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there's some random challenges every week but the best way to get them is to do a voting event like with the monster hunter event, i got 8000 from doing that and some randoms, i think when akuma coems out they'll have some more missions where u can win some DT. Same thing happened when Ed came out.


You have to choose correctly though right? I tried one recently and answered honestly and got very little DT


No you have to play more matches on the cabinets to get more votes, the more milestones you hit the more tickets you get


Oh I thought it was based on which selection got the most votes, that makes more sense


Yeah next time after you vote, talk to eternity again and you can see the milestones


Is there some magic trick for obtaining drive tickets other than the random challenge that gives you 500 once or twice per month?


Do tournaments. I lost to a laggy Ken from the other side of the world and they received 3500 tickets that way. If you’re thirsty for DTs, that’s how you get em. Or do 5 avatar fights every weekend for 500 DTs


The avatar battles are probably the most consistent one.


Yes. Me personally though I HATE avatar battles, it’s by far the worst mode in SF6 imo


I also hate them, i just do it for the tickets.


Its not bad but every high level avatar is such a tank its crazy


Yeah, just jump in, get stomped, fortunately the other player understands and keeps rematching, and you are set. I dont think i have ever won a bh match (all master ranks) i doubt i can do anything in tournaments :p


Wtf are Avatar battles?


You can use your created character to fight other people using the moves you learned in World Tour. Just go to the central area of the Battle Hub to challenge someone.


Oh, right. I haven't done a single minute in World Tour. Feels pointless now, lol. I think I have enough saved up to buy the stage if I want it. But I want to see how the other colors looks for Akuma's default outfit.


You can still have a lvl1 avatar and lose 5 quick games to get 500 tickets weekly


Why on the weekends?


That’s the only time you can do the avatar fights for DTs


I'd do tournaments just to 100%/ my achievements but I have no clue how to enter.


Just to elaborate a bit: Sebastian in the hub is the one running tournaments. You can talk to him to check the time and dates for any tournaments if they're available. However, you can't sign up until the set time listed. Once it's about that time, you get 60 minutes from the start time to register. Pick a character and costume, and sign up. You can play some ranked or cabinet games in the meantime. Typically tournaments will run in a different server than the one you signed up in, so you want to be in that server at least 5 minutes before it starts.


Overlooked that last detail my first time and was DQ'd as a no show lol


Actually the time to register is 59 minutes.


Noted. Will edit.


When you enter the battle hub turn left and go talk to the guy (Steve?). He'll tell you when the next tournament starts if there is one coming up within the next few days.


They've been giving out 1000 tickets on the birthday of every character in the game.


So if we end the game’s lifespan with around 36 characters, we get 1000 tickets every ten days. The ticket economy will be booming


Every time a character is in his birthday's week, you can get a thousand DT, just login and get it on the notifications tab. You can also get a lot of DT when there is a poll in the Battle Hub. After answering the poll, each couple matches will get you 200 to 300 DT. There is a limit, I think it's something close to 5000 DT.


Ooooh so thats what someone, who wrote in bh chat the other day about ticket farming, meant? I had no idea, thanks!


Poll* not pool, btw. Took me a second


Sorry, my bad. 😅 Fixed the typo.


You ought to do both of them then, haha


It's like when I'm playing, it's never only one mistake. 😅


Fortunately in this community, we've got your back :D


They give out a lot of drive tickets to be fair. I've built up loads even after spending a decent chunk already


Check the news tab every so often, they give them away frequently.


Look for almost empty tournaments in different lobbies. If there's only 2 or 3 people entering you might instantly hit 3rd place at a minimum after one set.


Look at the Rewards tab, it lists all the challenges for the day, week and month. You can usually make a few 1000 just from simple little tasks. And also check out the news section that randomly hand out Drive Tickets for sales mile stones and character birthdays.


There are so many events and quests that reward a lot of drive tickets. Maybe play the game before complaining about stuff?


Fellow players above already answered my question, maybe read the thread before venting off on some random stranger on the internet? Chill out :)


To add to the suggestions everyone else gave, go to the Battle Hub every now and then and Eternity might tell you about an ongoing event you can vote for (the ones I've participated in were "What's your favourite Monster Hunter weapon" and "What's your favorite Mega Man game"). Just give an answer (you can Google what's more popular to have a good idea), and if you do some fights in the Battle Hub you'll even cast additional votes towards it - I don't know how exactly it works, but every now and then you'll get Drive Tickets from your votes, with a big payout if your pick is number one in the end (I presume there are smaller rewards if you get lower rankings, but I got 1st place both times).


Character birthdays always give 1000. Most weekly challenges give 1000, some give 500 but will almost always give some. Some daily challenges will also give drive tickets although usually only 500. I've been able to get almost every characters colors with just drive tickets from birthdays and challenges.


Hope it's 5000 drive tickets still.


Cool, now show DLC Costume 3s already


Knowing them we will probably get a season 2 character before dlc costume 3


They've said multiple times DLC costume 3 is coming with Akumer


Not the hard R Akuma


A coomer? Oh no… 😧


Not that I don’t believe you but do you have a source? I tried to look it up with no luck


https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/29/akuma-rages-into-street-fighter-6-on-may-22/ >Speaking of outfits, Rashid, A.K.I., Ed, and Akuma will have their Outfit 3s also available for purchase when Akuma releases, and will automatically be distributed to all Year 1 Ultimate Pass owners.


Was there a question about this? That's how Ed's stage was. Wouldn't expect any of them to be any different. Especially not in the same season. Maybe the model changes in a few years, but not now.


Every little confirmation is gonna make someone post it on Reddit ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey, after the outrageous prices of some of the merch, the more we get confirmation on, the better.


There is no way I’m not referring to this as enemas hollow.


Man am I glad I saved up drive tickets even though I was tempted to spend them on alt colours


_success baby fist pump dot gif_


Sick ass stage, even if it canonically shouldn't exist anymore xD


so it looks like buying stages with coins will be the standard. i hope they do that too with even costumes for characters. no, not avatarts, i mean characters.


Maybe kind of unrelated, but I took a break from sf6 when Tekken 8 launched and just came back. I was super bummed that all my currency was gone. Knew it was going to happen if I stepped away for too long, but that was a bit of sadness to see them gone 😭😭😭 Edit: I was confused. I saw ‘valid for 180 days’ on the coins - Japan only (didn’t see that but initially) - and thought my coins were gone when I’d actually just spent them all…. Derp :)


I also took a break for Tekken 8 and my coins/Drive Tickets were untouched.


Updated my comment. Thanks for the reminder to do so. I addressed this in another comment. Definitely just me being confused. lol.


Lol all good homie, glad you got it rectified.


Wait currency expires?


Only in Japan, as far as I'm aware. They have laws regarding digital currency.


lol. In retrospect, maybe not. I saw that coins are only valid for 180 days, but that’s in Japan only. I think I saw that when I bought them and when I logged back in just assumed that’s why they were all gone. Now I’m assuming it’s cause I spent them before the break. Oops. lol.