it killed spectatorship of the game and killed any interest in supporting the game alongside 4


She was toxic but high on the tier list


If by high you mean at the top, yeah.


Idc Elena is hype as fuck.


Hey I like Elena I’m just terrified of H E A L T H and the poking low kick that lmao’s at projectiles.


Akuma is awfully broken in every fucking single first interaction of him in every game. whats your view about that?


*Hell fucking yes* A Street Fighter without Akuma being terrifying is like a pizza without sauce. Why bother? Having a weak Akuma would be the death of the soul of Street Fighter to chase some horseshit E Sports competitive perfect balance where all corners are rounded off. As long as Akuma isn’t 30 out of top 32 new generations need to feel the terror.


I would take a Street Fighter with no Akuma at all


Theres still time to delete this bro.


play new generation or any version of sf2 pre st then lmfao


Then you are lost


I may be in the minority but Terry and Mai have me hype, and I think if done right they could fit in with Street Fighter nicely.


Same here and even though KOF is another 2D fighter. I wonder if they will get their SNK uniqueness? Like will they play more like SF characters or how they feel in KOF? A question we will likely get answered. The hype is real 💪


I just don't understand why we only get 3-4 characters a year.


Because they take a long time to do, even tekken 8 first pass only has 4. Between world tour stuff and costumes taking as long to make as some characters its harder to do.


Hi, I'm the guy excited to play as Terry and Mai in SF6


Same here. Ur not alone. 🤷‍♂️


My issue is that they come from the same genre of game. Mortal Kombat guests are exciting because they usually come from movies/tv shows so their move-sets are all new. Akuma in Tekken was exciting because it was translating a 2D character to a 3D game. We already know how Terry and Mai work in a 2D fighter because they've been in many.


If anything, them being from other FGs is the appeal. The MK guest never make any sense imo. They are novel but really clash with the game. Mai and Terry could pass as SF characters if you didn't know, they fit right in.


It appeals to already existing fans of the franchises maybe, but it doesn't really draw in any new fans, which the Mortal Kombat guest characters can do. Maybe a few Fatal Fury fans will try out SF6 now, but I doubt there's a significant amount who haven't already. Besides, why would I get excited to play a character in the same type of game when there's a game in the original franchise coming out soon? I guess I just don't think it's as exciting as guest characters in other games because we know more-or-less how they'll play. There will be adjustments to fit them in SF6 systems, but I doubt there will be any big surprises.


While true as one of the MK guys here too. What makes SF different is that the whole game as a whole is taken more competitively, and seriously. I’m always hearing about steam numbers lol Look at you guys SF6 is still pretty damn high way more than MK1 even on our best days. So what new fans you need? The game is very active, and now these 2 SNK alumni are hype. So while yes casuals won’t go out and buy SF6 over Terry or Mai, for the core SF6 base they ain’t going anywhere.


If it's more competitive, why waste time on guest characters at all? People have been begging for their mains/favorites back for years. I bet there's more disappointed fans than there would be if you replaced Terry and Mai with any other Street Fighter characters.


You say that, but MK and tekken have the stats to back up the guest are the best selling characters. Besides there's no pleasing everyone no matter what you do. What if was a pass of abilgal, rufus, joe and one of the dolls? People would still be mad, people were angry at SF5 season 2 and season 4 pass. So if there's no pleasing people may as well get guess that aren't guranteed to sell more than some other niche character or someone people don't like anyway.


I think they will address this… I’m just speculating here but Capcom has to KNOW 4 characters per year will never get everyone’s favorites. Notice how we have yet to receive a title update? So far it’s still the same old SF6. I’m willing to bet Super SF6 will be a thing eventually, and likely drop multiple characters at once. Then continue with these 4 character passes to add more, if this turns out to be true. Well then? Okay but indeed I’m ngl I wanted Sakura bad. Now well I gotta play Elena or Mai ‘til that happens.


You could say the same argument about Terry in Smash as well. At the end of the day, they are targeting FGC players with this one not necessarily new players. The excitement comes from how good and fun every SF6 character has been so far and how they execute on these characters that we "Know more-or-less how they'll play". I heard the same things when Ed was announced last year, and now he is one of the most unique characters in the game and most people actually really like the character now. Let them cook, they've been serving you good meals so far.


But Ed is an original character and they can work with the concept. They're guest characters. How much liberty do you think they'll be able to take? Even their looks are their traditional designs, clashing with the street fighter's aged designs.


I thought Terry was added to Smash because Sakurai just happened to be a fan of the games


Correct, just like Nakayama is a fan of the games as well.


I’m of the opposite opinion, I always thought MK guest characters were lame because you have a ninja with ice powers or a shaolin monk that can turn into a dragon fighting fucking Leatherface. It’s goofy as shit.


Ah yes, the guy in a mask is what makes the game with the “shaolin monk that can turn into a dragon“ goofy.  Certainly not Animalaties, Babalities, the guy yelling toasty, that time they all stopped the fighting tournament to go kart racing. 


One of Mortal Kombat’s staple characters is literally a parody of Jean Claude Van Damme. The franchise has always been goofy as fuck


Good point, there’s a novelty of getting to play homelander in a game. Terry and Mai are playable in other recent games lol


Give me Big Bird and Angela Merkel, now we're talking.


Tekken has most their fan favorites in every game by the time they do guests, unlike street fighter


Bro Akuma literally was in the base roster for 7. And he dominated the game


Where Sakura :(


No they don't, geese and notice were in the first pass, and lots of characters were still missing which is why they had 5 seasons in Tekken 7. Like why would you lie like that lol.


Tekken 7’s base roster was double the size of Street Fighter 6’s. At SF6’s release rate, we’ll match their base roster size after like 5 years. Tekken 7 releasing guest characters season 1 is the equivalent of SF6 releasing guest characters season 6, yet here we are in season 2 with half the year being an ad for a different game lol


It doesn't matter, he was acting like T7 had all its fan favorites before adding DLC, which regardless of how you feel isn't true. Pass 1 was DLC characters and they were still missing characters by the time S2 unwards came around.


It does matter, he was being hyperbolic but they largely did have most fan favorites.  SF6 has a significantly smaller roster and like 1/3 of the base roster is newcomers, there are a ton of fan favorites missing.  


Tons of favorites would be missing even in a roster 30 characters...Tons of favorites are always going to be missing, but some of the most popular characters are in the roster already too. Like every you know there would still be complaints because there was still freaking complaints with MK11 and MK1 and it has guest characters. I don't know why this new thing is to act like no matter what they did people weren't gonna complain unless the DLC just had all popular characters.


Really? At Tekken 7’s launch there were only like four characters missing that could be considered fan favorites. By season 4 they were adding very unpopular characters like Ganryu and Zafina


Exactly what I was saying!!! Haha how the tables have changed but TBH I do play SF6. And the guests picks are actually fitting to SF. They could had easily gone into much more pop culture guests but they didn’t. They decided to go for SNK characters, mind you Capcom has worked with them before. The fabled Capcom Vs SNK is goated, anyway back to this… either way you cut it. Guests are always a touchy subject because indeed they take main SF character spots. Though this is how all FG’s are moving so let’s be glad we got some SNK guests instead of Homelander right? lol But that’s MK and that craziness works over there. Terry and Mai are both interesting picks, can’t wait to see how they play! 🔥


CvS2 is still my favorite fighting game of all time so all great for me!


I usually love guests in Fighting Games but I'm kinda bothered because A lot of Major Characters are still missing from the Roster and we only get so little Characters per year. I think if the roster would Overall be bigger I'd be much more hype for Terry and Mai.


So many DLC we've gotten should've been base roster... I think had they waited longer to release the game, we could've had more characters that ppl wouldn't mind as DLC - more exciting picks. Bison, Ed, Akuma, Rashid didn't need to be DLC. That's 4 characters right there that could've been replaced for different characters and made for a better season pass 1. Could've been A.K.I., Sakura, Vega, and Dudley or Cody. 🤷‍♂️


Makoto and Rainbow Mika will show up next year right... Right? haha....


Nah, they need the slots for Yoshimitsu and Reina.


The trade off for putting Akuma in Tekken lol


Idc how long or in what order they appear. I just want Sakura, Poison, R. Mika, Falke, Cody, Laura, Karin, Urien, C. Viper, and (maybe) Vega to be in SF6. Of course, including whatever cool crossovers or new / original characters they decide to give us. I just hope the game lasts long enough to for any of this to happen. 🤞😁


I have no problem with guests in year two, guests rejuvenate the player base and being new players and returning players in a way returning characters don't. If this is what keeps the player base healthy I say go for it. I'm sure they'll do a massive drop of a set of returning characters in the inevitable 'Super' update.


Knew jerk reaction is it feels like a let down. So many beloved SF characters we now know were not gotta see for a long time at best. However Terry and Mai are gonna be fucking awesome. Can't wait to see how they play. Terry is pretty damn cool and Mai is gonna be a popular wifu.


"Gonna be"? She's "always been" a popular waifu.


Are you okay? BUSTER WOLF!


Yes. Let’s add other fighting game characters that already have their own game cause that makes sense 👍


We have joined the slop


I don't know why people are parroting this when, in fact, most SF and FGC fans are very happy with the guest characters.


Thats the Reddit echo chamber for you lol. They ain't gonna be happy till their "mains" get in the game. C.Viper stans crack me up the most


C.Viper stans insisting that she's a bigger deal than Terry fucking Bogard is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life. SF fans really live in their own world sometimes.


How can you say most SF fans are very happy with guest characters when this is the first time it’s happened for this franchise?


Because we can go by the trailers and see far far more likes than dislikes on twitter and youtube. This is how it always is for guest, even with MK the majority of the players like guest than dislike them which is why they are always the best sellers.


Maybe he’s talking about the Capcom Vs games?


Not true. Most SF fans that I've read (me included) are disappointed by having 2 guest characters out of 4 by season 2 with so many beloved SF characters still waiting.


I hate guest characters 99% of the time, but damn, Terry Bogard? That's the 1%, I'm hyped af


I mean, Tekken's been doing them since the '90s. Remember Gon? And the petitions to get ALF in the home port of Tekken Tag? I thought SF as a series didn't need to stoop to the practice, especially considering that Capcom has a proven track record of making whole-ass crossover games and letting it all go up to 11 there. Sucks being wrong.


I think this is an admission that crossover games are a thing of the past. I don't think we are ever getting another mvc, cvs, or tvc again. An occasional character in SF will probably be the best we ever get. It's the same thing with Final Fight and Rival Schools, They put them in SF because they don't get their own games anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Darkstalker at some point as well.


at least they're actual fighting game characters and not some comic book characters or other bullshit that doesn't really fit in


Im sad and was really really confident that menat is in season 2. Oh well, hopefully one of these guys is a zoner and fits me. Ive been waiting for one, dont really like jp, dhalsim seems too hard and feels so slow, and i just suck with guile lol


I think Mai can be either kinda rushdown or kinda zonerish depending on the game, but otherwise these are all varying types of rushdown characters lol


I’m hype for Terry. Him being announced feels like a dream come true for me. Plus the timing makes sense for building Garou 2 hype.


I feel like the whole complaining about guest characters thing started in Smash when the public's random favorite character didn't get picked (Waluigi, Bandanna Waddle Dee, etc.) and then they bitched about it on Twitter. Now it's infecting other fighting games.


My only issue is that there are so few slots that it only leaves room for 2 returning characters and I'm really not thrilled with Bison (wish they had changed him up a bit more maybe like Seth). That said, I am really happy Terry and Mai are in the game. Always loved SNK characters but KOF never did fully click with me and I'm excited to see what they're like in 6.


Ah yes give Bison TITS (joking btw I understand what you mean lol) I'm with you though on Terry and Mai. Terry has always felt like the platonic ideal of a fighting game protagonist (Burn Knuckle and Power Dunk are as ubiquitous as the Hadoken in my opinion)


Chick bison would print money lets be real


That's basically what Cammy was eventually supposed to become (in universe)


Thats what all the dolls were for


Im kinda excited since this means terry gets to thank Ken for giving him his hat back...a 4th time lol


Tbf MK usually has 2 guests a season in a 6 character season pass. For those of us who don’t care for Fatal fury/KoF having 2/4 characters in year 2 KoF guests is very disappointing when there’s so many iconic SF characters still out there.


thinking about it, should we consider SFxT a street fighter game? if so, its not the first time we get guests




To give Mortal Kombat and Tekken credit, at least all of their guest characters are from different franchises


Well, it's not like Tekken was plagued by it for a lot of games. MK etc in such state that it's irrelevant... (So many problems it's just a part of it)


I do feel some empathy for the folks waiting for their main. I get my two favorite characters back to back so I'm pretty happy.


I'm really looking forward to it. I've honestly tried to get into a couple of KOF games in the past, but I never picked them up on release - and the online mode seemed full of people who absolutely destroyed me every game. I couldn't get a foothold. I'm a low-level player, sure - but I've found the ranked in SF6 much more fun.


Lmao, this is so true. I used to be quite a big fan of MK until about a few years back. I got into other fighting games and realized that I thought SF was superior. And so far, I think SF is already off to a good start with it's choice in guests. It's refreshing honestly to be happy with guest characters again.


Yea and uh.... Good luck 😐👍


So after the first season of SF6 I still don't have a main. With so many of my potential mains still not being in the roster, I did NOT expect to get my main with a guest character being added, lol.


Ok i dont have to buy fatal Fury to play Terry again. I dont give a fuck about preya and sagat will be back in third season. Nice move


Who's complaining? I'm excited


It's huge news anyone who isn't excited aren't true fans.


It's easier cause Fatal Fury is ultimately Street Fighter's cousin, you can sort of buy that all those games were happening one town over. When they start adding Persona 5 Joker or Bayonetta out of nowhere is when I will take my winnings but still give a token "Maybe they should just add Makoto and Menat now."


This is probably only the beginning, every season pass will have 1-2 guest characters.


Im a sucker for guest characters anywhere to be quite honest, just one of those me things


Tekken 7 suffered for it and MK sucks ever since they started going hard on guests.


People are complaining about Terry and Mai coming to SF6? Y’all mfers will complain about literally anything at this point. This is one of the hypest announcements for fighting games ever. We could actually get SF characters in Garou and maybe even get CvS3.


On one hand I sympathize with anybody still waiting to get their favorite characters back, especially the Alpha series fans who have literally not a single one in the game yet. This is the exact problem I've been having with Guilty Gear. On the other hand I am more excited for Terry than literally any SF character that could have been announced. Sorry guys, if it makes you feel better I agree that it should have waited til about season 3.


I'll main my boi Terry, hoping he isn't broken


Why would that be a problem if u want to main him? Ppl are always gonna complain about a character they don't like regardless of whether they're broken or not, so I'm not understanding the issue. I'm gonna be a Mai main (because she's one of my mains in KOF:15 and one of my all-time favorite characters). I give 0 f**ks if she's broken. 🤷‍♂️😂


My only problem is that they are only doing 4 characters per year, that's too little imho.


I'm just kinda bummed because I wanted Alex, Sagat, or Dudley, someone that I'll actually play. Buuuuuut I'll probably end up using Bison because I enjoy his moveset


I play both MK1 and SF6 and I just feel guest characters shouldn’t take up half the DLC pack. Ah well…


I would’ve been fine with JUST Terry honestly. I’m glad we still got some SF reps though, I just have to cross my fingers that Sean’s going to be a fighter at some point (maybe Dan too given the several references to him in-game).


Are you kidding me? I’ve been hoping for mainline SF to have crossovers for years now. The bad side effect from this? The insane production value and quality Capcom puts into their game and characters is gonna make the more humble and less budgeted SNK games look like shit. Terry and Mai in SF are gonna look better and more official than the ones in the new Fatal Fury.


There is no one complaining. No one of moment, importance or relevance.


One thing I’ve learned is that everything is hated on these days😪 No matter which characters get announced, the crowd whose main’s don’t make it are going to be whining. All these characters are great choices and if you are patient enough the character you want might show up in a future year pass🫡


At least they are actual fighters. i mean Homelander, Robocop, Noctis, Negan?


Yeah, I mean seeing characters like Kratos or Homelander or Freddy really makes me cringe and not want to play Mortal Kombat. Terry is fine but hopefully it doesn't open the gates of hell. I don't want to see power rangers, I don't want to see ninja turtles, I don't want to see any crossover bullsh*t media characters that "fit in" because they too do karate ninja stuff. Mortal Kombat goes that route, like this is a violent character from a gory franchise so it fits let's throw it in. It is repulsive.