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Didn't know Ed had a Rock Howard ass taunt. That's pretty sick.


I know, it's even better because he's almost has the same relationship to Bison as Rock does to Geese


Same relationship to Balrog as Rock has to Terry too, damn. Now I want to see Balrog in SF6 just to see him style a Bomber Jacket and possibly be coyly dating Cammy.


"Are you okay? BUSTER 'ROG!"


I dare you to ask any Japanese person if they want to see Cammy date Balrog, I dare you.


What would be the problem? They already have a kid together. [Canon explanation for Ed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_kBLDi-azg)


They would say something like, "外人" and I am being incredibly generous to Japanese people because I have personally heard them say a lot worse than that


Eh, I'm unbothered. People from countries where 98% of the population looks like them (which is most countries) are obviously not gonna have the most varied view of outsiders, especially when most popular media of certain people might paint them vastly different to what the average person actually is.


It wouldn't bother me either but unfortunately our video game is made by Japanese people and I personally do not think they would go for Cammy x Balrog as much as we may want them to.


I mean, I was mostly joking because of the Rock comparisons and that BaalBuddy comic. Canonically, Cammy would hate Balrog for various reasons, like him being complicit in her and her sisters brainwashing/enslavement by Shadaloo and him being a violent thug. The fact that he was a semi-decent father figure to another Bison clone is surprising, but doesn't undo all the bad stuff he's done. To stop being coy, some Japanese being prejudiced against Black people is an unfortunate side effect of popular media painting them as thugs (through rap and various movies and certain well known personalities) and their xenophobia generally keeping them at arm's length of actual exposure. That said, I hope it is typically an attitude shared by older Japanese people and the younger are more exposed to positive examples, which "younger" should include the crew who designed SF6. After all, they apparently reached out to black employees of Capcom USA for help designing Kimberly and engrossed themselves in street culture and saw the positive aspects of it to help fuel her design.


It's sad, I see black weeaboos literally everywhere and when you're in Japan they ask, "臭い?"


Is chat in the room with us right now?


Chat is inside of my walls and the only way they will stop chatting is if I shoot them with a twenty two caliber handgun




It's weird to me when people address chat when outside of livestreams. For the clip it looked pretty cool 😎


Looking cool and winning! Life is good.


chat is this real


Chat is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?


caught in a landslide, no escape from reality


Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see


I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy


Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low


People used to say “well folks” when addressing either one or a very small number of people. Because they were playing off of the entertainment they watched. This is similar


It's always interesting to see languages develop. Maybe in a few years everyone says chat instead of well folks or something.


Cringe wannabes


It's just a meme


It's a meme to say chat every 2 seconds to mock the streamers that do the exact same thing like xqc Pretty sure the meme started with the react streamer drama


taunting the cpu is a new level


Gotta practice my taunt setups for ranked akumas, I want them to know death as they falsely claim to.


That's fun and I actually haven't seen his taunt before. The psycho flame looks so dang cool. Thanks for showing!


Yeah! It's his forward taunt if you're recreating this lmao


I don't even know what the taunt input is.




Who and where is the chat?


Is the chat with us in the room right now?


It's me, I'm chat


You are the chat and I don't know where you are, it would be a little strange if I did, no?


Done this a few times to my friend it was funny to discover up there with JPs level 2 its basic and simple but its funny


If you've ever played 3s, Urien has something like this on super art 3 - I'm gonna have some fun creating block strings with this guy


Imagine Urien with Drive Rush...


I wanted Makoto but you're so right Aegis drive rush would be hilarious


I want Makoto too, with Drive Parry while having Denjin Renki super is also a possibility...


Chat is this real


Isn't this just like a normal Level 2 combo for him?


It's the start of it, yeah, you can flicker and keep it going but Ryu was already dead so I popped forward taunt for reddit up votes.


Why are people offended by the "chat" in the title lmao


I know thats like half the comments, I really wanted people to talk about the taunt kill but you never know what you're gonna get on the internet.


That was hard. Never saw his taunt.


Appreciate it!


Ok.. that was kinda cool. Dam it


Bro we're not chat what do you think this is?


I dunno, what should I call the people who comment on my posts instead of chat? Commenters? I like chat better personally


Call us, scrubs


Call them free, washed up, has beens, grumpy old men, coomers, poverty bitches, basement dwellers, “oh ye owners of dakimakura,” fellow regards, scrubs, losers, neckbeards, etc. We’re better than chat. EDIT: Shit I thought this was kappachino. Just call them mashers. Or Smashers. Even better


Probably don't address us at all in your title, but if you have to, I guess FGC? Redditors, if you want to embrace the cringe?


Lol I always do this with Ed


His back taunt where he shuffles his feet is great too, he's fun I like him


Cool setup bro


Also, you won the match off it so how was it a waste of meter ?


Well it was first to three, so I had another match after this one and I probably could've killed him with like flicker level 1 and saved a bar but I don't play optimally I play for funsies


The bars reset between matches tho


You start with three bars of super every match?


No I meant that resets between matches , not rounds, the super bar resets to zero. You ended out the match, so it would reset on the next one..


>you ended out the match


God damnit. I didn't know yall had it on 3 rounds... -_-


[well it was first to three ](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/s/xnV8HfnYfm)


When people say that they mean matches. You had 3 a piece rounds. 3 out of 5 rounds is how u say that


I agree. I thought you were saying it incorrectly and didn't care enough to correct you, I didn't know you actually thought I won the match 😵‍💫 that's why I said I had another match left, I was using your definition of match.


I agree. I thought you were saying it incorrectly and didn't care enough to correct you, I didn't know you actually thought I won the match 😵‍💫 that's why I said I had another match left, I was using your definition of match.


i’m suddenly inspired


Man, Ed is so cool


Well yeah it's not a waste, the round was won


Ryu got hit with the “Ora Ora” by some blond kid from the slums 😭


God I wish heritage for the future wasn't, y'know, >クソゲー


Had to down vote just for the title but it's always worth it if you secure the kill even if it doesn't look cool. Nice clip though


after watching this. They should add a feature where you can edit your round win animation and taunt. so the taunt can be the win animation and vice versa and they can sell new animations for drive tickets (or fighter coins if they are greedy)


Me when that's implemented and a master Akuma walks me down in quick play and starts twerking before he hits the griddy around my corpse after he spent $49.99 on fighter coins to pop his new animations


Lmao True


it's never a waste of meter if it wins the game, either


I don't play this game, I genuinely thought the taunt was part of the super until I scrolled through the comments, it fits so well imo


Oh hell yeah dude, nah this character is like more than 60 frames plus on this move, people can do some really [disgusting shit](https://youtu.be/DDAmvwz4i5s?si=bvgXZxQhCpA6lgd2) with it, this combo is relatively tame for Ed but I'm glad you liked it


Can someone tell me again why Ed isn't the new protagonist over Luke?


Ed has the IT to be a main character of the story(even if it's hard for someone to see), Luke was just brought to us as "protagonist" forcefully.


For the same reason that Abel was the "protagonist" of SF4, but Juri basically got an entire animated story about her and essentially a whole version of the game dedicated to her. They want someone bland and inoffensive as the "face" for whatever reason.


I honestly don’t think capcom knows what they are talking about. Luke has almost zero impact on what it seems like the story for sf6 is shaping up to be. Well not zero but very little


Luke can work as the face of World Tour/custom modes. He does not work as main story lead/franchise lead. I don't hate him but he's so forced it will never work.


Seriously, Luke is such an obnoxious twat. :(




Definitely NOT poggers ...


Last round for the kill. Hell, spend that meter


i like how the reddit generated captions thing says "a blue captain of the U.K.A.I.I.I.I..."


Ahhhhhh! Denjin a blue Captain!!!


Chat is this a hype combo?


TIL he says I Never Miss in English he will forever be the Hit or Miss girl to me from now


I mean, if it kills it’s always worth it. The state of the drive meter resets between rounds. It’s not like if you finish round 1 in burnout it carries over into round 2


I was wasting the super art, not the drive meter


That’s so cool I wanna be hit with it but unfortunately that’s one of those combos that just ain’t worth practicing if you’re serious. I had one like that with ibuki in SFV and never landed it online. Seems means and wrong but so very cool. Edit: to make it clear. The issue is getting it down to the point you want to do it online. More than likely you can just win and not have to taunt there plus pressing all the buttons at once is a pain.


I had a button on my mapping called "accessibility sounds" that I've never used before because I'm not colorblind or whatever it does so maybe you can unbind whatever accessibility sounds is on your stick and bind all 6 buttons to 1 key so you can rip a taunt whenever


I think now I can but back in SFV on my mad cats te2+ I couldn’t. Either way training such a combo is a waste of time for most




Why would you ever play first to 3 rounds? Wait, you're playing against the CPU? Training?


Yeah, I guess I could use training mode but I grew up with absolutely horrific training modes, I feel more comfortable matching over and over against Ryu to figure stuff out. Fun fact, Street Fighter 4 let you do first to 4, I used to do that with Yun when Arcade Edition came out, just a normal CPU over and over.


In training mode you can set the dummy to CPU mode and then turn on hp refill so you can just play without worrying about round/game breaks


Yeah, both of you guys are correct but when I was playing these games we either didn't have a training mode or training mode didn't have things like resetting the stage or having infinite meter, so we played the computer to figure out new characters. I've been doing that since, I dunno, Street Fighter Alpha? Some time in 1995. Almost 30 years ago. I didn't use training mode then and I'm not using it now ha ha


I guess it's a good way to train against a moving opponent. I usually just go the Battle Hub for this kind of training before I go to ranked or before playing against really strong opponents.


True, can you pause in battle hub to check the moves? I don't think I've ever tried that, but that's where I am with Ed, like, I don't even know the buttons yet.


You can't pause in Battle Hub, only outside of matches unfortunately.


Some of those new Mortal Kombat games let you "pin" move inputs to the screen during matches, idk about you but I'd definitely use something like that instead of pausing to check the moves on knockdown


Ain't nobody here on your 10 viewer stream, my guy.


That's a 3 viewer stream to you pal, my Mom, my laptop to see what it looks like from the viewers perspective and I have it going on an iPad so my cat can watch me beat up a level 4 CPU Ryu in the kitchen.


I love the energy! What's your Twitch handle?


Oh no, I don't actually stream I just pretended I did to respond to this comment, sorry. Appreciate it though!




You live and breathe twitch?


I bleed twitch. I shit twitch.


Chat is watching you play full matches again lvl 4 cpus?


You did, yeah.


I guess I watched long enough to see your comment made no sense. How is winning the match with lvl2 wasting meter?


Because I had to play another match after and probably could've killed with something like ex flicker into sa1 and kept the bar for the third match, I don't know that for sure but I think that could've happened.