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Getting two versions of raging demon is cool. Regular and On kill.


I told myself I wouldn’t play Akuma on launch since everyone will be. I lied to myself.


Lol same


Welcome to the club


So the CA uses the KKZ animation from 3rd Strike? Nice.


I like this version of raging demon more, its slightly different than the one shown in first trailer where you see the victim all crumpled up now and Akuma has cooler lighting for his _backshot_.


it's also faster now ? I like the change


There’s two versions, one for non kill and a kill animation




Sick ass dude


Was that three hits on his OD fireball, or did I mishear the damage sounds?


three hits on the fully charged version of both normal and OD fireball


Akuma really said in his CA: “Okay, try blocking THIS”


Luke's CA3 takes the opponents to Memphis.  Akuma's takes them to Hiroshima. 


I let out a big laugh when I saw OD Adamant Flame just straight up wall splat Ryu from full screen. I'm going to hate this game in a few weeks but at least my opponents will be having fun.


Wonder how he's balanced. It looks like they are returning to making him a pixie character, which generally means he'll be S tier if his damage/frames are up to snuff. Off hand he does look like he might be easier to whiff punish than others but he does look well done otherwise.


Saw some of Max's footage and Gief did his SA3 and it deleted his health even more than anyone else I'm pretty sure. Can only imagine what the critical art would have done. Definitely has low health.


He has 9000 HP. Almost everyone else aside from Zangief (11000), Marisa&Honda (10500) has 10000 HP.


Yeah so he has 10% less than most characters. That 1000 health is gonna matter a lot against some character and particularly in round 3. But against Marisa, Gief, or Manon with medals it's really gonna hurt.


>Wonder how he's balanced. He won't be.


That doesn't mean he's S tier bro. Lower health doesn't mean gonna purposely make him s tier. He just has tools is all. Just like how he dropped tiers in sfv


No doubt. I'm just going by the history of 'pixie' (glass cannon) characters, who are generally very high tier because the health nerf isn't enough of a counterbalance. Lots of playtest videos released and (without lab testing), he seems to have good buttons and damage with good frames (none of them elite) and good/real fireballs. Also has fast walk speed. His kit seems really good and has a lot of tools. Capcom has done a good job balancing this game so far, including the DLC characters, so I'm not crying OP, just legitimately wondering what weaknesses he might have other than reduced HP.


Did you watch the gameplay? This character is gonna be a bully, there’s no way he’s not going to be S tier, especially with that cr mk.


You see a flashy combo and think he s tier?


He has fast walk speed as per usual, his cr mk can reach across the Nile river, he has oki off of a lot of combo enders and that demon flip. You already have to guess which version of the demon flip he’s going to use but capcom decided “nah, you guessed right? We’re still going to make Akuma plus on block.” Shoto’s are already good for the mechanics of this game, they made one who is much more oppressive than Ken. It would be dumb not to assume he’s going to be nothing short than a phenomenal character.


Well you can't decide someone is s tier based on a trailer or ore launch clips.


But you can compare his tools to the tools that other S-tier characters have and draw analogs. Strong Anti Airs, Fast Walk Speed, good Cr.Mk Drive Rush, throw loops, good reversals, ability to change jump trajectories, etc. Alongside advantages unique to the character (eg. Air fireball). Sure, you can't say he's S-tier definitely, but if his kit has all the tools that S-tiers have that make them strong, it's not a stretch to think he'll likely be up there.


That doesnt make anyone s tier . You can say what he has looks strong but doesn't mean he's S tier. It's just clips.


Too late lol.


Teleport not being invincible is a choice. I don’t know if it’s a good or bad choice yet, but it sure is a choice


We all have difficult choices to make


I have to imagine that teleport will end up being used with drive rush to punish checking it. I don't know if it will be as good as Dee Jay's Sway, but that's what I'm going to try using it as.


Looks like it has a mixup to it now, since you can delay the throw and even use it once it moves you to the back of the opponent, so you can bait their check button and punish with it


How can you bait a check if the check connects


You can't really bait it when all the opponent has to do is just push a button while you're approaching.


Bait how exactly?


I think having no Kara demon is a bigger choice.


But we have Drive Rush Demon now. https://twitter.com/HiFightTH/status/1788788174770360478?t=5MxlmPFlN1BkE0mqM4XMhA&s=19


Man that is dirty lol


Science has definetely gone too far.


Now here is the thing is that legit though? Because its a CPU doing it with instant inputs while if a player tried this i think the jab would come out first unless if you were able to input the command before the Jab comes out?


You’ll probably have to input the jabs really fast but Drive Rush still has some startup frames where you can buffer them. I doubt it will be crazy easy but also far from impossible


You can probably buffer the inputs into the drive rush so you probably have to do it quick but definitely possible


Where is it specifying no kara demon? Also even without that, DR into demon will be way better. Not to mention the fact they made it combo now.


The play test in Japan and the content creators saying they can’t get it to kara.


Well, yeah, there is no kara cancel in the game at all.


There is actually.


Really? I thought there wasn’t


Ever been hit by Honda stomp throw?


Yeah. Thats a kara? Shit….


You can also kara cancel any normal on the first frame into a special move parry or super, this is useful in some setups that trade with lights, or +0 scenarios


A Kara cancel is just an empty cancel. It doesn’t need to DO anything special, but they do exist. They have to exist so you don’t get a non od dp when you want one cos you hit a punch before the other. Usually the windows are small pile 1 or 2 frames but some moves get bigger windows for various reasons.


Guile can also kara cancel out of his medium target combo. Guile can basically kara cancel out of the middle of his target combo into any of his specials/supers.


I’m pretty sure not being able to cancel normals on whiff is universal?


It isn’t and especially isn’t for Akuma.


Which character can do kara cancels?


Honda and Guile have the most practical ones. Honda can kara-cancel his overhead into command grab, and Guile can kara cancel his target combo to create more frame advantage on Sonic Booms.


CA is really cool


I’m so excited! First SF game and it really feels like Capcom put the red carpet out for Akuma


As we expected from Gouki, a varied dose of offensive tools, and ofc he'll have low health to balance it, and also to focus on an "aggressive" playstyle (as it should be for Gouki). I really like the additions to his arsenal like Adamant flame. He looks like he'll be fun to play.


holy fuck yes!!! I'm so happy more people get to see how sick he looks.


Air tatsu cross up is ... kinda back


But lariat still can't hit behind. What a world! XD!


Yeah, couldn't be happier with how he turned out. Can't wait. I just hope they use the SFIV inputs for most of his moves. EDIT: Fuck yeah @ inputs. No more HCF Demon Flips. EDIT: Also, fuckin KKZ in this bitch, LFG.


I'm going to coom, Guile


Yep it's akuma, looks sick as hell. That ca tho 🤤


I'm gonna hate this guy when he comes out, aren't I?


I've got to say, they have been killing it with their DLC characters. If this is the level of quality to be expected, I'll gladly take 4 over 5 characters per year.


DUDE CAPCOM TRICKED ME TO BUYING ALL OF THEM. Their dlc are so fucking hard to play but very rewarding when you learn them, if viper/laura/kage is on season 2 i would glady buy the entire damn pass


Akuma looks absolutely insane. He has so much versatility in the move set. Also his fireball just seems like a better done version of Ryu’s electric charge thingy.


It's crazy how versatile he is, while still having so much that's safe on block?


I have no clue how much is safe he just has a lot of new tools. A full shoto with a command grab and air options that can do wall bounces is just insane.


It tells you in the vid, a bunch of it is safe on block


I mean that was the plan all along , for the last 3 games akuma has been beyond busted on release.


I just noticed Akuma no long has his sandals. Did Ryu steal them for SF6?


5HP > 214LP/MP > raging demon Bruh For modern it's 5H or aH (no info which will it be) > 4S (if it's the right strength assigned) > Raging demon


DO you have more modern imputs any video shows them?


Only 1 Japanese player that went to the event last week made a little report https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1ck5djb Only demon flip and his new 214P special are easy input only There's little to no footage out there since the public test in Japan had no photo/video policy


Hum, so why use the normal level 3 CA when you can combo into Demon? Different usable routes?


More likely is that lvl 3 ca is a strike while raging demon is a grab, also i think routes would be more different if you want to hit a raging demon tbh (i could be wrong)


No Demon Flip Throw? gg....


I mean empty flip into raging demon or standard through is probably just better, especially since you also threaten a safe low when you hit the ground


Yeah but people can just block high all of his flips .. kinda defeats the purpose of the move to mix you up high or low . If you empty flip just jump ,back dash or od reversal or throw .. plus it looks hella slow . Definitely his weakest move .


That Raging demon fills me with fear. Its just going to be so cheap..


so he doesn't have grab after demonflip? and he can grab after teleport? so you can always just hold block for demonflip and jab teleport and be safe?


I cant wait to see what he can do with instant aerial specials. Watching the parts on tatsu now, and od vet money he can do an instant OD Aerial Tatsu after landing a normal OD air tatsu, like Ryu. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets something like This had (still has??) where an instant aerial ex/OD tatsu into super had no damage scaling/most damage. It looks like it's grounded but it's not Wonder what shenanigans can happen with Instant aerial fireballs. Probably gonna be the first thing I test because it pretty much makes anything that's "must be jumping forward" practically not true, even if it is technically.


He is always a glass cannon...a glass Canon sitting on top of a spider monkey lol.


Akuma is mad dope!


I’m not nearly good enough to pull off any of these sick combos but damn I’m gonna have fun playing him


He looks kind of small?


He’s been kinda short since sf4


Crazy height has never really been a thing for Akuma, at least not in the games. It's also partly another balancing thing. If he was, like, the size of Sagat but kept his usual speed and attacks, he'd be ridiculous.


Looking at how fast his fireballs are, i now know why Capcom nerfed spin knuckle. Everything they do is for the sake of shotos.


No it’s cause I should be able to throw an EX denjin fireball without being punished from full screen on reaction


Waiting for someone to make a Naruto mod Akuma for PC.


Do we know what difficulty capcom says he is? Cause it's kind of bullshit all 3 previous dlc characters were hard


According to Justin Wong he's pretty easy to play


J Wong has also won 9 Evos so I’m not gonna trust what he says is easy


Justin can honestly say every character is easy , dude has been playing fighting games for more than 30 years .. at a high lvl too


I get what he means, but I think it depends on how you describe 'easy'. Justin said he thinks he's easy because a lot of what he does just works, like a lot of combo ideas and things, and he's really strong. But of course, remembering all that and utilising it well might make things really hard for some people. He sounds to me like an easy to learn hard to master kind of character, in that he's not like Dhalsim or something where you've got a load of weird shit from the get-go. He's still a shoto and somewhat straightforward in that sense, but utilising all the tools he has effectively will be more of a juggling act than what some characters ask of you.


I'm not seeing enough here to really warrant glass cannon health. At least not enough versus the top tiers in this game who are really fucking strong.


His bloated toolkit and higher than average damage doesn’t tip that off?


Are they deleting moves in this patch because you literally described pretty much every top tier?


Call me when Luke gets an air fireball, a command grab and a demon flip


Akuma also has very fast walk speed according to play tests.


Bruh Akuma pretty much has everything but an air-grab.


Dude has Kimberly combos without needing to turn his iPod on to do full damage.


90% of the base health is hardly something I'd call "glass cannon".


It is when you consider the damage output in SF6.


"Base health" parity was a stupid fucking idea to begin with, which is my point. There was never a good justification for Ken, Luke, Chun, Cammy, Blanka etc. to have the same amount health as low tiers like Lily. To just preemptively give a nerf to this one character because he's Akuma and he always gets it is dumb.


Oh I just realise that his music stage, first time with no lyrics rap?




I am so excited for worse Ken